《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch.2: We Meet Again
Lea Lawrence is in her third year of college, while Beatrice, JC, Luna, Chanel, Danielle and Clara are in their second year. Camila and Ava are freshmen.
Six Years Later…
"Ava! Camila! Let's go! I still have a business meeting to attend to!" Mr. Silva, Edmund Silva. Father of three beautiful girls, shouting from the bottom of the stairs to tell his twins to come down and drive them both to school.
Camila came down stairs with all her things with her, her father noticed the backpack filled with some snacks inside, Edmund and chuckle at his daughter and gently pat her head while Camila smiled at her father like a 12 year old trying to play with calm.
"I'm sure the university has a Cafeteria, Mila. Why did you have to bring too many snacks?" Edmund said to his daughter.
"I get really hungry, especially when I am staying inside a dorm room, dad. I can't get out and buy snacks." Camila replied.
"You do get a point. Ava! Let's go! Come on!" Edmund shouted again, the loud heavy steps can be heard approaching the top stairs.
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry! I had to find the necklace that Beatrice gave me when we're kids." Ava said. Swinging the backpack on her right shoulder and followed their father out of the house.
The three hop inside the car, Ava sat on the front passenger seat while Camila sat at the back. The twins put their seat belts on then went to be in their own world, Camila was talking with her friends on her phone while Ava put on her headphones and played her favorite song on Spotify.
Ava is ready to face a new stage of life, today they will be heading to the university where their older half-sister, Lilith. The University she graduated college, the University of Manitoba.
Moving to Canada was not really their first choice but because this is where Lilith chose to study and continue her life in here and basically few years later, they grew up and lived here for the rest of their childhood days.
Ava was busy listening to her song when it was suddenly interrupted, she looked down to her phone and saw the caller ID, she immediately smiled when she saw the name contact.
"Hey baby! Are you here yet?" JC Lawrence asked. Ava's boyfriend whom she met at the neon paint rage party she attended a few months ago.
"Dad is driving us there in a few minutes, I'll text you when I get there. Okay?" Ava replied with a smile formed on her lips.
"Alright baby, I have a surprise for you! I can't wait to see you, I've missed you." JC said. Ava could hear his friend in the background teasing him for being soft to her which Ava found it really funny.
"I am beyond excited?" Ava teasingly asked.
"You're questioning it baby. Text me when you get here and I'll come and find you, I love you baby." JC replied.
"I love you too, babe." Ava said, the smile on her face stayed permanently. She is so in love with this boy who made her feel nothing but loved and special for three months.
"Mark my words, you two will not last long." Camila blurted out suddenly. Ava rolled her eyes and glanced at her sister at the back.
"You're bitter because Luna doesn't even see you the way you see her anyway." Ava teased back to her sister who sticks out her tongue at her and went back to using her phone.
"I'm so glad that you and JC are really clicking. Your mother and I really like him for you, Ava. He is such a good young man with goals for the future." Edmund said to his daughter.
"I am so glad to meet him too, dad. He is everything that I asked for, his patience, his understanding, his mind, everything about him is so perfect. I'm really lucky this time, huh?" Ava replied. The two giggled at the same time.
"One day I get to see you walk down the aisle and marry the love of your life." Her father said. A genuine, soft smile formed in his lips.
"It's too early to talk about marriage dad, how certain can you be that JC is the man that I'm marrying?" Ava replied.
"I do not predict the future, Ava. But what I want you to know is that whoever you marry one day, I get to tell them that they should protect my precious baby because I protected you my whole life. And now, I have to let you go." Her father said.
Ava felt so much soft inside after hearing those words, her father is the sweetest man on earth and always wanted to find a man like him. Ava seemed to find JC exactly like her father, a man with ambition in life.
They reached the university after thirty-five minutes, her father parked near the rest of the parked car with the parents saying their goodbyes to their children. Ava and Camila unbuckled their seat belts, hopping off to unload the bags in the trunk.
"Lilith and Mary will come visit here in the university on Friday because it's the anniversary of the school, I suggest that we all go for lunch. Your mom and I will pick you guys up for the lunch date. Don't forget." Her father said to Ava.
