《half witch//five hargreeves Book 1》09


After we finished getting ready we went to the workout room and we did our own thing

J: so, yn do you like five?

Fe: yeah it seems like you guys like each other

Y: what? No we are just friends

Sl: yeah for now

They start laughing

Five pov

I was just relaxing on the couch with everyone on the couch as everyone was talking

J: hey if you guys need me, slone, fei, and yn we will be in the workout room

B: ok have fun I'll maybe join later when I can find clothes that fit me

Fe: ok bye

They all left and seen yn coming down the stairs walking straight past everyone to the kitchen to get water and go to the workout room

F: so Stanley is yn dating that guy that she said that she will kill or some else then him?

S: no- gasps* you like her? Damn good luck getting her, it is very hard to get a soft spot because she is extremely tough

Al: well from what we seen you guys seem like a good couple

F: I was just, asking for a friend who likes her

M: yeah sure

St: yn where is she?

Al: ah were did you come from

W: doesn't matter

St: we have something important to tell her

F: wait why can't we hear it

St: because I don't trust you guys

F: well she is in thw workout room with jayme, fei, and stone

After I said that he just left without wasting anytime

Yn pov

I was workout with the girls and they would not stop talking about me and five but they stopped when strange and wong walked in

St: we have important business to deal with so go get changed and we will leave


Y: ok I'll go get ready

I left and changed about put this on (again if you want to change it you can you don't have to wear it)

Y: ok I am ready bye guys I'll see you soon

F: bye stay safe

Y: I will don't worry

St: ok lets go

He did the sparkly thing again and we walked through and it closed

Y: so what did you guys need me for?

St: well wanda she wants to do more training with you about everyday to help you and make sure you can control you're powers

Y: ok lets do it

St: ok

Wa: well hello how about we don't waste time and get started

Y: ok

We start and fought for training purposes

Wa: you see when you are casting a spell focus on what you are casting a spell on

She started giving you tips on how to cast spells and how to break them giving powers to taking them and all of that

Wa: ok so strange told me that you get sleepy if you use too much of you're powers so lets stop here

Y: ok

St: well did you have fun?

Y: yeah and thank you Wanda

Wa: anytime

We said our goodbyes and left

Jayme pov

After she left we left to go shower and get changed, once we finished we went downstairs were everyone was at

Fe: so what are you guys talking about

F: nothing

M: actually we were talking about five and yn

F: shut up

J: oh come on just admit it already

F: no because I have a girlfriend

A: what? You never told me and we are really close

K: wait you too are close?

A: yeah we are always talking on the phone or hanging out

L: that's new

F: well I got to go because my girlfriend is probably waiting for

Five just got up and walked out the door

B: well thats something you don't hear everyday

V: yeah with a huge plot twist

Li: for real

Five pov

650 words

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