《Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)》:.Stone cold pacifist.:
(Alright then everyone. This is the last chapter to this story- so then, I would like to thank all of my readers for their support as I wrote this
---No One's Pov---
After Sans finally managed to find (Y/n), he brought her to the Underground where his house still was. Papyrus was somewhat confused by what happened, and no matter how many times he tried to heal his brother... Sans would snap and leave.
After about two months of having the hole in his skull, the wound finally became permanent. Papyrus, who felt very lost without his brother, moved back Underground.
Toriel managed to speak with Papyrus and asked him to give her frequent updates on (Y/n). Since she was no older than six years, the motherly Monster felt that she was put in danger by being with Sans who increasingly grew erratic.
However, Papyrus rarely got to see her... and that alone was very concerning to the former Queen.
One day, Toriel decided that it was time for a visit. She came into the Underground with her child, Frisk. They didn't know what to expect from Sans, especially since he was apparently shutting himself and (Y/n) out from the rest of the world.
Last week was the last time that Papyrus had seen Sans. He mentioned that Undyne was coming over for their cooking lessons- but Sans became extremely aggressive over the idea, and in a fit of rage, summoned his sharpened bones throughout the house.
Paps was baffled... even if the attack was not aimed at him, it was still very unlike his brother. Thankfully, (Y/n) came in the room to calm him down with very little difficulty. The taller skeleton was able to get a look at her, seeing that she was wearing one of Sans' white shirts- clearly oversized on her petite body.
With the piece of clothing being too large on her, it fell down past her bitten shoulder to reveal the mark that she had gotten three months ago. It was still healing from how long he had his sharp teeth in her, and the scars that it would leave would be forever noticeable... even if she tried to cover it up with makeup.
For the most part, Papyrus was use to distinguishing his brother by the very make up of his Soul- that was a common thing among skeletons. However, since the makeup of the Soul was a high consistency of magic... he could no longer tell (Y/n) and Sans apart. Since she was still so small, Sans' magic overran her body from the bite...
Something like that among Monsters was seen more as an attack, and less of an affectionate gesture. In the end, Papyrus couldn't imagine his brother acting out like that on such a small Human... he always considered him too lazy to do anything. But after that head injury, his personality became much more dark.
Sure, he'd still tell the odd pun when he wasn't hiding in his room or something... but being around Sans put anyone on edge. There was just something about him that wasn't right.
---Frisk's Pov---
It took awhile to successfully get into the Underground again. I tried to ask Toriel to not come down here, that we shouldn't mess with Sans- but she was set on trying to help (Y/n).
I couldn't simply tell her that (Y/n) and Sans were together in a different timeline, because that wouldn't seem believable. And in all honesty? Since this was my last Reset, I was trying to do everything in my power to make Sans normal.
I wanted MY happy ending where everyone was okay, and I was still the center of Monster kind. Once I managed to remember the last timeline, I thought that it'd be better to keep (Y/n) away from us.
If she returned, then I'd lose the old Sans. I wanted my friend back... not this feral Monster who hated me. I wanted his pun-loving self to come back, to help all of us become a family again... but I failed. And now he hates me again.
It was bad enough when he was showing hatred towards Alphys and Undyne for whatever happened in the past with them- I mean, those two weren't even allowed to go into Snowdin without fearing for their lives.
And as for me? Last time I went... Sans said the one thing that I never wanted to hear from him ever again. In fact, I was fortunate to be alive! Though... with Toriel here, I might be able to apologize properly this time. Or maybe he will repeat the same words...
Ugh... they still echoed in my head, taunting me.
"If we're really friends... you wont come back."
Slowly, I moved through Snowdin with Toriel walking slightly ahead. One of my hands were being held in her large fluffy paw... I was filled with comfort, but couldn't find the strength for my determination. "We are almost there, my child."
Her voice soothingly said... but I could tell that she wasn't too calm either. Because Snowdin... was nothing shy of a ghost town. "Um... Mom, are you sure about this? I don't think that Sans wants to be bothered..."
"My child... what Sans did to that poor little girl was entirely wrong." She speaks about (Y/n) as if she had a shred of innocence in the weight of her sins. I really couldn't tell which one was worse... Sans who became a real Monster... or (Y/n), who pretended to play the role of a pacifist.
Of course, I could feel my own sins crawling on my back. And sure I may of killed the Monsters over and over again- but (Y/n) killed Humans without restraint. She had the emotional mindset of a piece of ice while doing it too.
