《Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler》Chapter 7


"Jake, slow down!" Ivy yelled, racing after her brother.

The rest of the teenagers in the house started to clump together and cheer,




The three of them stumbled into the crowd, pushing randoms out of the way.

Jake suddenly stopped when he reached the front of the crowd.

"Jake, what are you-"

Ivy stopped dead in her tracks..

What she saw struck her heart like a hammer to glass, shattering it into a million pieces.

Lexi was standing in the center of the room dressed up as Luke.. their father. She had on his grey workers uniform and a messy wig, recreating how he died.

She shook around, mimicking someone being electrocuted.

Ivy felt tears start to drizzle down her cheeks, her throat was closing up and her face felt like It was one fire.

Jake stood next to her, his eyes glued to the scene in front of them.

Everyone was laughing..

Ivy could picture what happened that night, her father writhing around in pain as the electricity stopped his heart.

Sure, he was an ass whole and deserved it.. but this was unacceptable. This was cruel.

At that moment, Ivy realized something that she had been questioning forever.

Lexi really was a soulless freak.

Just then, Lexi turned to Ivy, locking eyes with her. Ivy felt rage coursing through her body. A kind of anger she had never experienced before.

"Jake, what?" Devon quietly asked.

"She's my dad.." Jake replied, adding fuel to the fire.

Ivy squeezed her hands into fists, ready to tear the bitch's spleen out.

She raced forward.

The crowd fell silent.

Ivy was just a few feet away when a hand grabbed her wrist and yanked her back.

Everything around her was blurry and every noise was muffled.

All she could focus on was the look on Lexi's face, the look of no remorse, no sympathy.

She didn't care how fucked up this was, all she cared about was praise.


"Ivy.." Jake said, coming into view.

He blocked her view of Lexi and placed both hands onto her shoulders. "Forget about it.."

Ivy could see the horrified expression on his face.

She stared at him, everything slowly coming back to her. The teen shoved him out of the way and pointed a finger at Lexi.

"Rot in hell, pornstar."

Everyone gasped and the blonde's face turned bright red.

* * *

"Im sorry that's really fucked up.." Devon said, following the twins out of the house.

"It's not your fault." Jake muttered.

"I don't know what Lexi's problem is-" He started.

Ivy shoved the teen back.

"I know what it is, she's a selfish cunt that deserves a brutal fate. I'd be happy to slice her head off and feed it to her parents but that would be too nice." Ivy sneered, her eyes red with rage.

Jake stopped, an unidentifiable expression spread across his face.


"I-I can't let her get away with this.." He mumbled, glancing over at his sister.

"Finally!" She exclaimed.

"You don't have to do that.." Devon warned.

"Yes I do!" Jake argued, gesturing for Ivy to follow.

"We need to show her what it's like to get hurt.."

* * *

Ivy followed Jake downstairs to where Lexi was talking to her little sister.

"Are we really doing this?" She questioned.

He didn't answer.

They hurried down the staircase and Lexi's head shot up.

Jake stood there, clenching his jaw and fists in anger. Ivy was waiting for his signal to attack.

"What?" Blondie snapped.

Before Jake could respond, Chucky appeared behind her with his knife in the air. He swung it back.

"No!" He screamed.

"Yes!" Ivy shouted, excitement flashing in her eyes.

"Jake, wait!" Devon yelled, rushing down with Junior on his tail.

Ivy groaned, too many witnesses.

Jake raced over and grabbed the doll.


"Really, that's it?" The teen frowned, watching her brother bolt back upstairs.

"His creepy doll just creeps me the fuck out.." Lexi complained.

Ivy turned to the blonde and narrowed her eyes. "You better watch you back, princess."

Devon's worried expression widened as the three teenagers watched her run off after Jake.

* * *

"How you doin'?" Chucky asked the twins.

"Not good." Jake sighed.

"Like you care.." Ivy grumbled.

They were both sitting on Jake's bed, exhausted from tonights events.

"Look.. uh, sorry about the eye, kid." The doll said, attempting to apologize. "I promise, I will never do that again."

"We've heard that before.." Ivy scoffed.

She was exhausted.

It's been a while since she's gotten that mad.

Getting too angry has always been an issue for her.

Ivy cares so much about the people she loves.

When someone hurts them, it's like her whole life crumbles in front of her and all she can focus on is destroying the person responsible.

People have been fucking with her family since as long as she can remember.

And she's sick of it.

Ivy finally had a way to get rid of all the people who have wronged her and her brother and she was not about to lose this chance..

Since mother's passing, Ivy has made sure to keep Jake as safe as she could.. but it was becoming more and more difficult everyday.

There was a deeply routed darkness inside of her, linked to her dangerously unstable emotions.

She's worried one day she may snap and all her bottled up rage will finally surface..

She's worried she'll end up just like her crazy ass father..

"That was some party." Chucky mumbled.

"It sucked.." Jake sighed.

"Like I said before, Jake, some people just deserve to die."

Ivy nodded. "Can't argue with that."

Jake shot her a look.

"What?" She scoffed. "You cant tell me Lexi deserves to continue living in fantasy land after what she did tonight."

The doll smirked at her comment.

"Look at the world. It's the Super Bowl of slaughter." He explained. "And you two cant just sit in the stands, you know?"

"We all gotta get out there and.. get in the game. It's kill or be killed." Chucky continued.

"Who's team do you wanna be on? Because sooner or later, everybody's gotta choose."

Just then, he tore a butcher knife out of his tiny doll overalls and held it out.

Jake stared at it as if it was a puppy.

There was a spec of excitement in his eyes.

That terrified Ivy..

She was supposed to be the first twin to fall, not him.

"Pick the right choice, Wheeler's." He grinned.

"Kill the bitch before she kills you.."

Jake shook his head, "I-I don't know if I can do that."

Ivy snatched the knife out of Chucky's hand and gripped it tightly between her palms. "I know I can."

The doll smiled deviously.

"Good choice." He turned back to Jake. "Man the fuck up."

"What did they all do tonight? They laughed just like Lexi wanted, they were all laughing at you." He said, trying to get the second twin under his control.

"I told you, your sister and I are the only real friends you got in the whole world."

Ivy nodded.

She couldn't help but agree with him.

Everything he was talking about was true.

They laughed.

They laughed at them.

They didn't deserve to be here.

Hell, they don't even deserve to breath the same air.

Suddenly, Jake stood up and joined the two on them on Ivy's bed.

He didn't say anything to them, but Ivy knew exactly what he was thinking.

Chucky pulled out a second knife, making Ivy question how he can stash two large knives in his tiny doll shirt without them showing.

He held it up for Jake.

"Take the knife, Jake." The doll insisted. "You know you want to."

"Take it."

Jake stared at the blade as it glowed in the moonlight.

Ivy was too busy admiring her own to acknowledge what he was about to do.

The teen hesitantly grabbed the knife out of Chucky's hand and breathed out an uneven sigh.

"Congrats, kids." He chuckled.

"You're going to the Super Bowl!"

They turned to each other, both holding their weapons.

"Let's do this.."

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