Jealousy Chapter 3


3rd person POV

Jake felt Jealous and hated the fact he did fir the past few nights he has been crying himself to sleep but only if he knew Colby actually liked him and Brennen was just a distraction Colby didn't want to risk his close Friendship with Jake but one day Colby came home Crying

me and Brennen we're ok we had a date then he pushed me to a wall and started to kiss me roughly It started to get heated Colby didn't want this he didn't want his relationship to rush so i pushed him off me he gave me an F up look i said "what?" " What the problem babe?" brennen said i said " i didn't want to rush this relationship" Brennen said "What?" we've been on a date it's not rushing this relationship" he tried to kiss me again i just moved away from him " if you don't want to do this now then fine i can go find someone better" and with that i ran so fast to my car i got in and when i did that i locked the door he came running out i rolled down the window he said "Sorry baby i- i cut him off " don't call me that!" "i'm sorry" " no you're clearly not if you wanna mess with someone else go!" i pulled out of his driveway i got a text saying "where tf are you going?"

i pulled over to a Holiday to get gas i replied to him saying "i'm going to hangout with Jake bc he's always here for me and your not"

"ok fine go cheat on me go!"

"if you wanna go f with him then fine You'll get blocked!"


Brennen❤️ blocked you

i paid for my gas and started crying on the way home i got in and ran upstairs i knocked on Jakes door he opened it i collapsed in his arms he hugged me tightly he brought me to his bed and said "shhh everything is going to be ok" i cried in his chest after him calming me down he asked "do you wanna talk about it?" i told him everything he had an angered look on his face and sadness we heard a knock o. the door no one was home except me and Jake we went down stairs and opened the door ...


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