《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch.9: Maybe this is the first step?
Ava slowly opened her eyes, she blinked a few times before she finally opened her eyes, she realized that she wasn't in the dorm room. She then noticed her hand intertwined with a soft hand, she stared at the hand and realized that it wasn't JC's hand, it was a girl's hand. She glanced to her shoulder to see a sleeping Beatrice, she was sleeping peacefully.
Ava tried to remember what happened last night, her head started to throb the moment she tried to get up. I guess that's on staying away from parties for a few months because she would rather spend it with JC going out on dates and spending time at home with him. Ava sighed out loud and groaned a little because of the headache.
"Does it hurt?" Beatrice suddenly asked which startled Ava because she thought Beatrice was asleep.
"Oh! I… You startled me, geez!" Ava replied. Beatrice chuckling, her morning voice was deep and hoarse when she chuckled which Ava couldn't help but to tell herself that it was the sexiest thing she heard.
"I'm sorry then." Beatrice spoke, Ava was too shook from hearing her morning voice. Ava's eyes widened.
"I-is that how you normally sound like in the morning?" Ava unexpectedly asked.
Beatrice looked at her with such a questionable look, Ava realized about her question and just laughed it off but then her head started throbbing again and groaned a little because of the pain.
"Are you hungry?" Beatrice asked.
"What? No." Ava replied.
"Let's grab something to eat and then you drink some aspirin, you can't drink the medicine if you have an empty stomach." Beatrice said.
"Where's JC?" Ava asked.
"Ouch, so you really do hate me that much, huh? I don't know. Do you want me to call him?" Beatrice replied. Her tone suddenly changed.
"Hate you? What? What do you mean I hate you?" Ava asked.
"Never mind. Come on, get your butt up lightweight." Beatrice replied.
"Haha. Very funny." Ava said.
"Get up." Beatrice replied.
"Can I just lay down for a little bit?" Ava asked.
"Fine, I'll go get the car." Beatrice replied.
"I'll dial JC first and tell him I'm coming with you." Ava said. Grabbing her phone from her pocket, she texted JC about going to eat breakfast with Beatrice and for sure they will be riding back to the university together.
Ava noticed the sudden change of Beatrice, she could sense that something is up but just didn't want to make up conclusions because she wanted to be sure, Beatrice was soft and gentle with her today. Even offered to grab breakfast and advise her to eat first before drinking the medicine. She finds it weird for Beatrice to act like that but she let it slide.
Ava placed the phone beside her and laid down, her head was throbbing so she closed her eyes for a little bit. Her phone started ringing all of a sudden, it was a FaceTime call, Lilith was calling her then her senses came back real quick. She has plans today.
She fixed herself first, fixing her hair. She was hoping for the call to be a phone call but it was a FaceTime. She cleared her throat a lot of times before she pressed the answer call.
"Hey, Lili!" Ava greeted.
"Hey! Look who's here?!" Lilith spoke, turning the camera towards the other female she's with, Mary.
"Hi, Ava! It's good to finally see you, though I hope I will personally see you at the dinner tonight, yeah?" Mary asked.
"Yes, I will be there! I can't miss it!" Ava replied happily.
"Tell Beatrice that mom and dad are expecting her tonight, they reserved a table already for eight." Lilith said.
"Eight?" Ava asked.
"Camila is bringing this girl named Luna to the dinner, she wanted to introduce her to mom and dad." Lilith replied.
"Yes, I will make sure that she will come. Are you heading home?" Ava said.
"We're staying at the hotel, I can't really stay much longer here I had to go fly back to London." Lilith replied.
"Oh yeah. Right. I'll see you later then? My head is killing me right now, I'm just waiting for the ice queen to get here." Ava said.
"Ice queen?" Lilith asked.
"Beatrice." Ava replied, chuckling to what she had called Beatrice.
"Well, see you later okay? Make sure you bring the ice queen. And tell Beatrice I said hi. See you!" Lilith said, waving her hand goodbye to Ava. Ava waved back and forced a smile because behind it, her head was really throbbing but she was trying to pretend that she was alright. Lilith finally ended the call to which Ava mouthed thank you in the air as she closed her eyes again.
Her phone started ringing again, Ava sighed before she lazily grabbed the phone beside her. She sat up first and cleared her throat before she answered the call.