Ava just nodded her head and texted JC, telling him that she is inside the university. She placed her phone back in her pocket, then unload her luggage from the trunk.
" Camila, take care of yourself please and watch your older sister for me." Edmund said to Camila who gave him a hug.
"Sure thing dad!" Camila replied.
"Aren't I supposed to watch my younger sister?" Ava asked.
"Well you're the troublemaker so I get to watch you." Camila responded, she smirked at her older sister who rolled her eyes on her.
"Ms. Ava and Camilla Silva?" A voice of a young man asked.
"Yes that's us." Ava replied.
"Please take care of my girls. These two may be loud but you can tame them. Girls, I have to go, I'll see you two in summer, if you girls need anything don't hesitate to call me. Say hi to Beatrice for me, Ava please." Edmund said as he closes the trunk down and hopped in the car.
"How do you know Ms. Hansen?" The boy asked, curious about it.
"Childhood friends." Ava responded, giving him a small smile.
"I'm Carlos, I'll be your tour guide for today since President Hansen herself couldn't attend this due to her errands but she asked me to fill in. Shall we?" Carlos spoke, gesturing the girls to walk with him and they both nodded their heads.
The two men with him helped the girls with their bags while they walked around with Carlos who were showing the facilities around the university. Ava fell in-love more to the university, it was exactly how her sister would describe the university.
Ava is excited to meet new people around the campus, make new memories and best adventures with new friends. After feels like three hours of going around the campus, Carlos brought the twins to the east side building where all the dorms are located. Building A and B are for the boys and Building C and D are for the girls.
Their names were printed over to the door of their respective rooms along with their roommates name, Ava is beyond excited to meet her roommate and was hoping it would be her. Camila stayed on the third floor, roommate with the one and only Luna Crimson.
Carlos and Ava left Camila in her dorm room to settle down while Carlos led Ava from the highest floor of the building. "So you and Beatrice are childhood friends, huh?" Carlos asked.
"Yes we are." Ava responded, smiling at him as she walked with him through the long hallway.
"So I'm guessing you know about her past relationship? The reason why she's a bitch now?" Carlos asked.
"On the nose much?" Ava questioned.
"No, I mean. I'm sorry if I called her a bitch please don't tell her that. I love life. It's just that, ever since Danielle happened she's changed. She just shut everyone out unless it's Lea, her best friend or if it's the council meetings. But other than that she just excludes herself." Carlos replied.
Daniel? Danielle? A boy? Who was that? And what the hell did he do to Beatrice? Ava was now beyond curious of what Carlos was talking about. Ava didn't ask anymore questions and just followed Carlos who led her in front of a door with a number labeled on it, painted in golden-silver color.
Then under that number were two names of the students who will be using the dorm room for the rest of the school year. Ava saw her name and then read the name of her roommate, she almost gasped out loud when reading the name.
Beatrice Hansen.
"This is where the tour ends, this is where you stay for the rest of the school year. I will briefly tell Ms. Hansen that you are now perfectly settled in. If you have any more questions you can ask Ms. President, yourself. See you around, Ava. Welcome to U.M." Carlos said as he handed her the dorm key and left her.
Ava unlocked the door and swung the door open, the smell of sweet strawberry, vanilla smell hit her nostrils. It smelled really good and Ava remembered how Beatrice loved the scent like this, it was sweet and addicting.
Ava noticed the dorm room has its wall designed in the middle to give each other privacy. The bed is on top while her study stable is underneath it, it was perfectly designed for dorm college rooms and that is the great decision they have made.
Ava made her way to move all her stuff near the loft style bed made, the cabinet is placed against the wall in the middle. The designer of this place really knew what they were doing, she started unpacking her clothes, putting them in the closet.
She put her shoes in the provided shoe rack near her, after that she went to go fix her study table. She placed two picture frames on the table, one picture of her and her family and then a picture of her and JC taken during her birthday party.
