《Far From Perfect》Chapter 13
I don't think I've ever felt more nervous in my life, and I know I shouldn't be but I am. I'm honestly so nervous I feel sick to my stomach. My palms are sweaty and beads of sweat are starting to form above my brow. I really don't think I could be more nervous than I already am.
I know Gracie is just having a small get together, but the thought of meeting Gracie and Jared's bridal party has made me a nervous wreck and it doesn't help that Miranda is going to be there. I would be a lot more at ease if she wasn't but unfortunately for me, she has to be there since she is the maid of honor and all. I honestly don't understand how someone as sweet as Gracie ended up being friends with someone as vial as Miranda, but whatever the reason, I just hope she never hurts Gracie.
I stare at my clasped hands in my lap and sigh, dreading what's to come. I feel Nate's eyes on me and turn to him to find a broad smile on his face. I try to mirror his smile, but I'm so nervous I can't even bring my lips to curve into a smile. I bet I the expression on my face is anything but cute, but he doesn't comment on it.
"Ready?" Nate asks me and I gulp.
"Not really," I murmur under my breath.
"What was that?"
"I said, yes. I'm ready," I lie. He doesn't look convinced but he doesn't call me out on it either.
"Okay, let's go." He gets out of the car and makes it to my side before I can even get out of the car. He offers me his hand and I gladly take it.
"Thanks," I tell him gratefully before adjusting my dress and running my fingers over my curls nervously.
"Stop fussing. You look beautiful," he tells me, noticing my preoccupation with my dress and my hair.
"Sorry. I just-"
"Quit your worrying," he says, cutting me off. "Everyone is going to love you," he reassures me.
"Everyone but Miranda," I correct him.
"Forget about her. You don't need her approval. I like you and that's all that matters. Okay?" he tells me as he brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Okay," I respond shyly.
"Now let's go," he says with a big smile before taking my hand in his and leading me towards the front door of the beautiful two-story house. "Want to do the honor since you're closer to the doorbell?" Nate asks me and I laugh. I press the doorbell and seconds later Jared answers the door, startling us. He must have been close by when I rung the doorbell.
"Alexa, I'm glad you could make it," Jared tells me and I smile.
"Me too."
"Natie, it's always a pleasure seeing you," Jared says playfully to Nate.
"I can't say the same for you," Nate responds before punching Jared in the arm.
"Ouch. I guess I deserved that," Jared says with a grin before moving to the side. "Please, come inside."
"With pleasure," Nate says and does not loosen his grip on my hand as he leads me inside.
"I'm so glad you're both here!" We hear Gracie's all too familiar voice greet us from the top of the stairs. She immediately runs down to us and pulls us both into a group hug.
"We are too. Now could you give us a little breathing room?" Nate asks her and she laughs in embarrassment.
"Sorry about that," she says apologetically.
"Don't worry. I'm fine," I reassure her. "I don't know about your brother though," I add with a grin.
"I'm not. I nearly lost it there," Nate interjects and she smacks him on the arm.
"You are such a liar," she tells him.
"Ouch. Stop. You're hurting me," he says with such a dumb expression I can't help but laugh. He's ridiculous sometimes.
"Okay, enough of your dumb humor. Are you two ready to meet the rest of the bridal party?" Gracie asks us excitedly and I'm honestly not but I have to suck it up. It's now or never.
"Do we have a choice?" Nate asks and she smacks him again.
"I'd love to meet them," I interject, wanting to get the heat off Nate. I rub his arm where she hit him and he smiles down at me.
"Great. Follow me. Jare, you coming?" Gracie asks Jared and he doesn't think twice to join her.
"Always," he responds, wrapping his arm around her waist. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and pulls her into his side, making me wish I had a love like theirs.
"Did you just sigh?" Nate whispers to me and I blush.
"No," I lie. I thought I mentally sighed but turns out I sighed for real and the worst part is that Nate heard me. Fuck my life. Why can't the ground ever open up and swallow me whole in moments like this?
"I think you did," he presses and I glare at him.
"Shut up, you liar," I tell him but if anyone is a liar here, it's me. I obviously did sigh, I just don't want to admit it because it's so embarrassing.
"You know, you and I could have something just like them. Just say the word and I'll make it happen," he tells me and I feel my mouth fall wide open in shock. Nate never fails to surprise me.
