《Rejected by the Bad Boy ✔》4


Kayla's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun shining through the window making me groan and throw the covers off of me. I did the usual and had a shower, I checked the time 8:17 just 48 hours till Shelia and the boys get back. After the thing with Cody and Damien I just felt like total shit and couldn't be bothered to do anything today, till I looked outside and it was raining. I smiled and got my jacket, today I was going to visit my parents' grave and you might be wondering why since it was raining and all, but when they were alive we had the best moments when it rained and plus I haven't visited them in a long time.

I bought flowers from the local florist, getting glares from some of them but I ignored them and kept smiling knowing I was going to visit my parents. Once I got there I walked for a bit, passing some people who were in tears and I walked passed a funeral that was happening, I went to my parent's graves and I kneeled down on it.

'Hey mom and dad.' I said, I laid the flowers down on the graves and sat down cross legged.

'I'm sorry I haven't been here to visit you guys, I have no excuse for it what so ever. Things have been tough, but Aunt Sheila and the guys have been taking care of me so I'm okay.'

'I found my mate. I remember how you guys used to fight over the fact that I might have a mate one day. Mum would always be like you're going to find your prince charming then dad would have said no because my princess is staying here with us. Now you guys are gone, I'm not sure if I want him not like he would accept me though. He is going to be alpha of course so there's no point in trying to move or get him to like me.' I said

'So this is where you are?' I jumped when I felt hot breathe against my cold wet skin, I turned to see Damien behind me

'Why are you here?' I asked

'We need to go, rogues are around here.' He said. Rain was pelting down on the both of us, making my top cling onto my skin

'You go, don't want to be responsible for your death now do I?' I muttered and turned back around

'Get up Kayla!' His voice boomed. I instantly did as he asked and stood up, then we heard a loud growl....

Damien wasted no time to grab my hand and start running. I was confused as to why he was running, but maybe it's because he doesn't have his beta by his, or because I was his mate and you get only one chance for a mate. The growl was coming closer as was the running steps of a wolf, the smell of an unfamiliar scent filled my nose and I let out a growl. I turned to see the wolf, I could she was female by her eyes, I shifted letting go of Damien's hand.


'Kayla! What the fuck are you doing?!' Damien shouted over the pounding of the rain. I ignored him as me and the rogue circled each other not taking our eyes of each other. I heard the snapping of bones and turned to see Damien shifting into his dark as midnight wolf and he was bigger than me and the rogue. While I was looking over at Damien, the rogue had lunged at me but Damien jumped in the air and tackled her halfway through.

I heard another growl come my left side and saw a different wolf, and his one was male but I could tell he was younger than the female wolf but a little older than me, by his fur. He ran up to Damien, this was my chance to get my anger out, I ran up to him baring my teeth and jumped on top of the wolf. He had just landed behind Damien, and Damien had turned around to see me on top of the wolf.

I was going to bite into the wolf but something familiar was in his eyes. Something I recognized but I couldn't get it, his eyes were a bright blue colour and had marks in them. I closed my eyes and heard a distant memory of a few laughs from little kids. I opened my eyes and the rogue was still underneath me looking at me with the same confusion in his eyes too.

I could feel teeth on my neck, I turned to see Damien pulling me. I looked at the wolf one more time before following Damien, we ran and ran till we got near his home his real home where he lived and not his pack home. He opened the door and walked in, he didn't hear my footsteps so he turned around and nudged his head for me to come inside.

Once we were inside he ran upstairs and kept turning his head to see if I was behind him. We got to what I'm thinking was his room and he shifted, totally butt naked and wow it was an amazing site. What the hell am I thinking!?

'Enjoying the sight?' He said, I growled lowly as he chuckled. He went into what I think was a bathroom leaving me there....not knowing what to do. He came out a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet, a few drops of the water fell on his chest. His tattoos were showing, his armband tattoo, his tattoo on his chest and one I saw before, a cross on his right shoulder blade.

'Here, wear this.' He had his top in his hand and I grabbed it with my mouth. I looked at him

'What?' He asked, slight smirk to his face. Asshole knew I meant where was I supposed to change.


