《Let Me Love You (Lauren Jauregui/You)》Chapter 2


Lau-ren Order: why?

y/n: why what?

Lau-ren Order: why did you have to do that? In front of the world?

y/n: because I'm sick of sitting back and letting YOUR management control MY life

y/n: I love you lauren and I'm not gonna let you go

Lau-ren Order: you know I can't y/n

Lau-ren Order: can we just forget about this and be friends?

Wow. That one hurt. I can't believe after all I said she just wants to be friends.

Lau-ren Order: y/n?

Lau-ren Order: are you still there?

Lau-ren Order: are you ignoring me?

Lau-ren Order: why are you ignoring me?

y/n: why am I ignoring you?

y/n: seriously?!

y/n: I just fucking confessed my love to you in front of the entire fucking world lauren!

y/n: and all you have to say is 'can we just forget about this and BE FRIENDS'!!!!!!!

Lau-ren Order: so you're mad at me?

y/n: of course I'm fucking mad at you lauren. I did this so we could finally be more than just 'friends'

y/n: i don't want to be your friend lauren.

y/n: i want to be able to hold your hand, and kiss you

y/n: out in the world, for everyone to see

y/n: not behind closed doors, hiding from our friends and family, let alone the entire world

Lau-ren Order: I can't

y/n: I need you

Lau-ren Order: I can't

y/n: stop saying that

Lau-ren Order: sorry

y/n: whatever

Lau-ren Order: I love you

y/n: not enough.

Lau-ren Order: I'm sorry y/n

y/n: I guess you could say you're just.....scared of happy.....

Lau-ren Order: ....

Lau-ren Order: how do you do that?

y/n: do what?

Lau-ren Order: lighten the mood when you're the one who should be mad. I should be trying to make you happy again

y/n: I just can't help it


y/n: and i know that one day I'll get my way

y/n: because there's no way you can resist ALL THIS *gestures to my perfect body*

Lau-ren Order: *dramatically rolls eyes*

Lau-ren Order: are you still going on come on tour with us?

I had recently finished shooting a movie that was going to be released the following year and had a couple of months off between that and my next project, with absolutely nothing to do, so the Fifth Harmony girls had offered to let me tag along with them while they were on tour. The 'Ultimate groupie experience' as Dinah had put. Their management hadn't been so happy with the idea because it might 'make something happen' between me and Lauren, with us all being together in such close quarters for an extended period of time, but the girls had begged and management had given in.

I never understood what their problem was with us being together anyway. At first I thought it had something to do with their image or whatever. They were all meant to be a bunch of straight girls who sing about moving on from crappy boyfriends. Then when Lauren had come out, yeah they were mad but not REALLY mad if you get me.... So then I thought great, me and Lauren can be together now (publicly), but NOOOOO, that's still not allowed, for some stupid reason they can never seem to explain to me. They probably aren't even sure why themselves. They're just a bunch of stubborn ass-holes who can't admit they were wrong. The Harmonizers love the fact that Lauren likes girls. So it wasn't like they needed to sort out some sort of massive uproar of hate about it. I just don't get it. And I honestly doubt I ever will.


Lau-ren Order: y/n?

Lau-ren Order: are you ignoring me again?

Shit. I forgot to respond.

y/n: of course I'm still coming

y/n: I'd never miss the chance to go to multiple Fifth Harmony concerts totally for free

y/n: do you have any idea how many Harmonizers would personally hunt me down and kill me for passing on that opportunity?

y/n: the answer is probably like 90% percent of them

y/n: the other 10% will just attack me on twitter

Lau-ren Order: good

Lau-ren Order: as in good you're coming, not good that they'd kill you

Lau-ren Order: I'd be sad if that happened

y/n: everyone would be sad. I am a blessing to the world

Lau-ren Order: so modest

y/n: you can act like you don't think it but we all know it's true

Lau-ren Order: so when are you joining us?

y/n: I have the wrap party for the movie tomorrow night then my flight is at like 2am the next day

y/n: it's safe to say I'm gonna sleep through the first couple of shows #jetlagproblems

Lau-ren Order: don't let the Harmonizers hear you say that. 90% of them will hunt you down and kill you remember

Lau-ren Order: and the other 10% will attack you on twitter

y/n: whatever, I'm too tired to remember our conversation from a few minutes ago

y/n: brb, gonna take a nap

Lau-ren Order: I should probably go too, I haven't started packing yet and tour starts in 2 days

y/n: wow, you're packing 2 days in advance?! I could never be that organised

y/n: anyway, yeah bye <3

y/n: I'll text you later <3

y/n: I love you <3

y/n: you don't have to respond

y/n: I know you love me too

Lau-ren Order: <3

And with that I went to sleep. Smiling like an idiot. She would crumble eventually. I knew it. And I'll finally be able to be with the one girl I will always love.

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