《Supernatural Mating Games》Chapter 19



Alice's P.O.V.

I am sitting in the cafe trying to get to know Selena's friends Leila and Melisa. Even though Leila has or had a crush on Mortimer and Melisa is a vampire. I still want to get along with them and we found some of our common interests. As we were talking I heard someone open the door while the person squealed

"Girls, He accepted our plan!" Selena squealed and the girls were congratulating her. They were happy that they could have kids and they didn't have to be afraid of their future. But I was smiling because I couldn't share my happiness with them. I was happy for them, but I don't plan on having kids yet.

I'm only eighteen but mostly in the Supernatural community have kids my age when they meet their soulmate. I met my soulmate, but I don't want to have them, yet. I do not hate kids or simply adore them but being voted in high school as "tiger mom" doesn't mean it's a good thing, I suppose. But if you accidentally get pregnant by your soulmate during your one year of no rejection year, it will be hard to reject your soulmate by then. It's not because of the bond, it's because you want to make sure that your kid will have a family, and if you want to leave a child with your soulmate you will be hated by the whole Supernatural community.

Sometimes, I just hope that Mortimer won't go desperate to try to seduce me, so he can impregnate me. Some creatures do that to trap their soulmate with them.

I snapped out my thoughts and tried to focus on the conversation as I drank my coffee. Girls were talking about the festival. Speaking of the festival, it's the middle of August, yet I don't know when it's gonna happen.

"What day does the festival usually start?" I asked.


"31st of August" Melisa answered and I remembered something important. It's mine's and Jake's birthdays we always celebrated together but only this time we're gonna celebrate it separately.

"Why do you have a disappointed look ?" Selena asked and the girls looked at me.

"Well, My birthday is on the 31st of August," I said sheepishly. Then girls started saying that I'm lucky to have my birthday at the festival and that birthdays will always be fun.

I guess I can either enjoy the festival or celebrate my birthday alone. Wait, I can celebrate it with Mortimer, but I shouldn't bother him. Why not enjoy celebrating my birthday alone and then treat myself to the strawberry cake. That sounds like the right thing to do.

After we drank our coffee we separated and I decided to come back to the house. It was starting to irritate me that I couldn't find information about why he was banished even though I tried to find on the internet about Mortimer suddenly managing the island. There is no dirt on him, there is no dirt on him, even my brother has dirt that has been framed on him. Yet no one frames Mortimer? If he was perfect, why do people think he is dangerous?

This is so confusing, he is so confusing, our relationship is confusing, everything is freaking confusing. Why do I have to meet him in Supernatural Games and not like five years later? Now I have to suffer from this confusion.

Dangerous and perfect? What kind of creature is dangerous and perfect? Sirens, who else? But why am I destined with a siren while destiny could punish me and leave me with no mate or just make sure that I would end up with the vampire. Forget about what I said about vampires, it would be a horrible idea.

So why am I destined with Mortimer? Sure he is handsome with his dark hair and blue eyes that tend to turn purple. He is clever in that he could always outsmart me if he wanted to. But I will admit that I always preferred intelligence over strength. How can I measure his strength? He does have muscles since I saw him in his siren form which I bet he is fast in his siren form and he has more advantage in water than inland. He acts sweet towards me, he can be playful, sly and he can become jealous.


Sometimes I think he is hiding something from me because it's easy to show jealousy as your flaw. But I like to play obviously since it's easy to make him stop changing his tactics. Thinking about Mortimer took me a lot of time that I was closer to the house.

I opened the door and decided to go to the living room since I left my phone there. Then I saw Mortimer lying on the couch. He looked stressed.

"What happened ?" I asked him as I grabbed my phone to check for any new messages.

"Oh, nothing did someone message you?" Mortimer asked as soon as I unlocked the phone to reply to Alexander's message and then notification came that someone tried to unlock my phone like five times.

Why the hell are you asking me if you already know?

"One of my good friends had messaged me," I said. It's hard for me to confront Mortimer since I hate conflicts. And I bet he is stressed over this message and I would hate to confront him in his state. Why am I a caring person?

"Did work stress you over?" I asked and I came closer to him. I wanted to make him forget about this situation, so he won't investigate any further. And starting massaging his scalp as I remember something.


I was sitting in the Creaturology class where we learn about our species and also about other species.

"The touch and the presence of the soulmate always helps if their other half is stressed, sad or angry and also reassures them..." I was sitting in the classroom while the teacher was blabbing. I'm in a pissed mood because I have a period and I wanted to go home.

"Now let's do a little fun quiz about what species of a soulmate is perfect for you!" Oh and this teacher always liked to do fun quizzes but I frowned since the quiz is about soulmates. But still, I answered truthfully on this quiz, since I was curious myself. Then when we finished the teacher gave us the answers and points. I counted my points and I tried to search for the species that almost matches my score. I almost laughed when I found it.

A siren!

I thought it was impossible, but right now I don't think so.

~Flashback over~

"What are you doing?" Mortimer asked as he felt more relieved when I massaged his scalp.

"Helping to get rid of the stress " I teased him as he grabbed my hands so he could stop me from massaging his scalp and grabbed my waist and put me next to him so I could be lying on the couch with him.

"You don't need to, but if you insist then I would rather you cuddle with me instead." As he wrapped his arms around my waist, I couldn't deny him. But I will admit that I enjoy cuddling with him

"Fine, I guess I have no choice," I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso. As we both enjoy the silence and the comfort of each other and sleep slowly overtakes me.

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