《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》10


Five pov

After I walked out my mind was full of thoughts of what just happened and the fact I lied to them about the girlfriend thing,I just wanted them to be quiet because it felt like they were taking it too far, I don't know if I like her *signs* I think I'm just gonna get coffee then head home

Yn pov

Once I got beck I seen everyone but five

Y: where is five?

J: oh he left

D: yeah after everyone was teasing him abou-

Diego was cut off my Lila punching him in the arm

Y: oh well if he comes back tell him I said hi, I am gonna be upstairs taking a nap

S: stop using you're powers

Y: what?

S: you only taking naps when you use you're powers so why were you using you're powers

Y: if I was using them because I can't really control the powers all at once is I visit an old friend to help me control the powers

S: hold on you told me can control them

Y: yeah well I lied so you can feel somewhat safe

St: well go take a nap to bring up you're energy

Y: ok goodnight

W: goodnight

Stanley pov

I dont get it she has to be lying she promised no lying

Fe: wait so ahe couldn't control slones and Viktors powers so she went to someone to help with the same abilities and asked help to control them

St: yeah

W: well the world is ending again so we need her to her powers under control

A: what? Again?

W: wait wait what do you mean again?

A: well we save the world 3 times well sparrows 1 time

L: let's call five he would want to hear this


K: no wait that kid has been though so much started from being stuck in an apocalypse to resting the timeline

St: what? Thats possible?

D: Klaus

W: wait isn't that kid in the suit the smart one?

K: yeah and still can't believe he grow up even hotter

A: Klaus ew he's you're brother

St: well can you get him over here?

M: I think I know who can get him over here fast

St: oh yeah how

M: what is fives number?

A: oh its xxx-xxx-xxxx

Five pov

Once I opened my door my phone rang so I picked it up to see who it was

F: hello?

M: hey five yn still hasn't came back but wong and strange did and they don't know were they are at

F: I am on my way

I hung up the phone and rushed to her house

Marcus pov

After I hung up I looked at everyone

M: so lets see how long it takes for him to get here

We sat and talked for about 20 minutes until we heard a knock on the door so wong went to open it and five pushes past wong running up stairs looking for her and yelling her name

Fives pov

As I was searching the house I was yelling her name hoping I would a response but no luck I want to her room bursting the door open causing her to wake up

Y: what? Five whats wrong?

F: oh sorry I thought something happened to you I am so sorry I didnt mean to wake you I was just worried

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