《Far From Perfect》Chapter 12
"I can't believe you're going to be a bridesmaid for Nate's sister," Mia comments as we make our way into the living room.
"I can hardly believe it."
"Are you excited?"
"Yes," I say a little too excitedly and Mia laughs at my expense as I sit down on the couch opposite Mia.
"What color is your dress?" she asks curiously.
"It's a gorgeous mint color."
"That's such a pretty color. You're going to look amazing," Mia says with a big smile as she turns on the Wii so we can watch something on Netflix.
"Thanks," I respond, accepting her compliment. For once, I don't try to twist her words or put myself down and just take her words for what they are because I really do believe I'm going to look good in my bridesmaid dress. After trying it on yesterday and seeing the way Nate reacted to me in it, I have no doubt in my mind that I'm going to rock that dress like it was made for me on Gracie's wedding day. And as happy as that makes me, what makes me truly happy is that I get to go with the most handsome groomsmen of them all.
"Who's your groomsmen?" Mia inquires as if she knew I was just thinking about him.
"Who do you think?" I ask her with a smirk.
"Nate?!" she asks and I nod. "Oh my God! Now I'm really happy for you."
"Me too," I respond with a laugh just as the doorbell rings. "Are you expecting someone?" I ask Mia and she shakes her head.
"No. Are you?"
"If I was I wouldn't have asked you," I say with a laugh. "I'll get it though. Choose something for us to watch while I see who it is."
"Will do," Mia responds and starts looking through loads of movies and TV shows on Netflix while I go and answer the door. I pull the door open to find a smiling Nate and immediately think of our lip-lock that happened only a week ago. Yet it felt like it happened just yesterday. I mentally shake off the memory and focus on Nate.
"Hey, Nate! What brings you to my lovely abode?" I say with a big smile on my face.
"Bridal party duties."
"Meaning?" I ask confused.
"Gracie and Jared are having a BBQ for all the bridal party tonight, and you are expected to be there because they want everyone to meet," he says almost regretfully. "But if you want we can just bail."
"Sounds like fun," I say perkily.
"Really?" he asks surprised.
"Yeah. Did you think I would turn down the invitation?"
"Kind of," he admits embarrassed.
"Well, I'm not, so don't sweat it. What time do I have to be ready?"
"It starts at eight so we should probably leave at seven-thirty and don't worry about driving. I'll take you in my car."
"Always the gentleman," I tease him with a grin.
"Chivalry is my middle name," he responds with a wink.
"Chivalry is dead," I deadpan.
"I think you missed the memo. Chivalry is not dead and I'm going to prove it to you."
"Is that so?" I respond amused and he raises his eyebrow.
"Don't believe me?"
"Not necessarily."
"I'm very chivalrous."
"And cocky," I add.
"Cocky, my ass. I'm far from cocky."
"You keep telling yourself that," I say with a teasing grin.
"I'm not cocky."
"And I'm not fat," I respond with a roll of my eyes. He is so cocky but he can deny it all he wants.
"You're not."
"I was being sarcastic."
"But I'm not," he responds seriously. "You need to stop putting yourself down."
"It's not that simple. When you grow up being made fun of and are constantly put down, it's not easy to just forget about everything that has ever been said about you to your face and behind your back," I confess as stupid traitorous tears well up in my eyes.
"I know and I'm sorry if I came off too strong," he apologizes and pulls me in for a hug. I bury my face in his chest and simply relish his warm and comforting embrace. "I hate that you constantly put yourself down, but I'll try to be more understanding."
"Thanks," I say with a sniffle. "Sorry I got so emotional," I apologize with a laugh. "Can we just blame this on my hormones?"
"Do you need me to get you some chocolate? I can go buy you some," he offers and I shake my head.
"I'm not on my period," I say with a laugh and smack him playfully on the chest. "I'm just emotional, that's all. We, women, are an emotional breed," I explain and he chuckles.
"You can say that again and since you mentioned hormones, I just assumed..."
"That I was on my period," I finish for him and he nods. "Well, I'm not but if you really want to get me chocolate you're more than welcome to. I love chocolate and will eat it all day every day. Okay, not really, but give me chocolate, and I won't say no. Ever."
