《The Only Blood》Chapter 27 - Brawls
At the end of the chapter, do tell me if you want another breather/filler chapter or if you want the eventful chapter next!
I am bored.
We ended up staying at my house for two more days. Those days I felt like I was in heaven and nothing could hurt me. I was so happy being Aiden's centre of attention that I actually never wanted to leave. It was some kind of a honeymoon - where we didn't have sex - and we were in this bubble of love.
I sighed dreamily, looking at Aiden who was shirtless, setting up the barbecue in my backyard. I wasn't just in love heaven, I was in food heaven, too. This time around, I didn't distract him while he was cooking for me, and he actually managed to make some good stuff that had me licking the plated clean. Today was BBQ day and for no absolute reason, he was shirtless.
I was enjoying the view, anyway. The sunlight made his features and his muscles gleam and I was almost drooling. He didn't touch me much and insisted that this time was only for us to bond.
I was able to enjoy things better because I wasn't getting those nightmares, or dreams, or calls, whatever at night. Which only meant one thing that our house had a ghost in it.
I didn't care, I just kept thinking about all the good things that were happening with me in the past few days.
The only things that dampened my mood a little were the brawls Aiden got in whenever we went out. Apparently, like Edward Cullen, all the vampires had a vague idea about humans and what was going on in their mind - it was more like reading the minds of their preys.
I couldn't understand the logic - why couldn't he read me so well, then. If he did, he would've had already known about the things I was hiding from him.
So yeah, the day after the day we came here; two days ago, the day started out so well. I had a satisfying sleep, with a nice dream, enjoying the scent of Aiden and my home. And when I woke up to familiar surroundings, it brought a smile on my face.
What widened my smile was Aiden bringing me breakfast in bed. I was living the life that the dream of probably every girl out there - a handsome Prince Charming who doted on me, having superpowers, having a story worth being a novel written on. Add in a couple of songs and we could make a movie too.
I was so used to being quick on my feet that having to walk all the way now felt really made me want to just sit and not do anything.
Aiden made everything fun for me, and I couldn't love him more for that. We took a lot a of selfies, some of them funny, some of them Instagram worthy; I never knew Aiden could be such a goofball.
So coming back to the brawls, we were taking a stroll outside, and I was showing him the marketplace. I was not really paying attention, but there was a group of men who were ogling me unashamedly. I was used to them, especially after how my body had developed after I had met Adrian. I had been all the time, without anyone to defend me if I ever picked a fight with someone.
Also, I used to be a nobody.
I used to hold my head high and ignore those catcalls and disgusting eyes as if they didn't bother me at all. There were men at my workplace too, who sometimes did get a kick where the sun didn't shine and were fired later. All in all, I had managed to not bring much attention to the disgust they made me feel, until it has become to much for me.
After some time, such things had stopped affecting me at all.
While we were walking, I had noticed that Aiden was slowly tensing up besides me. At first, it was barely noticeable, but then his replies started getting curt and his voice was hardening.
"Is something wrong?" I had asked him then and he had smiled at me and shook his head.
I shrugged internally and went along chattering about the things I used to do here. Aiden had made me realise that I had perhaps lived there almost my entire life yet I had never visited the tourist places that attracted the people here. I also remembered that my life had been a monotonous routine fo quite long. I had literally only been to my house, school, college, workplace, marketplace, some shopping malls and a movie theatre. I even remembered that I didn't step outside my house until I was ten years old - I was home-schooled by my grandma until then.
Wow, now everything fell into place. Most of the things she used to do - things I was mad about - she did it so that I was safe and hidden from those who wanted to ruin me.
Oh, how I missed her.
As we wandered around, watching people buying things from the stalls, I remembered the times I used to come here with Grandma and how I used to love everything that we used to do together.
Just as I had been thinking, Aiden stopped next to me. "Just wait here a moment, I'll be back."
I frowned, "What happened? Is something wrong? Where are you going?" He looked upset and now it made me worried, if not slightly guilty about not paying attention to him.
"Everything's fine, I'll be back though, soon."
And he marched away as if his ass was on fire, leaving me to stand alone on the street.
What the fuck?
Maybe he was having loose motions and was finding the nearest washroom?
I shrugged and went on ahead, knowing he would find me even if I wandered off a bit. Just then, a hand rested on my shoulder and it made me turn around.
