《Part II》Chapter two
😗sorry for any mistakes
Houston, Tx
December 12th
"Sissy!" Kory yelled from upstairs and Caydence immediately jumped off the sofa in the living room. She ran upstairs to alert her room. "What happened? Everything thing okay?" She panted and looked around her clean purple color themed color room.
Kory looked at her and giggled at her worriedness "Yes silly goose. Can I watch TV now?" She asked with pleading eyes.
Caydence sighed "I told you, you can't be yelling like that unless it's an emergency bookie" She shook her head as she walked up to her full-size bed.
She picked up her reading homework and sat on the side of the bed to go through it. She grabbed her fat yellow number 2 pencil and started marking off the wrong ones. "Sissy... when can we go see daddy again?" Kory asked in a small voice while fiddling with the bottom of her white t-shirt.
"Tomorrow after you get out of school bookie. Like we always do" She slightly frowned, looking over at Kory not looking at her.
"He's not going to cancel again is he?" She mumbled. Caydence sighed and gave her back the paper so she could fix the incorrect questions.
"No, it was just last week and the week befo'. He's not goin' to cancel'' She assured her and moved the little curl from her face. Despite Quincy being locked up, Caydence made sure Kory was able to have that father-daughter relationship with him just like Caydence got to.
He was innocent and Kory deserved to know that and him. Even without him physically being there, he still had parents and was there for the both of them with over phone calls as much as he could.
Kory adored her father and loved him very much but the past 2 weeks he canceled the visitations. He only canceled because his mental health wasn't in the right place and he didn't want his children to see him like that nor did he want to project the negativity onto them. It was already sad enough for them to see he was locked up but to see he wasn't mentally stable to enjoy the time of their visit was even worse.
Caydence understood it. It's not easy to be behind bars for a crime he didn't commit. It messed with you mentally but she didn't know how to explain that to Kory with her being so young.
"So I can draw him a picture for tomorrow?" She asked with her eyes lit up. Caydence couldn't help but smile at her innocent little sister, she looked just like their mom. She nodded "Yeah but after you finish the ones you got wrong first. It's only two. You are getting a lot better at spelling bookie" She smiled.
"I know right! I can't wait to tell daddy. Demetrius tells me to slow down when I sound a word out" She nodded her head while erasing the two wrong questions on her paper.
Caydence stood up from her bed and furrowed her eyebrows "Why don't you listen when I tell you to slow down?" She asked, grabbing the empty cup and empty bag of cheese puffs that Cay let her have for a snack.
Kory shrugged her little shoulders "Because he gave me money. You don't sissy" She said after she finished fixing the incorrect problems and giving it to Caydence so that she could check it again.
Caydence just shook her head, taking the white sheet of paper. She was scanned over the paper, making sure everything was correct and she didn't have any pencil marks where she shouldn't. "Okay, put it in your folder, bookie. This is all the homework you had right?" She asked, giving her the paper back and watching her pull the yellow and purple folder from her side of her.
"Yes. I can draw and watch tv now?" She asked, neatly putting her homework and then grabbing her little customized bookbag with her name and favorite colors (Pink and Silver) on it.
"Mhm, you want another snack while you wait for dinner?" She asked, taking the bookbag so she could put it by the door. She found it easier for her to grab it in the morning when it was by the door.
"No. Can we eat chicken spaghetti, pleaseeeee" She begged, getting out of her bed.
"Mhm, I'll go start now. Only 2 hours of Tv today." She pointed her finger at her. Kory just giggled and nodded okay before Caydence walked out the room, closing the door behind her.
Caydence was walking back down the 13 stairs, stepping on the last step she saw Kapri coming inside the house. Kapri furrowed her eyebrows at her cousin, closing and locking the door "Umm, miss girl why aren't you asleep?" She asked, removing her shoes.
Caydence thinned her lips together "Why would I go to sleep when Kory is upstairs?" She asked, stepping off the step and going into the kitchen. She went inside the refrigerator, taking the chicken breast out that she put in there last night.
"You kno' what I mean Cay. You haven't been to sleep in what? 2 days? You need some rest mama" Pri stressed, after coming into the kitchen.
"This isn't anythin' new Pri. I'm fine" She waved her off, opening up the chicken breast pack. Caydence had bad insomnia. It started off by force but now her body was immune to it. She did it to herself over the years and sometimes runs 7 hours of sleep a week.
Between getting home around 4 or 5 in the morning, she cleans herself up and then gets breakfast started for Kory. Then wakes Kory up to get her ready for school, takes her to school, and has the rest of the day until 2:30. She would use that time to take maybe an hour nap and her body wakes back up.
Of course, she was tired and exhausted but that didn't matter. On the days she didn't have to work, she just stayed up doing nothing but again her body became immune to it since she forced herself to stay up for the past 2 years.
Pri just shook her head. She was trying to tell her to get some sleep, especially with her working at the club. She needed all the rest she could get.
"I'm 'bout ta' roll up," Pri announced after getting into the refrigerator to get a bottle of purified water. Caydence perked up after she heard the sound of weed.
Her favorite thing to do.
