《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》nightmare


╔═━────━*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*━────━═╗

It's late at night right now and I really just need to go to the bathroom. I've been waiting outside of Nat and I's shared bathroom for about 5 minutes now. I'm beginning to think she got lost in there or something.

I decided to just walk to another level to use someone else's, because I honestly don't know what she's doing in there at 2am.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*

As I was making my way back to my room, I passed the bathroom, only to see that it was still being used. Weird.

I lightly knock on the door, but get no answer. "Nat?" I ask, waiting for a reply.

I quickly check her room, but she wasn't in there so she's definitely in the bathroom.

I knock on the door again. "Who is it?" I hear her voice, barely a whisper. "The police-" I joke.

"It's y/n-" I added, with all seriousness. "What do you want?" She asks blankly. Ok well it's 2am and you've been in here for god knows how long so Hmm I don't know.

"You've just been in here for a while- you ok?" I hear shuffling on the other side, before a click of a lock, and then the door swings open.

"Yeah-" she replies blankly, walking straight passed me and into her room. I just stood there for a couple of seconds, before finally going to bed.

She's probably fine.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*

I was awoken by some strange noise. I quickly check my clock. 3am.

I lie back down in bed and conclude that I'm probably just hearing things. As I was about to drift back off to sleep, I heard a noise again.


It sounded like...crying? I get out of bed and make my way to where the noise was coming from. I quietly listen outside of Nats room. She's crying?

It broke me listening to her. It sounded like she was in real distress. I contemplated whether or not I should just go to bed and forget about it, but she really sounded devastated.

I lightly knock on her door, but I feel like I just made things worse. I slowly open the door, and make my way over to her bed.

It looked as if like she was having a really bad dream. "Natasha-" I whisper, lightly tapping her.

She was panting and sweating like crazy.

"N-no- please- I don't- don't want to-" she cried out, grabbing onto my shirt tightly. I shake her a little harder this time.

"Nat it's just a dream, wake up-" I whisper. Suddenly I'm being pinned down and there's a harsh slap greeting my face. Well hello sunshine.

Her face softens up when she wakes to reality. "Y/n?" She quickly got off of my lap and just stared at me with confusion and sadness.

"Sorry- i- thought you were someone else." She mumbled, running her fingers through her hair.

"No it's fine- are you ok?" I asked, lightly rubbing my cheek. She just nods at me.

"I think you were having a bad dream. I'm sorry- it's just that you were crying a lot and I could hear you. Just wanted to make sure you were ok-".

"Did I wake you?" She looked so distressed. Her eyes were red and she genuinely looks like she hasn't slept in days.

"No, don't worry about it." I say, giving her a reassuring smile. "Shit, I'm sorry, your face is really red now-" She says, looking down at her hands with guilt.


"Nat, when was the last time you slept?" I question, changing the subject. She continued to keep her gaze lowered, and just rolled her shoulders.

"You look exhausted. You need to sleep." I say.

"I don't want to." She mumbled quietly. I furrow my brows at her a little. "Why not?"

She shook her head and rubbed her eyes again. "No reason, doesn't matter." She mutters. "You know, I always get nightmares that I'm trapped in a room with Tony." I admit.

She looks up at me and tilts her head a little. "They're bad, but not as bad as the ones where he's a shark and he's chasing me around. God I hate those-"

She lightly smiles at me. "Nat, nightmares are normal. As real as they might feel, they aren't real. You're safe." I remind, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She nervously plays with her rings before answering. "Can you stay with me?" She asks quietly. I could honestly barely hear her.

"Sure." I reply, giving her a smile. I get into bed next to her, and watch as she nervously glances up at her ceiling.

I feel a literal gun under my pillow, and feel extremely fucking scared. "Sorry- it just helps me sleep at night, I can move it somewhere else if it bothers you.."

"Yeah- I mean- you're safe here Nat, I promise you. You really don't need to keep this in your bed at night, ok?" I say calmly.

She just nods at me and places it in the drawer of her nightstand. "Y/n?" She whispers quietly after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Yeah?" She sighed and didn't reply for a a good minute. She turns around so that she's now facing me.

I tuck some of her hair behind her ear. "Are you cold?" I question, noticing how cold her skin felt. "A little.."

I felt her hands, but they were freezing. "Natasha you're freezing-" I inform, squeezing them a little. "I'm sorry-" she mumbled quietly.

"Why are you sorry?" I questioned with confusion. She rolled her shoulders as a single tear ran down her cheek. "I don't know-" she whispered quietly.

I pulled her in for a hug and held her tightly. It just broke me seeing her like this. "You shouldn't see me like this, I'm sorry-" she added sadly.

"Don't be sorry love. It's normal to feel this way-" I rubbed her back gently to try and get her to calm down a little. It seemed to work though, since she fell asleep in my arms shortly after, and didn't wake up at all for the rest of the night.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*


Idk what this is but I haven't proofread it so yeah. Ik I haven't posted in a while oopsies. honestly my life has been pretty uneventful for once, except for the fact that my straight friend tried having sex with me when we were drunk. lmao she came out to me the next morning and I was like ok girly. anyways stay safe make good choices bye bye x


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