《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》14


After I yelled all of that and let it all off of my chest I stormed of to yn' s room, once I walked in I seen her sleeping so I tried to pick her up without waking her but failed

Y: you could of woke me up

F: I didn't want to wake you up

I laughed a little as she moved so I can lay down, once I layed down I pulled in so she is lying on top of me

Y: thank you

F: for what?

Y: saving the world 3 times, making feel comfortable around you *signs* you are just the most perfect person I have ever met

I melted inside as she said that

F: you're welcome and thank you but I not perfect because I k-

I cut myself off because I know what I was about to say would probably scare her and won't feel comfortable about

Y: five I know you killed that board room I have seen the news and I heard you

F: oh well goodnight I know you need sleep so sleep

Y: don't worry I will

After awhile she fell asleep and so did I After

Wong pov

I was shocked on what he said

W: you guys fucked up

St: yeah no shit wong I think hey can see that

Li: you should apologize to them

M: yeah that was nice

K: um we are talking about both of you

M: what did I do?

V: you agreed with diego

L: that true

Al: yeahh apologize to them

D&M: fine

They stormed upstairs

Yn pov

I finally felt safe with being in the same room wit someone and it makes me happy, soon we both fell asleep

Diego pov

We were going up the stairs in silence

D: I feel bad because all he wanted a a simple thank you for putting us first before himself


M: well lets just hope they forgive us

D: yeah

We walk into the room and they both are already asleep

M: maybe tomorrow?

D: good idea it will give us sometime to think of what to say

We walk downstairs and everyone looks at us

J: so?

M: they were sleeping and we can't wake yn because from us talking ti five could probably wake her up

Fe: ok well first thing tomorrow you guys are apologizing to them

D: don't worry we have already planned that

Li: well he better go pick up our kid now

A: same I gotta head home now

Li: bye everyone

Everyone says ther good byes and they left

J: well I have to head home because I have get change of clothes and put food into the auto feeder and let the dogs ok

Everyone says goodbye

466 word

A/n ok so I kinds ran out ideas for the ending part because I wanted to giving powers for the part 15 so I am sorry that she one is shorter and if anyone can't tell I have so much time on my hands because I have posted 7 parts in one day and this book has been up for 3 days

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