《-Perfectly Imperfect-》Seven.


"Wanna see grandma?"I asked asked Siah making him clap

"Baba"He squealed

"Say grandma"


"Fine call her baba"I laughed before picking him up and heading out the house

I buckled him in before getting myself settled in. As I was pulling out I got a call from Truth.

"Hello"I answered

"Umm I left my trap phone in the Charger and I know that's what you driving so can you drop it off to me?"He said

"Dang not even a hello"I laughed putting him on speak

"Hey mamas"He smiled in the camera

"DADA"Siah screamed kicking in his seat

"Hey son"Truth let go a smile

"Boy sit still"I said but he didn't listen

"Lemme see my child"Truth demanded making me pass Siah the phone

"Don't slob in my phone Siah"I said pulling off to his trap

I rode silently while listening to Siah babble about nothing and Truth answer like he understands that baby stuff. To be honest I really love there relationship. Truth would be an amazing dad so I know I don't have nothing to worry about on his part.

"Bae where you at?"Truth asked

"Umm im around the corner"I looked in the rear view mirror seeing a black van following me

Just to make sure I watched them as I did random turns. They turned right wit my ass making me alerted.

"Shit! Truth"I grabbed my phone and used one hand to drive and the other one to unbuckle Siah and sit him in my lap

"What's wrong?"

"There's a black van following me"

"You did that corner trick I showed you?"

"Yeah but they kept up with me"

"Alright you got Siah?"He asked getting out his chair

"Yeah he's in my lap"

"Imma come get up but speed walk"He coached me making me nod

"I'm down the street"

"Okay"He hung up

Once I pulled up I saw most of em outside. Bear opened my door and pulled me out speed walking me inside the house. They started shooting as soon as I hit the door making me go straight upstairs.

"Ddd dada"Jessiah said walking around his office

"Dada outside"

"Mmmm"He tried to open the door

"Uhh uhh you learn to open doors and don't know how to act"I laughed making him laugh too

"Bebe"He jumped and said

"Who is bebe?"

"Mama bebe"

"I don't know who Bebe is?"I pouted

"Mmmmm"He opened the door and walked out

"Siah"I went out after him

"No you gotta stay in the room"I picked him up making him throw a fit

"Mmmmmm"He started crying

"Want some chips?"I asked patting his back making him nod

"You gone stop crying?"He nodded


I walked downstairs seeing Truth and his friends in the kitchen sitting around. I got him some soft chips and sat him on the counter.

"Why y'all come back down?"Truth stood behind me grabbing my waist

"Cause he was throwing a fit for you and somebody named Bebe"

"Maybe bebe is bear"He suggested making me turn around

"That makes alotta sense"I face palmed myself

"Mmm dada"Siah tried to feed him a chip

"Siah you made it wet"I laughed

"Dada bye bye"Siah stood up on the counter

"You ready to go?"Truth asked him

"Hmm"He feed Truth a chip

"Mm it's good"

I walked to the fridge seeing Truths favorite juice. He even had Siah drinking this juice.

"Put it down"Truth looked at me

"I want just a little"

"No put it back"

"Babyyyyy"I whined opening it anyway

"Stoppp Jabreaa"He walked towards me with Siah

"Just a little"I took steps back as he came steps forward

"I'm not finna play with you"

"I'm not playing"

I drunk some before speed walking in the living room with his workers. I ducked behind a big buff ass nigga hearing him enter the room.

"Where she at?"He asked making Santana point at me

"Santanaaaa"I whined

"Oh ian know you was in trouble"Santana laughed

"Give it here"Truth walked towards me

"No you can buy some more"

"Hold up Siah cause im finna throw her ass"He put Siah down

"Bebe"Siah reached for bear

"Gimme my shit"Truth walked up on me

"Go get yo phone"I laughed walking around the couch

"Girl stop playing wit me"He reached over the couch

"Ace tell him buy some more"

"Leave me out of it"Ace shrugged

"Well I was on my way to nana's house so we'll see y'all later"I grabbed Siah and rushed out the door with the juice

"Come here"Truth mumbled grabbing my waist once I put Siah in the car


"Gimme a kiss"He puckered his lips

"You so cute"I kissed his lip

"Again"He said making me kiss his lips



"Again"He said making me pecks his lips one more time

"No that's enough"I giggled

"I like you"He put his head in my neck

"I like you too"I jumped up making him catch me

"What time you coming home?"I asked

"Whenever you call"

"I gotta go baby"I kissed his lips again before jumping down

"Alright"He reached in the back telling Siah bye

"ByeBye"Siah waved

"GoodJob"He high-fived him

"See you later"I said pulling off

It was a short ride to her house but we pulled up seeing Masons car there. Getting Jessiah out we made our way to the door letting Siah knock. After a while the door swung open with a smiling nana.


