《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Fourteen: Birthday fun- Part two
"Where are we?" The sun is just about to set, and Hunter had parked the car on the side of the road thirty minutes ago. We're just walking through this town going to nowhere in particular.
"In town," Tami replies nonchalantly.
"No shit Sherlock. I mean, are we just going to walk around all day or...?" Seriously, we have been walking in circles the entire time.
"Patience, young one." I roll my eyes and stop walking, causing Hunter to crash into my back and Tami to stop leading the way.
"But my feet hurt! Why did you make me wear heels?" I whine.
"Because they make your legs look good. Now stop whining and go sit on that bench. I'll be back in a second."
I groan and follow Hunter in the opposite direction that Tami goes. We sit down and I claim his lap as a foot rest, laying my aching feet down. All this walking is boring, and I'm ready to go home. I'm sure Cayton is wondering where we are. Last time we were gone for only four hours and he almost had a panic attack, but I haven't heard from him all day. I know he's busy with work and stuff but I figured he would check on us or something.
"I say we ditch Tami and go home," I say. I kind of surprise myself when I refer to Cayton's as home, but I don't correct it. And of course I don't want to ditch Tami, but damn it, the girl is a ball of energy and I just want to get my lazy ass in bed.
"As much as I would love to get punched by Trenton for doing that, we can't. Just wait a minute, part two hasn't happened yet."
"Wait, you know what part two is?"
"Tell me!" I demand, grabbing the collar of his shirt and yanking on it.
"Gah, stop woman! It's a surprise!" He hits my hands away and I huff, crossing my arms over my chest and pouting like a five year old.
"I hate surprises," I grumble.
"I bet you will like this one."
"Can I at least ha-"
"Macy, get your fine ass over here!" Tami suddenly yells from down the street, getting a few curious looks and a handful of glares from some mothers covering their children's ears. Like I've said before, Tami isn't easily embarrassed. I, however, wish I was invisible at this moment. Hunter pokes my leg with his finger, telling me to go.
"You're not coming?" I ask him. He shakes his head with a knowing smile on his face. I give him a confused look, about to ask him why, but he shoos me away with his hands before I can.
I go to where Tami is standing, outside of some restaurant called 'Mark and Fran's Café'. Hey, I didn't know they own a restaurant! They were who Carter and Trenton took Trina to the day of my kidnapping, abduction, whatever you want to call it.
"And welcome to part two," she bows, pushing the door open for me. The bell dings and I step in and immediately gasp.
The room is dark, only lit by candles spread around the room. All the tables are cleared, only leaving one in the center of the room with a bouquet of roses in the center. Soft music is playing, contributing to the romantic atmosphere.
"Tami... Am I missing something here?" Did she organize a romantic dinner for two? "I mean, you're my best friend and all but I can't say that a romantic dinner is something I do with friends..." I turn around to see the door shut, Tami nowhere in sight. I just stare at the door for a second, wondering if I'm in the wrong place.
Just as I'm about to leave, a warm hand brushes my hair to the side from behind me, and a pair of lips come into contact with my neck. If it weren't for the round of chills sent down my spine and the usual warmth and butterflies, I would have screamed. But I know these feelings almost as second nature now, and they have only been caused by one other person.
Something cool is wrapped around my neck and I look down to see a stunning necklace. Hanging from the gold chain is a heart shaped pendant with a magnificent diamond in the center, intricate designs engraved into the gold. I'm positive I wasn't wearing this when I left home.
"Happy Birthday," Cayton whispers in my ear. I must be on edge, because just his voice is enough to send another round of shivers up my spine. I hold the heart pendant between my index finger and thumb before turning around to face him. I unconsciously bite my lip when I see him. The damn boy just never stops looking so good.
He's wearing a blue and white button-up shirt and a pair of dark jeans. The first two buttons of his shirt are undone, giving just a peak of his muscled chest underneath. His brown hair is in its usual messy style, and his blue eyes seem to glow in the candlelight.
I realize that while I'm checking him out, he's doing the same to me.
"You look beautiful," he compliments.
