《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch.10: Feelings don't fade
The car ride was pretty silent except between Camila and Luna who were too busy talking while Ava and Beatrice mind their own business, Ava was sitting in the front passenger seat. Beatrice was driving but was relaxed while doing so, Ava couldn't help but throw glances at Beatrice. Ava could not understand why at some point, the atmosphere between her and Beatrice was awkward than before.
Ava pulled her gaze away from Beatrice and focused her eyes somewhere else but will end up glancing back to Beatrice again. The younger girl didn't know that Beatrice was aware of this action but would remain unbothered, Beatrice was having flashbacks from earlier between the conversation of Ava and JC about getting married one day.
It broke Beatrice's heart, Beatrice wanted to let off her steam. She was jealous, envying the young boy because he gets to kiss Ava, he gets to hold her, hug her and make her feel like she's the only girl in the world. She envy JC for him to treat her as the woman he would always love until they grow old, she envies the kisses, the sweet smile Ava would do whenever she would make a mistake or simply just smile and all your problems would just go away.
Beatrice letting out a deep sigh which Ava had caught, the next thing Beatrice knew was she felt a hand on her arm. Beatrice glanced down and then up to Ava who was looking at her with concern.
"Are you okay?" Ava asked, her voice was soft and gentle. She was worried about the older girl. Beatrice felt her nerves calming down after what Ava did.
"I'm good. I'm just… Nervous?" Beatrice replied.
"Bea, mom and dad loves you very much and you know that. Ever since we were kids, breathe slowly in and out." Ava said, she was saying the words softly because she didn't want the older girl to completely lose her composure.
Camila and Luna witnessed this small interaction of them which was sweet and somehow pleasing especially for Camila, the rest of the ride was quiet until they arrived at the restaurant where they would meet up with Ava and her family. Beatrice decided to drop them off in front of the restaurant, Beatrice told Luna to help Camila and Ava to get out of the car to which she did.
Camila and Luna headed in but Ava told them that she will wait for Beatrice outside, Beatrice went to park the car. Ava stood there waiting, she could feel the cold breeze, she somehow regret standing outside knowing it's a bit freezing but she wanted to wait for Beatrice.
While waiting, she suddenly heard someone tripping over to which Ava was startled but as soon as she saw the girl on the ground. She was pretty drunk, Ava went to help the girl to get up.
"Are you okay, miss? Here let me help you." Ava spoke, helping the girl to stand up from tripping over. Ava could smell the alcohol, she was right about this girl being drunk, the stranger girl was in a hot mess.
"I'm… I'm fine. It's okay. I'm sorry if I look like a mess. You didn't have to help me out because I was gathering my stuff." The girl responded. She was tipsy.
"You can barely stand, miss. You have to sober up before you walk around this street. Do you have anyone with you?" Ava asked. The girl shook her head indicating no, Ava was looking after her then suddenly a man came up to Ava trying to steal the purse she was holding which was the belongings of the drunk woman.
"Give me that and nobody needs to get hurt." The man threatened Ava, Ava was hesitant, she was trying the little possibilities but she did not want to harm herself.
"Look I can't give it to you because it's not y-yours." Ava stuttered, the man raised his hand showing that he was armed, he was holding a knife.
"Look lady I just want the purse! Give it to me and you and your messy friend won't get hurt." The man said. The man was in drugs and Ava was sure of it, his eyes were showing the symptom.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Beatrice shouted, startling Ava and the man. He pointed the knife to Beatrice who held both of her hands showing him that she was also not a threat.
"Look I just need the purse, okay? I'm not going to hurt either of you just want the bag." The man said, convincing them to give up the purse.
"Look here, if you need money here. This is all yours, just leave us alone and we get to keep the purse. Just get this 350 bucks and go." Beatrice offered, showing him the money. The man hesitated at first but eventually took the money from Beatrice's hand.
"You can go and work, you know." Beatrice said.
"It's urgent, I-I need to buy her medicine." The man replied and immediately ran away from them. Ava finally took a deep breath and processed what happened, she looked at Beatrice who looked back to her.
"Why were you outside? Where's Luna? She was supposed to watch over you and Camila." Beatrice asked, her tone was telling Ava that she was upset.