She never valued Human life- she valued assets. Not even Gaster was able to say with certainty if she truly did the Reset for the Monsters- or to uphold the promise that she made. Either way, the former Royal Scientist didn't care for her motives. In the end, (Y/n) didn't lie to him, and that in his eyes... was the making of a friend that he could respect... even if she didn't share that idea of being more than business partners that just finished a transaction.
But one thing was pretty obvious... she wanted the best for Sans. For the only one who she had an entirely different attachment to.
As we walked closer to the house, a familiar figure started to come into view. It was a taller skeleton, dressed in a long black coat and turtleneck. "Hello, Doctor Gaster. I trust that you are well?"
"Ah. Lady Toriel. Yes, I am doing fine." He replied. Gaster started to sign with his hands while also speaking in the English language... in his right hand was a bag filled with books and papers. "You both appear to be in good health. What are you doing down here?"
"We've come to see Sans and the child that he has with him. I feel as though I must express my concerns to him." Toriel said with a frown. Gaster gave us both an emotionless stare, only to reach out the bag that he was holding which Toriel cautiously grabbed.
"Sans is quite easily provoked right now. Since (Y/n) is young and fragile, he is lashing out at anyone who appears to be too close. If you bring those books to him... you'll have a reason to stay longer in his company." Gaster explained. Toriel started to pull out a few of the books, only to read some of the titles a loud.
"Human anatomy... Child Care... English Literature... Leaning Your ABCs... Cooking..." She put the books back and gave him a confused look.
"Those are the books that Sans requested for me to bring. Some of them are also on Quantum Physics." He mused. Toriel gave one final look at the bag before offering him a small nod of acceptance to bring it to Sans. "Ah, excellent. I have been living with Sans and Papyrus for the last month or so. The company is much better now that they have returned to the Underground- (Y/n) is also quite pleasant."
"You... spoke with her?! Papyrus barely even sees her..." She claimed with surprise. Gaster only gave her a confused look before crossing his arms.
"Of course I have. Whenever Sans finds himself going to the surface to settle some of the legal paperwork for having (Y/n) within his care- I am often left with her. Though, she is sometimes left with me for several days at a time during specific occasions. During which, we just remain in the Lab."
I mean, Papyrus wouldn't ever notice her gone because Sans can just teleport-
Wait a second... legal... paperwork? I never even thought that Sans could get that all sorted out! I mean... Toriel was saying something about adopting (Y/n), but if she was already being cared for by more special means... "Judging by your expressions, you both seem rather confused. Sans has obtained a special claim over (Y/n) through some of our more ancient methods. Of course, the law still exists and cannot be removed- I am sure that you are familiar with it, Lady Toriel?"
Toriel noticeably paled from the news that she just heard... but I was pretty lost by whatever they were talking about. "I-I... surly that law wouldn't still exist... that is so barbaric!"
"I apologize- however, as the law suggests... A Monster who has marked a Human that they are willing to take responsibility for- have all rights to do so as long as that Human in question gives consent. If the Human has no one in higher authority from them like a parent or family member... then all rights proceed to the dominant Monster." He explained. I gawked at him in disbelief... but before I could inquire further, he beat me to it. "No one wants to challenge the stability of our peace between both species. Humans benefit too much from us to cause any problems with our older traditions. As a result, Sans is labeled as her mate. Or in a more Human term of speaking, his wife."
I was sure of it now... Sans was already well aware of this since he himself is a judge among Monsters. So then... what really happened in (Y/n)'s house? Were her parents killed by the men that invaded the home? Or... by Sans.
It would make sense... especially if he wanted full control over her living arrangements and who she had to rely on.
I didn't want to say anything about it since it could have a negative effect on this timeline. If I wanted to live peacefully this round, then I had to play by their rules. I no longer had the power to play by mine...
This was so frustrating!
I hated being without control...
Once we finished speaking with Gaster, Toriel led me to the skeleton brother's house. The moment that her hand reached out to knock on the door- it opened to reveal a single crimson eye. Sans was already staring at us, as if he sensed our approach. "Heya, Tori. Kid."
"Hello, Sans. We passed Gaster on the way down here, and he had requested us to bring you these books." She said calmly. It took a moment for him to respond, but with time the door was opened and we were let in. "Where is Papyrus?"
Toriel probably felt more comfortable around Sans if his brother was in the room. That made sense since Sans would always hold back within his presence... because as much as I wanted to believe that he'd act less terrifying with (Y/n) here- I knew that it would make no difference. "He left for his cooking lessons."
She put the books down next to the green couch, causing Sans to approach the bag so that he could pull out the one that read 'Human Anatomy.' "Oh... well, how have you been?"