"Thank you," I say. Usually, things like this don't tend to make me blush, but it seems tonight all the rules are being bent. For starters, when did Cayton get so romantic? That in itself is something I never would have expected. "Did you plan all of this?" I ask, even though I know it's a dumb question.
"With a little help," he admits. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to him.
"You didn't have to go through so much trouble. And you didn't have to get me such an expensive looking gift. I would have been happy with just a cookie," I say. The necklace is beautiful and the whole dinner scene is by far the sweetest thing anyone has done for me, and there is no doubt that he has the funds for it, but I don't feel right accepting it all.
"Nonsense, it's all worth it."
"How did you even find out today's my birthday?" I question, tilting my head back to look at him.
"A little birdie told me," he shrugs.
"Is that birdies name Tami?"
"Nope. His name is Trenton." Close enough. "Him and Carter said happy birthday by the way," he adds as an afterthought.
He grabs my hand and leads me over to the table set up in the center of the room, pulling out a seat for me. I smile and sit down, staring in wonder at the room again. He must have had to pull some strings to get a whole restaurant to himself. And to add to that, this necklace definitely isn't cheap. I like getting presents, but I never feel right accepting anything expensive.
"You look worried, what's wrong?" he asks. Damn, I wish my emotions weren't so readable when I'm thinking.
"I'm just wondering how much trouble it took to get this done," I say, motioning around the room. He chuckles and reaches across the table to grab my hand. His thumb rubs little circles on the back of my hand as his blue eyes stare intensely into my brown ones. That alone has my heart skipping a beat.
"Nothing is too much trouble for you." When I clearly don't look convinced, he adds, "Don't worry about it, you let me handle it all. Just enjoy yourself." I'm so lost in his eyes that all I can do is nod. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier that he did all this for me, but I don't like people making such a fuss over me.
"Well I've been kind of a handful since you met me..." He laughs at the truth in my statement. He keeps his hold on my hand, staring at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world. It makes me feel special, and my earlier thoughts about him being too good for me come back.
All I've done since I've arrived is cause him trouble. Even after things started to calm down. I have undoubtedly been a major pain in the ass, and yet, he's still doing all of this for me. Minus a few minor incidents, he has been nothing but sweet and caring to me. Why he puts up with me draws a big blank in my head. I'm just happy he does, because I couldn't be happier than I am right now.
The moment screamed perfection, and I could have stayed and stared in his eyes forever. If we were in a movie, this would be the big kiss scene, but in real life there's always someone to kill the mood.
"Hey lover boy, you ready for the food yet?" someone shouts from somewhere in the back. The voice sounds familiar, and after a second I recognize it as Mark's. I have to bite my lip to hold back the laughter that wants to come out. Way to kill the mood Mark.
"Yea!" Cayton shouts back. Mark and Fran come in with a cart containing two plates of food, a chocolate cake with purple icing flowers decorating the top, and a bottle of champagne. I was tempted to ask if we could skip the food and champagne and go ahead and eat the cake, but I held my tongue.
"Aw, aren't you two adorable!" Fran coos, walking around the cart and giving me a hug. Her grey hair is tied up into a bun at the back of her head, a green flower sticking out of the side of the bun.
"Thanks Fran," I laugh, hugging her back as Mark puts our plates on the table.
"I hope you enjoy your meal! You have got yourself quite a catch young lady. I remember Mark used to do romantic things like this for me all the time. Like one year-" Mark clears his throat and tugs on Fran's arm, stopping her from continuing.
"Come on honey, lets give these two some privacy," he says, shooting me a wink. I laugh and give him a thumbs up as he drags Fran out, who is babbling on about 'what a cute couple we are' and how she's happy that 'Cayton found a nice girl like me'. I couldn't help but smile at that.
Cayton pours us both some champagne in our glasses.
"Happy birthday babe."
"There's more?" Macy asks.
"What? Do you think I would just stop at dinner?" I grab her hand and continue walking down the sidewalk. The sun has just set, the moon casting a dim light across the town. The few people out are mostly members of the pack, all stopping and staring for a second when they see me and Macy.
