《The Land of Stories: The Adventure Continues》A Powerful Magic
"What does the letter say Charlie?" Bree asked her.
"Its a spell. A spell that will end this whole mess." Charlie said.
"Do we need anything for it?"
"Yes, Alex says we need a page from a fathers journal, a wand of wonderment, the mask from an evil uncle, the bark from the oldest tree, an authors pen, and a book given to a president." Charlie read. "These sounds like items in these books that my grandpa wrote."
"We have to tell the others. Looks like we're heading back to Camelot."
In present day Camelot, Elizabeth and Carrie were learning magic from past Alex and her daughter Annabelle. Elizabeth wasn't really into it as much as Carrie was, she was very worried about Charlie. Alex and Annabelle took them into their school room to teach them magic.
"Ok, so let's try something." Alex said and snapped her fingers. An empty pot appeared on the table. It was filled with potting soil.
"What are we supposed to do with a pot full of dirt?" Elizabeth asked.
"Make a flower grow." Alex said. "Annabelle demonstrate."
Annabelle waved her hand over the pot and a tall bright red rose appeared.
"Whoa. That's cool." Carrie said and smiled. Annabelle snapped her fingers and the rose disappeared.
"Elizabeth you try." Alex said.
Elizabeth sighed, and put her hand over the pot. Nothing happened.
"Ok, try again. But remember magic comes from your heart. It's sort of like a feeling. Close your eyes and visualize, the rose." Alex said.
Elizabeth sighed again, getting a little frustrated. She closed her eyes and put her hand over the pot. It took a minute for a tiny little stem to start growing. She opened her eyes and smiled.
"Hey I did it...half way." She said. She was actually really surprised she had done magic. Even though she had seen it throughout this adventure, it was pretty surprising to see herself actually do it.
"Great! Now Carrie." Alex said.
"Try to do better than I did." Elizabeth said and crossed her arms. She was very proud of what she accomplished, without any training.
Carrie put her hand over the pot and the stem grew tall all the way up the the ceiling and it grew into a huge red rose. Carrie was shocked she took her hand away and stared in shock at her creation.
"Yeah I think I did do better than you." Carrie said.
"Are you sure, you've never done magic before?" Alex asked.
"Um, I'm pretty sure."
"You definitely have a lot of talent." Annabelle said. "But with your powerful magic, come responsibly and learning how to control it."
"Exactly. Now that you have learned how to use it, you need to learn how to use it properly or else you will accidentally use it when it's not needed."
"Oh great." Carrie said sarcastically. "So I have to learn how to use it, so I won't spontaneously hurt my husband or children."
"Exactly." Annabelle said. "Don't worry it won't take too long hopefully."
"Ok, well it looks like you've found your sorceress for this rescue, so I think I'll go join my brother, and learn how to sword fight."
"You sure you don't want to learn about magic more?" Carrie said.
"Yeah I'm sure." Elizabeth said. "I don't want to do something I'm not good at."
Elizabeth walked out of the room, and Carrie felt so bad.
"Give me just 1 minute to talk to my sister." Carrie ran out of the room and caught up with her sister.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I just want to save Dad. But I don't know where I fit in here. You've suddenly become this great sorceress...and look Matt's this great swordsmen now." Elizabeth said and pointed out the window. Just outside the window was the training grounds, and they could see that Matt was winning the fight.
"I'm sure your great at something. There must be something you can do."
"There isn't. Even back home, you two are better than me. Your an author like dad, and your have produced movies, and Matt's a journalist who has met the queen of England and the President." Elizabeth said. "All I am is a stay at home mom who is trying to raise her daughter the best she can and is going through a divorce."
"And you very good at that. You are the best mom I've ever seen. You try so hard to give Charlie the life we had, and you are doing a great job. I wish I had your mothering skills." Carrie said and smiled. "Your also a great artist. Your paintings are the best I've ever seen. I'm sure one day very soon someone will discover your art."
"Yeah, all I am is an artist who paints in her garage and doesn't even get paid for it. Mom was a U.S. Senator, Dad is this great author. Even when we were younger, you and Matt were better than me at everything. I'm the weak link in this family. I'm not good at anything, you guys are better off without me."
"I'm sorry, but I'm going home. To be a stay at home mom, and an undiscovered artist because apparently that's all I'm good at." Elizabeth said.
"Ok, you know can always come back. We'll be home soon." Carrie said hugged her sister. "I think the book is in the library. I think it's two doors down."
