《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch. 28: Chaos and Revelations Pt. 1
"You told her?" Lea asked.
"Of course, I did. Ava deserves to know what your brother did and I gave him a chance to tell her or I will." Beatrice replied while going through the paper she was reading, it was another university activity and she wanted everything to be smooth when the event is going.
"But you could have waited a few days; you know you caused chaos and trouble now that Ava knows and will confront my brother." What if she informs him that you informed her? " Lea said, Beatrice stopped looking through her paper and looked at Lea, who was worried about what would happen.
"I told you to let him find out. You never mess with anything or anyone close to me. "I'd combine hell and heaven just to protect them," Beatrice responded. Beatrice stared at Lea for a few more seconds before taking off her glasses and placing them on top of the paper she was working on.
"If you think, a mad dog like him will scare me. Lea, I've seen death too many times. He is nothing compared to death." Beatrice spoke confidently. She continued reading what she was doing while Lea remained quiet the whole time.
They left the office a few minutes later and went around the university to do their mandatory check. Beatrice and her officers walk around the school as if they were rulers of a small kingdom, but that was just like high school; this was a completely different world, at least for Beatrice. A few greetings from other students in the hallways, as well as teachers passing by.
Beatrice was walking ahead when she noticed JC walking towards them with his friends, they were talking and laughing but JC was not interested, he looked tired and was not interested in even listening to his friends' conversation. Beatrice felt more rage inside her as they got closer; she wanted to swing her fist at this boy for doing bad things to Ava; she would never forget the first mistake JC made. And now that he has cheated on her, Beatrice would like to show this boy how to properly treat a woman.
Beatrice pretended he didn't exist as she walked past him, then went on to check out more classrooms at the university to make sure there were no issues with the lights, armchairs, projector, or anything else that might cause class delays. They had finally arrived at their destination, the cafeteria, when Sam and Dana approached Beatrice.
"Hey, pres!" Sam greeted.
"Sam, Dana. Do you need anything?" Beatrice asked, as usual in her cold tone and authoritarian self.
"Have you seen Ava anywhere? She didn't attend her class today." Dana spoke. Beatrice halted and glanced at Dana and Sam who were curious.
"Um, have you tried going to our dorm room? She might be there." Beatrice replied.
"We did, she wasn't there." Sam said.
"Oh, okay. I'll go find her then. I'm sure she's fine, she wouldn't go out of the school without letting us know where she's going." Beatrice replied.
"Okay, thanks Bea. See you around." Sam said.
"Oh, by the way, did Ava invite you to the family annual event? I asked her to bring you and her sister." Beatrice spoke. She is not used to making conversation with people she is not close with and she rarely utters a word from these two students.
"She did mention it to us. Next week is the flight, am I right? During our school holiday?" Dana asked.
"That's right." Beatrice replied.
"We'll be there." Sam said with an assuring smile and walk away with Dana who smiled at Beatrice.
Beatrice then concentrated her thoughts on one goal: to find Ava and trace her because she didn't seem to want to come today, and knowing Ava, she wouldn't be around the dorm or any of the school grounds because she knew JC would come and find her. Beatrice remembered what happened two nights ago when Ava came home crying in her arms and cuddled with the young girl who couldn't stop crying because of some jerk.
If you must provide an explanation, being drunk is a valid reason for cheating. Beatrice felt her heart breaking more into pieces because of Ava's cries that night, and the young girl lost her appetite as well when Beatrice tried to feed her with food because she was skipping meals.
"Ava? You need to eat." Beatrice spoke softly. Ava was not responding to her, Beatrice set the takeout food down on Ava's study table and climb the step stool near her bed of Ava and slowly placed her hand on Ava's back which flinches. Ava bolted right up and Beatrice was taken aback a bit.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Beatrice asked.
"N-no, you didn't. I-I was having a nightmare." Ava replied.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Beatrice said.
"No, no. It's fine, I'm glad you woke me up from my nightmare." Ava replied softly, almost like a whisper.
"You need to eat, you haven't eaten anything for two days, water is not enough in your stomach, Ava." Beatrice said.