A grin covered my face at the woman who was in front of me. She was one of my workmates - well the receptionist.
"Oh God, Moon!" She almost squealed and I wondered if were ever that close to get such a reaction from her. "It's been sooooooo long since I last saw you. Where are you these days?"
"I'm all over the place," I told her honestly, "I'm actually visiting a lot of the states around and getting around the world. My mind's really not clear."
"Why did you resign, though?" She frowned, "I kind of missed you." She admitted, "You were one of the few ones, and probably the only woman who treated me so kindly and never judged me."
Well, that was right. She really was a beautiful, timid, innocent kind of woman, but she never let anyone walk over her. I had fierce respect for her; she had always been helpful and kind to everyone and I returned the same to her.
She was having an affair with our boss - Logan, or so everyone thought, back when I was still working with the company before I met Adrian. The rumour mill was sure that she was seen bent over Logan's desk while he was taking her from behind. I never did believed that - she had never been that kind of a person.
I now realize that if I had tried a little, she could have been my best friend when I needed one the most. I had half a mind to pour everything out to her, but I wanted her to stay away from my world at all costs.
"I was in a situation back then. Bad situation." I shrugged, "I had to leave the city for a while so it was better I resign because I didn't know when I would return."
She nodded and then grinned, "What in the ever loving hell were you doing with Adrian Wolfe? Never mind that, who was that guy on your arm just a few moments ago? What's with you and all the hot guys in the world? It must be that rack and that smart mind." She wiggled her brows at me.
I laughed at her, "Trust me, you really don't want to know this."
"The bad situation still bad, huh?" her smile turned slightly sympathetic.
I didn't have to think much, "It's finally getting better."
She smiled again, "I'm glad; you do look happy. Anyways," she looked at her watch, "I got to go now. Hope to see you around and catch up some day."
I grinned back at her and nodded.
She went away and the smile was still on my face. Meeting her really did feel nice.
"Hey," It was a guy this time, someone I had never seen in my entire life.
He looked quiet confident for someone I've never seen, and he was totally one of those arrogant, good-for-nothing asses who objectified women for fun.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I narrowed my eyes, wondering.
"Not yet, darling, but you soon will." He smirked at me, taking a step forwards.
I crossed my arms and stayed firm in my place. He was so going to have it from me if he misbehaved even a little bit. My fists and knees hadn't kissed anyone in a while and maybe he was going to break their dry spell.
I was about to give him a quirky reply when he was suddenly pulled away from me and my eyes widened when I found Aiden standing there, looking absolutely livid. I had never seen him look like that and a tinge of fear crept up in me.
"You, stay the fuck away from my girl!" He all but snarled into the guy's face. "I've been observing you for a while and rats like you are never upto any good."
While Aiden was nothing short of furious, the other guy didn't look like he was scared in the least by Aiden - even with Aiden's towering, hulking figure over him.
He just smirked in his face, got himself free, "It ain't my fault that yo girl is smokin' hot!"
Aiden looked borderline crazy with how his face had turned completely red. I didn't know vampires were capable of that, but that was the last of my worries now.
It also seemed like that guy wasn't alone; he had a gang full of dipshits at his beck and call and that's why he was afraid of Aiden in the least.
If only he knew.
The brawl that followed was nothing short of a stupid movie scene that I did not want to describe. I didn't like it one bit, having to watch Aiden beat up those guys like that. They were a bunch of nineteen to twenty year old kids and he was some two hundred years old man.
It was nice having someone defend you so fiercely, but he really didn't have to do that. It was something I wanted to handle on my own and even though it was nice of him to step in - he was reacting out of bounds.
I wanted him to be at least level-headed in such situations. It made me think that I might never want to bring him back to the human side of our world ever again.
The police would be stepping in soon of the ruckus kept going on, and to be honest, the guys hadn't done anything yet - so we basically had almost no grounds to get them caught.
"Aiden," I yelled, wanting him to stop.
"Aiden!" I screamed this time, "Please stop!"
He stopped, dumping the guy in his hold, his breathing heavy and his eyes murderous. His stance was enough to make me want to be careful and I wanted to go back home.
"Let's go back home. I'm hoping you haven't killed them."
I glanced down at the boys and winced as I saw their beaten up faces.
