《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Epilogue



Diary Entry.

Hogwarts never stopped being Hogwarts. Everyone was bustling about and rumors were flying here and there as always.

The Weasley Twins never stopped pulling the greatest pranks of all time. I bed that McGonagall was going to miss them because every time she yelled at them she always ended up smiling and with a twinkle in her eye. They also managed to get all of their things back and hand over the Marauders Map back to Harry who was quite pleased about it. That night, everyone in Gryffindor Tower heard the gasps of shock and murmurs. I didn't want to know who was in the broomstick cupboard again. As usual, the pranksters didn't leave Filch alone at all. You could here shouts and the exclamation of the word, "RUN" frequently near his office.

Dumbledore was being as Dumbly-dorish as possible. He kept transfiguration some random things into socks or licorice snaps. Or, on occasion, lemon drops. The Golden trio actually managed to have him take another one of Bernie Botts Every Flavor Beans. To his surprise, he didn't get stuck with ear wax or anything too bad. He just got stuck with pig farts, which he took rather well walking away happily examining his new box and passion for the treats. Of course, the trio was stunned, as was everyone else. Also, it was quite obvious that he shipped several students together. He actually planted mistletoe above Ron and Hermione. It made Lavender go insane and Hermione blush pink and run. Poor Ron.

The Golden Trio made sure to keep their title intact. Harry Potter never stopped playing Quidditch and battling it out with Malfoy. He actually was going to punch him in the nose, but I managed to stop him. Ron, on the other hand, sometimes couldn't be stopped. So, I would silently mouth, 'run' to Malfoy and try to hold Ron back. One time, Weasley got loose and Draco's shrieks of terror could be heard along with Ron's cussing and loud footsteps. Hermione and I often watched the situations unfold and take place. Sometimes, we would use her time turner to watch them again being careful not to mess time up. Hermione was often buried in her books, so I left her alone to her knowledge. But when push came to shove, the three of them always stood up for better or worse.


Matt and Chase were getting along fine. Students are shipping them with the ship name of, "Chat" and announcing as they walk by. Recently, I did some reconnaissance with Holly and found them holding hands under a table in the library. Of course, Holly giggled out loud making them freak out and blush redder than cranberry juice. We ditched the cloak and ran. They came after us and made sure we didn't tell anyone about it. They handed over the cloak and walked away. They were adorable. One time, I saw them asleep in one of the hallways with their heads leaning on each others. They were perfect.

And Snape and I? Well, after the whole 'incident' Severus never stopped being careful around me, like I might break (which did happen). My hand healed over time, but it never had full function ever again. Sev often looked at the long white scars that traced it, I would take notice and hug him.

"It's okay." I would say. "You were trying to protect me."

He would always nod and bury his head into my shoulder while I stroked his hair. He had grown very protective though. One time, some Hufflepuff boy came up to me and said my hair looked very pretty. I was about to say thank you when Snape showed up behind him. He was about to make the poor first-year apologise for 'harassment' before I said it was okay. I broke off a piece of the (favorite candy) I was eating and gave it to him. He took it shyly and ran away, while I giggled. By the way, Dumbledore never stopped trying to bust us. He would come up with lame excuses like,

"Severus, I have a headache. I need you to fix it."

"Have you seen Miss (y/l/n)? She's been gone for awhile now..." Which was followed by some chuckling behind the door.


"Hm...Miss (y/l/n) are you good at potions? That must be why Severus talks about you...."

Every time, to either one of us, he would give me a wink and Severus a thumbs up or a grin, leaving Snape or me to facepalm. We both knew the Headmaster would never stop. But that didn't deter us. He would often give me detention to spend time with me or drag me into his office for 'troublemaking'. Honestly, the only troublemaking we did was in his room....I really shouldn't talk about that. Really. Sometimes if I was sick, I would send notes. Or some huge, black, raven would show up at my window and insist that I let it in and stoke his feathers.

That made Dean lose it a few times.

Dean would tackle the black bird onto the floor and make the raven squawk annoyedly at him. I swear, I could hear Dead hoot, "TAKE THAT BATMAN" or "GET REKT BIG BIRD" or maybe "HOOT HOOT MOTHERF***ER GET REKT"

I swear, I'm gonna lose it someday. But Snape never laid a finger on me or Dean without my permission ever again. He would be nervous anytime I was close to him, so I had to usually take his hand into mine and squeeze it. He would hold it for a moment, let go and I would see in his midnight eyes that he was no longer scared. There were a few cases when he yelled at me after a particularly hard day which scared me a little bit. But, after awhile I found it best just to hush him and hug him. He rarely talks about his past, so I'm guessing it was never very good. But until he wants to open up, I would be there.

He would be there.

The both of us would be there for the other. Never abandoning each other ever again. Just me.....and Severus Snape. One of the most despised Hogwarts Teachers; the Head of Slytherin House and The Potions Master. Rude, snarky, and generally cold-hearted for a human being.

But....I would never stop loving him for that.

And...he wouldn't stop loving me for me.


(y/n) (y/l/n)

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