《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》13


M: so how did she take it

F: she cried for awhile but-

W: wait wait she cried?

F: yeah why?

W: damn you are the first to ever see her cry

F: well since she might die I asked her what was something that she has always wanted to do before she pasted

St: ok and what did she say?

F: falling asleep cuddling with someone who she felt safe for the first time

Li: and who is it?

F: signs* me

Everyone look shocked but happy at the Sametime but wong and strange looked shocked that she had a soft spot for him

W: strange you own me 20

He gives him a 20

Ch: agfhwhfj

Fe: he said what do you by he owns you a 20?

W: I told him she had a soft spot for him but he didn't believe me because she never has a soft spot for anyone who walks into her life

J: see she said she doesn't like him or have a soft spot for him but look

Fe: yeah

F: we need to try and find another way to save her

Y: there is

We all look at her

Y: signs* when I was reading I looked at the book five was reading and nodiced something, it said that the only way to give power without dying it by give the strongest powers first then to the weakest powers last

L: well lets do it

Y: well it's not easy

D: what could be so hard about what you do? You just hold power

Her eyes started to glow purple a little

Y: and I can choose to not give you're powers back and I have that choice

Yn pov

After I yelled at diego I took a deep breath and the purple in my eyes went away


M: yeah I am with diego on this

S: I with yn it's not easy

D: how so Stan?

S: she gets tired very easily while using her powers

Y: so therefore it's hard, so I will be heading to sleep now because I will he needing loads of it

F: ok well I'll be up there soon

Y: ok

F: really diego?

D: what?

F: she is going through alot and you had to say that?

D: so it's not hard

M: yeah I am still with diego on this

A: I'm not

D: oh come on you are acting like she had the waight of the world on her shoulder

Li: actually she does, she can destroy the world if she gets too much power, she is upset because five is upset that she could die

D: really?

F: yes really diego

D: you are acting like you know what it feels like to carry the weight of the world on you're shoulder

F: actually deigo I do, I saved all you're asses, risked my live for all of you, killed a whole board room for all of you, and still no thank you but only person who has ever said something nice to me ever since I came back after I disappeared for over 40 years was Klaus you wanna know what he said? He said you are a good brother and it felt good to hear that from someone who actually care about me

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