'Change in there sweetheart.' He said, smirking at me. 'But you know I'll be seeing all of you pretty soon.' Erugh the stupid jerk. I got in the big bathroom and slammed the door shut.

I shifted and wore the top. It came up to my knees and I liked it, thing is I had no underwear or something to wear on my legs, fuck him seriously. I took my shoulder length hair and with my fingers untangled my wet hair. After a few minutes I gave up and left my wet hair how it was and got out the bathroom and saw Damien on his phone. He only had his dark jeans on low, his boxers peeking out, he had dog tags on his neck that was all he wore and he still managed to look sexy

'You know, princess eavesdropping is considered rude.' Damien said still his back facing me

'So is making sexual remarks to your mate whom you don't accept.' I retorted. He chuckled lowly then turned around, he walked towards me while I held my ground and my lips quivered.

'I might not want you as a mate, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to take your virginity away from you.' That was the only thing I didn't want taken away from me and my first kiss too.

'Be careful the way you talk to me sweetheart and you might be able to keep your innocence.' He said, his finger touching my lips sending off sparks.

'Why can't you keep to one nickname for me?' I whispered, still looking up into his eyes

'Because I prefer to have different things for you.' He was now whispering too.

'What's happening with the rogues?' I asked, he looked into my eyes. Damien's eyes turned hard and went a little darker

'They're being sorted out. That wolf, the one that went to attack me, why did you stop him?' He asked, his finger now on my cheek

'Why wouldn't I? You're the packs alpha.' I said and stopped there. Damien didn't seem convinced with my answer but I'm guessing he let it slide.

'Why didn't you bite him or something, you lunged at him but didn't do anything else.'

'He seemed really familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.' I said, replaying the laughs in my head and looking into his blue eyes

'Damien, can I see him? Please, my wolf's telling me that I need to see him in human form.' I said, my eyes pleading. Damien took his hand off my cheek, the sparks gone.

'You are mine!' He growled, grabbing me by my arms. His eyes went darker with anger as he threw me on the wall, he ran to me and held me up looking into my eyes. My back was burning with pain as I struggled to breathe, I looked at him trying to calm myself and it helped. His touch helped me calm and so did his eyes even though he was angry.

'Mine.' He said before roughly kissing me, fireworks erupted. He pulled me closer to his cold bare chest, my hands were on his chest trying to push him off but failed as I wanted him! He let go of my arms and I pulled him closer by putting my arms around his neck, Damien's hand lifted my top up and felt my bare skin and let me remind you I had nothing on underneath so it was just my t-shirt.

He lifted my legs up and I wrapped them around his torso, my wolf was going crazy at how much she was touching her mate. I was slipping so Damien lifted me up by my butt and he smirked against the kiss, then everything came back to me.

'I might not want you as a mate, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to take your virginity away from you.'

I pulled away from him and my mark started to burn up. I winced and rubbed my neck while looking at a smug Damien, I growled at him and ran up to him punching his face his head whipped to the side and smirked at me.

'You fucking idiot! Don't touch me!' I shouted at him. My mark wouldn't stop burning as I kept rubbing it, I whimpered when it hurt even more spreading through my neck then going down.

'Only way I can stop the pain sweetheart is if I lick you're neck one more time.' He said, I fell to the floor clutching my upper body as I groaned in pain.

'Do it!' I screamed. In a second, Damien got me up, threw me on the bed and licked my neck and I moaned. The pain was subsiding slowly as I gripped onto Damien's bare back.

'Better now?' He asked smirking at me while breathing hard, I found myself breathing hard too.

'Shut up.' I breathed a bit harshly before saying. 'Is this going to be happening all the time?' I asked, while touching my wet neck

'Only after we mate and you mark me.' He said smirking.

'Can't I just mark you now?' I asked. His eyes widened before calming down.

'No, you can't.'


'You ask too many ques-' Before he could say questions, I straddled him and bared my teeth out, ready to bite him, mark him.

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