"Fine." He said while flipping through several of the pages.
"Then... what about the child? How is she taking all of this?"
"Better than you." He confirmed with a small hum. Mom didn't know how to respond to his answer, causing him to snicker at the silence.
After about five minutes of him quietly reading to himself... Toriel spoke up in a last attempt to catch his attention. "Sans, I do not think that (Y/n) will grow up properly in an environment like this."
Sans grew silent... which Toriel took as a poor indicator to continue. "She needs education, some kind of social life... if you keep her trapped down here, how will she ever grow-"
"Are you done?"
"No. I am not. The fact that you marked her, and claimed her as your mate before she could even grow up- why?!" She pleaded out, angry and saddened at the same time. Toriel was desperate for an answer...
"(Y/n)'s been through a lot. I made a promise to take responsibility for her." Sans stated seriously. Mom gawked at him, as if she had heard the one thing that she never expected. "She was gonna die if I did nothin'. And m' sorry, but a life without her ain't worth livin'."
"But it was her life, Sans!" She said desperately.
"Yeah, and she was willing to throw it away. So what do ya do when someone gives up something that you want but they don't? Well..." He paused for dramatic effect, his grin growing wide. ""
He sat down on the couch lazily, slouching slightly to stare up at us. Even from his sitting position, we could both tell that he was threatening us in his own way. Daring for us to piss him off. "But... why would you select her as a mate... that is such a commitment that Is so unlike you..."
"It's simple, really. I love her. I want her, and I will not live without her here. That's why I forced her to live. Is what I did really that selfish? I did save her."
"Yes but... you aren't giving her any kind of freedom, Sans!"
His eye glowed vibrantly, causing us both to take a step back towards the door. Sans was giving us both a menacing grin that was anything but relaxed. It was the calmest form of hostility, making it all the more unsettling.
His fingers started to tap against his arm, producing a sound that made us both want to leave... but we stood our ground, too afraid to turn our back on him.
That is... until he let out that chilling laugh of his.
"Ha... did ya think that I was gonna do somethin'?" He mused out. As soon as the humored face was there, it was gone. He eased back into that lazy grin of his and gave us both that bored expression.
"Sans. I believe that you are making them quite nervous."
"Hm? Ah... awake, cupcake? How was your sleep?" He stated to the small girl that walked down the stairs. Due to the fear that we were trapped in, we never even noticed her approaching... then again, knowing (Y/n)... if she wanted to be heard, then we would of heard her.
Groggily, (Y/n) walked down the stairs and approached the green couch. She didn't stop walking until she was standing in front of Sans, completely unfazed by his attitude. Both Toriel and I watched her quietly, not wanting to say anything until the thick atmosphere vanished. "I slept fine..."
"That so? Heh... C'mere." His arms moved down to pick her up... and in that moment, I could tell that Toriel wanted to pull (Y/n) away from the Monster that was filling the room with his murderous intent. But at the same time... he looked like the most caring Monster in the entire Underground. Loving. "Ya still look pretty tired... maybe we should take a nap, yeah?"
Once she was raised off the ground, Sans moved her to sit on his lap. And then, he placed the base of his skull on her head while she laid back into the comfort of his hoodie. I suddenly felt like we were intruding. "You both can leave now. No sense in standin' around, doin' nothing. If ya don't have a reason to be here, then get lost."
I never thought that I'd ever hear Sans say anything like that. Especially not to someone like Toriel... he really didn't want us here, around his mate.
"F-fine... but If I hear that you mistreated that child in any way... I'll-"
"You'll what?" He asked calmly, his single eye moving towards us. It was narrowed, waiting for Toriel to say some kind of threat that would give him a reason to end us.
I've never felt so scared in my entire life...
Without another word, Toriel left. I was going to follow, but I froze in my footsteps at the feeling of a killer's glare. I turned around, expecting to see Sans staring at me... but he was too busy with nuzzling his skull into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck, sharply taking in her scent before letting out a pleased purr.
No... this wasn't Sans. It was (Y/n).
"You're lucky that I asked him not to kill you." Her words were cold, holding no remorse. I could feel the very depth of my sins. "After all... your death would of been quite the inconvenience."
She had the (E/c) eyes of a murderer, but all of the fairness of a judge. She obviously saw me as guilty, but didn't take action because it wasn't worth the conflict. She didn't care to have friends, because all she needed was Sans. And she didn't act in the world that I tried to alter... because in the end?
(Y/n) was a Stone Cold Pacifist.
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