"Coming you two?" Gracie asks us, interrupting our conversation and I couldn't be more thankful for the interruption. She leads the way with Jared at her side, and we follow after them as they walk towards the back of the house. We step through the doorway that leads to the backyard and are met with all the people we have to meet, which is way more than I anticipated. I'm guessing some of them brought their significant others, which makes sense. In my mind, it was just going to be the bridal party and that's all, but I really don't think that's the case.
They all quiet down the moment we step foot outside, but what bothers me most is that they're all staring at us, and that includes Miranda, my number one frenemy. But really she's just my plain enemy. She made it more than clear the day I met her at the beach.
I don't look at her but I can feel the way she is shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I ignore the jealousy rolling off her and take the moment to absorb my surroundings. I see that there are round tables set up all around the yard. They are covered with mint colored tablecloths, which is the color Gracie chose for her wedding. At the center of each table is a black frame that holds a black and white photograph of Gracie and Jared.
"Did you take all the pictures in the frames?" I ask Nate curiously as I look at all the ones closest to us and he nods. "I love them," I compliment him as I take in the other piece of decor on the tables. It's a black vase with a white and mint colored floral bouquet. The decor is all very simple yet elegant, just like Gracie.
I feel Nate's hand gently squeeze mine and look up at him and smile. He doesn't even know how relieved I am to know that I'm not alone and that he's here with me. "If it helps, imagine them naked," Nate whispers to me, making me laugh.
"I'm good but thanks for the suggestion," I whisper back.
"I just wanted to help," he says with a shrug.
"And I appreciate it but I'd rather not imagine everyone here naked."
"Not even me?"
"Especially not you," I tell him and feel a small smile form on my lips.
"I'm offended," he responds with a scoff but I can tell he's just messing around.
"That's nice. Now get ready to socialize because we'll be doing a lot of that for the next hour or so," I warn him and he sighs. "Oh come on. It could be worse."
"Whatever you do, don't leave my side."
"I should be telling you that. Miranda looks like she wants to gouge my eyes out."
"Good," he responds and I glare at him. "I didn't mean the gouge your eyes out part," he quickly says in an attempt to save his skin. "I'm just glad she has a reason to feel jealous."
"Well, in that case, I like your reasoning," I respond and smile up at him as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Miranda is going to kill you," I warn him.
"Let her do what she wants. I'm not hers to punish," he tells me with a smirk before leading me over to a table where Gracie is calling us over.
Gracie introduces us to her and Jared's friends from college, who are going to be a part of the bridal party. Like I figured, some of them brought their spouses. We talk to all of them for a bit before moving onto the next table, which includes some of Gracie and Jared's cousins. Last but not least is a table with Miranda and a few other friends of Jared and Gracie's. They're all kind to me with the exception of Miranda. No surprise there. I can feel her staring holes into the side of my face, but I'm not the least bit intimidated by her because I have Nate by my side.
I squeeze his hand gently and he squeezes it right back. I smile at the gesture and feel my nerves slowly starting to dissipate when the heathen finally speaks up.
"I'm surprised you agreed to be one of Gracie's bridesmaids," Miranda says, interrupting the conversation that Nate and I were having with Gracie and Jared's good friends. "You're only a replacement, you know that, right?" Miranda tells me full of spite, but I don't let her get to me.
"Is that so? I'm not so sure Gracie would agree. We should ask her," I threaten and Miranda pales the moment I mention Gracie. She knows full well Gracie would not stand for the way she's talking down to me.
"Don't!" she exclaims.
"Why? Are you afraid Gracie is going to realize what kind of person you truly are?"
"No," she lies.
"It's obvious you're full of shit but honestly, I could care less. Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours," I tell her and she scoffs.
"Are you seriously going to let her talk to me like that?" Miranda asks Nate and he looks at me and smiles proudly before turning back to look at her. When he does, she looks like she wants to murder him. Luckily, looks can't kill. If they did, he would be dead.
"You had it coming, Miranda. Every word of it, so don't come and play innocent with me. Gracie may not see you for who you are, but I do."
"What's that supposed to mean?" she says offended but she's not fooling any one of us. We all see through her act. I just feel bad that Gracie and Jared's friends have to sit through this stupid conversation that's going nowhere.
