《"Cause if you're falling in love, let me feel it.》Eight


I walk around to the back of our house to find my gray jeep grand Cherokee, her name is Grayson(creative right), and I can't think of anyone better to talk out my problems with right now.

I get into the driver's seat and I see that the back seats are still down because of the camping gear back there.

I camp a lot, with family or friends or just by myself. It's the best way for me to center myself and reconnect with nature.

It's really the only reason I have this car, she's good off road especially with all the aftermarket things I put on her. Nothing showy, don't worry I am not that person.

I turn her on and she automatically starts playing music. I don't have my phone so I guess listening to heat waves will have to do.

It's a 10 minute drive back and almost the whole time is filled with me ranting to my car about the revelations of the day.

I come to the conclusion that my mom may have made some valid points, per usual.

When I get through the gates I drive around to the back of the building still worried that if someone knows I brought my car, I would get into trouble.

I get out and start to make my way to the front entrance when I find Josie sitting on the steps blocking my way inside.

So instead of avoiding my problems any more than I already have, I take a quiet and tentative seat next to her.

When she doesn't make any protest I speak up.

"How are you doing?"

"As good as I can be I guess."

I can tell that she's holding in the actual emotions she's feeling by how blankly she's staring into the night.


"How's Lizzie holding up?"

"She's in the therapy box and she didn't want me to go with her." She says waving her hands over herself to show why she's here.

"I think she just might need some time to process things alone, she's probably taking it harder than she's letting on because her and Hope had finally gotten to a good place."

"Yeah you're probably right, you know what, I should call Freya she probably knows what to do to help us."

I would have let her if she didn't say that in such a frantic manner. She gets off the steps to walk away but I gently grab her wrist to turn her back.

"Please, just come and sit down with me, just for a second."

She comes to sit down to resume our previous positions, but there's a chilly bite outside and I see her get a chill when she sits.

I shrug off my jacket and sling it gently over her shoulders trying to comfort her the best I can. She gives me a thankful smile in return, and suddenly I couldn't care less if I'm cold, as long as she's warm.

"Listen Josie, I know your head's probably spinning around all the problems we have right now and how to fix them, but I think we should try to take a moment to process those emotions you're trying to push down right now. I don't want to pressure you to do so but I really do think it would help out."

"I know but I don't think that I can handle that right now. People are looking to me to act accordingly in this situation."

"Josie, no one expects you to not break down, it's only normal in this situation and you need to let your emotions out. So please lean on me, and don't let that charming selflessness get in the way of your own mental health."


"Okay well I am really worried about Hope and the school. She's out there all alone navigating through a state of mind she's never had before and she just killed her boyfriend. After all she's lost, I don't know if she can handle that and all I want to do is help her. And you probably think that I am crazy that the only thing I am not worried about is my dad, but that damage is done, we can't do anything, it's up to him to fight now."

"I don't think you're crazy Josie, I think you're right. I'm worried for Hope too and so is my mom."

"Can you help me try to save her?"

"I'm all in Josie. And about the school my parents offered to step in I guess, in whatever way we need them even if it is just to keep bills in line or whatever. They just want to help."

"I think that would be a good idea, we're all still kids I think people might need an adult to look to."

"And about that phone call to Freya, I think that we should wait till tomorrow because it's very late and I don't think we want to wake one of the most powerful witches in the world at 3 in the morning."

She laughs. "Yeah that's probably a good point and I should probably head to bed, it's been a long day."

"I can walk you to your room if you would like?"

"Yeah that would be nice, thank you Cypress."

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