《Stay With Me Always》Forty Eight


"Mom, you're pacing. It is making me tense. I know it's alot to process."

"I'm sorry, sweetie. This sucks. I don't understand. He already cut a deal. Why the hell does he need parole?"

"He's been a model citizen."

"That's bullshit. You know that. Anyway, what does David think?"

"I haven't told him yet"

"You haven't told him about the parole or you haven't told him about your ex-husband being in prison."

"Neither" I said quietly. I was ashamed myself. "I think I'll meet Aaron and I'm going to take David with me."

"Are you sure about it? It could be overwhelming."

"It is all overwhelming and complicated but how long do you think I can hide out? I can't keep living like this. It is suffocating me, mom. I see the happiness but I'm always too afraid to touch it or feel it entirely. I'm always a step short because I'm looking over my shoulder, worried that my past would pop up. David and I have known each other for almost a year now and yet until yesterday he didn't even knew my ex-husband's name. If I'm ever going to be happy, even think about being happy, I'll have to deal with the bad stuff."

She got up and sat next to me. She held my hand and gave me a big smile.

"I remember the day you came home from the police station. I looked into your eyes and all I saw was hopelessness. I was so terrified that it'll be the only thing I'll ever see in my daughter's eyes. I've hated that man for so long. Prayed for his destruction but today, I see my strong and beautiful daughter looking forward to a life. Standing up for what she deserves. I couldn't be more happier."

I hugged her "it's a good thing dad isn't home. He would've rushed to execute Aaron personally." I joked but deep down I knew it was a little true.

My mother chuckled. "Don't joke about it."

I pulled out my phone and called Liam and my lawyer to set up the meeting tomorrow morning.

I saw a text from David.

David: reached home? I miss you.

Ashley: just leaving

David: :(

Ashley: what?

David: you didn't say you miss me. That's rude.

Ashley: maybe I didn't ;)

David: evil.

Ashley: wanna take a little trip tomorrow w me?

David: date? ;)

Ashley: you wish

David: im. Always

Ashley: not a date. Still in?

David: as long as you are there. Im all in

Ashley: See you in the morning

David: Ashley? Still don't miss me?

Ashley: a little. Maybe.

David: works for me. <3

I kept the phone aside and smiled to myself. Talking to him calmed my nerves a little bit. I was still terrified of what will happen tomorrow but I've faith it'll all be for good.

Next morning I woke up and I could feel my anxiety in my toes. I was nervous but more importantly, terrified of how David will react to everything.

I managed to get ready without throwing up even though I wanted to so badly. I didn't bother with any makeup. I was so jumpy to concentrate on concealer.

I got a text from David that he's waiting for me outside. I took my bag and phone and made my way out.

I saw David leaning on his car and waiting for me. He wore a denim shirt with white pants. His hair were done not perfectly yet it looked nice.

I smiled at him and made my way towards him. He pulled me in for a hug.


"I'm going to drive."

"Okay but where are we going. The whole suspense of it is killing me."

"You'll know. Just.. please, okay?"

He shrugged and jumped in the passenger seat.

The entire journey I kept distracting myself from the thought that I'm going to meet the man who completely destroyed me and relive those memories.

I tried to keep myself as calm as I could but it wasn't easy considering I could see the confusion evident in David's eyes.

We reached the destination and I got off the car. David came from behind and stood still.

"It's a prison, Ashley. This where criminals live."

"I'm aware."

"Are you?" He questioned me. He was confused and dishevelled. "What the hell are we doing here? This is not funny."

"I never said this is funny. Trust me I don't want to be here as much as you but I've to"

He held my arm and pulled me close "I feel like you're talking in some code that I'm not understanding. So, could you please just tell me already?"

"This isn't easy and you probably have million questions. I want to answer everything and I'll. I'm going to make everything clear but right now, just trust me. You've trusted me for so long. Just a little bit more."

He didn't say yes but he didn't say no either so I took it as a good sign. I saw Liam standing with Mr. Shah. He waved us to come in.

We entered the prison and I could see David was sceptical. Anyone in his position would be.

"Everything is under control and the meeting will be recorded." Mr. Shad informed me.

"What meeting? Who are you meeting?" David asked me

I walked upto him and held his hands. I gave them a squeeze. "I'm so sorry that you've to go through this. This will all be over. Just please hold onto that trust."

I was walking towards the interview room where I was going to meet Aaron.

Liam came up "you sure you don't want me in there?"

I took a sharp breath "I'll be okay. Just stay with David, okay?"

I was nervous would be a gross understatement. I haven't seen that man in over five years. I don't even know what is the point of all of this and my boyfriend is probably freaking out right about now.

I saw Aaron's lawyer standing by the room. I don't even remember his name.

"Mrs. Morris" he addressed me. I wasn't sure if he did it on purpose or was an honest mistake.

"Walker. It's Walker" I corrected him nevertheless.

I entered the room and sat down waiting for them to bring him in.

Door from the other side opened and he walked in with a guard right by his side. His hands were cuffed, he looked alot calm than I remember. He has lot of weight and the pale texture of his skin made it difficult to remember that this was the same man I once married.