Pri chuckled "Fuckin' crack head" She grumbled, walking out of the kitchen. Caydence laughed as she got the chicken ready to clean it with apple cider vinegar and salt.
"You wanted to see me?" Caydence questioned Trey after walking inside his office since someone told her he needed to speak to her.
He looked up and mugged her since her natural mug was on her face "Best, fix yo' face befo' it gets stuck like dat" He playfully rolled his eyes at her. She just shook her head, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his black desk.
Ever since he saw her at Dee's house and she guessed Dee told her she was like a little sister to him, he's been calling her best. When she came to work, he would try to talk to her or just calls her best instead of her stage name.
"First, why you ain' say you were close ta' Dee? Nigga like my brother" He started, clicking at something on his computer before putting his attention on her.
She pinched her eyebrows together a little bit "How was I supposed ta' kno' y'all knew each other? I'on be in other folks' business besides my own" She said bluntly. Even though everyone knew of Dee or knew him. She didn't go around asking people if they knew him.
"You kno' who we is right? You kno' how dangerous it is fa' you and you workin' in the club without proper supervision"
She looked him up and down "What y'all do don't got shit ta' do wit' me. I ain' no child, I'on need no supervision." She frowned.
"I ain' sayin' dat but best you got a target on yo' bad because you close ta' him. You kno' how deep dis shit gets. I kno' you can handle yourself and shit but in dis club with all these niggas and shit, you needa be careful. If something happened ta' you, you know that nigga gon' kill my fine ass?" He jerked his head back, pointing at himself.
Caydence just shook her head. It was true, Dee was her and Kory's protector. He's been that way since she met him, he would flip the whole state upside down about them.
"I ain' tryna treat you like a child but jus' sayin'. You gotta be more careful and tellin' you kno' him would've been helpful so I could make sure you're straight" He reasoned.
She just nodded slowly, while blankly looking at him.
"But I ain' call you here fa' dat. You doin' Blue's set on Tuesday's from now on" He stated.
She scrunched up her face "You telling or asking" She asked with her eyebrow raised up. If she did come to work on Tuesday, she just gave out a few dances never on stage or she was a bottle girl. Or if someone requested her, she was in the private rooms which didn't happen as much.
"Tellin' " He shrugged "Tuesday's and Friday's gon' be yo' days. I fired blue ivy ass" He scoffed.
"Why?" She asked. She minded her business but from what she would see, him and Blue were always close to each other somewhere. Boo'd up and stuff so she was surprised he fired her.
Trey sucked his teeth "That bitch bit my dick when she gave me head. I'm talm 'bout actually biting my shit like it was glitzy or sum bullshit" He ranted causing her eyes to grow big. "I almost beat her ass but nah I was like Ima make ha' trifling ass unemployed'' He smirked
"On real note. Since we are besties, you gon' be ha' ass fa' me?" He asked. She chuckled to herself, standing up and shaking her head. "Bye Trey," She said, walking out of his office.
"I'm deadass! One day you betta' claim me!" He shouted making her laugh at him.
"I put dis on y'all life." Dee started, pointing his Glock 17 at the many men lined up, scared shit less at this point. "If dis shipment tomorrow go even da' slightest' off plan. All y'all motha' fucks gon' die. Understand me?" He warned looking at all of them in the eyes
Ro shook his head at him "Straight like det. Someone gon' die" He backed him up. No matter how crazy Dee was, they were always going to back him.
Kacey sat back in the chair, watching all of them knowing he could barely hear anything that was going on. He always turned his hearing aid off when Dee started waving his gun around.
He knew how much of a hothead he was and someone could get shot in the blink of an eye. He hated the sound of gunshots since when he had his hearing aid in, it hurt his ear.
He's always been deaf in his right ear since he was a baby. The doctor told him he could lose his hearing in his left ear too. But here he was, freshly 24 years old and still able to hear out his left ear. Not the best but he still could. Just had to talk up even though he speaks low all the time.
He shook his head at Dee and Ro continuing to threaten the workers in front of them about the shipment of machine guns they have planned for their newest clients. Kacey put his attention back onto his mac book that was in his lap. He had to make all the money wired to an account that couldn't be traced back to them.
While Dee and Ro got their hands dirty with the killing and being the faces of the business, Kacey and Trey got their hands dirty with hacking and making machine guns and the bomb they sold around the world.
This wasn't the lifestyle they wanted but it was the lifestyle they were put in.
It started with Trey and Kacey becoming scammers in middle school because of their love for hacking. Then one day, Trey got bored and made a bomb when they were 19. They were just regular drug dealers at the time, then when he sold it, not thinking anything of it, it became a business.
Kacey thought it was interesting and they started making machine guns too out of boredom.
It started off as them selling them for money and to people in a few states. Word got around and they ended up selling overseas making 3 million just off one drop. That kind of money is something they couldn't stop so they continued but held it very lowkey.
They held other businesses around the city as a cover-up, always cleaning their tracks. They sold drugs but that wasn't what was bringing them their money as people assumed.