Elizabeth nodded and walked towards the library. Carrie walked back into the room, and was surprised to find Charlie and Bree standing there.
"What are you two doing here?" She asked.
"Future Alex, has sent us a spell. A spell that will get rid of those twins forever." Bree said. Charlie handed Alex the paper and Alex took it.
"All of these ingredients are things that Conner and I have seen in our adventures." Alex said. "I guess your going back in time again. In order for Bree, Conner and I not to disappear, we'll stay here and wait for you. Charlie, you, Elizabeth, Carrie, and Matthew will travel back in time to get each of these items. But be careful not to mess anything up. In other words, don't mess up the timeline, because then your future will be different when you return."
"I've read all of the my grandpas books and if they are identical to what you went through in real life, I know how everything is supposed to go." Charlie said. "Wait where's my mom?"
Elizabeth opened the door to the library and was surprised to see the amount of books in there. Elizabeth loved to read just as much as she loved to paint, and would always spend her time with her daughter at the library. Elizabeth walked toward the study table in the middle of the room and the Land of Stories was on it. Next to the book was a spell book entitled, Powerful Forbidden Spells. Out of curiosity Elizabeth sat down and opened it. Suddenly the book flipped through its pages all by itself, and it stopped at a spell called Release from Vision Realm.
"Why did it take me to this page?" The book then began to glow and a shot of magic hit her head and everything around her became very very blurry.
"Elizabeth." An airy voice said.
Elizabeth dropped the book and quickly stood up in fright.
"Who said that?" She said.
"I'm here." The voice said again. "Perform the spell."
"Who are you?"
"Why, I'm your mother."
"That's impossible, my mother is dead." Elizabeth tried looking around the room.
"No Elizabeth. I'm here. I'm in this place called the vision realm, I was trapped here. I'm here with this lady, and she has plans to destroy this world with the Evil Twins. So make sure to only release me. Perform the spell and after close the portal."
A flash of light appeared in front of Elizabeth's eyes, and she fell onto the floor. She could suddenly see everything clearly. She quickly grabbed the spell book. She read the incantation silently to herself.
"Release the souls from the place of visions!" She said at the end. A purple and black portal then appeared in the middle of the room and a familiar person walked out.
"Mom?" Elizabeth said. But it wasn't her old and elderly mother, she looked like she was 30 years ago when she and her siblings her much younger.
"Elizabeth!" Bree said and ran to her daughter. "Oh, I'm so proud of you."
"How, but I couldn't even grow a rose."
"This was important to you. You needed to free me, you performed magic from your heart."
"How do you look so young?"
"In the realm I was trapped in, turns you back into a certain version of yourself when something important happened in your life."
"When was your time? When you became Senator?"
"No. When I saw you go off to college to pursue your dream of being an artist. That was the proudest moment in my life, because I knew I raised a girl that knew how to follow her heart and chase after her dream."
Elizabeth laughed and wiped away a tear and tightly hugged her mom. They soon heard foot steps coming from inside the portal. Bree looked towards the portal and gasped.
"Elizabeth, quickly close the portal."
"Oh yes!" Elizabeth said and grabbed book. "Is that the person you mentioned?"
"The voice that you heard, wasn't me. It was another women" Bree said. "It was the person that she had mentioned. She was telling you about herself."
"What? Mom who is it?"
"Elizabeth close the portal!"
Elizabeth opened the book, and a magic beam shot out of the portal and set the book on fire in Elizabeths hands. Elizabeth was startled and dropped the book on the floor, turning it to ashes. A tall skinny figure with long flowing magenta hair walked out of the portal. She wore a long magenta colored dress that matched her hair and wore black gloves and heels.
"Well, after being trapped in that realm for so long it's nice to see something besides your own reflection. Even though I don't mind it." She said and smiled.
"Mom, who is that." Elizabeth said.
"Who is that? Darling don't you recognize my voice? Well, you probably don't know my name, knowing that you come from the Otherworld. I'm Ezmia, the Evil Enchantress."
"From Sleeping Beauty?" Elizabeth said.
Ezmia rolled her eyes. "Yes, I guess."
Just then younger Bree, Charlie, Alex, Annabelle and Carrie ran into the library. Alex gasped at the sight of Ezmia, and Carrie gasped at the sight of her mother. Younger Bree came face to face with her future self and she disappeared back to her own time.
"Mom?! Is it really you, like the one who raised me." Carrie said.