"Noted. Chocolate is your weakness."
"One of them," I clarify. "I have many weaknesses," I admit and Nate happens to be one of them, but he doesn't need to know that. Not now or ever, really. It'll be my dirty little secret.
"Care to share?"
"Not really," I say and he groans.
"I'm gonna get them out of you, just you watch."
"Doubtful," I respond with a grin, enjoying the fact that I've piqued his curiosity.
"I like a good challenge," he says with a smirk and I don't doubt it for one second. "And I really do hope that someday you realize just how beautiful you are," he whispers just loud enough so only I can hear him and I sigh. I was hoping he had forgotten all about my insecurities.
"That's very unlikely," I say, feeling defeated. There's no point in lying to him about how I feel.
"I'm gonna make it my mission to show you just how beautiful you are."
"Don't even bother. You'll just waste your time. I'm a lost cause," I say with a huff.
"Don't say that."
"But I am."
"No, you're not." He caresses my cheek and without thinking, I lean into his hand. I close my eyes and revel in the feel of his fingertips on my skin. His fingers are rough to the touch but the way they graze my skin is anything but rough. His touch is soft and gentle and sends shivers down my spine. I feel his fingers slowly trail down the side of my face. When he reaches my chin, he tips my face up. I can feel his gaze searing my skin but I refuse to open my eyes and just savor the moment.
"Look at me," he demands. I slowly open my eyes and meet his gaze. His baby blues are looking at me with so much warmth and adoration, I feel my heart rate pick up. Only Nate could make me feel this way with a simple look. "I'm going to prove to you just how beautiful you are," he says so sure of himself I almost believe him. Don't get me wrong, I love just how determined he is, but no one has ever been able to get through to me, I doubt he'll be the exception.
"I don't understand why you're so insistent on making me believe that I'm beautiful."
"Because you are beautiful. You just don't realize it."
"And never will," I respond stubbornly as I pull out of his arms and wipe the corners of my eyes. "I'm sorry that I kind of lost it there but I'm good now," I reassure him with a shaky breath.
"You don't ever have to apologize for crying."
"Even if I cry over something dumb?"
"Well-" he hesitates and I gasp. "I'm just messing with you. You can cry over whatever you want, and I promise to hold you every single time if you'll let me."
"You're just asking for it. I cry with almost everything. I seriously cry every time I watch an animation or animal movie. I guess I just have a really tender heart," I admit embarrassed.
"Tears don't scare me."
"We'll see about that. Most guys flee at the sight of tears."
"Not me. I brave the storm," he responds and flexes his big biceps.
"Oh, God," I respond with a laugh. "Just stop while you're ahead."
"What? There's nothing wrong with a little muscle," he says and kisses his right bicep.
"And you say you're not cocky? You clearly sit on a throne of lies," I say with a laugh. "Anyways, enough about your bulging muscles. Do you want to watch something on Netflix with Mia and me?"
"Bulging muscles, huh?" he repeats amused and I can't help but laugh.
"Yes, you have lots of bulging muscles. Can we move on now?"
"No, I kind of like the turn this conversation has taken," he says with a grin and I shake my head at him. Of course, he'd be amused by my choice of words.
"I don't want to talk about your muscles anymore."
"How many of my bulging muscles have you checked out?"
"Enough," I say with a smirk. "Now are we going to watch something or not?"
"Yes and we're going to talk about these muscles you've seen later."
"No, we're not," I tell him. "Now come inside or I'm leaving you on the doorstep," I threaten him and he chuckles. He follows me into the apartment and I am surprised to find Mia's spot empty until I realize she disappeared on purpose so we could be alone. She's quite sneaky when she wants to be.
Dang you, Mia. Why did you have to leave us all by ourselves?
"I guess it's just going to be us two," I admit slightly nervous and grab the Wii remote.
"Are you nervous?"
"No," I lie. "Why would I be?"
"I don't know. Your demeanor changed once you realized Mia had left. Are you scared of being alone with me?"
"No," I lie again. "I'm just surprised Mia left. That's all."
