《Severus Snape x Reader Story》Mind Verses Matter



Laying under the array of stars in silence, I let myself relax. All my muscles untensed so much that it hurt to do so. I noted the warmth I was holding and glanced down at my hand. Her hand was intertwined with mine, not to tight or too loose. I rather liked that, I suppose. To be in a relationship. My eyes traveled up to her face, she was so beautiful. She even had the smirk that she wore so often on her face- and she was sleeping. I stroked her skin, glowing in the moonlight. It was so soft. Speaking of that, I should take her back. It's already about one in the morning. Tying my mask back on, I stood up and carried her back to the castle bridal-style. Apparating may wake her up and have her vomiting. I should know that for a fact: the twins did it quite often. Ugh. With my feet crunching in the remains of snow, I walked up to the gates and willed them to open. They opened enough to let me through and walk down the halls, up two or three flights of stairs and to the Gryffindor Dormitory. I came across the painting.

"Password?" The Fat Lady asked me.

Shit. I had no clue what the password was.

"One moment." I stalled.

I looked around for something that may help me out. I spotted a slip of paper sticking out of a stone in the wall. I plucked it out and stole a look at it:

Fiddlesticks Firecracker

It was written in a hand I was much too familiar with: Longbottom's. Perhaps I would let him go free once because of this....nah.

"Fiddlesticks Firecracker." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

"Strage seeing you with that girl. Did anything....happen?" The Portrait door swung open and revealed the common room.


"No." I spat. "And if anything did, it's none of your business!"

"Touchy." She muttered.

It was nicer than I imagined. The maroon and gold lined interior held plushy armchairs and sofas, and a great fireplace was lit and crackling. It was actually....better than the damp Slytherin common room. It was friendlier. I set (y/n) down on the sofa and draped a large, heavy golden blanket on her. Yes, that would do nicely. I was about to leave when I turned around at her. Was this really what I wanted? Was it worth the risk? Was she worth-STOP THINKING THAT! I mentally yelled at myself. SHE'S MADE YOU HAPPIER THAN YOU EVER HAVE BEEN. I left the common room and was embraced by the refreshing air of the corridor. I tried pushing every thought aside. Don't question the present, Severus. Don't question. But still....a part of my mind still yearned to know.

Was she what I wanted?

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