"Yes, Carrie." Bree said and hugged her.
"This one knows my name, wait quiz. What is my husbands and my children's name. I need to know it's actually you."
"Scott, Brighton, Levi and Sammy." Bree said.
"It really is you!" Carrie said and squeezed her mother tightly. "Wait but how are you so young?"
"I'll explain later."
"Ezmia, but your dead." Alex said.
"No, that's what I made you think." Ezmia said. "When you thought I had died, I actually just transported myself to the vision realm. It's much better than dying, plus I wasn't done with the Fairytale world. Finally there are two new villains that actually have a chance of ruling it and I will lead them."
"You won't get away with this. I tried to defeat you once, and I will do it again."
"I'm sorry darling, but I had time in that realm to perfect more of my magic, and now I think we're on the same playing field. I may be on a stronger level though." Ezmia said. "Bree, I am very impressed by both of your daughters strong magic. I could use them."
"Over my dead body! You lay one hand on them..."
Ezmia quickly took out a vial filled with black dust and threw the dust at Bree. It landed in her eyes and she then became unconscious and fell in her daughters arms and they put her on the floor.
"Mom! Mom!" Carrie yelled.
"What did you do to her?" Elizabeth said.
"I put her under a sleeping curse. I figured out a way to bottle my curse, but I could only make a little. I was actually supposed to put it on Alex. Ugh what a waste. But it's not a problem, I always liked a good magic fight." Ezmia said and smiled at Alex. "I'll spare the two girls...for now. Right now I have a meeting with the two new leaders of my home world. I'm sure I'll see you soon."
Ezmia opened the land of stories and put it on the floor. A huge beam of light shot out and she walked through it.
"Charlie, it's time to make that spell." Alex said. "You better get going, before things get worse."
- In Serial227 Chapters
The First Corridor of Old Works
But what is it, really? Old Works. They say, some do anyway, or would, if they still had tongues - it's a dream. That it's a million year old mystery connecting three planets. Some, yet other, anonymous entities, charge that it's a structure, more accurately, an architecture - a quest, even, made from, and through - corridors. Pretty inarguably, for one thing, it's a maze. Even some pronounce, if you can understand those currently vomiting blood, that it's a corporation, and yet others - the brave ones – and dead - say it's... near death. Or that it is. Death. - Death itself. But that dark thing on the horizon, that thing emerging to replace the only system we... know. - Whatever it is it couldn't be the end, of everything, could it? Eminently possible, but - it couldn't be worse? 3 civilisations/3 planets... and Old Works. 4 heroes: The Cyclops seeing out his Eye the reality of that place - and by means of that vision - greasing the many-toothed gears of that great old churning nightmare. The Writer sweating to keep the story alive that supports the great old lying structure. The Fake King who abides among all those tunnels of dreams and lies and dreams and... slaves. And the Hero Dreamt, all those slaves - to maintain that structure's even functioning, have to - at all... they dream him. They literally dream him. But that thing, from whence, who knows, arriving? What kind of sick demonic mind could even - But it can only be psychosis - Or possession. Reducing all of reality to some kind of – what would you call it? A Game? A video... joke? And that half-Cyclops, that beauty – what does she have growing – beneath her supernatural genitals? A game for him? A game/a dream; a – world? Or just Old Works. And this Wound in reality – that our writer near-died putting inside her. What is it anyway? And what reality does it bring with it. This demon or God. Through the corridors; lattices of smoke and shadows and colours; dungeons; and supernatural organs; the labyrinths made from dreams... and flesh. - What happens when they face that Wound – staring the absolute. right. in. them? - Through - What happens to all us... slaves... then? But at the end of the hallway, you see it there, I say you do, that turning - It's only the First Corridor of Old Works. This finished 104,000 word kind of LITRPGy fantasy novel, the First Corridor of Old Works will be released in daily 2000 word chapters, or equivalent [unfailingly at 20:47 GMT] Immediately followed by the Second Corridor of Old Works [161,000 words, edited, ongoing, as of 24/09/21] At first lite on stats these LITRPGy elements will become increasingly - built meticulously upon what precedes - ubiquitous, as we proceed into a world painstakingly built to support these mechanisms. After - minimum - 6 months, this manic daily release schedule will be somewhat relaxed: 5 days a week. - But don't lie to yourself it's not there. That thing watching at the end of the hallway... and where it leads. It's - Of countless, it could only be - The First Corridor of Old Works.
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