《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Eleven: Sticky notes
Now I have absolutely no idea what to do. My dad approved my kidnapping, which I still don't understand might I add. At one point I thought it was some big conspiracy that involved the government and some UFO's, but little extraterrestrial activity has gone on so I assumed it was that my dad was finally going senile.
I'm not being treated like I was kidnapped, hence the breakfast in bed for the past week. No joke, Cayton made me breakfast every morning, even bringing it up on a cute little tray with a little flower in a miniature vase. I have given up the idea of escaping as well. Why would I want to leave when I'm being waited on? Being treated like a princess everyday? Hell yea I'm staying!
The idea of leaving is utterly ridiculous.
As soon as I start getting fitted for tiaras and gowns, I think I'll order them to get me a puppy.
During the week that has passed since the phone call with my dad; Cayton, Carter, and Trenton have been who-knows-where doing who-knows-what. I've been left with Tami and Carter's brother Hunter everyday.
Yep, I'm still being babysat. Since I have my princess fantasy going on in my head, I just think of them as my royal advisors.
So far, Cayton refuses to let us go anywhere. Well, let me go anywhere. I guess he doesn't fully trust me yet, since my royal advisors have to be around me when he isn't here. I'm getting bored here, and we have all but depleted our entertainment sources. I can tell Tami and Hunter are getting bored too, and as the princess, I have to make sure my royal subjects are taken care of.
Yea, I'm being a bit delusional with my princess fantasy. I'm bored, sue me.
And I wouldn't admit it, but I was starting to miss Cayton.
Weird, I know.
When he's home, I find myself spending time with him. Like, bonding-time type of deal. It mostly consists of us twenty-questioning each other about little things about each other. Like, I could tell you his favorite color is green, his favorite childhood movie is Space Jam, his favorite sport is football, and when he was seven he broke his big toe because he dropped one of his mother's statues on it when he was helping her move it.
Turns out you actually can have a civilized conversation with your kidnapper. And it turns out you can find that you have a lot in common with them as well.
It's really hard to just talk though because every time he talks, my eyes drift to his lips and I remember kissing him, which leads to a train of inappropriate thoughts. They are so tempting and inviting, like my own personal forbidden fruit. In all honesty, I want to kiss him again. I can't describe it exactly, but there's some sort of connection between us. A connection that has always been there, but has been diluted by the fact that he's a kidnapper. Or maybe it's just Stockholm syndrome, I'm not sure just yet.
I seem to daydream a lot about him too.
I fear I'm becoming a borderline stalker. But I can't be a stalker if I'm in the same house as him, so I think I'm safe.
Now it's getting dark and I'm just getting out of the shower. Tami, Hunter and I spent today lounging around, entertaining ourselves with movies and popcorn. At one point, a massive popcorn war ensued. It was one for the history books I tell ya.
My hair was so slick with butter that I had to take a shower before I tripped and started sliding down the halls.
I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top, ready to hit the hay. I was running a brush thorough my troublesome hair when Cayton came in.
"Knock much?" I smirk, yanking on the brush as it snags on a massive tangle. He doesn't respond to my sarcasm, instead he comes up behind me, spins me around and plants a kiss on my lips.
Two things go through my mind at that moment: Holy shit, Cayton's kissing me again, and I bet I taste like popcorn.
I'm shocked for a grand total of two second before I respond, moving my lips with his and tangling my fingers in his hair, abandoning the brush that's still hanging in my own hair. The kiss is desperate and demanding, but still retains passion and softness.
When he pulls away, I'm breathless, breathing heavily.
"Rough day?" I ask. He nods and nuzzles my neck, inhaling deeply. I just hope I don't still smell like butter, or some weird hybrid of my strawberry scented body wash and butter. Butterberries.
"Want to tell me what happened?" I have been trying for days to get him to tell me what his job was exactly. He always comes back seeming stressed, but he just tells me not to worry about it. I'm curious, but I always let it slide in fear that I'll just stress him out more.
However, that doesn't stop my mind from trying to fill in the blanks. So far I have it narrowed down to Mafia leader, a CEO, or a male model. All three seemed like likely options.
How awesome would it be to find out you were kidnapped by a male model? Better yet, an underwear model. Yea, I'd tap that.
"Nothing important. Are you hungry?" he asks, changing the subject. I know that means he doesn't want to talk about it, so I sigh and let it go. For now at least.
"No, I kind of had my fill on popcorn."
He laughs- an actual, genuine laugh that I have rarely heard- and says "I was wondering why there was popcorn all over the carpet." He pulls the brush that's still snagged in my hair out and places it on the vanity.
