《The Demon and The Avenger (Sasuke Love Story)》Chapter 12. Training
"It's time for some training." Kakashi Sensei said, limping over with a crutch under his arm.
"What you four will be doing today is climbing trees." Kakashi-sensei said smiling under his mask.
'Climbing...trees?' I thought confused.
"What the hell? That’s easy! I could do that in my sleep!" exclaimed the cocky blond.
"You've never done it like this Naruto. You can not use your hands." Kakashi stated.
I realized what he meant now. I smirked and looked over at Naruto who was completely dumbfounded. "How are we supposed to do that?" He asked scratching his head in confusion.
"Using Charkra, like this," Kakashi said as he walked towards a tree that was next to him. He began to climb the tree with nothing but his legs and the crutch. Everyone had a shocked expression except for me who have seen Yuki do this hundreds of times. He climbed up the tree slowly, when he was close to a branch he limped over to it and stood smiling down over us all.
"See? It's easy." Kakashi said watching our reactions.
"How do you get chakra to your feet?" Naruto said.
"All you have to do is concentrate your chakra into your feet," I said pointing at his foot.
"Oh right I knew that! Believe it!" He said chuckling.
Kakashi-sensei threw down 4 kunai in front of us.
"Use these to mark how far you've gone up...begin!"
Naruto and Sasuke were the first to run up. Naruto took a few steps before coming crashing down on his head. Sasuke went about twenty feet before the trees bark began to snap and he jumped back down, landing on his feet.
"You okay Naruto?" I asked looking over at him. He was still clutching his head but he gave me the thumbs up.
"This is pretty easy!" Came a voice. I looked up and saw Sakura sitting up in a tree branch just above Kakashi-sensei. Kakashi-sensei smiled.
"Good work Sakura. You have a chance of becoming The Hokage now." Kakashi said smiling.
"Sasuke! Did you see me! " Sakura screamed tying to get Sasuke attention. He didn't seem to care at all which made her all depressed.
"Wow great job Sakura," Naruto cheered.
"My turn," I said. ‘Haya you wanna lend me a hand here?’
'Sorry kid. You're on your own.' I mentally groaned before mumbling out a ‘fine’. I concentrated on putting the chakra at my feet. Once I thought I had enough I started running up the tree. Everyone eyes widened as I reached two branches higher than Sakura of the tree.
"Is this high enough?!" I screamed from the branch.
"Oh right, I forgot that you already knew how to do this, " he said smiling with an anime sweat drop.
“Awesome job! Believe it!" Naruto yelled. I smirked while giving him a peace sign, before jumping down and landing where Naruto was.
"Cool!" Naruto yelled making me flinch a little. For many hours Sasuke, Naruto and I competvily climb trees, each of us catching up to the other.
It started to get dark, and Kakashi and Sakura started to leave but we decided to stay and train. During our training I saw how Naruto wouldn't give Sasuke advice and smirked.
Sasuke's POV
I fell to knee breathing heavily and studied my markings I left on the tree then, I took a glance at Naruto's tree. 'Damn he's getting closer' I thought angrily. I glanced at Reika’s tree she pretty far ahead, which pissed me off even more. Dammit.
"Uchiha!" a voice called from the side. I quickly turned around to see Reika walking towards me. "What do you want?" I hissed as I stood up and looked the blue-eyed girl. I was not in the best mood at the moment.
"Want my advice?" she asked. I scoffed and looked away.
"Why would I need some losers help" I said coldly making her glare at me.
"Because this person who you’re calling a "loser" knows how to control their chakra...unlike you." she said making an red anger mark vein popped on my head.
"Whatever, it looks like you got it under control" she said walking away. I looked at how Naruto was getting closer and closer to me and looked at her.
"Wait Tsukimaru," I called making her turn around giving me a sly look. I twitched, trying to hold my anger. "What's your advice?" I asked looking away blushing embarrassed to ask for her help. She smirked and walked back over to me. Stupid wolf.
"First off, you're putting way too much force on the tree, try to lighten up and focus on the tree a little more. Let the chakra flow naturally to the soles of your feet." She explained. I nodded understanding.
"You also need to relax, your way too tense," she said poking my chest. I glared at her swatted her hand away.
"Stop poking me" I growled. She looked at me and her face softened and she smiled at me. I glanced at her and saw this and looked away blushing.
"Why are your cheeks all red?" she asked curiously.
"No there not," I said feeling the heat get even warmer. "Yeah they are. Let me see," she said putting a hand on my forehead making me blush even more. I quickly backed away from her.