"But I don't feel like eating, I feel like I'm going to throw up." Ava replied.
"I get that you're... Hurting but that is not enough reason for you to stop eating, you'll get sick Ava." Beatrice said. Ava began to complain, but Beatrice simply guided her down from her bed, dragging her to the other side of the room and forcing her to sit on the bed while Beatrice prepared the chicken soup and fried rice she had ordered.
"Here, just eat the soup, and then little by little eat the rice so your stomach won't get upset right away." Beatrice spoke again.
"You like bossing me around, huh? Tsk." Ava commented.
"I'm not bossing around, Ava. I'm taking care of you." Beatrice replied.
"Yes, you are bossing me around and ordering me to eat when I don't feel like it." Ava protested.
"If you ate yesterday or at least last night, I wouldn't be feeding you right now. Now stop being a stubborn child and eat." Beatrice ordered this time. Ava pouted and cross her legs together and started to take a spoonful of soup in her mouth. Beatrice opened her take-out as well and started eating.
"Thank you..." Ava whispered. Beatrice heard it even though it was a soft whisper.
"For?" Beatrice asked.
"For looking after me, I always knew the old you is just around the corner and I'm glad she's back, somehow. Minus your authoritarian personality." Ava replied.
"Do you hate it when I'm like that?" Beatrice asked. Ava didn't reply for a few seconds then afterward, she spoke again.
"I never hated it. Not even a bit, I guess that's how you are now because you will be running your mother's company and the only child filled with expectations." Ava replied, Beatrice remained silent because she knew that Ava was right, the pressure she gets from her mother. Sometimes, she wanted to run away from this kind of life and start somewhere again.
"That's good to know... I'm glad that's how you felt, I thought you would hate me for it because I wasn't as sweet and clingy as how I was." Beatrice spoke.
"Bea, I've always loved you and how I look at you, it will never change... You're my best friend." Ava replied.
Beatrice wanted to tell her how much she loves her, loves her more than just a best friend, that she loves her day by day and will do anything and everything for her, she would choose to run away from her mother and be with her instead.
"I am ready to risk everything for you, Ava. You're... My best friend. Of course, I love you." Beatrice spoke. Ava smiled and suddenly whined again. She started crying right away and Beatrice was worried.
"W-what's wrong?" Beatrice asked, panicking.
"My stomach hurts. More like I get cramps right now." Ava complained. Beatrice glance at her calendar and immediately responded.
"Here." Beatrice said, she was handing Ava a sanitary pad.
"Huh?" Ava was confused as to why Beatrice was handing her a sanitary pad.
"Um, I think it's your time of the month. It's on the calendar." Beatrice replied. Ava blinks several times and looks at Beatrice, who softly caresses her cheek and stares at her. Beatrice prepared the hot compress for Ava and the medicine she will drink. Ava paused for a minute before realizing it and immediately went to the bathroom. Ava emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later and returned to Beatrice's bed.
"Here, a hot compress. Here's the medicine to lessen the pain but in order for you to drink the medicine, you need to eat at least a little. Avoid drinking milk, the medication will not work if you did drink milk." Beatrice spoke.
Ava just nodded her head and began to eat little by little, Beatrice could see her puffy eyes of Ava and she couldn't bear to look at her, it breaks her heart into thousand pieces again. She wanted to beat JC up over and over again until he would lose his memories.
"If you eat properly today, I'll buy your favourites." Beatrice spoke. Ava smiled but it was a sad smile.
"I'm just not in the mood to do anything, can I just stay here at the dorm?" Ava replied.
"Alright, but I'll swing by when I can, bring you food, and check on you." Beatrice said.
"Okay..." Ava replied, they both fell in silence, and Beatrice just sat beside Ava, pulling her closer for a hug. Ava started crying again, her hands gripping tightly on Beatrice's shirt, her cries were unbearable for Beatrice, this is the love of her life crying for some jerk who did nothing but hurt her in many ways.
"Hush now, Ava. I'm here." Beatrice whispered, she comforted the younger girl who clung to her until she finds herself to calm down.
