《Stone Cold Pacifist (Horror Sans x Reader)》:.The truth.:


(So since everyone has been so supportive as of late, tomorrow or the day after I am thinking of doing a day of updates aha. So basically, I plan to consecutively update as many times as possible. Should be interesting, right? Well, I am hoping to get at least three chapters or more out in the same day. Anyway, enjoy!)

---(Y/n)'s pov---

A date...


Gaster never prepared me for this. He taught me science, Monster biology, combat and a lot of other things. But not this.

I knew that I felt something different whenever I was around Sans... so reluctantly I agreed to his request. Of course I told him that I wouldn't do anything unless he followed through with his favor first. As a result, he happily left to complete his given task.

Exhaling a puff of white air from my parted lips showed the temperature drop. I couldn't help but notice how cold I felt right about now... it almost made me consider asking Sans for his hoodie despite the vast amount of blood stains upon the fabric.

Fortunately I remembered to wear my gloves before coming out here, otherwise I would of returned to Sans' home... only to collapse on his tattered green couch with the full intent of getting some rest.

Watching from the tree line as the young Human solved one of the puzzles after a suspected Reset for the solution, I noticed how the air seemed to be very thick with some kind of anticipation.

After Papyrus left one of his puzzles, I walked up behind Aliza before she could leave the area. Leaning down, I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention... judging by her panicked expression, she was very startled by me. "Hello. I don't believe that I caught your name."

"A-Aliza..." She muttered out while staring up at me with her big hopeful eyes. Turning on my heels to walk into the vast forest, I made a swift hand motion to tell her to follow me. She patted down her messy brown hair in an attempt to look more presentable... perhaps in a somewhat self-conscious way before eagerly pursing me.

"That is a lovely name. I'm (Y/n)." I responded. The soft crunching sound of snow filled my ears as the small girl followed me into the forest. I made sure to navigate around carefully, weaving through the deeper snow and foliage. "I hope you do not mind if I ask you a few questions..."

She shook her head. Offering Aliza a fake smile, I carefully moved myself over a fallen log. After feeling a faint pull on my soul that pushed me a little further past the thick piece of wood, the child was not so lucky. She aimed to jump over the log, only to end up with her foot caught in a bear trap.

Once the snapping sound was heard, Aliza started screaming loudly with that high pitched voice. Sharply turning my head to face her, my (H/c) hair got caught by a gust of wind that effortlessly tore through my coat. If I stayed out here any longer, I'd probably become sick. Narrowing my eyes into a look of irritation, I knew that I'd have to make this quick. "Relax. You don't want to attract the dogs... I will assist you out of that trap."


Moving to face her, I soon approached Aliza and leaned down to view her ankle. She was a sobbing mess as I took a careful look at the metal teeth that tore into her skin. In the distance, I could practically feel a large group stalking towards our direction. I knew that it was the dogs, but they were a bit too scared from their last encounter with me to actually approach. "Hmm... this trap is rusty in certain areas. Can you not simply Reset out of this situation? Load a different save point? Many Humans possess that ability."

So I lied to her about this in an effort to obtain the truth. Children were always so gullible, making this very simple. "N-no... It only works when I die..."

Oh. Well that simplifies this. "I don't know if I can get this off of you, but I am also not willing to kill you. It simply isn't something that I will do. Ah... Perhaps Sans can assist you? Yes, let us try that."

Before she could shake her head and beg for me to not involve him... it was too late. I was already calling him over. "Sans, are you nearby? Could you come here please?"

Almost immediately, a ping sound could be heard. Sans had teleported behind me where I could feel his chilling breath on the back of my neck. He leaned his skull forward to stare past my shoulder in a very unsettling way.

"Heh. Heya, cupcake. You called?" He asked while tapping the handle of his axe against his shoulder. The sound created a echoing noise as his smile widened at the sight of Aliza's trapped foot. "Oh, Lemme guess. This Human needs a hand huh?"


Watching as Sans raised his blade above his skull, the weapon soon came down upon her ankle to sever the trapped limb. Blood sprayed everywhere, tainting the snow in a mess of crimson colors. "Heheheh... bet she could probably use a foot too."

Aliza's eyes widened in horror, only to start screaming at the top of her lungs again. I didn't like the sound since it was by far too high pitched for my ears. Before I could move forward to hush her, Sans reached out his hand to grab my wrist in a firm grip. His sharpened claw like fingers dug into my skin, almost drawing some blood in the process."Nope. We already made a deal. Remember?"

Yeah, I did. I asked Sans to place that bear trap in her path so that I could question her on the whole Reset concept. Judging by the lack of change in our location, Aliza was telling the truth. She could only reset upon her death. "I remember."

I could feel my back being pushed up against the skeleton's ribcage as he pulled me into him. Feeling the boney structure behind me, I surprised myself once I subconsciously leaned into him in search of warmth. Sans let out a hum of satisfaction, content with my actions. "Alright. Let's go."