"I'm fine, just leave me alone so I can go back to my training," I said facing my back towards her.
"Hn whatever," she said as she walked away.
Reika’s POV
An hour later we all were exhausted from training. I was starting to get tired, huffed before falling onto my back looking at the sky. Suddenly a monstrous beast roared of hunger from my tummy.
“Hey guys let’s go back, I’m staving,” I whined as my stomach growled louder.
“Seriously?” Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow. I puffed my cheeks out and looked away with a small blush, as I nodded.
“Yeah Reika, come on. Don’t be such a-” Naruto was cut off by his own stomach growling, making a smirk crawl on my face. “What was that you were going to say Naruto?” I asked watching him in amusement as his stomach grew louder.
“You guys are losers,” Sasuke said. We looked at him smirking once we heard his stomach growl.
“Oh yeah look whose talking,” Naruto and I commented.
At the house we all watched as Naruto and Sasuke stuffed their food down their throat.
"I want some more!" They both yelled as they held up their bowl in their hands. They both looked at each other and glared. A static line was between their glares, but suddenly they stopped and puked on the floor. That’s so gross. A disgusted look covered my face as I saw them vomit.
"I lost my appetite," I said sticking your tongue out and pushing away my plate of meat.
"Don't eat so much if your just gonna puke it up!" yelled Sakura with a anime vain on her forehead.
"I have to eat," Sasuke said wipe the vomit away from his mouth.
"And I have to eat more than him. It's the only possible way I can get strong enough to beat him," Naruto added.
"That's true but puking wont help you at all you," I stated.
Everyone was eating while I thought with my eyes closed.
"You don't know anything about my father! Just-Just shut up!" a young voice yelled.
I quickly opened my eyes, just in time to watch Inari run out of the house and slam the door behind him. Everyone remained quiet.
"I'm sorry about that. He usually isn't like this." Tsumani apologized.
"It's quite alright." Kakashi replied.
I stood up without anybody noticing and went to the door. After walking out, I took a deep breath. Inari was sitting at the end of the dock, with soft sobs coming out of him. I walked towards him and sat near him.
"What do you want?" he said coldly towards me while wiping the tears that was in his eyes. I just looked at him and smiled sweetly towards him.
"You know there's no need to cry Inari," I said while looking deep into his eyes.
"How would you know? You don't what it's like to lose someone precious to you," he said looking away from my gaze. My sweet look on my face turned into a sad one and I turned my gaze on the water in front of us.
"Your wrong Inari," I said low voice. That’s when he turned to me surprised.
"I have lost a person precious to me, many people, in fact...it was my whole clan" I continued. His eyes widen as I spoke the words. I could already feel my heart start to ache as I thought of being without my mom and dad.
"I used to cry all the time. I used to cry about almost everything. Until one day finally I stopped,"
"Why?" he asked curiously.
"Because crying doesn't bring them back. It can't fix what has already been done. But you can't only look in the past. Look in present and protect the people you love now, " I said smiling at him. He had tears in his eyes and got up and ran to me hugging me crying.
"Rei-chan!" He quietly sobbed. I was shocked by this action but placed I hand on his head and smiled gently at the crying boy.
"Don't cry Inari," I cooed like Yuki used to do to me when I'd cry.
Sasuke's POV
Right when I noticed Reika's disappearance, I went to look for her outside. I saw her and Inari talking. I let a smirk creep up on my lips when I saw Reika and Inari's bonding session, and then went back inside. But then stopped when I heard singing.
Reika’s POV
Oh moon shining bright
Shine on through the night
So my heart that was dark
Can fill up with your light
Oh moon please guide me
Light a path so I see
'Cause my heart yearns to feel love again
And I'm waiting
So please hear my call
Set me free
My heart keeps burning
As the world keeps on turning
But I know I will see you again
Cause your light
Is my only friend
I noticed that the boy that I held in my arms had went limp, and his breathing was slower than before. Inari, was finally asleep. Letting out a small sigh, I gently picked him up and took him inside the house. Everyone's gaze fell on me, but I simply whispered, " He fell asleep". They all nodded, and I carried the sleeping child upstairs and into his room. I carefully placed him on his bed, being sure not to wake him up and covered him with the sheets of covers. I tiptoed out the room, and quietly closed the door behind me. I gave out another small sigh and looked out the window. Fresh air sounded nice at the moment.
With that, I jumped out of the opened window and landed on a tree nearby. I slowly stood on the branch and placed a hand on the bark of the tree, trying to find the moon. 'Damn, the clouds are covering the moon'.
