
Surprisingly, I spent the rest of the day looking forward to my combat and conditioning lesson. This was purely because our teacher, Mr Ashworth told us that we were going to be practising our angelic powers. Finally.

The bell after second break finally rang and I grabbed Zack and Sylvia's arms and dragged them along. We walked down to the training field and joined a couple of other students who were waiting patiently.

"Someones eager," said Sylvia, clearly amused.

"This is one of the only sides of me that I have never controlled," I said excitedly.

They both laughed softly but my stomach was churning uncontrollably filling me with nerves as Mr Ashworth walked down the hill gracefully, his long silver hair flowing behind him.

"Good afternoon class, as I said last lesson we will be practising our angelic ability's today," he said in a rich accent that I couldn't recognise.

Excited rumours broke out among the class causing Mr Ashwood to clear his throat in annoyance to get silence.

"As I was saying, today you will learn more about your angelic side. We will start the lesson by learning how to control our wings and use them to our advantage, " he explained.

He examined our enthusiastic faces and quickly held up his hand in realisation.

"Oh! and I suggest you take off your jackets if you don't want to destroy it as your wings revelation can be messy the first couple of times as you will not be able to access your full magical potential which will eventually allow you to retract your wings without ripping the top half of your clothes," he added flicking his argentate hair to the side.

"But aren't our clothes specially made with flaps for out wings to push through?" Questioned a girl from the crowd.

"Yes, but as I said, the first revelations are messy and your jackets are made of a very strong rare material which could damage your wings" he replied causing the girl to nod in response.

I set Obsidian down into the lush green grass so he could observe the lesson with a few of the other young dragons and we all separated ourselves out and waited for instruction.

"Close your eyes and visualise your eye colour, once you have its unique shade allow it to surround you in a celestial aura, it will then guide you to a crystal surrounded by a pure and golden light, reach out with your mind to touch it and envision wings sprouting from your upper back to unlock your abilities," he said simply walking around us with a majesty.


Everyone fell silent and carefully followed his instruction.

Reaching into my mind, I did what he said and reached subconsciously towards the stone, the celestial colours danced around me, bringing with them a sense of blissful belonging. As soon as I made contact with the crystals ravishing surface, a ribbon of ebony smoke surrounded me in a spiral, trapping me with diabolical feelings of hatred and misery.

I mutely screamed out and instantly retracted my hand from the stone and stumbled backwards landing on the floor with a heavy thud. I snapped open my eyes to see complete darkness, I hesitantly reached out and felt a delicate, feathery surface.

Realising what I had done I thought hard about opening my wings and to my surprise they obeyed my first command and moved apart slowly for me to see the shocked face of Mr Ashworth, his luxurious, pearly wings stretched out behind him.

"So... the prophecy is true" he voiced smoothly.

I diverted my gaze to my own wings to see that they were ebony black, just as I remember. I looked the class to see only pure white wings, ignoring everyone's shocked gasps I got to my feet and sighed.

I really need to find out this prophecy everyone was talking about. Thinking back to the day that I left home, I mentally scolded myself. The book that my father gave me. He had to have given it to me for a reason, maybe it contains more than just the prophecy about the Mythica rising up to destroy Sebastian, what if it contains the one that we have been searching for!

I brought my attention back to the class, deciding to read the book after lunch.

"We will start off by extending our wings outwards, " he said while perfectly opening up his wings fully.

I looked down and imagined my wings lengthening.

"Good Aurora," he said eyeing my charcoal wings suspiciously.

I looked up happily and watched everyone else.

"Remember, your wings are a part of you" chimed Mr Ashworth walking around each student.

"No, no NO! you are not a butterfly Alexander keep them still!" he gasped wide-eyed, noticing the boy struggling keep control.

"Very good Zack!" he praised.

Zack looked over at me and winked with a smirk plastered on his face, I returned a grin and shook my head.

"Sylvia is it?" he asked approaching the girl.

