《Stay With Me Always》Forty Seven


"You're telling me you can't do anything about his request?" I asked Mr. Shah, my lawyer.

"I tried but there's nothing we can do."

"He already cut a deal, why the hell are they even considering parole?" I was agitated by the sheer impossibility of the situation.

"Would you please just sit and breathe. We're looking into it."

I sat down and Mr. Shah hand me some legal documents. It had my name and Aaron's name.

"What is it? Tell me" I asked Mr. Shah.

"Mr Morris's lawyer drew this. It states that if he's grant parole, he'll not bother you in any way. He won't come near you or anybody you know. He'll vanish from your life and not cause you any kind of inconvenience."

"You know this is crap, right? Tell me you know that" I snapped at my lawyer.

"Ms. Walker-"

"If this is the case, if he really wants to leave me alone then why the hell does he wanna see me?" I was yelling at the one person who can help me in this situation.

Liam grabbed me and held my shoulders "you need to calm down. We're here to help, you know that. If you don't want to see him, don't. If you don't want to sign the papers, don't. We'll think of something else."

I sighed and picked up the papers "So basically this is the only security I've from him?"

"Ms. Walker, there is chance he won't be given parole. If he does, yes, this is ironclad. It'll certainly protect you from him."

"So, these paper decide my fate."

"Oh. Sorry." I immediately identified the voice. "I didn't know you had company. I'm so sorry."

"Uh. David" Liam hesitated.

I didn't know if he heard anything or knew what was happening but it was enough for my brain to imagine the worst possible situation.

I kept starring at him but couldn't speak up. His eyes were searching for something but I was stuck.

All of a sudden I couldn't breathe in my very spacious office. I felt suffocated. It was as if every body in that office took up my oxygen. My brain kept imagining every worst possible scenario of how David would react when he would find out that my lying filthy ex husband is in jail and I'm the one who put him in there.

I rushed out of that room and went straight to the washroom. I checked if someone in there. It was empty, I locked the door and fell on the ground. I removed my heals and pulled my knees together. I started counting backwards from hundred. My therapist once told me that if I can't think of any way to calm myself I should start counting backwards, it'll distract me from the current situation and help me think about something else.


I entered the house and saw Aaron sitting on the couch and drinking his Scotch. I didn't know he would be home early. I was hoping to come home before he does so I don't have to answer his questions.

I put my keys in the bowl and tried to make my way to the room without getting noticed but it was failed attempt.

"Where were you?" Aaron asked putting his glass down and getting up to face me.

"Uh. I went meet Jenny. She wanted to talk."

"Right. Jenny."

I nodded and start to leave when he interrupted again. "You know what I hate most in this world, when my lovely wife lies to me. It is unacceptable, honestly."

"I'm not lying."

"There you go again with the lies. You see, Liam called earlier asking if he could talk to you since he couldn't reach your cell and I clearly heard Jenny in the background. So, where were you?"

I sighed. It wasn't gonna end pretty. I knew it "does it matter? Whatever I say is just gonna make you mad. You don't care about the truth. All you care about is controlling me."

He just glared at me. I've seen that look way to many times. I didn't say anything and started to leave when he held my arm and squeezed it tightly. I was in pain but I refuse to give him any more satisfaction.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me. That would show what a man you are." I scoffed and the next thing I know, he slapped me right across the face.

I could taste the blood in my mouth. His expression changed drastically. He regretted it. He always does but it means nothing if you don't correct yourself.

He would always apologize and try and make up to me. I always fell for it. That is what our marriage has become. A string of false hope and manipulation.

Before he could say anything I rushed to the bedroom and shut the door close. I couldn't look at him and feel disgusted of myself.

I pulled out the file that I've been working on for couple of months. It was the key to my safe and secure freedom without the shadow of Aaron.

I picked up the phone and called Liam. If I do this, I'm free from this hell. It is my only chance.

I was startled by the knock on the washroom door.

"Hey, it's me" I heard David whisper through the door. Concern evident in his voice.

I slashed some water quickly, wiped my face and opened the door immediately.

I looked at David and froze on the spot. I had no idea how to explain my actions.

