《Talk About the Direct Approach...》Chapter Six: Stupid organs
As I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body, I almost slap my forehead at the realization that I don't have any clean clothes.
"Shit," I curse under my breath. Maybe there're clothes in the closet...
Right, because clothes my exact size would magically be in the closet.
Unless they have been observing me for a while...
That thought makes me cringe. I step out of the steamy bathroom in my towel, prepared to go on a hunt for clothes, only to have my heart leap out of my chest and a shocked scream to rip out.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I snap at Cayton who is lying casually on the bed in a t-shirt and pair of checked pajama pants. He looks over at me and smirks, his eyes shamelessly trailing up and down my body. I blush under his gaze and tug the towel down, willing it to cover more.
"I came to check on you," he shrugs, his eyes finally meeting mine after they are done with their exploration of my towel-clad body. It's like the first time I saw him, when our eyes locked together and I couldn't look away. I can feel my heart beating erratically as he gets off the bed and makes his way over to stand in front of me.
"I-I'm f-fine," I stutter. Good god this boy is making me nervous. In the back of my mind I knew it was wrong, that I shouldn't want to rip his clothes off right now. Just picturing him shirtless earlier wasn't helping either. It's as if I'm being tested by some otherworldly being. Jerks.
He is so close to me now, I can feel the heat radiating off him. It's so tempting to just kiss him...
NO! Snap out of it Macy! This guy kidnapped you! You don't get cozy with a kidnapper. That is a big no-no.
"I need c-clothes," I stutter again, taking a step away to calm my thoughts. He smirks again and steps closer, squashing my attempt at distancing myself.
"I don't know, I kind of think the towel looks good on you. Of course, it might look better on the floor..." I gape at him, my cheeks flaming what I could only assume was bright red. He's joking right? Some sort of reverse-psychology mumbo jumbo? Maybe I'm being hypnotized!
That seems to make some sense. In my mind at least.
"Clothes would be fine," I gulp, stepping backwards until my back presses against the wall. He stands in front of me, putting his hands on either side of my waist, trapping me.
"Ok, tomorrow I'll have Tami go shopping for you. Tonight, you can borrow one of my shirts," he says. He pulls his shirt over his head and holds it out to me. "And if you want anything else, let me know. I'll have her pick it up too."
I barely catch his last sentence, as I was too occupied with his bare chest and lovely abs that were too close not to be touched. I mean, they were right there in all their muscular defined glory! I wonder how they would feel for a brief moment. Somehow, I find the willpower to restrain my curious hands.
"Ok," I mumble, not looking up. "Can I get some... Ramen Noodles?"
"Those little cup thingys?" he snickers, most likely remembering them hanging out of my mouth when he first saw me. I nod my head. "Anything else?"
"Well, seeing as you're not going to let me leave, can I at least call my dad before he has a heart attack?" He contemplates it for a second.
"No," he answers bluntly.
"What? Why not?" I demand, pushing on his chest. He doesn't put up a fight and I manage to get him away from me.
"Because, I-"
"Let me talk to him," I interrupt.
"Can I ever finish a sentence around you?" He shakes his head, a smile playing at his lips. Oh, ha ha, Macy is so funny when she's angry.
"Let me talk to him," I repeat.
"No, and that's final." His tone is so full of dominance and power that I can't help but listen. Normally, I wouldn't- because I'm a rebel- but right now, I decide it's pointless to fight with him over this and I let it go. "Now get some sleep."
He turns on his heel and walks straight out of the room, closing the door behind him.
He is so very irritating, but I don't feel like dealing with his crap right now. Another challenge for another day.
I drop my towel and slip on the shirt, engulfing me in his scent. It's woodsy mixed with manliness, a seemingly pleasant smell for my senses.
Geez, I'm such a creeper.
As disgusting as it is, I slip my underwear back on. I don't exactly feel comfortable sleeping in only a shirt, and the shirt only manages to cover to the bottom of my butt.
There are too many suspicious characters lurking in this house for me to sleep panty-less.
I burrow under the covers and wrap it securely around me. In no time at all, I'm asleep and dreaming of, surprise surprise, Cayton. And not in a way I would like to admit I was dreaming about my kidnapper.
As much as I didn't want to leave her room, I knew I had to. I think I demonstrated a lot of self-control. First, she waltzes in wearing a towel, looking too sexy for her own good. Then, she starts stuttering- which I couldn't help but to find adorable- and I could tell she was nervous. Whether it was due to our closeness or not, I wasn't sure.