While she was fixing her things she heard a door opened but it wasn't the main door, it was the door of the bathroom. A tall brunette, tanned skin woman walked out of the bathroom. Ava didn't know whether to greet the person but clearly it wasn't Beatrice.
The brunette girl noticed Ava's presence in the room, she was wearing the white long polo sleeves that reached up to her buttocks. Her black undergarments were noticeable, Ava didn't realize that she was gazing up and down on the brunette.
The brunette girl noticed it and just smirked at Ava. "Like what you see?" She asked.
Aza gazed at her and then noticed the eyes that were similar to JC's, Ava quickly looked away and continued what she was doing.
"Are you Beatrice's girlfriend?" Ava blurted out all of a sudden.
"Why? Are you interested in her?" Lea asked.
"Uh no. I have a boyfriend who studies here. He's in the quarterback. JC Lawrence, I don't know if you know him." Ava replied. Lea's expression changed after mentioning who she was.
"Ava Silva?" Lea asked.
"Uh yes?" Ava replied.
"Wow. No wonder why my brother is so whipped for you, I'm Lea. Lea Lawrence, his older sister. Beatrice is my best friend. She does not do dating things like that. " Lea said.
Ava nodded her head slowly, now she met her boyfriend's sister which is nice for the next steps to make, Ava hasn't met his parents yet. JC would always tell her that one day he will introduce her to them because he was certain that Ava is going to be his first last girlfriend and soon to call her his wife.
"I thought Beatrice wanted to have the room herself." Lea spoke.
"Oh I didn't know that. Carlos didn't tell me anything, I'll go to the office and ask for clarifications then." Ava replied. Ava felt really awkward to even look at her boyfriend's sister.
She noticed that she wasn't still dressed according to what she originally wore, she was still on that polo white sleeve. Ava didn't realize that she was staring too long, she glanced at the tall brunette who was smirking at her, Ava quickly looked away and pretended to do something.
"Beatrice can be cranky sometimes but I'm sure that she won't be a big problem to be a roommate. I'm Lea by the way." Lea said.
"Ava Silva which you already… Knew." Ava awkwardly replied.
"Yep. My brother was so proud of flexing you. His friends thought he was losing his mind because they thought he was lying about having a gorgeous, sexy girlfriend. And here you are. Breathing." Lea said. Smirking at Ava.
Ava let out a small giggle while she fixed some of her things on the table, the atmosphere was really awkward and it bothers Ava. She's not really a big fan of awkwardness, she continued what she was doing and then suddenly her stomach made a loud growl.
She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip to hide the embarrassment, she turned around and saw the tall brunette smirking again.
"Someone's hungry." Lea said.
"I-I didn't eat this… This morning." Ava stuttered. Lea smirked again and let out a giggle at Ava while she wore her black tight skirt that is half midway her thigh, enough to cover her undergarments.
"Why don't we go grab something to eat in the cafeteria? I'm heading there now because my stomach needs to be fed. And I'm sure at this hour, JC is around the cafeteria with his friends." Lea said to Ava who nodded her head.
"Let me just take my phone, money and keys." Ava replied and quickly grabbed what she needed to bring.
"Let's go then, Ms. Silva!" Lea happily said then opened the door for Ava, the two girls left the room and headed to the cafeteria.
"Push push push! Let's go girls! Let's go!" The swim coach shouted at the girls who were diving under the pool, racing their way back and forth. Beatrice was leading as always, she was the best swimmer on their team and the university did not let her go when she was about to transfer to another university school.
The spotlight was all on her, the queen of the oceanic team. Beatrice Hansen, the school council president of the university, the straight As student. She is a smart, athletic and talented individual where everyone admires her for it.
Beatrice moved her arms and body, almost reaching the finished line, her body relaxed as soon as she knew that she was leading and left the rest behind. Beatrice swam a little further until she reached the end of the line.
The sound of the other swimming members clapped their hands and screamed out of joy. They believed in Beatrice all along, she was the ace of the swimming team. She nodded her head towards the coach who clapped his hands for her and had a proud smile on his face.
Beatrice quickly pulled herself up out of the pool and some of the teammates tapped her back or shoulder. She just nodded her head while catching her breath while the rest of her teammates continued their routines.