Beatrice dialed Ava's phone but received no answer after five rings; she tried again but received the same result; she texted the younger girl to pick up the phone; Beatrice walked through the hallways until she came face to face with Clara. Beatrice simply nodded to the girl and continued walking.
"Oh wait! Beatrice! Your coach was looking for you earlier at the office. Luna told him you were making rounds." Clara spoke. Beatrice stopped walking.
"Um, thanks." Beatrice replied, she was hesitating to ask a favor to this girl whom she hated for a long time.
"Is there something wrong?" Clara asked, pulling Beatrice out of her own thoughts.
"I... I have a favor to ask of you." Beatrice replied.
"Um, what is it?" She asked.
"Can you find Ava for me?" She missed class for the third time today, and Sam and Dana said they went to her dorm room and she wasn't there. Could you please find Ava for me? " Beatrice responded. She'll find Ava herself, but she missed swimming practice for a few days as well, and she needs to make up for it; it had slipped her mind before, but now she remembers it because of Clara.
"Of course, I'll go find her. I'll text you when I find her." Clara said, Beatrice nodded her head and watched Clara walk away, Beatrice headed right away to the pool area.
Her coach immediately eyed her as she entered the pool area, and all she could do was stand there and say nothing, her usual facial expression when she is around people. Even though many admired her for it, she was a cold, strict, and rude president.
"You're late." The coach said.
"My apologies, I just finished doing my rounds around the campus." Beatrice replied.
"I just hope you won't forget that you are the swimming team's captain, you're supposed to be a great example to your team members. Plus, you need to double time not only because you missed the swimming practice but we will be having a long holiday and I know you won't be around that time." The coach said.
"I understand." Beatrice replied.
"Go change up, make your laps." The coach said, Beatrice just nodded her head and left the pool area and headed straight to the locker room to change into her swimsuit.
Ava wandered around the hallway, looking for a book to read just to pass the time; she has no idea why she was out of the dorm knowing she would have another bad cramp later on. Ava felt like she was suffocating in the dorm because JC could come by at any time and try to talk to her when she wasn't even ready.
Finding out that the guy she thought would love her for the rest of her life is the one who will break her heart, Ava took a bus and then a cab to Cafes and Books, the place where Beatrice had brought her the first time, the place where her best friend felt safe, next to the beach house she has a few miles away from where she was.
"Ava, dear?" Annika spoke, calling Ava's attention.
"Hi, Annika. How are you?" Ava asked the older lady who gave her a sweet smile and placed her order down on her table.
"I feel much better these days, thanks to Beatrice. She always answers all my medications and checkups. That girl never failed to impress me. How about you, dear? How are you?" Annika asked.
"I feel bummed. Getting your heart broken really suck." Ava replied.
"Oh, poor you. Love always hurt, happy, sad, mad. It was never easy but when you are in love with someone who loves you more than you love them, it is the best feeling you will ever have." Annika said.
"Not when the person you love so much did a terrible thing because you can't give it to them." Ava replied. Annika sat down on the chair across her.
"I think we are not talking about my dear Beatrice, aren't we?" Annika asked.
"Oh no, no. I have... Um, a boyfriend. He recently made a mistake and I don't know whether I could forgive him or not." Ava replied.
"I'm guessing he bedded another woman because he couldn't do it with you." Annika said.
"H-how did you know?" Ava asked.
"Well, Beatrice was here the other day helping me clean up, and she mentioned how much she despised the guy who made her best friend cry," Annika explained. Ava found herself smiling after learning that Beatrice was talking about her, and she couldn't help but feel a little lightness deep inside.
"She's so overprotective, that's what I love about her." Ava said.
"Beatrice protects what's really important to her. You are important to her and I can see how much she cares for you." Annika replied.
"And that's what I really love about her, she's selfless and she doesn't even know it." Ava said.
"Someone out there who is willing to give up their world for you. Just wait and see." Annika replied.
"I don't think I could ever find someone similar to the guy I'm in love with." Ava said.