"You know exactly what I mean," Nate tells her and she opens her mouth to speak again and I cut her off.
"Miranda, just stop. This is pathetic."
"You're pathetic," she retorts and I roll my eyes. What a childish comeback, but honestly, I'm not the least bit surprised.
"We're done here," I tell her and turn to walk away but she grabs my arm forcefully and digs her nails into my skin.
"You're not going anywhere," she threatens me.
"I sure as hell am," I tell her and wrap my hand around her fingers and squeeze them as hard as I can until she flinches and releases her hold on me.
"Fuck, that hurt," she says with a wince as she rubs her hand.
"Don't ever lay a finger on me again," I say menacingly. "If you do, I'll make sure you regret it," I tell her and she immediately shuts up. Nate whispers, "shots fired" under his breath just loud enough so I can hear him, and gives me a devilish grin before grabbing my hand in his and leading me to the nearest empty table.
"That was hot," Nate tells me as we sit down.
"Was not," I respond embarrassed and brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I don't know where that came from, but I'm definitely proud I held my own against Miranda.
"It was so hot I could have kissed you right there and then," he tells me with a smirk.
"Why didn't you?" I ask him before I can stop myself.
"I-I don't know. I didn't think you would want that," he stammers.
"It's not too late."
"Are you serious?" I feel my heartbeat speed up at the thought of kissing him but I nod. I want a kiss from him more than anything right now. He extends his hand towards my face and gently brushes the loose strands of hair behind my ear. "I've been wanting to do this since the day I met you," he whispers before inching his lips closer to mine. I close my eyes and wait anxiously for his lips to make contact with mine when footsteps approach.
"Are you two hungry?" I hear Gracie ask and sigh, knowing that I will not be getting my kiss. I lean my forehead against his and hear him groan. I just laugh, glad that I'm not the only one frustrated by the whole situation.
"Maybe some other time," I tell Nate as I pull away from him.
"Did I interrupt something?" Gracie asks and Nate starts to say something but I cover his mouth to stop him from saying anything.
"Not at all. You were saying?"
"Are you two hungry?"
"Sure. I could eat something," I tell her gratefully. Nate bites my hand and I yelp, pulling it away from his mouth.
"I want some food too," he adds with a grin and grabs my hand to rub the spot where he bit me.
"There's a table full of food over by the door. Feel free to get as much as you want. Drinks are inside a cooler beside the table. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. In the meantime, I'm going to go and mingle some more with my friends. When you're done, don't be strangers," she tells us with a smile before going to join a table where some of her cousins and friends sat together.
"Where were we?" Nate asks me as soon as Gracie is out of hearing distance and I shake my head.
"Too late. The moment is over. Maybe next time," I say with a small smile and he groans in frustration.
"Next time when?"
"When the moment's right," I say it almost as a question because I'm not even sure when the right moment will be. I guess we just have to kind of play it by ear.
"I don't think so. I'm done waiting," he says bluntly. "I'm going to kiss you before the night is over," he promises and I gulp nervously.
"We'll see about that."
"We won't see about anything. It's happening. Tonight," he assures me and just the thought has me both nervous and excited.
"I'll believe it when I see it," I challenge him and he grins.
"You mean feel it," he corrects me. "When you feel my lips on yours tonight, you're not going to want me to stop," he tells me and I feel my mouth go dry. I try to swallow but all my spit has ceased to exist. I need water. And lots of it.
"And you say you're not cocky," I retort.
"I'm not. I'm just confident in my skills," he says with a wink.
"Too confident."
"You say that now, but just you wait. When I kiss you, you're going to feel it from here," he says, pressing his finger to my lips. "All the way down to your toes," he tells me with a mischievous grin and I shoot up from my seat, not wanting to hear any more.
"Is it suddenly hot or is it just me?" I ask him and fan myself with my hand as he chuckles at my expense. Who knew words could affect you so much? "Are you coming?" I ask him feeling a bit frustrated with myself. I need to keep my feelings in check. Otherwise, I'm gonna be a goner before the night is even over.
"You don't have to ask me twice."
I head towards the table where the food is set up and he follows behind me but he doesn't say anything else to me. I know he's well aware I'm flustered and caught up in my own thoughts after everything he said, but thankfully he doesn't bring it up or tease me about it. If he did, I would be mortified.
