《How to Write Stories People Will Love》1. Be Realistic


Before we launch into ways to make your story likeable, we first need to manage expectations.

When I say be realistic, I don't mean your story. I mean your outlook on life. It's a well-known fact you can't please everyone, and the same is true in writing. Fiction or non-fiction, there will be people who like what you write, and people who don't. It doesn't matter how hard you try. Tastes are personal, and you can't do anything to change them.

If you paid attention, you'll recall the title of this is how to write stories that people will love. By "people" I mean some people, not everyone. Go into this knowing that it is physically impossible to please all readers. All you can do is the best you can, and hope that like-minded readers will find you. (This is a whole other topic. I found this guide about how to get reads and votes extremely helpful: https://www.wattpad.com/story/11752550-how-to-get-reads-votes-and-comments-a-guide by .)

Wattpad is a big place, full of all kinds of readers with all kinds of backgrounds. Some like to be helpful and post useful feedback. Some think they're being helpful and post honest but caustic feedback. And then there are trolls. A troll is like that loud guy in class who seems to say something annoying or offensive every time he opens his mouth. He can't help it. He was raised that way. Or maybe it's in his DNA. Or maybe the gremlins under his bed make him do it. Whatever the reason, just remember this: YOU CAN'T PLEASE TROLLS. All you can do is ignore them, and keep on writing.

Don't write to please an audience. Write for yourself. Start by pleasing yourself, and we can build from there.

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