《BURNER ✅》21 • family


"Miss Ferrero your grandfather apologises for the wait it shouldn't be much longer." The young man says in fast Italian.

Anna has been in Sicily five months but she still has to really concentrate when listening to and speaking Italian. She thanks her grandfather's assistant looking back at her book.

When she arrived in Italy Anna adopted her mother's maiden name. Her grandfather immediately offered her a job at his company and she enjoyed the fast paced work she was given as Head of the I.T. department.

"Anastasia!" Giovanni Ferrero's voice booms through the halls. Even in his eighties the man didn't look a day over fifty. Anna hoped they were genes that she was lucky enough to inherit.

"Annie!" Anastasia's uncle Stefano pulls her into a hug.

"Ah so this is why I have been waiting so long. Let me guess you two were gossiping like school girls." Anna says in Italian and the two men laugh. While her Uncle can speak English, her grandparents speak only Italian so even though she is slow she has picked up a lot more of the language during her time in Italy.

"I am going to be stepping back, letting Stefano do more." Giovanni explains.

"Nonno, are you sick?"

"I am fine princess. Just old. Don't you worry about me. I called you up here to let you know about Stefano and to tell you what a fantastic job you are doing."

"Thank you." Anna says with a smile as her grandfather presses a kiss to her forehead.

"Stefano I will leave you to your work. Don't forget your meeting on Friday. Four o'clock. I believe what they have to offer is the right step forward."

Giovanni takes the lift leaving his son and granddaughter outside what was his office.


"I can't believe he is retiring." Anna says switching to English.

"Stepping back I think was the phrase he used. He didn't say the 'r' word."

"I bet Nona is happy."

"You would be right kiddo." Stefano says ruffling his nieces hair. "Your mother called...again. Are you going to tell me the reason my sister can't contact you directly?"


"I'll find out one day Annie."

"Doubt it."

"Smart arse." Stefano rolls his eyes. "I'll need you in the meeting on Friday. Need to make sure they aren't making shit up. You know tech better than anyone."

"I'll be there." Anna says with a smile. "You should get back to work." She quips kissing her uncle's cheek.

Anna walks towards the lift which opens as though on command. Stepping inside the doors close behind her and the reflective surface shows her blonde hair. Blonde. Definitely not red.

Anastasia dyed her hair only hours after her plane landed five months ago. Part of her did it for herself and part of her did it as a disguise.


"Someone needs to tell me where the bloody hell she is!"

"We don't know."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I think it means they don't know." Luca mutters under his breath and Marcello slaps his brother upside the head.

"I don't need your smart arse comments I need someone to find her!"

"She left months ago Marc. She left with absolutely no trace, this is Anna we are talking about."

"I know it is Anna! I know what she is like! She is the woman I love!" Marcello clenches his fists anger pulsing through him.

"Me Morretti?" A timid voice interrupts.

"WHAT?" Marc's shouts causes his assistance to jump.


"Ferrero Inc. have agreed to meet with you."


"The company you have been pursuing for the last year. They have agreed to meet with you. You'll need to be in Italy on Friday."

"I can't possibly-"

"Yes you can." Luca cuts his brother off. "You will go and you will take care of the business. Sparrow Industries has already lost enough of your time."

Luciano was right. Marcello knew he was being selfish but in this moment that is all he wants. He needs to find Anastasia. His memories rushed back a week ago. Luca and Eddie had tried their best to fill in the blanks but Marcello's memories started organically returning when he came across a 'Carmichael Grand' sweatshirt.

Jean, Marcello's assistant leaves the office and Luca and Marc fall into a comfortable silence.

"You don't have any idea where she could have gone?" Marc finally asks.

"Her parents know something but they aren't saying. We know that she calls Lucy and Elliot once a week but it is from an untraceable cell phone. We have to wait for her to get complacent, sloppy even. She will slip up eventually and we will catch up with her."

"But it is Anna so that will never happen."

"I have tried Marcello. I honestly have. I begged her not to go but when you woke up babbling about Sienna she felt she didn't have a choice. I have had men searching for her since the day she left but found nothing."

"What about her life? She just up and left?"

"She graduated. Finished her classes online. Didn't attend her graduation though."

"How do you know?"

"Because I had men waiting for her."

"I don't know what to do without her."

"You have a business to run. You let me find her." Luca pulls his brother into a hug. Before pulling away and heading towards the door.

"Why did she leave?" Marc asks his voice almost a whisper but it stops Luca in his tracks.

"The man she loved woke up asking for another woman."

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