"Why would you find someone who is similar to the guy who broke your heart?" Annika asked. Ava fell silent and thought about what she just said, she also wonder what the older woman meant, someone out there who is willing to give up their world for me.
"I never said it was a guy," Annika said, rising from her seat to excuse herself. Ava was more interested in what Annika had just told her, so she took her phone from her pocket and saw a slew of messages and phone calls from Camila, Dana, Sam, and even JC. She ignored everything until she saw Beatrice's name and noticed the two missed calls her best friend had made.
She needed some alone time, so she decided not to answer Beatrice right away and will do so later; she couldn't believe JC would do such a thing. Ava reflected that she wasn't good enough for a guy like JC. It will never be enough for a man in need. Ava was disgusted and disappointed in JC; she wanted to yell and curse at him, but she decided not to that night. She is now completely lost and unsure of her next step.
She felt her tears run down her cheeks again, Ava couldn't help but feel so broken for loving someone, Ava felt so horrible and overthinking a lot of things like things she could have just given to JC so he wouldn't have to find it to someone else and do it with someone else, all Ava could do was blame herself over and over. Her phone began to ring again, but this time it was Clara, not JC or Beatrice. Before answering the phone, Ava wiped away her tears and cleared her throat.
"Hello? Clara, hey what's up?" Ava answered.
"Where are you? Beatrice kept looking for you." Clara replied.
"Oh, I'm just visiting a store nearby, I just want to be alone for now." Ava said.
"Is there something wrong?" Clara asked.
"Um... I'll be fine, okay? Just tell Beatrice that I'll contact her, I just need three hours that's it." Ava replied.
"Just tell her where you are, please be careful." Clara said. Ava hangs up and let out a heavy sigh.
Ava finally found a book she could read to distract herself from JC's cheating, and she began reading the first chapter while sipping her favorite hot drink and eating some pastries that are homemade, perfectly baked cupcakes with delicious flavors. Ava read from chapter 1 to chapter 9 in under an hour; reading is something she enjoys doing when she has the opportunity, aside from becoming a writer and photographer.
Hours later, Ava drank four cups of her favorite hot drink and ate nearly four to six pastries because she was so engrossed in reading the book, which was about two best friends who fell in love with each other, and the characters portrayed the most difficult part of falling in love: some people fall in love with you because of your looks, your background, or the name you carry, and it was rare to find love that was filled with genuine feelings.
"Ava." A familiar voice called her name.
She was surprised to see someone standing in front of her. Ava looks up to see the older girl looking at her with concern and worry. Beatrice stood there for a moment, staring at Ava, who was perplexed as to why her best friend was staring at her as if she had committed a crime and was upset and disappointed with what she had done.
"I've been calling you and texting you, Ava. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Beatrice asked, Ava could sense an annoyance from Beatrice's tone. Ava lowered her head down and thought of an answer to tell her best friend.
"I'm sorry, I just need some time alone. I didn't realize that I was reading that long. I reached chapter 24." Ava replied with a nervous laugh.
"Ava." Beatrice spoke, Ava felt herself blushing and nervous upon hearing her best friend call her name in a serious tone.
"I'm sorry, I was planning to message you and tell you where I was but I fell deep into the story I was reading and wasted my hours reading this story." Ava replied.
"I'm just... I was worried. You weren't answering my calls and texts, I didn't know what to do when I can't find you..." Beatrice said. Ava close the book and looked at Beatrice who was sad.
"I'm not going to kill myself just for you, Bea. I just needed some breathing room. "I'm sorry for causing you concern," Ava replied, rising from her seat and approaching Beatrice. As Ava approached Beatrice, the older girl immediately hugged her tightly. Ava was taken aback by her best friend's sudden action; the embrace was tight, and Ava couldn't help but let this warm hug get to her.
She felt safe with the hug, she could hear Beatrice's heartbeat and smell Beatrice's signature perfume that she really likes, so Ava just hugged Beatrice back and closed her eyes as she listens to Beatrice's heartbeat, and the warm hug drained all the stressed energy and replaced it with a calm and relaxed feeling for Ava.
"I thought I'd lose you again..." Beatrice whispered.
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