"I don't believe you but for your sake, I'll just pretend I do," he says with a grin.
"Why do men always have to complicate things?"
"I could ask you the same thing about women. I like you and you clearly like me, yet you still resist me. Why?"
"I'm not ready to be in a relationship," I say bluntly.
"I can wait. I have all the time in the world," he muses.
"That's the thing. You don't. No one does. How long will you wait before you finally get tired of waiting for me?" I ask him frustrated and he grabs me by my shoulders and makes me look him in the eyes.
"You won't discourage me no matter what you say, so stop trying to get me to give up on you. I'm not going anywhere and that's a promise."
"I'm sure you'll change your mind when someone else comes into your life. Someone prettier with a perfect body. Someone who looks nothing like me."
"You have very little faith in me," he says slightly hurt and I hate myself for having put that sad look in his eyes. Why does he stay by my side when all I do is hurt him? He truly deserves better. He deserves to be with someone who will appreciate him and won't doubt him or his intentions like I have from day one. Yet, here he is, fighting for me and trying to get through to me no matter how many walls I put up. No one has ever fought for me like he has, and even though I don't understand how I got so lucky to meet someone like him, I'm glad he came into my life when he did. I needed someone like him and now that I have him, I'm not letting him go.
"I'm sorry but can you blame me when the male gender hasn't treated me so kindly?"
"I'm not those men. I'm sorry they hurt you. I am. But when you give me a chance, not if but when I will treat you right," he assures me and I like how he throws in that he knows I'm going to give him a chance. He's clearly confident and I like that about him. He's also not wrong. I am going to give him a chance, I'm just not sure when.
"When you say things like that, you sound too good to be true," I admit with a smile.
"I'm not. I'm a person just like you and everyone else, and I'm asking you for a chance."
"I need time," I tell him and he nods.
"I can wait. As long as it takes."
"I promise," he reassures me.
"I hope you're prepared to be very, very patient."
"Don't worry. Patience is my virtue," he responds with a wink.
"We'll see about that. Now choose something for us to watch," I give him the controller and he immediately plops down on one end of the three-person couch and I sit on the opposite end, but he doesn't seem to approve and gives me a funny look.
"Are you scared of me or something?"
"Then prove it," he dares me.
"Fine." I scoot over on the couch until I'm leaning on him with my back pressed against his side. "Better?"
"Much better," he responds and I can almost bet my life that he has a Cheshire grin on his lips as he says it. I wait for him to choose something to watch and feel as his arm gently wraps around my waist. I pretend like it doesn't faze me in the least bit, but in reality, my insides are going haywire with just his mere touch. "How about Supernatural?" he asks suddenly and I nod, unable to respond. Words have evaded me and all I can do is gesture and nod.
I honestly don't care what we watch because no matter what he chooses I probably won't even be able to focus with his arm wrapped around me. Not that I would ever tell him that. I'm simply going to enjoy the intimate moment we are sharing, no matter how long it lasts.
The show starts and we both remain quiet. I simply stare at the screen and in my mind compare Nate to Sam and Dean, the two leading characters in Supernatural. But no matter how attractive they are, I can't help but feel that Nate's even more attractive than they are. Although my opinion is a bit biased because I'm already falling for Nate so that definitely helps his case against Sam and Dean.
No matter how hard I try to focus on the show I can't help but think of Nate, his arm that is wrapped around me and his lips that kissed mine only a week ago. I sigh out loud, wishing I could already feel mentally, physically and emotionally prepared to date Nate but my fear of being hurt holds me back.
Nate's a great guy and I like him a lot. I just don't want to open up my heart to him only to get hurt. It would crush me if that happened but if I don't give myself the chance to have something more with him than a simple friendship, I will never know what could have been and will always wonder for the rest of my life and I don't want that. I want to know what it feels like to be Nate's girlfriend, but if I keep putting off the inevitable, someone else is going to swoop in and take him from me. He says he'll wait for me as long as I need but every person has a limit and that includes Nate, and that more than anything else scares me.
I don't want to lose him.