"Hello?" Ava answered.
"Hey Ava! It's Hale, is JC with you? Coach decided to change the practice instead of practicing in the afternoon and he decided to do it today because the game is tonight." Hale replied.
"Actually no. He is not here with me, did you try contacting his phone?" Ava asked.
"I rang his phone four times, a few minutes ago and texted him but got no reply." Hale replied.
"I'll try calling him, okay? I'm sort of Ina hangover state at the moment." Ava said.
"Alright, alright. Thank you! Drink some aspirin it helps." Hale replied. Ava hung up the phone call and dialed JC's number, the phone kept ringing and ringing but there was no answer at the first dial so she did it again for the second time and still no luck, JC didn't answer his phone.
"Where the hell is my boyfriend?" Ava muttered. She dialed JC's number but there was no answer, she did it three times but still no answer from him. She threw her phone back to the mattress as she lay back down again, she rested her eyes for a little bit because it was really throbbing. Without realizing that she instantly fell asleep.
Beatrice, on the other hand, came in the room to tell her to come out but only to stop herself to make more noise, she saw Ava asleep again. She could not help but watch her sleep, she looked really relaxed and in peace. She slowly approached the young girl, slowly sitting down beside her, she stared at Ava for a little then brushed a few strands of her hair again. It's a habit of hers to do so, she used to do it when they were little as well, Beatrice smiled down at Ava.
She checked her watch and they needed to go back to the university but Ava needed to drink some medicine for the headache, Beatrice swallowed first before she started to wake Ava up. She leaned in a little closer to the younger girl, shaking her gently to wake up because she didn't want her voice to be so loud when waking the younger girl so she leaned a little closer.
"Ava? Ava? Come on, the car is waiting outside. We need to get your stomach filled and you need to drink the medicine." Beatrice softly spoke to Ava, Ava hummed and slowly opened her eyes when Ava saw how Beatrice was close to her, she immediately panicked and did not think of her second move, she sat up straight real quick causing their foreheads to bump into each other. The two girls groaned in pain.
"What the fuck, Ava?!" Beatrice asked immediately, a little pissed for the sudden happening.
"S-sorry! I'm sorry I didn't mean too, I— you were too close!" Ava protested.
"It's not like I'm going to kiss you or anything, Ava. Geez!" Beatrice said.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ava apologized.
"Come on, the car is waiting outside. Let's go grab breakfast, we have to head back to the university." Beatrice annoyingly spoke. Standing up from the bed, leaving Ava behind the room. Ava felt bad real quick, she quickly grabbed her things and followed Beatrice out of the house.
Ava catched up to Beatrice, they were walking down the stairs and suddenly ran into somebody, Beatrice immediately greeted him. Ava wondered if they were close, she never met the boy because he didn't seem to be around the university, or maybe he was from another department so prolly from the other department building.
"Ralph. Thanks for letting me use the bedroom last night." Beatrice spoke. Ava heard Beatrice said his name, he gazed at Ava and gave her a genuine smile.
"Yeah, dude. Anytime, your girlfriend is cute by the way. Is she the girl you were telling me before?" Ralph asked. Beatrice immediately glared at Ralph who awkwardly laughed.
"I'm Ava, no I'm not her… Girlfriend. I'm her childhood best friend." Ava introduced. Ralph just waved at her and smiled at her.
"We'll be heading out. This lightweight needs to eat and drink some medicine, great party by the way." Beatrice spoke. Ava elbowed her and Beatrice didn't showed any reaction to it.
"Sure, sure anytime. Probably I'll throw another one on my birthday, don't forget to come. You missed my best parties." Ralph said.
"I can't make any promises, Ralph." Beatrice replied.
"Will you do me a favor, Ava? Bring your best friend next time. I'm sure you would not want to miss the parties as well, JC told me you loved parties." Ralph said to Ava.
"I promise you I'll drag this ice queen with me." Ava teasingly replied and smirked at Beatrice. Beatrice raised an eyebrow at Ava which Ava immediately gave her a shy smile.
"We better get going, I'll see you around Ralph." Beatrice said.
"Alright. Nice meeting you, Ava!" Ralph replied and waved goodbye to Beatrice and Ava. Beatrice and Ava quickly left the house, walking towards Beatrice's car. Ava's eyes widened as soon as she laid her eyes on the car.