And with that said, we both vanished from the area. Aliza's trail of blood could be seen and easily followed by some kind of starving Monster... and to be honest, it didn't take long for the pack of vicious dogs to find her.


---No One's Pov---

Once Sans and (Y/n) arrived back to the house, Sans made sure to immediately teleport into his room with her. She started to pull off her gloves slowly while the skeleton released his hold on her body. He knew that he was holding onto her a little roughly, so he decided to give her some space.

The slightest amount of unnatural movement caused him to lazily return his attention back to her, but he wasn't expecting so see her shivering. He forgot that Humans were much more susceptible to temperature. "Ya doin' alright?"

"I'm fine." She managed breathe out. He watched her with a predatory gaze, sizing her up as if she were prey. That grin of his didn't seem too insane at the moment, but it did appear much more forced. In fact, someone could easily speculate that he was fairly irritated with the lack of honesty.

"Why are ya shivering then?" He huskily demanded while tilting his head to scratch at the crack in his skull.

And then there was nothing but silence. Both of their breathing seemed to completely pause, almost like air was no longer necessary. Instead, Sans' crimson stare narrowed as he took in her body. He made sure to notice every curve, her posture and even how she rubbed her hands together.

Sans let out a huff as he took a casual step forward. Although he seemed calm, it was all apart of his 'scaring them shitless' act. When he finally managed to back her up against the edge of his bed, he reached both of his hands forward to grab hers out of curiosity, His expression knitted together in a look of confusion after managing to feel how cold her skin was.

It didn't take long for him to move his arms around her torso, effectively preventing her from being able to properly move. After he managed to trap (Y/n), Sans crashed down onto the surface of his messy bed, keeping her pulled into the fluff of his hoodie.

(Y/n) moved slightly, not enjoying how close they were... but once Sans' growl erupted from the pit of his ribcage, she stopped. ""

He decided right then and there... if he had to knock her out to get some sleep, that the action would be worth it. And needless to say, he was willing to do it. Despite this, (Y/n) chose to stop moving once she found comfort in his warmth. He was keeping her warm...

"Next time, tell me when you're cold."

"The Human was too much of a distraction."

"That wasn't a problem, I could of still took you home. The Human could of killed themselves just fine without me."

The way he spoke... Sans was speaking as if this place was her home too. In the past few days, Papyrus kept on bringing up the idea of her moving in with them. He started to believe that she'd be safer living with them... and since he saw her as a friend, he felt the need to protect her.

However, Sans and Papyrus were both very different. What Papyrus viewed as 'Defending his friend' Sans saw as 'Protecting his potential mate.'

Sans knew how uncommon it was for a Monster's Soul to willingly desire another individual. Generally if a Soul ever did such a thing, it was considered the start of a relationship whether the other consented to it or not. In the past, Monsters were much more forgiving to being turned down by a possible mate... but right now? That wasn't an option.

Especially for Sans. He spent his life having nothing, and for the first time... his Soul begged to be paired up with (Y/n). Other than the frequent scares of her being constantly put into danger... he only seemed to benefit from her being around.

His Soul easily attached to (Y/n) in several ways. Her interest in jokes, her sarcasm, her calm nature and intelligence... even her appearance. However, one thing stood out above everything else. She was dangerous, just like him. Sans felt an odd thrill from standing in her presence, but it wasn't a bad one. It was exciting to him.

Though he had to admit that he felt the need to protect her despite the fact that he knew her to be capable of holding her own. After the last encounter with the sniper who hurt her, he easily became much more suspicious of Humans. Papyrus wasn't much different, he stared to become a bit aggressive around anyone that got too close. Even the other Monsters.

After about twenty minutes, Sans managed to fall asleep... and (Y/n) wasn't too far behind him. Both of them managed to fall into a deep sleep, keeping their eyes closed for a good two hours until the sound of careful footsteps woke (Y/n) up.

She noticed How Sans was still effectively pinning her arms down with his hold, not letting up in the slightest. The skeleton's bones were strangely vibrating in a way that produced that content purring sound... it seemed relaxing and worked to lull her back to sleep.

Until the sound of the door opening alerted her. From beyond the crack of the open door, (Y/n) could make out the panicked eyes that belonged to Aliza. She appeared to be very nervous, but Sans seemed to be in a deep sleep and never managed to notice her.

From behind the small girl, another face could be seen. Aliza visibly paled once she felt a heavy breath on her shoulder. Papyrus stood behind her and allowed his eyes to lock with (Y/n) for a brief moment. Noticing that she was actually sleeping until Aliza woke her.

Once he let out a small irritated growl, Paps closed the door leading into the room and made a quick move to grab Aliza by her long brown hair... only to drag her down the stairs roughly. He told her to leave (Y/n) alone, not to disturb HIS friend. Especially since she woke her up...

Soon enough, the sound of flesh being pierced by sharp objects ceased in noise. Everything seemed quiet enough, peaceful.

It was the calm before another Reset.

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