I serve myself but all I can think about is Nate and his damn lips. Why did he have to go and promise me a stupid kiss tonight of all nights? I need to focus on Gracie and the rest of the bridal party, not Nate's lips, but his lips are all I can think about now and it's all his fault.
Damn you, Nate.
We eat our food in silence while observing the rest of the bridal party, which we have to spend a lot of time with over the next few months. As much as I don't like Miranda, I'm looking forward to getting to hang out with the rest of the bridal party. Just not her. I wish she could go away. I guess I just have to do my best to avoid her because she's obviously not going away anytime soon.
Before we know it, the time has slipped past us, but the party is still going strong, and it's all thanks to Gracie, who is the life of the party. No surprise there. She's such a happy go lucky person. I wish I could be more like her sometimes.
Gracie goes around, pulling her friends and relatives out to dance and slowly but surely everyone joins in. Everyone, except for us. While the rest of the party dances, we are sitting at our table, watching everyone from afar, but Gracie isn't going to let us get away and comes for us next.
"Come on you two. Get up and dance. Consider it a rehearsal for the wedding," she tells us as she pulls up Nate first, then me.
"I don't dance much," I admit embarrassed.
"Don't worry. Nate is a great dancer. He'll teach you," Gracie reassures me. "I personally taught him for prom years ago," she says with a proud smile.
"I told you never to speak of that," Nate scorns her.
"Oops! Too late," she responds with a giggle.
"Are you drunk?" Nate asks her and she just giggles some more.
"Maybe," she says with a smile and giggles again.
"Oh, no. Where's Jared?"
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine," she reassures us as she sways on her feet. "Now go dance before I drag you both out there myself."
"Fine but promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise," Gracie says with a straight face but immediately breaks into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, God. I don't feel right leaving you alone," Nate tells her and steadies her as she stumbles a bit.
"Don't worry. I got her," Jared says as he walks up to us and takes Gracie into his arms. "Now go dance you two. I'll take care of Gracie," he reassures us, making us feel more at ease.
"Thanks, Jared." Nate pats him on the shoulder before taking me over to where the whole bridal party is dancing.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea," I whisper to him.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just follow my lead."
"That's a lot easier said than done," I murmur and Nate just laughs.
"Relax. You'll be fine," he reassures me. I just nod.
I place one arm on his shoulder and he grabs my other hand in his. I watch our hands and the way he intertwines our fingers. It's rather romantic and perfect just like him. He places his free hand on my waist, and gives me a look, asking for permission to take the first step. I nod. "I trust you," I tell him and feel him take the first step. I do what I feel is natural but my natural instinct is clearly wrong because I end up stepping on his foot.
"Sorry," I apologize, as my cheeks warm up in embarrassment.
"It's fine. Let's try this again," he tries taking another step and I step on him again.
"Maybe we should just quit while we're ahead," I say, feeling discouraged.
"No. We're not going to quit. Now try again." He starts over and the third time's not the charm either. I end up stepping on him again, but he refuses to give up. He tries to teach me over and over again, but no matter how hard I try I can't get the hang of it and I finally just lose any and all hope.
"I say we give up. I clearly can't do anything right."
"Don't say that."
"Why? All I've ever been told is that I'm not good enough. I'm worthless. I'm stupid. I'm ugly. I'm fat. Maybe all those people were right. Maybe I'm not good enough. Not for you. Not for anyone," I blurt out, feeling frustrated and angry at the world and myself. Why can't I be good enough? I'm a person just like everyone else, yet I've always been deemed less than or unworthy. I just want to be good enough. Is that so much to ask for?
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frankyoass: 😤😤✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 traitorslay.gee: yOUrE A MINORfrankyoass: IM TURNING 18 SOONslay.gee: i knOw BUT JUST REMEMBER THAT I AM TAKENHighest Ranking;#477 in Fanfiction 2/5/16#23 in mcrfanfic 5/28/18#20 in mcrfanfics 5/9/18#7 in mcrfanfics 2/22/192019 note: this book was created when i was in seventh grade. as a grown writer, my writing skills have drastically improved and im well aware of the poor plot and horrible grammar. thank you!©h0lydun (2015)
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