"Bea, I-I'm fine. Nothing happened." Ava explained.
"Nothing happened? Ava. If I didn't come right away that man could have hurt you." Beatrice said, her tone this time was getting louder. Ava fell in silence, all she felt was sadness and guilt, her face dropped as soon as she couldn't find herself responding.
Beatrice noticed it right away and realized that she overreacted but she was so concerned about Ava's safety, the man was ready to risk it all just only to snatch the purse from Ava's hand. Beatrice sighed, she approached. Ava and gently grabbed Ava's arm, Beatrice couldn't look at Ava in the eyes but she muttered what she wanted to tell the younger girl.
"I'm sorry. I was just…" Beatrice paused.
"Worried. I know, thank you. I'm sorry too, I just didn't want you to go in alone and I was helping the woman." Ava said. Beatrice nodded her head and pulled her hand away, they called a cab for the woman who was sober a few minutes later. Beatrice guided the woman to the cab, opening the door for the woman, right before she jump in, she halted and turned around to look at Beatrice.
"If I were you, I would tell her. Your eyes says it all." She said, giggling then got inside the cab. Beatrice fixed her coat as she watched the cab moving, the woman whom they never knew the name wave goodbye to the both of them.
Beatrice turned around and saw Ava looking like a lost puppy, pouting. Beatrice couldn't help but feel soft, this is Ava's usual habit and it is adorable. She remembered perfectly, whenever Ava would do that habit she would end up squeezing both of her cheeks. The younger girl would protest how much she didn't like her touching her cheeks but won't do anything to stop Beatrice to do so.
"Are you okay?" Ava asked. Beatrice didn't realize that she was staring too long at the younger girl.
"Yeah." Beatrice replied, the two women went inside the restaurant and from there, they could hear the familiar voices echoing. Laughters and chuckles can be heard, Ava couldn't deny how happy she was. As soon as she saw Lilith, she immediately ran towards her older sister and quickly hug Lilith.
"Ah the little rascal is here! I've missed you shrimp." Lilith spoke as she hugged her sister back.
"I've missed you too, giant. How was London?" Ava asked.
"We can talk about that over dinner but for now we should celebrate this beautiful anniversary, shall we?" Lilith replied, letting go of Ava.
"Hey, Ava. You're all grown up, wow I almost didn't recognize you." Mary spoke.
"I'm still me, Mary. I'm still that ball of sunshine." Ava replied.
"Come on little princess no hugs and kisses to mommy and daddy?" Edmund Silva spoke out of nowhere, their parents just arrived and it was perfect timing for most of them.
"Hey ma, I've missed you. And hey old man!" Ava greeted her parents as she gave them kisses on the cheeks and hugs from behind.
"How's school? Is the university doing you any justice?" Her mother, Elizabeth asked.
"Why don't you ask, the president of the university's council?" Camila asked, teasingly pointing at Beatrice who was watching them.
"Beatrice? Wow dear! You have grown so well, how are you child?" Elizabeth asked, approaching the young woman and giving her a warm, genuine hug. Beatrice awkwardly hugged her back, Edmund did the same and all Beatrice felt was warmth toward them.
"Mr. And Mrs. Silva it's great to see you both looking healthy and still young." Beatrice responded.
"Stop with the compliments, I might start to believe them and please drop the honorifics." Elizabeth said to the girl. Beatrice just smiled at them as they all took their seat.
They ordered their food and started talking, mostly it was Luna or Camila who would start the topic, Ava would tag along and laugh while Beatrice who sat back and observe and would crack a smile every now and then. Mary noticed Beatrice how quiet she was but decided to confront her later on, the rest of the minutes were purely about different topics not until Edmund Silva asked Beatrice some questions.
"What about you Beatrice? Care to tell us what you have been up to all these years?" Edmund Silva asked.
"I'm part of the council officers, I'm an ace member of the swimming team of the university. Pretty much that's it." Beatrice replied.
"I heard you were taking up Business course?" Elizabeth asked.
"Ah yes I am. Dad is stepping down from his position and I will be taking over after a year, apprentice under him." Beatrice responded.
