《The Queen's Heart》Ch. 19 Saved


"Regina..." An all to familiar voice to The Queen addressed her, as The Queen's carriage settled in place, and Regina began to exit the elegant black box, led by horses.

"Zelena, sister of mine!" The Queen replied back through her bright smile; her red lips curled up at the corners showing her teeth; pearly white.

"What on Earth brings you to my door step, Regina?" Zelena asked her sister, eyebrows raised, "...why, it's been.. years since we've last argued, wouldn't you say dear sister?"

The two power driven women stood close to each other, seemingly sizing one another up as if readying themselves for war.

"Never the less, I am not here to challenge you, Zelena," Regina explained, "I am here to ask you a favor, for your.. help..."

Zelena looked wide eyed back at Regina , "...wha.. what?... did I hear you correctly sister...? The all powerful Evil Queen needs MY help??!.."

"In a matter of words.." Regina replied, "yes, you could say that I do."

Zelena smiled a wicked smile as she gave her sister a knowing look, "How much I love when you grovel, sister!"

"Come now, Zelena, don't push your luck.." The Queen replied, wagging her finger in her sister's direction.

"Alright," Zelena replied, "what business do you have for me then."

"It's Chernabog," Regina answered, "I have an arrangement with the Demon of Darkness that must be dealt with..."

The Queen turned her back to Zelena as she spoke, taking her time walking around a bit as she explained.

The more Zelena heard of The Queen's problematic situation, the more enraged she became.

"You dare come here, and involve me in your entanglement with The Demon Of Darkness!!" Zelena spat, her voice commanding. She forcefully held out her hand, lifting Regina by her throat a few inches from the ground as she continued, "Do you not realize what you've already done, sister??!"


Regina smiled slowly, "oh yes, I do."

The Queen looked down at Zelena, "as I've said before, I need your help with something, something only can assist with.. I want to defeat him Zelena, once and for all."

After a moment or two, Zelena released her sister, letting her fall back down to the ground, her feet hitting the soft earth with a quick and sudden thud.

Regina, after taking a moment to collect herself and quickly brush some grass and dirt off her clothes, reconnected with Zelena and continued.

"Are you still collecting hearts in your dungeon, dear sister.."

"Yes, ," The Queen replied through clenched teeth, "and yours will be next if you keep this up..."

Regina took her breath in to prepare herself for what needed to be said next.

"Zelena, I need you to remove my heart."

"What the hell are you talking about??"

"I need you to remove my heart, and keep watch over it." Regina replied, "Chernabog knows my heart is dark, but, he believes it's changing."

"Well, is it?" Zelena asked, "Is it changing sister?"

"What are you talking about..? Of course not!"

"You know.. there has been talk of a prisoner in your castle that has grown quite comfortable with her stay there.." Zelena taunted, "...and from what I hear, you've fallen in love with her.. but I think... well, I think, she's just a good fuck! What do you say Regina...?"

Expressionlessly, The Queen slapped her sister across the face, at first shocked, Zelena licked a trickle of blood from her lip and said, "Mmm, that tickled.."

"...love is weakness." Regina replied, "Mother was careful to remind us of that."

"Yes well, Mother was a bitch." Zelena quipped back at her sister.


"Will you help me or not, Zelena?" Regina replied, quickly growing impatient now. The fun and games were clearly coming to an end.

Zelena paused before speaking, taking a moment to revel in the moment of watching her older sister practically beg for her assistance.. it almost made her giddy inside!

Allowing the furl of her brow to relax, and with a slight smile Zelena softly answered, "Alright. I'll do it. I'll help you Regina."

The Queen closed her eyes and exhaled her breath deeply, placing her hand on her sisters arm, "Thank you, Zelena."

Quickly snatching her hand away Zelena asked, "But what's in it for ?!"

"Excuse me??!" Regina asked.

"I'm putting my life in danger," Zelena explained, "as well as the lives of my people. What do you offer me in exchange for helping you?!"

"Well..." The Queen began nervously, ".. you can crush my heart if anything were to happen... After all, I'm the one entrusting you!"

Zelena threw her head back and began laughing as she said, "Oh dear sister please!! You really think I don't know you've enchanted your heart against me?!"

Regina smiled.

"You must take me for a fool!" Zelena continued.

"Alright," Regina said, "What then would you have me do?"

Zelena thought for a moment, walking a few feet away from Regina. She then turned around to face her again, smiling, and said; "Why don't we agree that you'll be indebted to me?"

The Queen let her breath out and replied, "Alright."

"Excellent!" Zelena replied, "Now, how shall we begin? Shall I just rip it right out of your chest.. or..?"

Regina rolled her eyes, growing impatient with her sister's remarks, "Don't play stupid with me, you know how it's done."

Zelena gave her sister a knowing look.

"When we're finished," The Queen continued, "I trust you will keep my heart safe."

"Of course, sister. That IS the deal, isnt it?"

"Claudias!" Regina beckoned for her guardsman to stand close to her as she braced herself for what was coming.

"Ok Zelena, do it. Do it now!"

Zelena smiled as she stepped closer to her sister. Putting her hand against Regina's chest and pressed into it with her magic, Zelena began to remove her sister's heart.

Gritting her teeth and wincing in agony, Regina took hold of Claudias' arm, wheeling over in pain, as Zelena fully pulled the heart from her chest.

Holding her sister's heart up close to herself, Zelena stared at it, practically salivating at the thought of being in sole possession of it now.

The Queen, now collecting herself, took one last look at her sister and said, "Zelena! I will return for my heart. Guard it with your life!"

"Just remember our deal, sister...!"

The Queen turned, and walked back toward the black horse drawn carriage, Claudias taking his spot at the driver's seat.

"H'ya!!" Claudias whipped the black horses hard, as they made their long journey back to The Queen's castle.


Meanwhile, back at the castle...

Emma opened her eyes. It took her a few minutes to take the room into focus.

"Wha... where.. where am I..?" She was laying face up on a soft bed.

Emma sat up and looked around. "What the.. how the hell did I get to Regina's bedroom..?!"

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