I didn't want to tell her no when she asked to call her dad, but I had to. I have my reasons, but they're reasons she wouldn't understand. Not yet anyways.
Things would be so much easier if I could just tell her what I am. I want to tell her so badly, but I don't want to freak her out- more than she already was.
"How'd it go?" Carter asks.
"How do you think it went?"
"Not good huh?"
"Not really. But Tami, tomorrow you're going shopping. I'll loan you my card," I tell Tami. I didn't bother asking, she has to listen. Perks of being the Alpha.
"Yes Alpha. I'll be by tomorrow to see what she likes," she says. I nod my head and dismiss her and Trenton to leave.
I can't help to be a bit envious of them. I have my mate, sure, but it's not exactly how I imagined it would go. In all honesty, I never expected my mate would be human. Human-Werewolf matches rarely happened. However, I couldn't picture anyone else as my mate.
Even if she has tried multiple times today to get away from me, caused me physical pain, and is pretty hostile, I wouldn't want anyone else. I'm accepting her for who she is, just like I hope she accepts me for who I am.
However, accepting someone's personality versus accepting their species is two very different things. For some reason, I don't expect her to take this news lightly, even if we do ease her in to it.
"Good luck buddy," Carter says, slapping me on the back as he gets up.
"Thanks," I mutter. "Don't forget, tomorrow at eight am, be here. We need to discuss some things."
He understands what needs discussion, and leaves without further question.
On top of dealing with the enemies, I have to find a way to keep Macy here. And the funny thing is, I don't know which one is going to be more difficult.
"Go back upstairs and change, now," is the first thing I hear this morning. No 'good morning' or 'did you sleep well?', it's an order. I'm cranky after yesterday and don't feel like listening, so I ignore him. Instead, I go on a mission to find some Captain Crunch in one of these cabinets. Cayton, Carter, and another guy I didn't recognize are all sitting in the kitchen when I walk in.
I'm busy rummaging through every single cabinet when I get to one particularly high up one that I have to stand on my tippy toes to reach. Then I remember I was only wearing Cayton's shirt, and it had risen up due to the stretching, probably leaving my underwear on full display.
When I'm jerked down and hidden behind Cayton's back, I know the three in the kitchen have just gotten a little peep show.
"You have about five seconds to leave this room before I kick both of your asses," Cayton growls animalisticly to the other two. Seriously, how does a human produce a sound like that? It's disturbing. I hear the scamper of feet as Carter and the other guy leave.
Once they're gone, Cayton grabs my arm roughly and pulls me along with him.
"Ow! Stop! You're hurting me!" I whine, desperately trying to get out of the iron grip he has on my arm. He doesn't let go until we're up at the top of the stairs and in the first room. Ah, memories, I think sarcastically to myself as I look at the broken door leaning up against the wall.
"What is your problem?" I demand once we're inside the room. He lets go of my arm and I rub the spot he was holding. Was all that really necessary? A simple 'follow me' would have sufficed. Even if I probably wouldn't have listened.
He goes inside the closet and comes back out with a pair of basketball shorts.
"Put these on," he orders. I roll my eyes, but take them and put them on.
"Now tell me what-" before I can get the rest of the sentence out, I'm pushed against the wall, and my lips are attacked by Cayton's.
With just that, instantly I was giving in to the soft strength of his kiss that engulfed me, gaining in strength until I was completely wrapped up in him. His strong hands grip my waist and hold me close, while my hands snake up and tangle through his soft brown hair. Our lips are moving in sync, and I know that even if I want to stop- which I don't at the moment- I wouldn't be able to.
I can't help it, nor can I control it. My mind is in a complete daze and all I'm aware of are the fireworks exploding. I feel like I'm about to combust. He'd have to sweep me off the floors.
Wrong. It is all so wrong, but it feels so perfect, like it's meant to be. How could that be though? This shouldn't be happening, yet it is. And I am loving it. But I shouldn't be doing it. I shouldn't be kissing him.
My kidnapper, of all people!
However, there is no doubt that I'm lost. I'm tangled up in these feelings he is bringing out in me, feelings I never would have thought I would have towards him.
Ok, so maybe I did daydream about him a little too much, and maybe I was attracted to him, and maybe I might have pictured this a time or two, but that meant nothing. Yep, nothing.
But this moment was so much better than I ever thought it could be.
But it shouldn't be happening.
Logic and emotion were swirling around in my mind. My heart is waged in a battle with my mind, and I don't know which to listen to. It's hard to listen to my brain when the pleasure flowing through me is making it hard to think, and only adding to my heart's winning score.
