《The Hazards of Skinny Dipping》Chapter Fourteen


Dylan didn't notice my approach. He was on his phone yelling at someone about something. I took a seat on the bench right next to him, not sure how long he was going to be. The quad was packed, and I enjoyed people watching. One of the things I found so interesting about college was how differently people dressed—especially girls. Some girls went to class in sweats or pajamas, while others were dressed to the nines. Left to my own devices, I'd be in the middle, but unless I wanted to be shunned by my house, I had to make an effort. I figured I looked decently cute in a casual sundress. At least flip flops were always appropriate.

"When did you get here?" Dylan pocketed his phone.

"Just a few minutes ago."

"You should have told me." He held out a hand to help me up.

I accepted his hand. "I didn't mind waiting."

"You never have to wait on me." He led me over to where his car was parked.

"Do you usually drive to class?" Considering how close the frat houses were, it surprised me.

He gave me a disbelieving face. "Of course not. I knew we were going out." He held open my door for me.

I got in, glad when Dylan turned the AC on full force. The leather seats were hot against my bare legs, and I awkwardly tried to pull my skirt down as much as possible.

"Are you in the mood for sushi?"

"Oh. Sure." I wasn't the biggest sushi fan, but I didn't hate it or anything.

"Nice." He put a hand on my leg as he pulled away from the curb. "I'm glad I finally get to take you out."


I didn't like the way he said it. As if I was the one making it difficult. "You and me both."

"I owe you, don't I?"

"Don't say it like that."

He squeezed my leg. "I don't want you to think I can't take care of you. I'm going to take good care of you."

I got this warm feeling when he said it. I liked the thought of being taken care of by Dylan.

"I know."

He parked in front of the restaurant. I got out of the car, content to let him lead me inside. We walked through a beaded curtain, and as the hostess led us over to the table, I tried not to laugh at the strange sci-fi music playing from speakers somewhere. It definitely was a unique place. We got a booth in a corner, and I scanned the menu.

Dylan gave me a serious look. "I want to talk to you about something."


He didn't answer right away because the waitress came over to give us water.

As soon as she left, he put down his menu. "You don't have to work at Al's if you don't want to."

I sipped my water, unsure where the conversation was headed.

"You're doing it because you need extra money...but you don't have to."

"I don't mind it. It's an easy enough job, and I can usually get some studying done."


He was interrupted when the waitress returned. Dylan quickly rattled off an order. "We'll have a volcano roll, spicy eel, rainbow roll, and a crunchy shrimp. Does that sound all right?"

"Oh. Sure." At least I'd heard of crunchy rolls. I liked those.

He waited until the waitress left. "As I was saying, you don't have to work there. I'm going to be paying for everything on our dates, and I'd love the excuse to spoil you."


I felt blood flooding to my cheeks. "Spoil me?"

"Yeah. Like I said, I'm going to take care of you."

"Dylan, I'm not poor. I'm just working to make some extra money. It's not a big deal."

"But I'd rather you had more free time. Three nights a week is a lot."

"It's not that much. Really, it's fine."

He reached across the table to take my hand. "At least think about it, okay?"

"Sure. I'll think about it."


I had no intention of quitting my job.

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