《Severus Snape x Reader Story》White Rose



I heard him sigh and slowly lift his feet up off the ground settling them on the bed. He removed his long cloak and draped it over himself, along with me. It was very heavy and made of thick material. So that's how he kept cold in the dungeons.....It also smelled like him. Ink, parchment, and a hint of peppermint surprisingly. After he had laid his cloak carefully across ourselves, he slowly laid down next to my, burying his head into my chest.


I gently laid next to her, making sure she didn't wake up. I snuggled into her chest and listened to her heartbeat to make sure. I don't even know what I was making sure of...I just listened. I smelled her newly washed hair and clothes. Clean......I liked that. Her heart beat rhythmically, a steady pace which somehow sped up mine. I took my arm and laid it across her body, hugging her close.

And I would never let go.

Thinking of that, I felt the salty water that poured out of my eyes. I had done this to her. It was my fault. My cries were silent and controlled, but that didn't last. My breathing became ragged, shuttery, and loud.

"I-I'm s-so sorry.....(y/n). I-I swore to protect you....not let this happen....." I cried into her chest.

I suddenly felt a hand on my hair, smoothing it. I looked up at her face through her chest. Those gorgeous (y/e/c) looking down into my black ones.

"I know." she whispered at me stroking my hair. "You...did the wrong thing for the right reasons."

"C-can you forgive me?" I said, my voice hoarse and unsteady.

"Yes, yes I do. Just...never do this again all right? And don't worry, your punishment will be coming soon." She said with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes.


I just mumbled and snuggled closer to her body absorbing the warmth coming off of it, my head going over her shoulder. She wiggled down and snuggled into my chest.....which I enjoyed. I had never always had this feeling. Even if I did, it was rare. So, I decided to hang on as long as I could.

(y/n) looked at me in the slit second that it happened. "HIDE!" she whisper-yelled.

There was no time to hide, so I decided to slip into my alter-form. Within a flicker of an eyelash, I was a raven. I flapped and hit under the blanket near her legs.


This was a bad idea. I felt (and saw a little bit) her body flush and stiffen. Holy crow.


Severus turned into a bird.

And hid.

Under the covers.


The you-know-what.

I was losing it. With his feathers bushing my exposed legs. Not good.

I saw Madame Pomfrey walk in and ask me, "Was anyone here? I thought I heard something...."

"Uh....no. No one here. Just me! Heh heh...." I squeaked.

She looked at me for a second and decided if I was lying or not. "Hmph. Very well. Dinner will be over soon. I just wanted to check up on you."

"How much longer?" I asked.

"About half an hour left...maybe more." She said quickly. "I will return in that time. Don't do anything."

She looked at me again and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Severus! Come out!" I whispered harshly. "NOW!"

I heard a squawk and chitter, probably, I don't want to.

"You WILL get out of there. NOW."

I heard some feather rustling and his face popped out. "I don't want to."


"I can see that." I said trying not to blush. His legs were seriously popping out of the bed and close to the floor. "Sev, come on."

"Fine." He wiggled out of the covers and went to his original place.

"So, a raven huh?" I asked him.

"Well, I didn't choose it obviously. I would've preferred a snake or efficient animal. But I'm not complaining."

"You just did." I countered.

He sighed and rested his head near mine on the pale pillow. He took my slightly smaller, non-damaged hand in his large, slender ones. With his other one, he drew ghostly patterns at random on my skin making shivers jolt down my spine.

"You are the most exquisite, loving, caring, most clever girl in this entire school. You are the white rose in the midst of hell." He mumbled.

"And you, Severus Snape. You are the most snarky, rude, and ill-tempered teacher in this school."

He looked at me with concern flashing in his dark obsidian orbs.

"But, as a boyfriend, are the most loving, caring, loyal, witty of them all." I said.

"Did you just call me...... your boyfriend?" He asked slowly.

"What? I dunno? Must be from the blood loss or somethin'...." I said smiling at him.

"Alright then."

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