《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Eleven


I wake up to footsteps quickly approaching my door. I look over to a still sleeping Josie, I don't want her to wake up this early.

I get out of bed as quietly as I can, and walk over to the door before anyone can knock and wake her up. When I open the door I look down to see Finch about to knock. I step outside not wanting to be loud.

"Have you seen Josie? People said that she must have slept here." She doesn't look very happy.

"Nope, I haven't seen her since yesterday."

I don't know why I am lying, actually yeah I do, I don't think Josie should have to deal with an argument on top of everything else.

"You're lying, open the door."

I am lying but I sure as hell don't take any orders, especially from someone like this mutt. I smirk, lowering my head to get closer and narrow my eyes at her.

"Excuse me, I barely know you and you come to my room, wake me up from my sleep and think you can give me orders. Absolutely not, you just got here and you think you've earned that right."

"Get the fuck away from my room." I scoff with a smile still on my face.

"No Josie's in there I know she is."

She tries to side step me and open my door. I step in front of her, grab her shoulders and spin her to face me. I move her from the grip I have on her shoulders and pin her against the wall beside the door.

This was all fun and games for me until she was about to bust through my door, and now I am mad.

I see the gold that is edging my vision, and I know that my eyes are golden.


"Who the actual fuck do you think you are." I snarl out. I am raising my voice from my anger but right now I don't care.

My bedroom door opens but I don't break the eye contact that I have with Finch right now. I'm testing to see if she'll make the next move or she'll drop her eyes.

"What are you guys doing? It's nine in the morning on a Sunday."

Suddenly all the concerns about holding eye contact don't matter to me, I look at where the voice came from.

I see Josie in my clothing with her face freshly woken up, rubbing the backs of her hands against her eyes. I admire, not paying attention to anyone but her.

Until I feel a fist colliding with my jaw.

"I knew you were lying, you son of a bitch."

"Finch, what the hell was that?!" Josie whisper yells at her.

"Josie, I can't believe you slept with her."

"I didn't have sex with her Finch, and maybe if you weren't punching her in the face she could have told you that."

She takes a step towards me with her hand out to examine my face for the extent of my injuries, but all that she sees is a circular red mark at the bottom of my jaw. It will probably heal in a couple minutes.

She raises her fingers to brush lightly over the redness.

"Does that hurt?"

"No, it's all good." There's still anger coursing through my body and I am trying to hold it in.

"Let me go grab you some ice."

"No, I can get it."

I say quickly seeing that this is the perfect moment to escape. I walk to the kitchen to cool off not wanting to react before thinking.


I did lie and her girlfriend did walk out of my room with my clothes on. I absolutely deserved that punch. I would have done the same in that situation.

I know it was my fault but it's difficult to receive a punch to the face and not retaliate or get mad.

So I busy my hands, grabbing the ingredients to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and make my way back to my room to brood and eat so I can rebuild my ego.

It's about three hours after that when my music gets interrupted by sirens coming from somewhere in the school.

I don't know what's happening so I walk down the stairs to investigate.

I try to zone into any voices I can hear, and it leads me to Dr. Saltzman's office.

I hear a voice that I wasn't expecting to hear for a while.

"You know I could kill you all, right?"

"We know what you're capable of."

It's Josie, and I would have stepped in, but she doesn't sound scared. She sounds like she is taunting Hope.

Well that's dangerous.

I hear Hope accept the terms of the agreement and I stand to the side in a doorway when I hear footsteps coming my way.

Cleo exits first, then MG and lastly Josie. I grab her wrist and pull her to the side to face me.

"Was that actually Hope."

"Yeah, I need your help."


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