《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》dorito


"OUCH NAT STOP KICKING MY FEET!" "STOP STEALING MY FOOD THEN!" I pout at her and steal one of her Doritos.

She let out a dramatic gasp and kicked my foot again. "STOP KICKING ME ITS JUST A DORITO!" "MY. DORITO." She said sternly.

"Please Natasha can I have another doritooo?" I ask her innocently. "No." She said eating another Dorito. "PLEASE JUST ONE!" "No. Mine." I pout at her sadly. She eats another Dorito and smirks at me.

I furrow my brows at her and steal the whole bag of Doritos from her hand. "Y/N!" She shouts. I kicked her foot and ran away.

I quickly ran with the Doritos to hide somewhere. I could hear her shouting my name so I had to think fast. I knocked on Wandas door and walked in before she could even answer.

"Y/n?" She asked. I shut the door behind me as I pant heavily. "Nat. Dorito. Being. Chased." I said in between breaths.

"Got it." She answered, as if this was something that happened often. I sit next to her and vision and look up at the tv. "Dorito?" I asked holding the bag up to them. She took a Dorito and and smiled at me.

They both laughed at something funny on the tv. Those damn sitcoms. I heard a large thud coming from the outside of her room. "CRAP-" I whisper shout.

I quickly shot up from the bed and hid under their bed. I heard the door open. "Y/n in here?" I head Nat's voice. "Nope." They both lied.

I could feel that she was still there. "I can smell my Doritos." She said suspiciously. Wanda and Vision looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Y/N I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE!" I could feel her voice getting closer to me which gave me the chills. I could hear her walking around the room which caused me to hold my breath.

"YOU BETTER COME OUT OF THERE BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF." Great. Stupid fucking spy. I sighed and shuffled out form under the bed.

I got up and saw that she was staring me down with this evil glare. I shoved the Doritos up my shirt and decided to make a run for it. Before she could say anything I ran past her, sprinting towards the door. I didn't get that far before she grabbed onto me tightly.


I groaned as she held onto me tightly. "Get off me-" I whined, squirming in her arms. She suddenly tackled me and I hit the floor with so much fucking force.

She reached for my shirt where the Doritos were, but before she could get them I kicked her in the face and rolled her over with my legs so she was on the floor.

I got up and ran for my life. I could hear that she was already up and wasn't far behind me. I got to the kitchen but after a few second I felt her hand on the back of my neck.

She picked me up by my neck and slammed me against the cabinet which hurt like a bitch. I groaned as I fell to the ground. I quickly got up and slapped a plate across her face which she dodged with her arm.

I hugged her neck tightly, making her to dig her nails into my arm. I put all my weight on her neck which eventually caused the both of us to fall to the ground.

I didn't loosen my grip on her neck though. I kept my arms wrapped around her neck as tight as I could. She was grunting and I could feel her nails dig into my skin even more.

She chuckled at me which took me by surprise. "Idiot." She said still panting. Before I could question it she kneed my pussy with so much force which caused me to let go of her neck and scream In pain.

The both of us stopped fighting each other and lied there trying to catch our breaths. She then got on top of me and stole the Doritos that were still under my shirt. Still on top of me, she placed her hand on my face. "Don't. Steal. My. Doritos." She said letting go and standing up.

I heard a crowd of clapping. I sat up and saw everyone cheering at us. I groaned and finally got up from the floor. "Fuck-" I said holding on to the counter. My pussy was in pain.

"I told you Natasha would win-" Tony said to Peter. "No. I really thought they were going to kill each-other this time-" Carol chuckled.

I wasn't done though. I was going to win this Dorito battle, even if it kills me. I suddenly make a run for it and grab her by the back of her neck.


I pushed her against the wall, causing her to grunt in pain. She flipped me over and did the same to me and held onto my neck tightly. I pushed her off of me with all of my force and kicked her stomach.

Apparently that wasn't enough though, she suddenly does this crazy karate kick thing where she wrapped her legs around my neck.

I groan in pain as she tightens her thighs against my neck. I dig my nails into her thighs, but she still wouldn't budge. I leap onto the ground, which made her back hit the ground and let go of my neck.

I snatched the Doritos off of her but before I could run away again she elbowed me in the face which hurts like hell.

I turn around and do the same, only harder. Once I was done she grabbed onto my elbow and threw me onto the ground.

Still holding onto the Doritos tightly, I grab her arm that was closest to me and pulled her down.

We were now wrestling each other, which wasn't going very well. The Doritos had been flung across the room somewhere, so we were clearly concentrated on who was going to win.

"Round two is lasting longer than usual-" Carol chuckled. They were all just watching us, cheering us on as we wrestled for dear life.

She suddenly got me in a move called figure eight, where my legs were twisted uncomfortably. Pinning is the worst kind of wrestling.

You can't move cause you're in so much pain, and because you physically can't. I shouted in pain, trying my hardest to think of a way to get out.

"This could be the one-" Tony annotated. I managed to grab onto her hair, pulling it for dear life. She eventually loosened her grip on my legs.

I got up as she was still lying there and dropped on top of her which made her shout in pain. The both of us stand up, but she suddenly runs at me and winds the dear life out of me by holding onto my neck and practically throwing me onto the ground.

I was in genuine pain at this point. She got down on her knees and started hugging my neck with her thighs again. This time I did the same but with my hands.

We were practically killing each other to be honest, one of us had to let go at some point. I tighten my grip around her neck, but she does the same.

We keep doing this for a couple of minutes before the both of us stop. Clearly none of us wanted to lose, so I guess we're going to call this one a draw.

As we were lying there trying to collect ourselves again, there was a round of applause. "Wow. You know that round really put me on the edge of my seat!" Wanda chuckled.

They were all standing there by now, I hope they enjoyed that show to be honest. I bet it was good. Natasha stood up, still out of breath.

"When's round three?" Tony asked genuinely intrigued. "Not tonight-" Nat answered holding her hand out for me.

I took her hand and stood beside her, my head was still spinning. "Wanna go shower?" She asked. Still holding onto my hand, I simply nodded as we made our way to our room as if that didn't just happen.

"I'm so confused-" Peter said furrowing his brows. "You'll get used to it kid, happens often." Tony informed and sat down at the couch.

"Are they ok? Are you sure they won't kill each other in the shower together?" Peter questioned with concern. "Yeah, probably, but they love each other too much to actually kill each other-"


Idk what this is but I need to post something. Oh boy have I had such a strange week. Im currently sitting outside fucking Tescos because I really hate school. I skipped after my maths exam and my friend went home so I'm alone but it's good. And I have no money to get the bus home so I literally have to walk up this asshole of a hill to get on my school bus but I still have to wait an hours fml. I'm sorry I just rlly don't have the effort to go to class when I'm hungover. Oh and I was at some dudes house last night and i accidentally posted it on my main story and everyone thought I was kidnapped. Ok goodbye.


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