"What are you up to now Tsukimaru?" A voice said making me jump and lose balance. I gasped and struggled to lift myself up with my body weight. Luckily enough I were able to once again keep my body on the branch. Bending down, I let out a deep sigh of relief.
"Oh man that was a close one," I mumbled, than glared at the person almost causing me to fall. I saw a boy with raven black hair and onyx colored eyes standing on the same branch as me.
"Dammit Uchiha, don't sneak up on me like that!" I yelled getting an anger mark on my forehead. He merely just scoffed and said "I didn't think someone like you got scared so easily"
I glared at him more for that statement, "Who the hell said I was scared? You just surprised me that’s all," I argued back. He scoffed again, and just sat down on the tree letting his legs dangle.
"What are you doing up here anyways?" I questioned as I did the same and sat down.
"Fresh Air," he replied simply. "Oh"
"You know... your singing... it's good." he said looking away. I blushed and at the complement. "Uh thanks?"
Silence fell upon us, until I finally broke it.
"You still owe me Uchiha," I said throwing him off guard. He looked at me weird.
"You promised me to teach me so new fighting teqnieces(sp?)," I reminded him.
"Yeah lets see if you can handle them," he smirked, making me smirk as well.
"I'm a lot stronger then I look, don't underestimate me Uchiha,"
"You shouldn't depend on your little wolf so much," he taunted.
"I should say the same for your sharingan, and besides I beat you in our last spar didn't I? If I did that I think I could handle your training" I smirked.
"Don't get too cocky Tsukimaru"
"Don't be so annoying Uchiha," I replied back.
"Hn" I gave another smirk and looked back up at the sky that hid the beautiful moon underneath the clouds. I smirked as I thought of an idea.
“Hey Uchiha, follow me. I wanna show you something.” I smirked at I jumped off the tree. Sasuke seemed cautious at first but soon enough followed.
“Where are you taking me?” The raven-haired boy groaned making me roll my eyes. He’s been asking this for the last 10 minutes.
"We should go swimming." I said suddenly and looked at Sasuke. He looked at me weirdly and I smiled.
“I thought you couldn’t swim?” Sasuke asked giving me a look.
“I can’t but doesn’t mean we have to go in deep,” I muttered loudly under my breath.
He shook his head 'No.'
I sighed and made a plan in my head.
"Well, I wanna see if this is the place my brother always talk about when he comes here, so come see." I pulled him up by his hand and he looked startled but still followed, holding my hand.
When we finally arrived, we both stared at the place with awe. It was amazing! It was larger open field with huge lake. The water was like a mirror that glistened in the moon’s reflection. I let go of the Uchiha hand and I walked forward and stretch my arms out, I closed my eyes as a warm breeze gently combed my hair. Somewhat of peace came into my heart as I observed my surrounding.
When we got to the body of water I pretended to peer into the water.
"Look!" I said and pointed to the lake.
Sasuke bent over and peered in.
"I don't see anyth-!" I pushed him in but before he was in, he latched onto my arm and pulled me in with him.
I surfaced the cold water and bursted out giggling.
…. Holy shit!
I giggled! What the hell is this boy doing to me?!
Sasuke smirked and I smirked at him.
I splashed him in the face and he splashed me back, and soon enough, we were competing.
I went underwater when he resurfaced and I doggy-paddled (ha, canine pun) behind him without him noticing.
I waited a couple seconds and then pounced on him. He went under water and then resurfaced and I laughed at him. He smirked and pounced on me from the front. We both went under and surfaced together.
While floating in the water together I noticed something.
Sasuke and I are chest to chest.
Face to face.
I leaned in at the same time. I slowly closed my eyes and he followed and then-
"HEY I FOUND THEM!" I moved lightning fast away from Sasuke and he did the same.
Naruto was standing there smiling and Kakashi sensei and Sakura ran over.
"Hey guys. We were having another chakra control contest. Good way of blowing of steam, right! Hahaha!" I laughed nervously and Kakashi stroked his chin.
"Really? I'll have to try that with Anko sometime. Cause she gets real competitive, you know."
Kakashi sensei waggled his eyebrows at us making my face heated up.
Why is my sensei…such a pervert?
I climbed out of the creek and offered Sasuke my hand to help him out.
He took it and yanked me down.
I fell back under and surfaced, glaring at him.
"My bad." He said apathetically and then smirked and lifted himself out.
Once again, I heaved myself up out of the creek and joined Sasuke.
We were slightly behind the others and I leaned in and whispered in his ear.
"Thank you Uchiha." And I caught up with Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi.
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