"BA BA!"Siah screamed and jumped in my arms

"Grandbaby"She squealed grabbing him

"Hey mama"I smiled hugging her

"Heyy my baby"She smiled

"Baba dada"Siah babbled

"Your dada in the living room"She said making me frown

"He's actually calling out for Truth"I looked down

"You guys together"She squealed pulling me inside

"Yeahh"I blushed hard

"That's why your glowing"

"Maybe"I smiled walking in the living room behind her

"Look who's here"She said to Mason making him look at me

"Wassup"He said making me nod at him and sit next to his mama

"So how's it been going"She started a conversation

"Good and right now im loving my life"I smiled hard

"That's good so how are you and Truth"

"We are doing better than ever"

"He treats you right?"

"Yeah and he treats Siah even better"I said thinking about him

"Y'all say the 'L' word yet?"

"No but we say 'I like you' and that's our way to say 'I love you' to eachother"I explained

"Y'all make me wanna get a boyfriend"She pouted letting Siah down

"Mama dada"Siah walked to me

"No baby"I gave him my phone to play

"You gave it up yet?"She asked smirking making me slump in my chair blushing

"That's personal"I covered my face

"Wassup mamas"I heard Truth voice

"No me daddy"Siah fussed at the phone

"Siahh why you call him?"I tried to take the phone making him cry

"Leave him alone he good"Truth said laughing

"No shut up"I grabbed the phone making Siah throw a fit

"Give him the damn phone and let him talk to his daddy"Nana fussed at me making me huff and give him the phone and sit on the floor

"Getcho ass up"She fussed poping me

"Why y'all give him whatever he want"I whined sitting on the couch

"Cause we can"Truth added

"Dada mama mad"Siah said making me giggle

"Tell her stop acting up before she get in trouble"Truth said making Siah give me the phone

"Mm"He handed me the phone

"Okay we'll call you when we're at home"I hung up in his face giving Siah the phone back

"Truth want some babies?"Nana asked

"Yeah how'd you know"

"The way he talks to Jessiah"

"He wants me to get pregnant now but im on birth control so we agreed to wait til Siahs older"

"I got a feeling he gone trap you"She laughed

"Why you say that?"

"Cause he looks like the type"She shook her head

"So Breaa you really messing with Truth huh?"Mason asked chuckling

"Yeahh"I picked Siah up who was rubbing his eyes

"Damn the bro tho?"He laughed

"You have a problem with that?"

"Nawll that's just a hoe move"

"Why do you always do that? Lowkey call me a hoe when we both know im not a hoe and your just desperate"I said smartly

"Don't forget who use to beat yo ass so don't get smart"He stood up

"You gone beat my ass?"I sat there calmly patting Siahs back

"I did it before haven't i?"He sat back down

"Hmm"I laughed

"Y'all stop it"Nana walked from the kitchen

"Man fuck her lemme see my son"He reaches for him

"No he's tryna go to sleep"I moved back some more

"You think I care?"He looked at me sideways

"Move"I got up and grabbed my keys and phone

"What you finna go tell Truth?"He laughed

"I hate you and I really wish you leave me the FUCK alone"I walked out the door

I buckled a sleeping Siah in getting in the car. It's dark outside so I was moving fast. Once I started the car I looked in the window and saw Sed in front of me making me lock the doors and pull out fast.

"Damn Jabreaa your fast"I breathed out soon pulling up at home

I got out and carried Siah in the house really fast just incase somebody was outside. Once I got in the house Truth was in the living room playing the game.

"Hey baby"I said walking upstairs to put Siah down before getting in the tub

"Come here"He called once I got back downstairs

"Hmm?"I sat on his lap

"You hung up on me earlier like some wrong with you"He slapped my thigh making me gasp

"Stoppp"I whined making him put his hands in my shorts

"Your friends on the game"I breathed out

"You gone let them hear?"He kissed my lips and rubbed me through my panties

"Mmm"I nodded

"Lemme hear yo voice"

"Yes baby"I said softly

"You so wet baby"He slipped a finger in making me jump

He slipped another in before going in and out. It felt just as good as the real thing.

"Shit baeeee"I moaned wrapping my hands around his neck

"Take it"He demanded speeding up his pace

"I cantttt"I squirmed feeling my stomach turn

"Take it"

"Uhh fuckk"I bit his neck and grabbed his shirt

"You gone gimme one baby?"He sucked on my neck

"Yessss"My eyes rolled back

He played with my clit softly while still fingering me. This felt good as fuck. Definitely gotta lay the pussy on him.

"Shit you getting to wet"He said laughing as his hand kept slipping making me softly moan

"You gone cum for me"He sped up his pace really fast making me jump

"I cant handle itttt"My eyes rolled back extremely hard

"Hmm? You gone answer me"He slowed down making me cry out

"Yes baby....im so close"I started grinding against his finger making him start his pace back up

"Ahhh....babyyyyy...fuckkkk"My legs started shaking hard as hell


"Let it out mamas"He said looking in my eyes making my gripped get tight on him

"Ahhhhhhh"I cummed on his fingers making him smile

"That should teach you"He slapped my clit before licking his fingers

I closed my eyes starting to go to sleep in his arms. That was something that was well needed. He kissed my forehead before he started talking to his friends.

"Dude shut the fuck up if I wanna finger my girl I can you lucky I ain't make her ride this dick"He said laughing before I fell into a deep sleep

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