When his tongue traces my bottom lip, my mind goes into overdrive and I find the strength to push him away. It takes a lot of effort, believe me.
I immediately loath the feeling of coldness that settles on my lips, and the warmth that consumed me slowly fades away. That kiss was amazing, too amazing actually.
We're both panting heavily, and he's staring directly into my eyes. If I couldn't so clearly see the emotions in his sky blue eyes, I would have questioned if he felt the same fireworks I did. His minty breath mixes with mine and he leans his forehead against my own.
"You are mine, don't forget that," he breathes.
Normally, that would have irked me, but right now it's a complete turn on. My gaze drops to his lips and I remember how they felt against mine seconds ago. Soft, warm, and firm.
They are so close to mine, so tempting...
Screw it. I don't think about the possible consequences, and I follow my heart for once as I press my lips to his once more.
The fireworks reignite. While the last kiss was just testing the waters, this one is so full of passion and sensuality it's unfathomable. It's almost too good to be true, and I briefly wonder if I'm dreaming again. But the feelings I'm having that I have never experienced before told me it was real. This was really happening.
I'm kissing my kidnapper.
I don't pull away this time when he deepens the kiss, and I'm so lost in the feeling that I don't notice myself being lifted from my position. My legs go around his waist as I pull him impossibly closer. I was tingling and every part of his body that was touching mine was on fire.
I'm tempted to rip his clothes off.
Clothes are annoying to me at the moment.
I don't get the chance to though, because in that moment, Tami comes into the room.
"Macy, I need to—Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she squeaks. That's enough to slap some sense back into me. I pull away once more, hopefully for good this time, and unwrap my legs from his waist. I push my back against the wall in an attempt to distance myself from him, which is hard considering he has his body pressed against mine.
Part of me wants to rip off Tami's head for interrupting, but another part is thanking her.
Cayton, however, isn't too happy.
"What is so important," he all but shouts at her. His voice is so full of venom that I immediately feel terrible for her. I rip his hands from my waist and shove on his chest, effectively knocking him back a few steps.
Good, now I can think straight.
"Stop talking to her like that! She didn't know," I yell. I hate when he talks to people like that, like it was ok. "It was a mistake anyways." I said that more to myself, trying to convince myself it was true.
I make the mistake of looking into Cayton's eyes at that moment, and almost crack when I see hurt flash over his features. Despite him kidnapping me, forcing me here, you know, all that, the thought of hurting him makes me feel physically sick. I feel guilty almost instantly, and I know I need to leave before I break down.
I don't want him to know that he is affecting me in this way.
I quickly grab Tami's hand and pull her down the hall and into my room, where I lock the door. Not too long after, someone—it didn't take a genius to guess it was Cayton—was knocking. It isn't his usual 'open this door before I break it down' knock though.
"Please, go away!" I beg, sounding so weak and pathetic. There were a few more knocks before he finally gave up. I could hear his angry stomping down the hall. When his footsteps fade away, I sigh and fall back onto my bed.
"Tami, I'm sorry for that. I hate how he talks to you like he has any right talking to someone that way."
"No, I'm sorry. I should have knocked or something."
"There wasn't a door for you to knock on," I laugh half-heartedly. Really, that whole fiasco put a damper on my mood, and I just feel like hiding in the closet. "He's just being an ass."
"You don't mean that," she says as she takes her place next to me on my bed. "And I also know you don't think that was a mistake."
I sigh again and stare up at the ceiling as if the answers to my feelings are there. "I don't know... It's complicated. I mean, it shouldn't be. I should be repulsed that I just made out with my kidnapper, but it felt so... right."
"I understand. I feel the same way with Trenton. Minus the repulsed part." She lays a hand on my shoulder, making me look over to her. "But if you want my advice, I say listen to your heart. Don't go with what seems logical, do what feels right. Believe me, if I was you, I would be so pissed at Cayton, not to mention scared, but I would follow my heart. You'll be happier that way."
I want to follow her advice—well, my heart did. But I have more to think about than feelings. For one, I had a future and a family to worry about. I couldn't drop it all just because it felt nice kissing him. And if I haven't said it enough, he KIDNAPPED me. I wasn't supposed to kiss him!
However, those feelings he evoked aren't something you can easily overlook. How the hell could I forget how those magical lips made me feel? It was more magical than unicorn sex. And that is pretty magical.
I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm sure of one thing. If I listened to my heart, I would be in Cayton's arms right now.
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