He stepped up, held my face tenderly and kissed me. He didn't say anything neither did he wanted me to say anything.


The kiss was not just a normal kiss, it was something we both needed. I needed it like it was my oxygen. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. It was passionate yet soothing. Every fiber in my body wanted to hold on to this intoxicating feeling forever.

We pulled apart after we both ran out of air. He stroked my cheek and gave me one of his grin. He trusted me. I'm sure I didn't do anything to deserve that kind of faith.

"Aaron Morris" I whispered


"My ex husband's name. It is Aaron Morris. I know my past is a big mystery and I'm pretty sure you've plenty questions but you've been really patient and you've respected my space. I may not be able answer everything right away but you do deserve to atleast know a name."

He smiled at me. A genuine meaningful smile. He was delighted.

"Thanks for telling me that. I know it wasn't easy."

He must've follow up questions but he stopped himself. If I were him, I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that there's a whole life of my partner that I'm unaware of.

His trust and faith in me is astounding. He believes in me and that is all I can ask for. I'm pretty sure I don't deserve any of it but I'm immensely grateful. Even on the days he annoys me to no limit, I feel safe with me. He pushes me, encourages me, he's always right by my side wanting me to free myself. His efforts and dedication towards is one of the reason I fell in love with him.

"Hey, stop looking. You're making me blush"

I sit his arm lightly and he laughed.

"So, your about that dinner at your parent's place. I can't make it tonight."

"What? Why?"

"Well, a contractor screwed up while I was away and I gotta fix that. I'm sorry. Please tell Ava I'm sorry, okay?" I nodded. He gave me a kiss and then another and then another until I smile. "I gotta go. You give your parents my love." And he rushed out.

The entire way back home I kept thinking about why after years Aaron wants to see me? He has never wanted to see me or talk to me. We signed the divorce papers through lawyer.

My thoughts were all over the place. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do and then was the nagging question, should I tell David about all of this? I want to, it is only fair he knows about something so important but the coward in me was scared that this might be where he realises what a complicated person I'm and leave me.

I love him and I want him in my life, so badly but each day that passes by without him knowing about my past, the more guiltier I feel. He had share upsetting things from his past with me, I should be able to do the same. I can't have a relationship and not have the strength to tell the truth.

I entered my parent's house and it was too quiet. I found my mother reading by the fireplace. I put my bag down and went upto her.

She saw me and immediately pulled me into a hug. I didn't had the chance to come by my parent's house after coming back from Serena's.

"Oh, I missed you. When Liam told me you came back early, I thought he was playing with me."

"I had to. Something came up"

"So, how is your future mother in law?" My mom teased me.

"Mom!" I warned her and she raised her hands in defense "she's great. Their whole family is great."

"It's good to know that. Speaking of that, where is David?"

"Right. Uh.. something came up with his work. He won't be able to join us tonight."

"Him too? Liam just called me and told me he has an emergency at the hospital. Jenny siad the kids have some project they've to finish by tomorrow, she can't make it too. Looks like it's just mother and daughter tonight."

"Where's dad?"

"Your aunt Max had a scare last night. She was admitted to the hospital. It is nothing, the doctors say she's going to be fine but your dad went to visit her to be safe. Make sure she gets home from the hospital safe."

I nodded. Even though I was listening my mind couldn't pay attention. I heard what she said but I was too preoccupied to care enough about that.

"You should call her" my mom said

"Yeah, I'll. Tomorrow." I don't think with everything going on I'll remember to call but I knew my mom wanted to hear me say that so I did.

"You think we can order a pizza? I really don't feel like cooking."

I shrugged.

I was eating and trying to listen to my mom but the thoughts in my brain were moving at thousand miles per second. Nothing she was saying was as important as the situation I was in. I tried as hard as I could to be in the conversation but I couldn't focus.

"Tell me already"

"Huh? What?"

"You can't even look at something without blinking like a maniac. You're clearly distracted."

"Mom, it's work. You-"

"I know work. This is not work. This is something more than work. I'm your mother. Sweetie, just tell me."

I sighed and put my piece down. I can't escape my mother.

"Aaron is up for parole and he wants to see me before his parole hearing."


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