News of me finding my mate has already started spreading, after I called my mother and asked her for helping planning dinner. Like I had predicted, she wasn't too happy I hadn't told her sooner. After explaining to her that I needed help planning a surprise for Macy's birthday, she agreed to help, but not before she informed me she would be planning a barbeque for everyone in the pack to meet Macy.
I didn't get the chance to inform her that Macy is only human, and I still haven't told her I'm a werewolf yet, so now I have a deadline to tell her. Two weeks. The party is in two weeks.
"I dunno, I guess. Where're we going?" Macy asks, snapping me back from my thoughts.
"It's a surprise."
"Have I told you how much I hate surprises?"
"I figured you do."
"Can you-"
"No, I will not give you a hint."
"Ugh." We walk a little longer, in a comfortable silence, until we are on the outskirts of town. I turn off the sidewalk and towards the woods, where the final surprise of the night awaits. I'm actually proud of myself for this one. I got the idea for it earlier today, no help from anyone else. It isn't exactly 'romantic', but I'm sure Macy is going to love it.
"We're going into the woods?" Macy stops, giving me an uneasy look.
"Yes we are. Don't worry, the Boogey Man doesn't live in these woods," I joke. She rolls her eyes at me and lets go of my hand.
"You do realize I'm in heels right? There's no way I'm going to be able to walk, and I'm certainly not going barefoot."
"Well then I'll carry you." She looks skeptical for a minute, looking at me then back at the woods, before she sighs and gives in.
"Fine, but I want a piggy-back ride," she says.
"Deal," I laugh, kneeling down to let her on my back. She climbs on and wraps her petite arms around my neck, the roses still in her right hand, and I hold her up by her thighs. I start walking once again, and soon we're in the cover of the trees.
"Did I also mention I don't like the woods at night?" she whispers, clinging to me tighter. "Seriously, I can barely see a thing. How can you?" she questions.
"Well, you are the one who said you might need glasses," I say, referring to the time I found her snooping around my office, claiming to be looking for some glasses. She giggles quietly, resting her chin on my shoulder.
"Did you actually believe that?" she asks.
"Yes, because it was a completely reasonable alibi," I say sarcastically.
After about ten more minutes, I step through the clearing and sit her back on her feet.
"We're here," I say. She steps to my side and looks around, smiling after a second.
"A tree house?" she asks. In the middle of the clearing stands a big oak tree, a decent size tree house on it. Carter, Trenton, and I had found it about ten years ago when we were eleven, and we used to come here a lot. I haven't been here since I turned eighteen and took the position as Alpha, but it hasn't changed since.
"It looks amazing here," Macy sighs, looking around. No trees obscure the view, so you can see all the stars and the moon shining brightly.
"So, do you like it?" I ask.
"Of course, I love tree houses!" she exclaims.
"I know, you told me."
"I did?"
"Yes. When you were nine, you and your cousin helped your uncle build a tree house, and you've loved them ever since." She told me that not too long ago actually.
"Oh yea. I'm surprised you remember that," she says. I shrug.
"I remember everything you've told me about you." She smiles at me, and grabs my hand.
"Let's go up," she says. I smile back and let her lead me to the rope ladder. I haven't seen her smile this much, and I feel proud that I'm the reason she's so happy right now.
She takes off her shoes and sits them at the base of the tree, hands me the roses, and I help her up the ladder. I watch her climb up, stopping halfway to look down at me.
"Are you coming?" she asks.
"Not yet. I'm enjoying the view from down here," I tease. Even in the dark, thanks to my advanced eyesight, I can see the slight pink tint that covers her cheeks.
"Pervert," she mutters. She climbs to the top and looks around the woods. "Nice view up here." Then she disappears inside and I climb up.
Inside the tree house, I strung lights up on the ceiling, illuminating the room. Three bean bag chairs sit in the corner to the right. In the center of the floor is a carpet that looks like it belongs back in the nineties. Across from the bean bags is a small plastic table.
"It's not much, but-" I start.
"No, it's perfect," Macy interrupts. She takes her flowers from my hands and sits them on the small table, before plopping down in the red bean bag chair. I sit in the green one next to her. "Did you build this?"
"No, Carter, Trenton, and I found it about ten years back," I say.