"Yes sir," she said with her wings half extended.

"Okay Sylvia, don't just open your wings, extend them, feeeeel the feathers expand" he explained dramatically using various ridiculous hand gestures.


Her wings sprung outwards and he looked around at the class smiling, when he was finally satisfied with our posture he walked away from us slightly and turned to face us.

"Excellent! everyone can relax" he clapped.

A few sighed were heard amongst us and we relaxed our wings comfortable.

"Now listen carefully, it is true that angel wings can withstand strong attacks from other angels to protect you, but they are not invincible to all supernatural creatures and you DO NOT want to lose your wings so you must know when to use your wings to deflect attacks and when to use your angelic powers to perform counter attacks." he boomed seriously.

I ran my left hand over my right wing's sleek, black surface carefully. I couldn't imagine having them taken from me, although I haven't had them long they now feel a part of me, like any other vital organ needed to survive.

"Aurora! please step forward" called Mr Ashworth encouragingly.

I paused for a moment and then began to walk forward slowly before halting a few feet away from him.

"I am going to direct an attack at Aurora here, and she is going to shield herself with one of her wings to prevent it from hitting her"

I looked at him blankly.

"Just trust your instincts," he said reassuringly.

He looked up to the sky and held his hand up into the air, the sky above him rippled outwards causing a dangerous storm to form quickly, a blinding streak of lightning came coursing down into his hand and he looked up at me with lightning surrounding his hands. I stood facing him waiting for his attack.

He hauled the lightning at me with no further explanation, causing me to gasp loudly and pull my shoulder around sharply, causing my wing to shield my left side. The lightning crashed into it and my wing emitted a soft glow absorbing the energy of the attack.

"Magnificent!, your wings seem to be absorbing my blast" called Mr Ashworth "try to send it back to me"

I sighed deeply and held my hands by my side, my palms facing forward. I pictured the lightning that was surrounding me travelling down my body into my palms, looking down I saw that It had worked.

I smiled looking up at Mr Ashworth and launched my hands forwards, my right slightly behind my left.

The lightning exploded out of my palms and advanced towards him, he pulled his hands across each other and both of his wings swung around sealing him from the attack. Lightning crashed into them and diffused off into the stormy sky. He opened his wings slowly and cleared the storm with a wave of his hand.

"Incredible!" he cried clapping slowly. "are you sure you haven't practised your angelic abilities?"

"No, this is my first lesson" I voiced relaxing my wings.

"Well then, I think that I can expect great things from you then" he stated proudly before walking back to the front of the class.

"Everyone partner up" he ordered.

I walked over to Zack and stood patiently by his side.

"I want all of you to practice sending and shielding lightning attacks" he explained bringing back a less aggressive storm to jumpstart our powers.

"Ok, and begin!" he called smoothly.

"You can attack first," I said to Zack getting into a fighting stance.

He closed his eyes in concentration and formed a small amount of lightning in his hands, he opened his eyes and beamed at the swirling bands that surrounded him. He looked towards me and threw the lightning forward.

I got ready to deflect it but it flew past me and hit Alexander, who was standing slightly behind me straight in the chest sending him tumbling backwards.

"Sorry!" exclaimed Zack fighting hard to hold back a laugh.

"Good Zack" called Mr Ashworth over his shoulder.

"Next time, remember to aim" he continued sarcastically.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and laughed loudly. Zack smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Again," I said.


After Mr Ashworth was satisfied that we could all send and shield the basic attack he called us all into a circle.

"We will practise this new skill more next lesson but I want to start it before you leave, since we still have half an hour of this lesson left," he said mysteriously.

A few people sighed and slumped down onto the grass tiredly.

"Everyone conceal your wings" he ordered.

We all pictured our wings disappearing.

Once they had gone I rolled my shoulder blades, retrieved my jacket and pulled it over my exposed shoulders.

"What is this skill?" questioned Alexander impatiently.

"Telekinesis" he replied enthusiastically.

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