"This is yours?" Ava asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Beatrice replied.
"This was my dream car!" Ava said, the joy was screaming all over her face as Beatrice just nodded her head and opened the door for Ava.
"Come on. We have to drive back to the university right away." Beatrice spoke. Ava didn't waste no time but to hop in the passenger seat, Beatrice closed the door for Ava and walked to the driver's seat. She put on her seat belt and Ava did the same.
Beatrice started driving off, she planned to take her to the nearest diner in fifteen minutes drive away from the university, she was about to meet the new girl and needed to tour her around the university. But she wanted to at least get her mind off for a little more before she goes back to reality. Beatrice was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Ava's touching her arm, she glanced down to her arm then back up to Ava who looked at her.
"What?" Beatrice asked, saying the words out dry and cold.
"I was asking you if you're okay." Ava replied.
"What do you mean?" Beatrice asked.
"You look so bothered by something, I wondered what's running in your mind." Ava replied. Immediately taking her hand back, Beatrice finds herself felt relieved. This whole time she was feeling nervous, all those skin contacts With Ava is making her lose her cool.
The drive was pretty much silent but the tension they both have every time their eyes meet whenever they would through subtle glance to each other, they didn't utter another word. Ava found herself watching Beatrice every now and then, this woman right next to her is really different from what she was used to.
Those eyes used to look at her so soft and gentle but now those eyes showed sadness and other emotions, she can see that Beatrice is bothered and tired as well. She suddenly recalled what happened between them in the library, Ava saw how Beatrice needed that hug and it was the kind of hug that she had been longing to have but couldn't get one.
Now Ava wondered what really happened in the past, Ava didn't utter a word at all and just waited until they arrived at the diner. They were on the road for at least twenty-five minutes until they reached the diner.
Beatrice parked her car in the available slot of parking, the two girls got out of the car and walked towards the diner entrance. As they were walking, Ava saw someone familiar from afar but couldn't make it out whether it was really that person she really thought it was. But Ava is still stuck in her hangover to even care at the moment.
They entered the diner, picked a table and sat down. Ava's stomach growled, Beatrice looked at her with a smug on her face and Ava just ended up pouting while grabbing the menu.
"Beatrice, how come you don't ask me to hang out with you?" Ava asked.
"Do I have a reason to?" Beatrice questioned.
"Bea!" Ava whined out.
"What?" Beatrice asked.
"You're trying to make everything uncomfortable so that our conversation would be dead. I want to talk to you, Hansen." Ava replied.
"Yes, Ava?" Beatrice asked.
"Please, I just want us to talk properly. We haven't done much of that since you don't talk to me." Ava replied. Beatrice gazed at her only to gaze back down on the menu.
"What do you want me to say Ava?" Beatrice asked.
"Who is Quinton?" Ava questioned.
Beatrice completely shut her mouth, she stayed silent as she heard those words. She now debates whether to tell Ava everything or not, she'd rather bottled it up because that's what she was used to. She gazed back up to Ava who looked at her with so much concern, little did Beatrice know her eyes were betraying her. Ava could see the sadness forming in her eyes, Ava touched Beatrice's hand.
"I will tell you if I'm ready to tell any details. For now let's just order what we need to eat, you have to take the aspirin. Is your head still aching?" Beatrice spoke. Ava nodded her head, it was still throbbing but she was only trying to act like it doesn't bother her.
She was used to partying but she is indeed a lightweight, she hated that because she wanted to enjoy as much as she wanted but once the alcohol started running through her whole body, that's when she started to feel funny and eventually knocked herself out after a few heavy alcohol drinks.
"What are you planning to get?" Beatrice asked, breaking the ice.
"I'm getting their famous waffles and chicken sandwich. Their sauce is delicious." Ava replied.
"Okay, I guess I'll get the same thing. I don't really know the food here. I never ate here." Beatrice said.
"Wait, really?" Ava asked.
"I never left the university dorm, I just spent my whole time in and out of the dorm, I practiced for the swimming competition and then headed back to the dorm. Repeat" Beatrice replied.
"How come you never got out of the university? You know at least going out of the campus going somewhere, a secret place or something. Like your safe haven, to think, breathe. Or something." Ava said.