"That's honestly great to hear Beatrice. I hope we get to see you leading your kingdom someday." Edmund complimented her.
"She's part of the swimming team too dad!" Camila exclaimed.
"Really? We should come by and watch your game, Beatrice. Do you have any swimming games this year?" Edmund asked.
"We do have four games, the tournament championship is still five months away from now, in Japan but the remaining three weren't discussed yet." Beatrice replied politely.
"Ava make sure we get the details, we want to attend Beatrice's games, alright?" Edmund said to Ava. Ava just giggled and shake her head, the rest let out giggles as well as they continued eating.
"So Luna, how was our little Camila over here? Is she not giving you headaches? No trouble?" Elizabeth asked.
"No Mrs. Silva, she's a perfect rookie for me. All she does is eat, sleep and do her school work, why don't you try going for sports Camila so you won't get fluffy?" Luna replied. Camila elbowed Luna and glared at her, Ava was smiling while Beatrice would slightly chuckle but just that.
"Mary, I heard you are running your mother's business campaign while your brother Zachary runs the company. How was it?" Edmund asked.
"It is fantastic, Sir Edmund. In fact, the business campaign is growing and getting lots of recognition which is a good sign for me. Zachary is running it high, a lot of people in the company saw him as the next future leader through the enterprise." Mary replied.
"That's more like it. I hope in the future, our ties remain strong." Edmund said to the young girl who did nothing but nod her head and smile politely.
"Do you have a boyfriend? You've grown into a beautiful young woman, Beatrice so I am very sure you have someone." Elizabeth spoke.
"Sadly I do not have one, I have no plans yet. Plus, mom and dad will not be pleased by such a thing." Beatrice politely replied again, giving them a sincere smile.
"I guess your parents are too hard on you. I mean you are a wonderful young lady and grown up to be gorgeous and eye catching, am I right Ava?" Edmund asked his daughter who almost choked on her drink but immediately nodded her head in agreeing.
Ava was smiling at how her parents were interacting with Beatrice whom they haven't seen for the last few years while growing, she noticed Beatrice was a little anxious she found herself grabbing the older girl's hand under the table and giving it a light squeeze.
Beatrice took this as a sign that things are alright, everything is alright. Ava smiled at Beatrice who glanced at her after doing that, Beatrice couldn't help but hold on to Ava's hand and it seemed that she didn't want to let go of the younger girl's hand. Throughout the dinner, Beatrice and Ava hold hands and because Ava didn't seem to be bothered by this action however Beatrice was hesitating to pull her hand.
Mary and Beatrice decided to give the family a few minutes to talk and both decided to step out of the restaurant, Mary and Beatrice stood there with silence but Mary decided to break the ice.
"Still hiding inside your den? You'll rot in there." Mary spoke.
"I'd rather rot than make things between me and Ava awkward and… And worse… I
I might lose her." Beatrice replied.
"We both know Ava doesn't avoid the people who appreciate her." Mary said.
"How can you be so sure, Mary? I don't know whether Ava changed too. All those years that she and I have missed the chance to talk because of what happened to me. I doubt that she would talk to me after she finds out that I am in love with her." Beatrice explained.
"Beatrice, you are right. You two haven't seen each other for years but as far as I can see. She's still that little girl that is obsessed with you." Mary said.
"Hah! Too bold for you to assume such thing, Mary. No she's not obsessed with me and two that used to be the little Ava alright? Besides she has JC, I could never compete with that boy." Beatrice replied.
"Since when did Beatrice Gracie Hansen worry about some boy?" Mary asked. Beatrice glared at Mary who raised both of her hands in surrender.
Beatrice sighed out loud and remained quiet while gathering her thoughts to respond to what Mary had said. Beatrice has been thinking about Ava so much lately, though she was also thinking about the other things that connects to Quinton. She wanted to get away for a little while and have her time to breathe because she is reaching the point where she's drowning and afraid that one day, she won't be able to resurface and completely drown.
"Look, Beatrice. Feelings don't fade that easy, you made it even harder to forget about her because you are her roommate. You two are stuck in one room. I thought after what happened with Quinton you stopped accepting roommates. What happened now?" Mary said.
