《| Limerence | (Yandere Slashers X Reader)》Ch.7
I slowly open my eyes to see a cozy (F/C) bedroom. I feel arms wrapped around me so I immediately start to panic. I struggle out of their grip easily. It's Freddy!? Freddy slowly wakes up rubbing his eyes. "Too soon?" I scoot away from him while saying "You fuckin' think!?" "You like the sweater?" He says raising a brow smirking. I pull Chucky's knife out of my pocket and point it at Freddy in a threatening way. Freddy chuckles at my cute attempt to intimate him. 'Didn't I put this in my backpack earlier? Whatever, what matters is that I have it.' Suddenly the knife disappears. My eyes widen in shock. Freddy quickly hugs me. It's so comforting I almost want to hug back. BUT I REFUSED! AN AMAZING HUG FROM SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO KILL ME! 😂😭 "(Y/n). I just want you to be happy." I close my eyes and shake my head knowing that what he really wants is me, happy or not. I push him away and go to slap myself again but he grabs my hand before it can make contact with my face. "(Y/n)." He says looking deep into my eyes. 'Oh no! His tactics are working!' He rests his forehead against mine. I quickly bash my head against his.
I wake up in a cold sweat. I hug my knees to my chest biting my lip. 'He almost got to me. He might even get me to fall for him... Oh nooooo.'
My alarm goes off again. I glare at it and slam my fist on it harder than usual. I stand up scowling. I go to my closet to get my uniform but when I open it the weird sweater is in the front of the closet. I ignore it and grab my uniform. I messily throw on my school uniform. And try on my purple wig. 'Let's get down to business.' I take the wig off and put it in my bag again. I put the rest of the stuff Ian found in the floor in my bag I look back over to my closet. I sigh and shove the sweater in my bag. I run out of my room hug Ian and mom good bye then hurry off to school.
On my way I see the shortcut look to my left then right and walk in. I stop for a moment to put on my wig then continue walking out of the alley way. I look around to see if any stalkers are following me but no one's there. I make it to school and start looking around for Adam again. I find him leaning on the side of the school, staying in the shadows.
"Adam!" Adam's head perks up at hearing his name. I run toward him probably looking absolutely silly. "Adam, thank god I found you!" "Who are you?" "(Y/n)." I whisper moving some purple hair out of the way to show my (h/c) hair. "Oh hey JENNIFER." His voice is very loud and each word sounds forced out. He pulls me into the shadow of the building and whispers "What's with the disguise?" "I don't want to be recognized." He nods then says"Why all the secrecy?" "Because I found some stuff that might be worth looking at." I pull the scrapbook out of my bag and hand it to him. "*Gasp!* No way!" He starts flipping though it's pages quickly. "This has everything they've ever done printed out on paper! Well not so much for Jason." "Yeah, a lot of that is missing. So do you think any of this will help me?" He nods a small bit. "Well kinda. If you meet Jason you'll know he's afraid of water so I guess that's helpful." Suddenly the school bell rings. Adam hands me my scrapbook and says "We'll have to talk about this later. We probably shouldn't use your real name when you're in your disguise so let's just go with Jennifer like I called you earlier." I nod in agreement putting the scrapbook away. Then I hurry inside the school accidentally losing Adam again.
I look around to see if anyone's following me but bump into someone. 'Oh shit it's Becky.' "Watch it bitch!" I nod my head lowering my head making the bangs of my wig fall into my face. Becky and her troops walk off not even recognizing me. 'This just might work.' I smile and walk off to class.
I nervously bite my lip while watch the clock. The bell finally rings so I rush out of the classroom. The halls are still mostly empty since I rushed out of my class before everyone else. On my way to lunch I pull off my wig and put it in my bag again. I sit down at my table and look around for Adam. I wait there looking around for a few minutes then stand up and go out to the hallway.
I stand there looking for him but nothing. I close my eyes and sigh. Suddenly I hear footsteps and someone stands next to me. I open my eyes to see V looking ahead at nothing but wall. "Haven't seen Adam have you?" I shake my head. "Any idea where he is?" "Library." "Thanks." Then start walking in the direction of the library. "Careful going around the corners." I nod and say "Thanks." I continue being cautious near any turns but I got there just fine. I shrug at the random warning.
I walk into the library and see Adam sitting at a table looking EXTREMELY bored. I take the scrapbook out of my bag and set it down on the table. Adam looks up at me and says "Yes! You're finally here!" I nod with a gentle smile and sit down. "So is there any other stuff you found?" "Yep." I unzip my backpack and pour out all the 'Slasher' stuff. I slide the sweater over to him and say "I found this in my closet last night and then when I went to sleep Freddy asked if I liked it." I hand him Chucky's knife, the journal and VHS tape. "I stole this from Chucky and these were in the floor of my house." Adam nods while closely examining each item. "Hey, do you mind if I take the journal home to read?" "Sure." I say with a shrug. He put it in his bag and suddenly a sort of alarm sounds. 'That doesn't sound good.' "That's the bell! We have to leave right now!" "?" "It means that there's been a murder!" My eyes widen in realization. Me and Adam quickly put all our stuff in our bags and run into the hallway. Other students start rushing out as well. The crowd is somehow pulling me away from Adam so I call his name. "Adam!?" I could barely hear myself over all the noise so I doubt he can hear me.