"I never got a chance to do all that because my focus only is school, studies, swimming, council." Beatrice replied.
"It sounds like high school, geez. Live a little, Bea. Life is too short to isolate yourself with adult stuff." Ava said.
"Adult stuff? Really?" Beatrice questioned, her British tone came out which caught Ava off guard. Now that she could hear it properly, Ava could not deny that the accent sort of made it sexy for Beatrice. Ava realized what she was thinking and quickly closed her eyes, hoping Beatrice wasn't looking, busy looking through the menu even though she had suggested earlier that she would take the same order as Ava did.
"Are you okay, Ava?" Beatrice asked.
"Huh? What? Yeah?— Yes. Why would you think that I'm not okay?" Ava replied, the panic in her voice was clear and Beatrice was left questioning it but set it aside. Ava intentionally shook her head which caused more to ache, Ava groaned and rested her head on the table. Beatrice scoffed underneath her breath as she called out the waitress.
"Excuse me, miss? Can you get our order? My friend is kind of in a hurry to drink her medicine, if that is alright?" Beatrice asked the waitress who walked pass by, the authority tone in Beatrice's voice came out.
After the waitress had taken their orders, Beatrice just sat there across the younger girl who was resting her head down on the table, Beatrice crossed her arms as she relaxed herself on the chair while her eyes were still glued to Ava. Her phone started ringing, she took her phone out from the pocket and saw Lea's name.
Beatrice stood up and walked out of the diner, she stood in front of the glass where she could see Ava inside. She finally answered the call.
"Yes, Lea?" Beatrice said.
"Dude, I came back to your dorm last night and fell asleep here." Lea replied.
"You called me just for that? How many times I told you that you could barge in any time just don't touch Ava's things." Beatrice said.
"Okay okay, but dude the new girl came by earlier looking for you. She left a gift saying it's from Quinton." Lea replied. The moment she heard the name, all the cold feelings and hatred she had been keeping inside came back, Beatrice's facial expression changed.
"Just hid it inside my drawer, Lea. I'll be home right away." Beatrice said.
"Alright. Please don't do anything stupid." Lea replied, the worry in her voice was very clear not to be heard. Beatrice hung up the call and put her phone back to her pocket. Her frustration was just increasing and she didn't know what she would do right now.
"Fuck." Beatrice muttered out. She wanted to yell but she couldn't, she wanted to get out but she couldn't leave Ava alone. She breathe in and out, doing this cycle over and over again until she was perfectly calm. She headed back inside and sat to the seat across Ava, a few minutes later the food had arrived and Beatrice had to wake her up.
The two ate their breakfast while exchanging small conversations every now and then Beatrice handed Ava the aspirin she had found at Ralph's house. Ava gulp the medicine without any protest, they rest for a little bit before they leave the table leaving the payment and walk out of the diner. Beatrice opened the door for the younger girl and Ava mouthed thank you.
As they were about to cross in the middle, a crazy driver was driving too fast, almost running over Ava who was walking ahead of Beatrice. Beatrice pulled Ava right away, so that she won't get hurt. Beatrice quickly checked the younger girl, Ava could see how worried Beatrice was.
"I'm fine, Bea. I'm fine…" Ava spoke. Beatrice nodded her head, in an instance Ava saw how Beatrice's eyes turned cold, gazing to the driver who pulled over.
"You almost ran over my friend, bro. This is not a racing track to drive too fast." Beatrice spoke calmly but the dry and obvious pissed in the tone of Beatrice can be heard.
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to. I was in a hurry, I'm really sorry. Miss are you alright?" The man who was driving the pick up truck asked.
"I'm alright, sir. I'm sorry about my friend. She's a little hot headed. You can go on now, we will be on our way. Just be careful next time." Ava politely replied. Smiling at the man. Beatrice was clearly pissed bu Ava just grab Beatrice's hand walking towards the car.
As soon as they stood there, Ava faced Beatrice who was gazing over her shoulder right before she looked away to find Ava was smiling at her, Beatrice was suddenly confused.
"What are you smiling at?" Beatrice asked.
"Nothing. You're being you." Ava replied, smiling like a little girl.
"What do you mean by that?" Beatrice asked. Ava giggled and immediately brought her hands to Beatrice's cheeks and pinch them. Beatrice was taken back and tried to remove Ava's hand.
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