"I just… I've missed her Mary. I missed her so much that I can't even stop myself in surrendering myself to her." Beatrice replied.
"I know you're scared Beatrice and lost. But I can't watch you lose it again, what if this time when you lose it, what move are you going to make?" Mary said.
"I'm not scared of anything Mary. Maybe I am, maybe I'm scared of Ava, I'm in-love with that damn girl because she can fucking break my walls and I can't do anything about it then I suffer in silence while I watch her smile for another reason that isn't me." Beatrice replied.
"Oh Beatrice. You have so much going on, Ava is still the same girl. You can always open yourself to her, you know that. Don't bottle everything inside your head, it'll be your death one day." Mary said.
"I did face death once, Mary. If that was the easier way then I should have gone with the reaper instead of coming back home." Beatrice replied, chuckling at her own sentence. Mary giggled along with her as they changed the topic of their conversation. The two women didn't realize that Luna was with them all along and Beatrice glared at her vice president officer.
"You better not tell them anything or you'd kiss goodbye to your position." Beatrice threatened Luna with the same old voice that she uses around the university.
"Shame on you I don't get scared with that cold tone of you but yes, your secret is safe with me dude. We've been friends for three years, I got your back." Luna replied. The three
"Beatrice surely had changed a lot, I almost didn't recognize the girl." Edmund Silva spoke.
"She became prettier." Camila proudly replied, giving her father a big smile while she eats her dessert.
"But she's awfully quiet, she barely even made conversations, not even you Ava, did you two get into a fight before you got here?" Elizabeth asked her daughter who quickly shook her head no.
"Mom she's been so quiet ever since we met on the first day. She's been so cold and distant, like she has her own world." Camila answered. Ava couldn't protest because it was true, Camila knew all of it because Ava had told her about those details.
"Beatrice and I are fine, it's just it will only take time for Bea to open herself up to me but she and I are on good terms. We are good, we are actually partners for the project in class." Ava responded.
"That's honestly great, you two have a lot to catch up after all these years. You better invite her at the annual part at the mansion on your Christmas break. I'll make sure that Ryan and Michelle will allow Beatrice to spend Christmas with us. And also JC, I remember JC how is he?" Edmund said.
"He has a game today, it's their first official game before their championship." Ava replied.
"Is he treating you well?" Edmund asked.
"You have no idea dad. They are the biggest topic, a lot of JC's admirers are salty because he is taken by the one and only Ava Silva." Camila responded, Ava threw a playful glare at her sister who giggled at her.
"How are your classes by the way? Are you enjoying it well? What do you think of the university? Do you think you can stay there for three more years?" Elizabeth asked.
"I can say that I'm already loving the school. Made a lot of friends at some point." Camila replied.
"I did meet a lot but only two of them who are really genuine." Ava responded.
"I'm really proud of you girls, so much." Edmund said, smiling proudly to his daughters.
"Especially you Lilith. We are really proud of you, your mother will be so proud of her daughter reaching her goals and in love with the only person who did nothing but bring out the best out of you. We love you Lilith." Elizabeth said to Lilith who couldn't help but smile.
"Thanks ma. Thank you for supporting me all these years." Lilith replied. Knowing that Elizabeth may not be her real mother, she made sure that she would feel like she's not left out.
Ava found herself glancing at the girls outside, her eyes landed to Beatrice who was smiling while having conversations with Mary and Luna. That's the first time she was smiling genuinely, Ava excused herself to go meet the girls outside. She swung the door open and heard them laughing about something.
Mary and Luna notice Ava's presence and so they nudge Beatrice that Ava is there, Beatrice turns around to see Ava smiling at her. Beatrice was confused as to why Ava was staring at her with a smile formed on her lips.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing, I was just watching you three from the window inside, you were smiling and giggling. That's so new of you, ice queen." Ava replied.
"Tsk. I have a name, that's not my name. And I smile, it's normal for people to smile Ava." Beatrice said.
"Sure thing, ice queen." Ava said.
Beatrice didn't respond but instead looked at her with a cold glare but Ava just giggled at her action, Luna and Mary were just watching the two teasing each other and more before they all decided to come inside and had their desserts and few talks before they headed back to the dorm.
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