《Rejected by the Bad Boy ✔》5


I was about to bite him when I felt something stop me. I tried biting into him bite it felt as if there was a barrier stopping me, and it was annoying so I growled really loudly and got off Damien. Damien pulled me back and he was now startling me.

'Don't you ever try mark me without my permission?' He growled. I whimpered as his alpha voice were sending waves to my brain for me to obey him.

'Don't treat me as if I'm your slave! I am your mate!' I growled and shoved him off me. The sparks went completely and I felt empty but angry too. I opened his bedroom door but Damien grabbed my arm and threw me across the room making me hit the wall.

I slid down and groaned from the pain. His loud footsteps boomed on the floor and the vibrated making me clutch my head in pain. He grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up on the wall so we were eye to eye.

'Don't disrespect me.' He said, his fangs came out and he snapped them at me, his eyes were black and I was scared now.

'Get off me Damien.' I said, more like whispered. His phone rang and he let me down making me crash to the floor I got up slowly and heard the conversation he was having,

'You wanted to go see the rogue?' I heard Damien ask me, he turned around to seek my answer

'Yes.' I said.

'Come on then.' We walked downstairs and I said.

'I don't have anything underneath.' He sighed walked back upstairs and came back down with sweats in his hand. I wore it and we walked to his car, me barefooted.


We got to the pack house and everyone looked at me with disgust, I remembered they could see the mark and it made me cringe even more now. Damien growled at everyone and they went back to doing what they were doing.

We walked towards the pack doctor and there was the rogue with the blue eyes. Everything seemed clear now, I remembered the laughs and the whole image in my head it was two kids running on the beach a mother was taking pictures while the father tried chasing them, it was a happy memory of me and my family that I had forgotten.

'You're my brother.' I whispered as tears blurred my vision

You know that feeling of happiness you get when you see someone you haven't seen for a long time? No? Well, let me tell you that it is the best feeling ever, tears that fall freely from your eyes because of the pain so much people have caused, so much pain life has caused and then finally seeing that person you have forgotten.

'Kameron, how di-' I began

'You left me.' Kameron said without looking at me

'I left you? I was 3 when you left!' I shouted at him. It was true, when I was 3 Kameron was 6 and he decided that he didn't want to live my mom and dad, so he went to his Godmother's house and we never heard from him and I forgot about him.

'You could have come and visited me.' He snarled. I heard Damien growl behind me

'I was three for fuck's sake Kameron! The best thing you could have done was visit us, you were their amazing beautiful boy!' I yelled at him, he got up off his bed and looked at me


'They never told me that. To them I was the ruined child, you were little how was you to know that I was getting into fights at school? That I was the freak at school? What did mom and dad do? Nothing, absolutely nothing.' He said, glaring at me.

'As entertaining as this is, I have to ask you one question Kameron.....are you willing to stay in this pack or do we have to kill you like we killed your...friends?' Damien asked behind me. I whipped around to face him....he killed the others?

'Kill me. I don't wish to stay in the pack that killed people that helped me.' Said Kameron, I turned to face him again at this rate I was going to end up with whiplash.

'Kameron, no.' I whispered, his eyes turned to me and they held anger, pain and a little bit of strength.

'If that's what he chooses.' Damien said

'NO!' I yelled. 'You are not going to kill him and you are not going to die. I haven't seen you since I was 3 and no way am I letting you go forever! Mom and dad might have treated you like that, but you were the first blessing in their life. You left me, and then mom and dad left me and now....I'm the one getting the most abuse in this pack while you kill for your anger, I can't do shit about mine so don't you dare leave me.' I gritted out.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do then? I don't want to join this pack, and now you don't want me to leave you.'

'You know what? I don't give a shit anymore.' I said, then barged passed everyone. I got looks, glares and someone tried tripping me over but I went passed them and walked outside. It was a cloudy day and it looked as if it was about to rain again but I still continued walking through the woods.

I cried, I let down myself. I willed myself to be strong for once I willed myself not to give a shit about what people say and look where I am now. Marked by my alpha mate, who hates me, I can't even mark him so he can keep hurting me and last of all, I saw my brother and he doesn't even care that he has seen me.

I don't see the point of living anymore....I saw a branch, so I sharpened the edge a bit and then held it up to my wrist....I'm finally going to see mommy and daddy.

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