Kacey looked up once he felt someone's presence in front of him "We're going upstairs now. Come on" Ro signed to him. Kacey nodded, looking back at the computer and signing out the open tabs.
Even though he was only deaf in one ear, he still grew up learning ASL. With him only being able to ear out of one ear and nobody knowing when he could lose his hearing out of that ear, he had to learn ASL. He loved it though, he also loved that his friends around him learned it so they could communicate with him as well.
With him not always like talking sometimes, signing came in handy.
He carefully put his MacBook in his spayground bag before zipping it up. He stood up from his spot in the chair, looking around to make sure he isn't forgetting anything. Once he realized he had everything, he lightly jogged to catch up with Dee and Ro who were waiting for him.
"Are you straight?" Dee signed, raising his eyebrow at him once he made it to the door.
Kacey simply nodded before they walked through the lowly lightning halls. Ro put his fingerprint and face ID in so the door could open for only them. After opening, they walked down a long hallway to get on an elevator to go upstairs to Trey's club.
After being on the elevator, the three stepped off after hearing the loud music and seeing the colorful LED lights flashing everywhere. They walked up the staircase before entering the crowded club.
Kacey frowned slightly, it wasn't usually this many people at the Pynk on Tuesdays. He was still going to stay since he didn't want to go back to his empty house.
He followed Dee and Ro to their private section that only they own. "Fuck it's so many people hea' fa' " Ro grumbled once they sat down on the white couch.
"My niggas!" Trey beamed, coming into the section with beautiful two half-naked bottle girls behind him. "It's handled?" He signed to them. They all nodded while looking at their surroundings.
The signing came in handy to them not having to talk about business with so many people around. Most people didn't understand it so they could talk business and only they knew what was said.
"Why it's so many folks hea' tonight?" Dee asked as Kacey eyed the one-bottle girl who was bending over in front of him, making him slightly uncomfortable. He knew she was doing it on purpose because she could have sat the drinks down without all this.
He just shook his head, pulling his phone out since he now was annoyed. After his relationship with Bianca, he couldn't look at women the same.
He didn't mean to judge them all because of one of them but it was hard not to with the ones he saw. He put them all in the same folder as manipulative and abusive.
"Man I'on even kno' how word got out dat Coco was performing tonight but I ain' complainin'. Mo' money fa' me" Trey chuckled.
Ro furrowed his eyebrows "Who is—" he was cut off by the Dj coming onto the microphone loudly that even Kacey could hear him.
"Y'all niggas is so thirsty! Can my girl Coco breathe while y'all ass beggin' ta' see ha' " Dj joked making everyone laugh.
"Mane let me, baby, out!" Someone in the crowd said.
"Nigga she doesn't even like you but Aight," Dj said making everyone laugh even harder. "Coco, come shut these thirsty ass niggas up!" The Dj announced, causing the crowd to jump up and cheer.
Kacey looked up from scrolling on Twitter when he heard Private Show by Chris Brown begin to play through the speakers.
The same darkskin he saw at Dee's house the other day, came out with a pink bodysuit with silver rhinestones all around, rubbing her hands up her body as she slowly walked out.
People were already throwing money up in the air and she didn't even do anything yet. Kacey probably would do the same with how beautiful she was. Her locs were freshly neat with her hair in a side part, flowing nicely off her body.
Something about a woman with locs was a turn-on to him. Kacey didn't even pay attention to women anymore but she was gorgeous to him, which made him kinda nervous.
"Ohh, dats Coco. I meant ta' ask you dat" Ro looked over at Dee, who was making himself a drink and looking stressed.
"Ain't she yo' little sister or somethin'? How you let yo' li' sister be a stripper?" Ro raised his eyebrows, looking over at Dee. Dee sucked his teeth "I didn't let ha' do anything. She grown. She made da' decision herself, she got bills ta' pay and she takes care of Kor alone" He explained.
"I'm surprised you ain' offer to take care of her and Kor" Trey chuckled.
"Y'all should already kno' I did. But Cay doesn't go fa' shit like dat. She gets ta' her bag on her own, she doesn't like takin' handouts." He shrugged.
"Why she doesn't come around? Dis whole time you and Pri talk about her all the time, we ain' never met her" Ro said.
Dee shrugged again "She is a homebody. She doesn't like goin' out. She only goes ta' work and back home. She's wit' her sister all the time, she barely talks too so she wouldn't want to meet y'all anyways" He spoke bluntly.
Trey laughed "I believe it. She mean ass hell, always muggin' folks. The otha' girl hates it too, dey swear she be doin' too much. She doesn't even say shit tho, she just be lookin'. Her facial expression be killin' me when folks be talkin' ta' her" He laughed.
Kacey had tuned the whole conversation out, too focused on the music and Cay spilling around on the pole. She was so flexible, what he noticed. The girls he has seen were stiffer and looked scared or just like they didn't practice.
Cay looked like she actually danced. She didn't just walk around the pole in a circle like most girls.
🎶Them tattoos all over your waist
Got me rock solid, come touch that
I'm fuckin' you like I'm upset🎶
He slowly licked his lip while watching her spin around the pole effortlessly.
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