I eventually ended up at the back of the crowd from being pushed around. As soon as we get outside I notice Michael is watching me from behind a tree on the other side of the street. I run into the crowd ducking so he can't see me then put on my wig. I frantically search around for Adam when suddenly I find him. I run up to him and hold his hand in a 'just friends' kinda way. A lot of the teachers stand at the front of the crowd one holding a megaphone. The man with the megaphone says "Because of the alert the last three days of school are cancelled so stay safe and happy early summer vacation."
Adam turns to me with a worried expression, I turn to him my face also holding a worried look. We both make our way to the front of the group of students most of which are leaving. A teacher is talking to Becky and she's holding her face in her hands saying "No no no..." through her sobs. "I'm so sorry Becky we couldn't-" "Save it. I've heard it before so don't waste your breath." Becky turns around to leave and sees us looking at her with worry. "What are you looking at!?" Her makeup is entirely ruined, mascara running down her face, smoky eye all over the place. She walks off glaring at us. For a split second I thought I saw her looking at our entwined fingers but maybe not.
"What happened?" Adam asks in a concerned way. "I don't know all the facts but someone found a dead boy laying on the floor in one of the halls so they pulled the alarm switch. We don't exactly know who but we're glad they did."
Me and Adam both part ways and go to our houses. I run inside my house completely exhausted. Ian and mom are on the couch watching LEGO Ninjago. My mom of course not getting it and Ian's on his phone. Mom looks over at me immediately burying me in questions. I take my wig off and hold it in my hand. "Are you okay? You look really sweaty. I'll get you a glass of water." My mom walks into the kitchen and gets me a glass of water. She makes me sit down at the table and sits next to me. I gently set my wig down on the table. "Did something happen at school? You're home rather early." "There was a alert. School got cancelled." "A what?" "A alert. It happens when there's been a murder nearby." "Oh honey." My mom wraps me in a tight motherly embrace. "Was it anyone you knew?" "No but I think Becky knew them. She was really upset when it happened." My mom nods and says "Oh! You know what you need to take this off your mind? A trip to camp! Camp Crystal Lake just had an opening!" Ian looks up from his phone for a moment then looks back at his phone. "Oh, you don't have to-" My mom taps something on her phone and says I just signed up as a camper!" "Great!" I say through gritted teeth holding two thumbs up. I stand up and walk to the fridge, open it but there's not much in there. I close the fridge in disappointment. "Oh that's right I forgot to go food shopping." "I'll do it." I say voluntarily. My mom shrugs opening her wallet. "Okay just don't forget to get noodles." She hands me some money. "Okay mom." I go upstairs change into something more casual, put on my wig and walk outside confidently. On my way to the store I dial Adam's number and add it to my contacts. "Hey Adam, it's me Jennifer." "Hey Jen." "I kinda have a problem." I walk inside the store, grab a cart and walk down the cereal aisle. "What kind of problem?" "My-mom-just-signed-me-up-for-camp kinda problem." "That's bad because?" "I'm going to Camp Crystal Lake." "WHAT!?!?" I nearly drop my phone when he screamed that. "If you have any Freddy dreams don't pull him into the real world. Freddy and Jason don't get along. At. All. They had a whole mini war with each other and if they both like you their fight would be waaaaaaaay worse. When a yandere falls for someone there's almost no way of going back." I grab a box of Ian's favorite cereal and put it in the cart. "Got it! Keep those two away from each other. What about Michael?" "He knows not to go on Jason's turf so he'll probably back off but for you he might cross some lines." "Wow. Almost makes me feel special. Almost."