"Shit. I told Tami the vacuum cleaner wouldn't get it all," I mutter. He shakes his head in a 'you're crazy' fashion, like he was just now realizing it.
Silly boy.
"I'll clean that up real quick. You just make yourself comfortable and I'll make you something to eat," I tell him, pulling out of his arms. I feel the need to go back in his arms, to feel his warmth but I fight the urge. Me and my urges lately...
He nods and kicks his shoes off, jumping on my bed and laying his hands casually behind his head. I roll my eyes and go to the living room to pick up the remnants of our popcorn battle.
"Brave men, you fought well. Your death shall not be in vain!" I declare to the crushed kernels as I pick them up and throw them away, still continuing with my role as princess. Once I have picked up the last of the fallen, I take a quick look around to make sure I didn't miss any. It was only then that I realize it was a bad idea to have a popcorn war on pure white carpet. Stains are everywhere. I guess I would have to talk to Cayton about getting someone to clean them properly.
I put the garbage can back and open the fridge to search for something to make. I settle on premade lasagna, since it's the easiest thing to make next to sandwiches. The furthest my culinary skills extend was making pancakes and food out of playdough, which I don't think will be too tasty.
I wait for the oven to preheat before I stick the lasagna in and set the timer. It's going to take a while to cook, and after busying myself with washing the dishes is done, I decide to see how much I paid attention on my tour of the house.
I end up in his office once again, spinning in the big chair behind his desk. Being nosey, I rummage through the drawers of his desk. There isn't anything of interest, that is until I find a pad of sticky notes and a pen. Smiling devilishly to myself, I pull them out and close the drawer. Me and sticky notes are a deadly combination.
I write 'Hope you enjoy :P' on one of the notes and stick it on the computer screen so he's sure to see it. Then I write random messages and words on notes, placing them all over the place. The walls, the floor, the chairs. Whatever word came into my mind, I wrote and stuck it somewhere.
By the time I'm done, it looks like a sticky note tornado had swept its way through the office. I draw a heart on one and stick it on the outside of the door as the final addition of my masterpiece. Snickering to myself, I cast one last glance at the room, and then shut the door.
I would have to ask Carter to videotape his reaction, like I had asked him to record Cayton apologizing to Tami. I'm sure his face would be priceless. A beeping sound signals the lasagna is done, and I skip happily to the kitchen.
I quickly pull the lasagna out of the oven and cut a slice for Cayton, deciding to store the rest for tomorrow.
When I come back into my room, I find Cayton fast asleep on my bed. I smile when I see him; he looks so peaceful when he's asleep, like a cute little puppy. I realize I probably look like an idiot with a plate of lasagna in my hands, staring at him and smiling like a moron. Well, atleast he isn't awake to see me.
I don't know if I should wake him or not, but I thought that he should get some food in him. I sit the plate on the nightstand and sit on the bed next to him, shaking his shoulder gently.
"Cayton, I brought your food," I whisper. He doesn't move, and after some more whispering and shaking, I grab a pillow and hit him in the face. His eyes open for a split second to scowl at me, before he shakes his head and closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me to him like a teddy bear.
"I'll take it that you don't want to eat?" I catch the slight nod he gives before he's out once again. I sigh and get out of his arms, careful not to wake him, and take the plate downstairs. All that hard work, slaving over a hot stove to cook a meal, and he doesn't eat it.
But it gave me an excuse to cover his office in sticky notes, so I guess some good did come out of it.
I don't know exactly what I should do from this point- wake him up so he could go lie in his bed, or go find another room for myself. After some mental deliberation, I sigh and turn off the light, deciding not to wake him. I was about to close the door and go sleep in his room when I hear his sleepy voice.
"Where're you going?"
"I'm going to go sleep in your room; I didn't want to wake you."
"Come on, I don't bite," he yawns, waving me over to him. I was unsure, I don't think you should really share a bed with someone of the opposite sex unless you're together- call me old fashioned- but the idea of being wrapped in a blanket with Cayton seems pretty nice to me, and I abandon my beliefs.
"Ok," I give in. He pulls the covers back for me and I slip underneath them. I was going to keep my distance out of respect for his personal space, but he wouldn't have it. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead gently.
"Goodnight Macy," he murmurs. I sigh happily, a goofy grin making its way on my face. I was becoming so mushy, I know, but I just love the way he says my name and the way I feel near him. It just all feels so right, despite the unfortunate circumstances it took to get here.
I tuck my head under his chin, breathing in his intoxicating scent. It would be nice if we could just stay like this forever.
"Goodnight Cayton."