The guard sat him down and was cuffing him to the rod on the table.

"You don't have to do that, you know. She's my ex wife. I'm not going to hurt her."

"Yeah, well, I guess that's what you said before hitting her." The guard scoffed. Aaron looked at me for some reaction but I didn't give any.

The guard gave me polite nod before walking out of the room.

"You look nice. You look happy"

"I'm not here to chitchat with you. What is it that you want from me?" I gritted my teeth.


"You heard about my parole?" I nodded "I want to apologise before I get out because as promised I'm not going to bother you."

I narrowed my eyes "you want to apologise?" He smiled. It made so uneasy. Looking at his face and those eyes just reminded me of the life I've been trying to forget so badly. I can't stand the sight of him. He reminds me of my weak pathetic self who fell in love with him and stayed with him for so many years thinking he loved me too.

"I've had a lot of time to think in here. I've found faith in the little things. I truly believe that if you're willing to make amends you can find redemption. I may not be able to take away the bad things that I did but I'm going to spend the rest of my life righting my wrongs. I promise to never bother you but I want you to know I'm a changed man."

I've heard that line before to know it was all an act. He is not changed, he can't change. He's a narcissist who thinks he's superior to everybody. I know he's trying to manipulate me but why? I'm not in his life anymore for it to matter and he already said he doesn't wanna be in mine, then why the charade?

"I can tell you're sceptical. It is understandable. I've not been a kind man towards you but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I've loved you every second we were together. Our marriage-"

"Was a big joke. You don't put someone you love through hell. You don't hurt them in every imaginable way. Your defination of love is way twisted than the reality. You want me to believe you? I've believed you countless times. I've give you so many chances thinking you would change but nothing. All you ever did is find new ways to hurt me. You took away so much from me and now after all this years, you expect to fall for that routine? You may get out of here and you may try to make efforts but there is no amount of good deed in this world that would compensate for all the things you took from me. I don't believe you because I'm not that stupid weak girl who fell for you. I know better. I know you. I know all of this some game, some angle you're playing. You can't believe in redemption because you always believed what you did was not wrong."

He shook his head in disbelief "I can understand why you feel that way but you're wrong. I might not be able to take it all back and I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life but I'm a changed man. I have you your freedom back, didn't I? I myself drew the papers that prevent me from destroying your life. I want you to have a happy life like you dream of." He leaned back and gave me a smile. That is it. That is all this is about. The control.

"I understand now" I laughed bitterly "this is all about you. This has nothing to do with me or my life or my happiness. This whole charade is for your own satisfaction. Your ego boast. What, now you want me to be grateful?"

"I would never-"

I slammed my hands on the table and he flinched. It was half a second but he flinched. I've never seen him flinch at anything. The prison must've taught him to be afraid of something.

"You want control. That's all there is about you. Your whole personality depends on your incessant need for control. This is why you gave me the retraining order against you. This why you signed the divorce papers before me. This is why you never agreed to meet me until you knew you had something that will make me upset. You made me come here so you can smugly say you win. Everything is a power grab with you. You had five years, you had your chance to clean up your act and get out of here, start a new life but you inserted yourself in my life and then waited for the very moment to see how I'll react to you, you wanted to know that you can somehow still control my life. Well, guess what? I don't care. I don't care if you get out and come after me or don't come after me. I don't care if you live or die and I certainly don't care for your stupid little game of redemption. You wanna say you win, say it, none of that matters to me."

He broke character and smiled at me. To an innocent bystander, it'll be a normal smile but I know that smug sociopathic smile. I've seen it too many times to miss it.

He leaned towards and motioned me to do the same. I hesitated but did it anyway.

"Do you really believe you're going to live happily ever after? Does happy ever after even apply to you? I don't like to take credit, but my love was too strong for you to forget. I'm imprinted in your mind forever." He whispered.

"Maybe. I may never forget about you but I do believe that I'll be happy. You see, I finally met someone who doesn't need to raise his hand to show me he's a man. And thanks to you, I get to have a happy life with him without you interfering and ruining things. So, in summation, I can say I found someone so much better than you. It'll be easy to forget you." I smiled this time.

His eyes turned dark and stood up slamming the table. The chair flew back hitting the door. I stood up and knocked the other door to get out. He was furious. If he wasn't handcuffed, he would've hurt me.

I came out and stood there, counting my breathing. I was so terrified and nervous. I can't believe that all of that happened. It all felt like bad never ending nightmare.

His lawyer walked upto me.

"I saw what happened. I don't know what you said to him but you insinuated it. My client has paid for his actions. He deserves a normal life."

I frowned. I fist and showed him my dislocated nuckle "there's a dent in between there" I showed him "it happened because I was defending myself from client's actions."

"I und-"

"No you don't. Have you ever been afraid of sleeping because it terrifies you what tomorrow might bring?" He didn't say anything. "Exactly. There is no amount of time he could do that will somehow pay for the hell he put me through physically and emotionally. You want to get him out? Be my guest but I'll make sure this tape goes to the parole board."

I closed my eyes and started walking.

I started taking baby steps towards the room. I was

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