It's hard to fight all these doubts and insecurities plaguing my mind though. They constantly creep up in my thoughts and remind me that I'm not good enough for Nate just like so many people have told me over the years. At this rate, I'll never be good enough for anyone if I keep listening to what others say, but I want to give myself a chance even if it's just this once. I want to experience what everyone else experiences in a relationship, and I want to know what it feels like to be in love, but I keep denying myself the chance and sometimes I hate myself for it.
Why do I always have to let fear hold me back? I'm tired of letting it control every aspect of my life. I just need to take a chance and see what happens.
Nate's worth it, I remind myself.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Nate asks me, pulling me out of my reverie.
"You've been sighing the entire episode. What's bothering you so much?"
"It's nothing," I lie.
"Tell me or I'll tickle you," he threatens. I try to pull out of his grasp but he immediately tightens his hold on me so I can't go anywhere.
"Don't you dare tickle me," I tell him sternly but I can tell he's moments away from tickling the life out of me.
"Then tell me."
"It's not important so no deal," I tell him, hoping he'll drop it but he's just as stubborn as I am, so knowing him, he probably won't.
"If it's not important, why can't I know?"
"Let's just put it this way. It's for me to know and for you to never find out."
"That's not good enough of a reason," he responds and starts tickling me.
"Stop it," I scream in between laughter.
"Tell me."
"Never!" I say in between fits of giggles.
"Guess I'll just keep tickling you then."
"Fine! I give! I give!" I practically scream and he stops his tickle attack.
"Tell me. What were you thinking about?"
"I was thinking about dogs and just how fluffy they are."
"You're lying."
"You can't know that."
"Tell me the truth or I'll keep tickling you," he threatens me and I know I've lost this battle. There's no way I can endure more tickling.
"Fine. I was mentally comparing you to Sam and Dean. Happy now?" I say and it's partially true. I obviously was thinking of other things too, but he doesn't need to know all of the thoughts running through my head.
"That depends. Who won?"
"You asked what I was thinking and I told you. That's all you're getting out of me."
"You can't compare me to Sam and Dean and not tell me who won."
"Not telling."
"Fine but someday I'm going to make you tell me who's the best looking one between the three of us."
"Doubtful," I respond with a grin and lay back against his side. He wraps his arm around me again and simply holds me while we continue watching Supernatural. Thankfully, I'm able to finally focus on the show and watch Sam and Dean defeat multiple supernatural beings before it is finally time to get ready for Gracie and Jared's BBQ.
"I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed. I'll be back here in about an hour or so," Nate tells me.
"If you get here before I'm done getting ready just knock and Mia will let you in."
"Sounds good. "
"I'll see you in a bit," I tell him as he walks out of the apartment. The moment the door shuts behind him I lock it and make my way to my bedroom to find an outfit to wear.
"Need help choosing an outfit?" Mia asks from the doorway of my room.
"There you are. You disappeared for a good couple of hours," I point out and she grins proudly.
"Yeah, I wanted to give you two some space."
"Well, thanks. You didn't have to but I appreciate it. It was fun hanging out with him," I admit, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"I'm glad you two had fun," she says sincerely and I could not be more thankful to have her as a friend. "So, do you need help picking out an outfit?" she asks me again and I nod.
"I do! I don't know what to wear," I admit, feeling lost. She walks over to where I'm standing in front of my closet and looks at all my outfits.
"Where are you going?"
"To a BBQ with his sister and her fiancé. Apparently, they want all the bridal party to meet, so I obviously have to be there."
"How about a semi-formal dress?"
"Like what?"
"Your skater dress would be cute and it would not be too over the top."
I look at the dress she's talking about and am glad she suggested it. It's perfect for the occasion. The rib top and skirt are black but what makes it unique are the beautiful flowers that adorn the skirt of the dress.
"You're right. It's perfect."
"Obviously, I'm always right," she says with a grin and I just shake my head at her. "I'll leave you now so you can get ready."
"Thanks, Mia," I tell her gratefully.
"Anytime," she responds before walking out of my room. I close the door behind her and quickly grab what I need before making my way into the bathroom where I take a quick shower and get ready in a hurry. Within half an hour I'm dressed and ready to go.
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