I wake up with someone in my arms, feeling completely happy and rested. I open my eyes to see Macy snuggled up against me, still sleeping peacefully. I smile and kiss the top of her head, perfectly content with staying here until she woke up.
I keep my eyes on her, thinking how lucky I am to have her all to myself, when Carter's voice comes and interrupts my train of thought.
'Emergency at the north-eastern border. Margaret and Brett's.'
Duty calls. Reluctantly, I kiss her once more and lay her on the bed gently as I get out of bed. She stirs and mumbles something under her breath, before she's still once again.
'On my way,' I tell Carter.
Outside, I shift and start running towards where Carter is.
'Tami, Hunter, I need you to go to the house now. There was an emergency and I had to leave early.'
'Yes Alpha,' I hear them say back.
In no time, I exit the woods and into the backyard of two of the pack members who live next to the border, Brett and Margaret. Carter and them are huddled around something on the ground, and I make my way over. Their son, Zack, is on the ground, wounded with a massive bite on his shoulder and long scratches down his back, out cold.
"What happened here?" I ask Carter, getting into Alpha-mode.
"Two Midnight Fire wolves attacked," he responds.
The Midnight Fire pack has a grudge against our pack from about four years ago. A member of our pack went Rogue and ended up killing the Luna of their pack. Their Alpha, Joshua, lost it and blamed our pack for her death. I understand that he would want revenge, but we had nothing to do with it. However, it doesn't stop him.
"Did you call the pack doctor?"
"Yes, he's on his way." In reality, Zack shouldn't have survived an attack by two full grown wolves, considering he was only eleven years old. There intent must have not been to kill though, because if it had been, he would surely be dead. Members of Joshua's pack have been entering our territory and attacking anyone they came across. Most of the time they would kill, but some were lucky to be spared.
"Did either of you see them?" I question Margaret and Brett. Margaret was on the ground next to Zack, holding his hand as she sobs.
"I did. I came out to get Zack for breakfast when I saw them coming. I attacked one before he had the chance to get to him, but the other got to him before I did. They stopped mid-attack and took off, like they were looking for something else," Brett explains.
"Which way did they go?"
"Carter, send Drake, Greg, and Dean after them," I order.
"On it." I kneel down next to Margaret and pat her back sympathetically.
"He'll be ok. The doctor will be here soon. Until then, I'll need you to clear a space in Zack's room for him."
She sniffs and wipes under her eyes, leaning down to plant a kiss on her son's forehead. She stands up and gives me a sad smile.
"Thank you, I know he'll pull through. He's a tough little pup," she says. I would have to agree with her on that one. Any kid that survived an attack like that was definitely strong.
"What now Alpha?" Carter asks.
"Now, we need to go set up new patrol routes."
We have people guarding the borders, and for the most part no one gets in easily. But a few of the Midnight Fire wolves manage to sneak through when our guards have their backs turned. The attacks are usually the same, though. They would attack, and then head deeper into the territory as if they were looking for something.
Only one has managed to make it in and out of the territory alive, and there is no doubt that he reported back to Joshua with his findings. What they are looking for is unknown at the moment, but we need to make sure whatever it was, they never find out.
We make it back home and come in through the side door to head to my office. Trenton stands outside my office door, tossing a water bottle back-and-forth between his hands, looking slightly amused by something.
"Glad you're back. Your mate left you a little surprise," he chuckles. I raise an eyebrow in question and he steps away from the door, pointing to a tiny square stuck on the door with a heart drawn in pen on it. I grab it off the door and examine it.
"What's this?" I ask.
"See for yourself." Confused, I step into my office, only to have my jaw drop at the sight. Sticky notes are everywhere. And I mean everywhere. How my tiny mate managed to get notes on the ceiling will remain a mystery. I grab three of the notes off the wall next to the door, and read them. One says 'coffee cake', another says 'Pablo', and the last one says 'tricycle'.
"What the hell does this even mean?" Like I've said before, I would kill to see what goes on inside that girl's mind.
Had it been anyone else who did this, I would probably have been annoyed. But, considering it was just Macy being Macy, I let it slide. If my mate wanted to cover my office in sticky notes, she could. Although, now, I have to find someone to clean this up and someone to clean the carpets in the living room.
I sit down in my chair and pick off notes from the top, settling on sticking them on the side of the desk for now.
"Ok, let's get down to business."
"Bubblegum," Trenton says.
"Taquitos," Carter adds.
"The notes," they both say, each holding up a note. I shake my head, my eye catching on something stuck to the computer screen.
'Hope you enjoy :P'
Yep, my mate is definitely crazy.
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