《Angel Academy》CHAPTER TEN


Aurora's POV:

The horrendous, earsplitting bell rung out signalling break. I gathered my things and immediately made my way up to the nursery.

I began climbing the spiral staircase when a familiar electricity came burning through me, recognizing it as Shade I began descending back down the steps quickly in hopes of avoiding his arrogance.

"Don't leave on my accord" came his smooth voice from further up the stairs.

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked back towards the stairs seeing no sign of him. How the hell did he know it was me?

He rounded the corner looking pissed off as usual and shoved past me forcing me to grab onto the railing for support. Anger blazed up inside me and I span around to face his back.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked finally allowing my anger to show.

His back tensed up and he turned around and walked back up the stairs so he towered over me.

"You" he stated plainly.

"When have I ever done anything to you?" I cried refusing to let him intimidate me.

"Everyone thinks your amazing just because your a Mythica, some of us weren't born privileged like you, some of us had to spend our lives fighting to get where we are," he said backing me up against the stone wall.

"I didn't ask for any of this, do you think I wanted to be what I am? everyone expects me to be some amazing person who is worthy of saving them from Sebastian or some shit! but guess what? I'm not!" I shouted meeting his hateful gaze.

He stayed within a few inches of my face breathing heavily. Obsidian lay still watching him closely but not bothering to react to him threatening me, I guess he's not trained enough yet?


"What is it about you?" Shade whispered barely audible looking down into my eyes.

I looked at his arms that were positioned either side of me, I pushed one of them down forcefully and ran to the top the stairs as fast as I could without looking back.

I pushed open the nursery doors and slammed them shut behind me, tears began to trail lightly down my face, I scolded myself and wiped them away quickly with my sleeve. I will not be seen as weak.

"Shade! I swear if that's you again, I -" called Kai rounding the corner with his hand up in protest.

"Oh... Aurora, it's you. Good!" he said replacing his angry features with a warm smile.

"Why was he here?" I asked curiously.

"Shade? he is a hybrid who has unlocked three of his potential sides, it's really rare but not impossible" he said shrugging.

"Whats his third side?" I asked hoping that I could avoid him as much as possible.

"Angel" he scoffed.

I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing at the irony that he's a first-class asshole.

"Has he been bothering you?" I questioned changing the subject slightly.

"Just a tad" he laughed "he keeps coming to see if his egg has hatched and today he had the cheek to blame me! ME! the one who is up here looking after them all every day"

"It still hasn't hatched?" I asked.

Usually, dragon eggs would hatch fairly quickly after choosing their rider.

"Nope. He's the only one, other than you who has a Nightshade dragon as well so it should have by now" he said with awe pointing at a pure black egg with fading red tinges.

"Nightshade dragon?" I asked watching obsidian who had flown off to play with some of the other dragons.


"You don't know what dragon you have? Nightshades are the most powerful dragons ever known and, like Mythica's have been gone for thousands of years!" he exclaimed.

I thought over what he said and walked over to Shades dragon egg. Why has everything that has happened to me in this school linked me to Shade in some way?

I curiously ran my hand over its smooth surface and as I suspected, it glowed lightly and began to crack.

Stepping back in amazement I watched in wonder as the glossy shell broke away to reveal a magnificent black dragon with tints of red at the tips of its slick, gleaming scales.

"He's finally hatched!" blurted Kai gobsmacked, throwing his hands up in the air in triumph.

"The first task in your new job, oh amazing helper" chanted Kai sarcastically.

"What?" I asked slightly worried.

"Go back down and find Shade so he can stop pestering me!" he proclaimed.

I looked at him in protest but he grinned and ran into another room. I took off after him and leaned in the doorway.

"I can't... we don't exactly get along" I pleaded.

"Well I can't leave to get him," he said throwing some small pieces of raw meat into a bucket.

"Can't I just send Obsidian?" I asked pointing at the small dragon who was chasing after Verity's dragon Nadia.

"He can already find who you want him to?"

"Yep" I replied popping the p for effect.

"Fine, but your helping me feed them," he said, shoving a bucket into my arms.

"Deal!" I smiled.

I ran over to Obsidian and held out my arm for him to perch on.

"Go and find Shade and lead him here" I instructed kindly.

He flew a lap around me happily and flew through the gap above the nursery door to fulfil his task.

I smiled in satisfaction and began taking the meat around the room to the dragons.

To feed them, I had to place the small cube of raw meat down in front of them and tell them to singe it with their dragon fire with the word that way when we came to ride and train our dragons it would be our keyword to get them to use their fire on command.

I was feeding my last dragon when the doors creaked open and Shade emerged with Obsidian flying happily in front of him.

He sped over to me and perched himself on a nearby ledge. I tossed him a piece of meat which he singed and caught in his mouth skilfully.

"Good job," I said aloud sending him proud emotions.

"He's hatched?" asked Shade moving further into the room.

"Yes he's over there," said Kai.

Shade walked past me and scooped up the small dragon.

"Ugh, Kai?... am I done here?" I asked ignoring Shade.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course" I laughed.

Just as I was about to leave Orpheus and Zack appeared in the doorway.

"Hey" called Zack with a small wave.

"You ready," asked Orpheus after he was greeted by his dragon Ithrendal.

Ithrendal was a deep silver colour mixed in with light blue shades making his scales give off a celestial shine.

"Yeah, one sec" I called searching for my jacket.

Shade turned to face me holding it in his outstretched hand.

"Don't want to keep your boyfriend waiting" he said grimly.

I took it from him and left without saying anything to him.

"Let's go," I said as I walked past Zack and Orpheus.

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