After a few lapses and short discussion about the competition in a few weeks, Coach Byrone dismissed all his students and Beatrice went straight to her locker and grabbed her stuff and went straight to the showers.
She let the warm water run down her body, relaxing her muscles. She let out a deep moan, let her fingers run through her soaking wet hair. Beatrice rested both of her palms against the wall of the shower cubicle, thinking about the things she's overthinking again.
Beatrice felt frustrated, she doesn't even know why. Her mind is elsewhere, as much as she tries to get her mind off of it but her mind would just go back to overthinking about it. She remembered the arrival today of the Silva twins in the university. Beatrice sighed heavily.
Unexpected turn of events, Beatrice could not believe Ava chose this university of all the school, all around the world to study in. Beatrice just can't see this right, it may sound selfish which it really is, having Ava around will not help her forget what she really felt towards the younger girl.
But at the same time angers her knowing, she belongs to someone else. "Damn you, Lawrence." Beatrice muttered underneath her breath while she continued massaging her head after applying the shampoo on her head.
She rinsed it afterwards, making sure her hair is not soaked in shampoo. She took a shower for 20 minutes, it was the only way for her to relax before she started going around the campus.
Beatrice wrapped the white, soft fabric towel around her as she grabbed her small white basket that is filled with hygiene essentials. Walking out of the empty locker room, she wondered how long was in the shower.
"Hey you!" Lea's voice echoed through the small space of the locker room.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to attend your cheer dance practice?" Beatrice asked. In her usual, same cold, icy tone of voice.
"Well I'm just here to report to you that Ava Silva is settled in her dorm room." Lea replied.
Beatrice paused, Ava is her roommate. She almost forgot the fact that she was the one insisting the faculty to assign Ava in her room as a roommate.
"That's good news then." Beatrice said. She applied lotion on her body, putting on her undergarments afterwards and wore her tight black pants. She grabbed the red hoodie that was resting on top of her locker and wore it, leaving her underneath it was her sports bra.
"You always told me that you don't want any roommates. Was there a problem with the assigning of rooms?" Lea asked.
"I don't know, Lea. I guess there's no more available rooms for her so they decided to put her under mine." Beatrice replied.
Drying her hair with another fresh towel she has on her other hand, then applying moisturizer for her hand.
"Oh well, it doesn't matter I will still crash in your room. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Lea said.
"Why don't you ask her then?" Beatrice asked.
"I guess if I see her again? JC kept dragging her anywhere, afraid that she might look the other way. Oh boy." Lea replied with a sigh.
Beatrice clenched her jaw upon hearing that again, Beatrice knew about the relationship between JC and Ava because they were the talk of town when the two were seen together in public, going out on dates.
JC Lawrence who is admired by so many as well, a quarterback, intelligent, funny, a little more romantic than her sister who is more of an asshole when it comes to her partners.
"So are you going to show up this Saturday? At Yvette's ravage party?" Lea asked.
"I have to do my advance reading, Lea. And I really don't do parties… At least not anymore." Beatrice replied, closing her locker, putting the padlock.
"Come on, loosen up a little! This is the fourth party you decided not to come to." Lea said.
"I'm not going, Lea." Beatrice replied. Swinging her backpack on her shoulder and walking out first while Lea follows.
"Oh come on! Just come to this party and that will be the last, I won't invite you to come anymore at any more parties." Lea said.
"That was exactly the same words you told me a few months ago when we were at Taylor's and then what happened. I got grounded." Beatrice replied.
"Please just do this for me?" Lea asked. Beatrice stopped dead on her tracks and looked at her best friend who was giving her puppy eyes.
"I'll think about it but I'm not saying yes." Beatrice replied.
"Just text me when you decide to show up. You owe me on this one. See you! I gotta go practice!" Lea said with a sly smirk on her lips and left Beatrice walking alone in the hallway.
Beatrice had nothing much to do at this point, she already took care of all her duties including where Carlos had to meet the Silva twins instead of her because she was needed to train for the swimming competition, a few weeks from now.
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