No, handling so much violence was not really my cup of tea. It was one thing in do or die situations, but this time, I felt like I was going to be sick.
Aiden walked over to me slowly. The moment I realised he was complying, I started walking ahead of him, not really wanting to touch him at all.
He had gone berserk and it had made me wonder if he always went this crazy when he was made. It made me wonder if there were more aspects to him that I hadn't seen yet and if I'd like all of them.
But then, I loved him, I knew I would love him no matter what he threw at me.
I tried to be understanding when I reached home and instantly snuggled under the covers. He took it as a sign that I didn't want to talk to him and I was glad he understood me so well.
Well, it was kind of natural for him to react that way - the creatures that lived beyond the MoonLine were fiercely possessive and protective of their mates so it was obvious he'd feel the same towards me.
He was overcome by the need of protecting me and was reacting accordingly, and logically, I could see there was nothing wrong with that.
And of course, there must have been sanity left in him because if he had reacted purely based on anger, he could have killed them all in ana instant.
I sighed. I needed some time to digest, or maybe sleep it off.
And I was right - the moment I woke up, everything was past me and I only wanted to back in Aiden' arms. He looked surprised when I jumped into his lap and cuddled close to him.
With the way I reacted to him earlier, I guess he was kind of expecting a screaming contest.
He was quick in bringing his arms around me and holding me tight.
"Hey," I murmured.
"Hi," He said, breathing out a sigh of relief.
"So...what's next?" I asked him, still snuggled, "We haven't done much and I have lots of energy after the nap I just took."
I looked up at him and saw him smile - the smile that I loved and made his face look more handsome than I could handle.
"Well I know where we can go, now!" He grinned wide, and somehow, we ended up making out.
Coming back to the BBQ Aiden was preparing for me, I kept eyeing my man as if he was the most handsome man in the world, and for me he really was. In that moment, I had started picturing my forever with him and honestly, it was scaring.
For me, nothing was permanent, and now, I had to digest the fact that I was an immortal. Which meant that things were really going to be permanent for a long time. I still couldn't believe that I was going to live forever...well, for a long time. And this was really not something that I had ever thought about. I had always wanted to live a simple life and die peacefully.
Now, everything was different, I had to accept the fact that a simple life was far from what I could get. And then came the question of spending this long period of time with someone.
Oh My Goddess...
No one, and I mean it, no fucking one had ever been a part of my plans of future. I had never met anybody yet who had made me think of spending my entire life with them, not even Adrian. Hell, that guy made me wonder about my present love life situation - I had believed I was ruined for other men by him. I didn't think I someone else.
But now Aiden had proved me wrong.
He loved me so deeply, so vastly, that I was now at the point of imagining my future with him.
I could imagine doing everything with him - the blood rituals, a child, raising the baby up, having to see him or her go, my children finding a mate.
A lot of images flurried in my thoughts, and each one them made me smile. I think I even cried a little then.
"Are you okay?" I heard Aiden's voice coming from the yard.
I smiled at him, "Just thinking of things; don't worry. Hurry up though, I'm extremely hungry."
He flashed me a wink again resume his work.
I sighed and leant back in the couch - I was going to go crazy if I let my mind run haywire.
We had to go back to the Kingdom the same day, after all, Aiden was second in-command and someone had to do all the work right? We both were reluctant to go back but we had to, and yet this one huge date and changed my entire outlook on life.
I was not going to miss the human world much anymore. I would visit the place frequently, after all, my Grandma's grave was there and I was going to visit it whenever I felt like. Then there was my house; I wasn't planning on selling it at all. It was my baby and my Grandma had bought it with all that she had. She had planned each and every room of the house and every wall and room held her memories.
I might rent the house to someone who needed it, though.
There were these times when I thought how different things would have been if I my parents had still been alive. I might have grown up in the Werewolf Kingdom or the PureBlood Kingdom, and would have been reared up to face such situations.
I might have been more prepared for the shit that came my way and would have handled everything in a much better manner.
My Grandma always told me one thing: Everything happens for a reason. In my entire life, these words held true many a times and I hoped that this time, too, I'll be able to find a lead my life happily.
With Aiden, I felt it becoming true. The way Adrian had treated me made me value Aiden so much more and how it was so rare to find men like him who loved so devotedly.
Well, then my life took an unexpected turn.
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