《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》Lego


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"Psst- Sammy-" I whisper. He looks over to me and furrows his brows. "What?" He asks.

"What do you think they would do if I stole one of the Lego's?" I whisper eyeing Natasha and Peter. Natasha was dragged by Peter to do Lego's with him.

"Probably eat you alive." He answered smirking at me. "You should do it though. I'll do it too-" he suddenly let out a sneaky chuckle, causing the both of them and a few others to look at us.

"What are you looking at?" I question standing up and heading up to them. Sam follows me as we stand behind them eyeing all the pieces.

"Watch your tone." Natasha warns sternly. I ignore her and sneakily take a random piece of Lego that looked important. I slip out of the room, and a few seconds later, Sam joins me.

"This is so evil-" he chuckled holding up his piece of Lego. "I know. They're going to have a fit when they notice they're gone." I giggle.

"Where should we hide them?" He asks. "Hide what?" We were suddenly interrupted by Vision, who was looking at us suspiciously.

"None of your damn business you old toaster." I snap. He looks at me angrily, and back at Sam. "You heard her. It was private..." Sam joins in.

"How rude." He struts off, leaving us there at last. "Let's hide them in the microwave-" I suggest. He agrees and we head on over to the kitchen.

Once we had put the Lego's in the microwave, we started laughing at each other again. "WHERE IS IT?" We suddenly hear Peter shouting in the other room.

We look at each other and smirk. We sat in the lounge with the others, pretending like nothing happened.

"NATASHA YOU HAVE IT DONT YOU?" You could still hear him shouting about it. "What? Why would I have it?" She questioned.


"There's two missing." He stated angrily. "Well don't blame me! You know what, I didn't even wanna build this stupid Lego. Leave me out of it." Natasha suddenly came back into the room and plopped down on the couch across from us.

"Anyone seen the missing pieces of Lego?" She questioned. We all disagreed, Sam and I smiling a little. "Peters going to explode-" she stated.

Peter suddenly came waltzing in with his head down. "What's wrong lil p?" Sam asked, knowing damn well what was wrong.

"My Lego is missing." He said sadly. Sam looks at me and starts smiling. "Why are you both smiling like that?" Natasha questioned suspiciously.

"I'm just happy. You have a problem with that?" I snap. She rolled her eyes at me. "I need my Lego. This isn't funny. If someone has it then-"

"What are you going to do? Cry?" I question, interrupting him. Sam chuckled at me and tries to hide the smile on his face.

"Y/n what the fuck is up with you today?" Natasha questioned angrily. "Shut up you're so gay right now."

"Gay?" She questioned furrowing her brows. "You two are acting suspicious." Wanda said changing the subject. "Who is 'you two'?" I asked.

"You and Sam." She replied. Sam and I looked at each other and furrowed our brows. "Who? I don't know who Sam is?" I lie with confusion.

"Y/n." Wanda says sternly. "Who the fuck is y/n?" Sam laughs. "Seriously though, I've never heard of them..." I say looking over at Sam.

"Y/n and Sam have the Lego." Vision interrupted. I hate that robot little bitch. "WHAT?" Peter practically screamed.

"Who's y/n and Sam? Oh boy are they in trouble. Stealing the Lego? That's foul." I laugh, continuing the joke. "So foul." Sam added.


"Can you guys stop?" Natasha questioned with annoyance. "Guys it's true. I heard them speaking about it." Vision stated, standing up.

"SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF METAL." I shout kicking his leg. "WHERES THE LEGO?" Peter asked angrily.

"VISION HAS IT!" Sam said pointing at vision. "NO!" Vision shouts, pointing right back at him. "THEY STOLE THE LEGO!" He repeats.


"GUYS STOP SCREAMING!" Wanda shouts, trying to calm everyone down. "WHERE. IS. THE. LEGO."Peter asks us frantically.

"Microwave." Vision answers. Suddenly peter runs to the microwave and back to his Lego's. "IM GOING TO BITE YOUR HEAD OFF." I shout at him. "ME TOO." Sam says standing up next to me.

"STOP SQUARING UP TO MY BOYFRIEND." Wanda shouts standing in front of him as if he was special.

"I'll square up to whoever I want." I reply standing closer to her. "Vision is a little bitch!" Sam says pointing at him again. "Y/n-" Wanda shouts as I start purposely walking into vision.

"Y/N." She repeats, holding onto my shoulder. "Hey- don't touch her!" Suddenly Natasha had joined in and was standing in front of me and eyeing Wanda.

"I only touched y/n's shoulder- calm down-" Wanda said holding her hands up in defence. "I don't care what you did. I said don't touch." She replied.

"That's right. Hands off. Just because your boyfriend is a snitch doesn't mean you get to touch people Wanda!" Sam said dramatically.

"WHAT?" Wanda shot out with bare confusion. "I literally placed my hand onto y/n's shoulder?!?" She placed her hand on my shoulder to demonstrate again.

Nat was quick to drag her hand off of my shoulder and stare at her angrily. "Did you not hear me or something wanda?" Natasha questioned rhetorically.

This just caused all five of us to shout at each other for no reason. "WHAT- WHY ARE YOU ALL SHOUTING AT EACH-OTHER-" Tony walks in the middle of us and furrows his brows.

"The team is going to break apart because you all keep acting like stupid tits." He states. "You're a stupid tit." Natasha replies, causing everyone to agree with her, even Vision agreed.

"WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME A TIT? Why are you all even arguing again?" He asked trying to get everyone to calm down.

"Y/n and Sam stole peters Lego and put it in the microwave and then I don't know what Natasha's problem is, but she's angry at me for NO REASON-" Wanda blurted out.

"Snitch." Natasha spat out. "Like husband like wife." I added, with Sam agreeing. "You forgot to mention the part where red alien metal man ruined the joke, and SNITCHED!" Sam said with annoyance.

"I am VISION. VI-SION. NOT AN ALIEN." He said pointing his finger out. "You snitched? Not cool vis." Tony said shaking his head and leaving.


Bro idk wtf this is and I don't remember writing it 💀 anywayssss one of my friends told me I gave Maria and Nat vibes. I was wow ok but like how? And he was like " idk you're just kinda a moody shit. Idk if it's cus u love them so much ur staring to pick up their traits or smthn but u do. Plus u have big tits."

Like bro what? He's gay lmao dw but I'm taking it as a compliment 💀💀

Ok bye x


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