"And you're sure it's safe up here?" she asks.
"It's safe," I chuckle. "We used to come up here all the time. It was kind of our hangout." She nods in understanding, examining some carvings in the wood on the wall behind her.
"How many girls have you brought up here?" she questions, sounding like she's teasing me, but I catch the curiosity. I don't respond, really not up for tallying up the number of girls I've had up here. Not that we did anything... most of the time.
She doesn't press further when I don't give her an answer, which I silently thank her for. We sit in a comfortable silence as she reads some more carvings behind us. One of them says 'Dusk Valley Territory', and she laughs, while I freeze up.
"Dusk Valley? Is that what you guys called your group?" Shit. Way to go Carter. He carved our pack name into the wall, and I hadn't thought to check for anything that might give away my secret before I brought her up here.
A deadline pops into my head, and I consider telling her right now. Would that be a little premature? Maybe I should just get it over with...
"Yea, it was..." I chicken out of telling the truth. It just isn't the right time. Then again, I don't know when the right time will be.
"Uh, Cayton, you know I don't care if you've brought other girls up here, right? No need to be so on edge," she says, poking my cheek, obviously taking my nervousness as a result of her previous question.
"Right, sorry," I mutter, giving another nervous laugh. Her eyebrows furrow together for a second, before she rolls her eyes and shrugs, going back to reading. "Let's dance," I suggest suddenly, trying to stop her from reading anything else.
"Dance? With what music?" she asks. I stand up and grab her hand to help her up as well.
"I have my phone," I say, pulling it out of my pocket and pulling up the YouTube app. "You pick the song." I hand her the phone, and she shrugs, typing something in. She clicks it and sits it down on the table next to the roses before coming back to stand in front of me.
Cayton's acting weird all of a sudden. I really didn't mean to make him uncomfortable when I asked if he brought other girls up here, I was just curious. When he didn't answer, I took that as a lot. I'm not really the jealous type, but the idea of some unknown girls up here with him didn't sit too well with me.
Maybe I'm being possessive, but if he can be, then so can I.
I stand in front of him and place my hands on his shoulder, and his hands go to my waist.
The song starts and I let him lead. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I'm a terrible dancer. And it's proven when I step on his feet, not even ten seconds in.
"Sorry," I mutter, looking down and trying to watch my feet. He chuckles and lifts me up, which I wasn't expecting, casing me to let out a girly squeak.
"Calm down," he chuckles, lowering me down so I'm standing on his feet.
Well, that's much easier.
I lean my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat instead of the music. Seriously, I think I've died and gone to heaven. A heaven that only includes Cayton and I. The moment couldn't be more perfect.
I end up lost in my thoughts, thinking about how I got so lucky. I'm sure I never did anything to deserve someone like the amazing guy in front of me. I wonder how we got to this point though. In the beginning, I probably would have laughed in your face if you told me that I would end up falling in love with my kidnapper.
Yes, I admit, I'm practically head over heels. I wouldn't say it's love just yet. You have to know every little detail about someone to be truly in love, and I feel like I didn't know everything there is to know about Cayton. I know a lot about him, but there are some things that I don't know, and he isn't telling me. I've been an open book, but there are just some mysteries with him that aren't solved yet.
Like, what he does all day in his office. Maybe he works from home, even though he isn't home a lot of the day. I'm determined to know everything there is about him. Down to the last detail.
Thinking about his office brings back the memory from yesterday, when I overheard him and Carter talking about some people. What are their names...
"Any news on Zack?"
"The doctor says he's recovering nicely."
"And did Drake and them catch the intruders?"
"They only managed to chase them out of the territory."
Zack and Drake.
"Hey Cayton?" I ask.
"Who are Zack and Drake?" He stops moving for a second, and I look up at him. He's looking down at me, with a weird expression on his face.
"Where did you hear those names from?" he asks tentatively.
"Uh... I may or may not have overheard you and Carter talking about them in your office one day," I say. "Is Zack ok?" He lets out a deep breath, before continuing to sway to the music.
"He's fine."
"What happened to him?"
"He was... attacked by a dog."
"Poor thing. He wasn't hurt too bad was he?"
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