After I got everything on the list I head over to the cash register and have all my stuff scanned. The cashier looks at me for a moment then says "Hey! You're the girl who asked me about the cereal box puzzle!" I think for a moment then remember. "Wait Billy right?" He nods with a huge smile, turns to the backroom and says "Hey Stu! Get over here!" "WhAt!?!" "Just come over here for a second." A guy, supposedly Stu, walks out of the backroom holding a whipped cream can, whipped cream all around his mouth. B:"Seriously?" S:"What?" Y/n:"You have a bit of something right there." I point to my mouth laughing. Stu attempts to wipe the whipped cream off his face but only gets a little. S:"Did I get it?" Billy rolls his eyes and hands Stu a random mirror that was just laying around. Stu successful wipes away all the whipped cream off his face and then throws the mirror to the side. There's a few crashes and other cartoony sounds like a cat screeching. Billy looks over at the source of the sounds then slowly turns his head to Stu and clonks him in the head. Stu holds his head in pain. S:"Ow!" B:"It's hard enough keeping this job without you wrecking the place. Anyway this is the cereal box lady." Stu looks at me confused for a moment. "Oh! The one we're gonna ki-" B:"Nonononononono! The OTHER one." "The one with the accent?" Billy sighs and shakes his head. Y/n:"You can call me (Y/n)." S:"Speaking of calls, can we have your number?" Billy looks at Stu like 'WTF!!!' or 'You've doomed us all.' B:"Stu-!" Y/n:"Sure!" We scribble down our numbers and give them to each other. At first Stu accidentally gave his to Billy. Lmao. I paid for all the stuff I bought and left heading home. On my way out I can hear Billy and Stu talking.
B:"How'd you know that was gonna work?" S:"I didn't." I can just imagine Billy turning to Stu with the same face as early. Stu probably has a smug smile on his face thinking he did something. I giggle at what a pair they both are.
- In Serial172 Chapters
The Jinni and The Isekai
Jinni babes, isekai samurai, dungeons and quests! What's not to like?Below you can find the individual blurbs for each of the books/arcs in the series. Please don't forget to follow, rate, and if you're feeling like a true adventurer, to write a review! The Jinni and The Isekai (The Jinni and The Isekai, #1) Shiro Takeda, a samurai deep in debt and forced into a swashbuckler’s life, wanders in search of dungeons to raid so he can pay back his loans. Unfortunately, his lenders have already sent headsmen after him. His fortunes change when he finds a piece of legendary loot—a jinni lamp. But before the insolent spirit can bestow her gifts upon him, Shiro must find and kill the Jinni’s current master; a sultan of vast wealth, power and harems. Perhaps with the help of his newfound companion, Shiro can discover who isekaied him into this strange land. * * * The Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul (The Jinni and The Isekai, #2) With his new companion, Jessamine, Shiro finds himself in Darshunn, the shining jewel of the Abassir Empire on a quest to find a way to sever Jessamine’s bond with her master Darius. With her full powers, surely they can work together to discover the mystery behind who isekaid Shiro into these lands, but all goes awry when the samurai is confronted by the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul, a top-tier adventurer working for the vizier Faridoon al Rashik. * * * Coil and Strike (The Jinni and The Isekai, #3) After arriving in Darshuun and losing Jessamine to the Sultan Darius, things couldn’t be worse. Jessamine was unresponsive when Shiro last saw the lamp. But he can’t go back to save her. Not yet. Because first Shiro must set out with a top-tier adventurer known as the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul in a desperate effort to rescue Ali before he’s tortured and executed. *** The Sultan of Darshuun (The Jinni and the Isekai, #4) With the help of Ali and Debaku, Shiro has found the top-tier adventurer, Razul in the dungeon of Azurbadan. Now with the strength to fight Darius and his Scorpion Guard, it is time for the group to come up with a plan to get into the Sultan’s Palace to find the lamp and rescue Jessamine.
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Assassin Queen and a World on Fire
The Assassin Queen, feared nemesis of the slave-owning Zudrian Empire, has set foot on the Zudrian planet of Corona Eternus. Blood will be spilled tonight, but she isn’t the one hoping to burn the whole place down. WE. ARE. BACK.
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Volume 1: Follows the story of an amnesiac named Gratus whose narrative reflects the fragmentation in his mind. His journey to restore his memories pits him against monsters and questionable allies that seem to want him dead. Volume 2: Prequel to volume 1 that follows Cogito's narrative, a rising star that is tied to a family legacy he cannot escape. Connects the fragments in volume 1 and expands on the world of Dominia. **Author’s Note: Cover Art and Synopsis is subject to change. I just wanted to post my story here to get feedback and improve it, so it’s okay to be brutally honest! What I am posting is a rough draft so I don't mind rewritting whole chapters and segments of stories as long as it doesn't make the story worse haha. **Author’s Note: LitRPG elements begins in Volume 2, same with potentially traumatising content.
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Trials: Extinction
Flynn Blackwater a mediocre man by all accounts dies in the Trails of Ascendancy, along with his entire race. His story doesn't end there however, as he is sent back by an unknown and ancient power which recognizes his willpower and determination. With it, time turns back and starts his journey over from the beginning. Everything isn't easy, though, since his memories or scattered and his class slot is taken over by some broken lines of text. What will Flynn do? Will he be able to save those dear to him? Will the regret of being merely mediocre push him towards Ascension? Or will he crumble like so many have before him, even after gaining a second chance?
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They came by the dozen (Dropped)
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yeh story abhimanyu aur akashra ke sangharsh ki hai.
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