《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 15


The moon is cool and the night wind is cool.

Warmly touched the cheek that had just been slapped, this was the fourth slap she received from Lin Tinghan.

The system said lightly: [Okay, you slapped the heroine alone in the first two worlds. 】After being said by the system, Nuan suddenly felt relieved.

"Did the blackening value go up just now?" Wen Nuan thought of the angry look in the heroine's eyes just now, and it is estimated that the blackening value has risen.

The system shook his head and said: [It didn't go up, maybe he was angry and forgot to blacken you. 】

Warm: "..."

So I have to thank the heroine for being angry? !

[If you think so, I have nothing to say. 】The system spreads hands.

Warm: "..."

This outrageous scumbag quote.

"My lord?" Forsythia took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the warm right face, and said distressedly, "My lord, why have you been beaten by Miss Lin again?"

"..." Nuan sighed and walked forward slowly. go.

She also didn't know why Lin Tinghan hit her?

Wen Nuan glanced at Qi Hanrong, and said with a frustrated expression, "Could it be that Lin Tinghan's preferences have changed?"

In the original plot, the heroine fell in love with the male lead at first sight, so she paid a high price to buy the male lead.

Now the female protagonist is slow to move, and in order to prevent the male protagonist from falling into the hands of Boss Zhang, she spent a full 10,000 taels to buy the male protagonist and give it to her, but she got a slap for not sending it out.

What a shame!

Forsythia didn't hear what Nuan Nuan said, but saw her lips wriggling, and asked, "My lord, what did you just say?"

"It's alright, let's go."

"Go back to the mansion?" Forsythia pointed at Ji Chenwei and Qi Hanrong, and asked, "What about them?" Nuan looked at him, "Bring them all back to the palace."

From a long- term perspective.

Ji Chenwei and Qi Hanrong followed Wennuan and Forsythia to the palace without knowing.

Wen Nuan thought about the next countermeasures as he walked, but the expression and eyes of the heroine who looked at her just now kept flashing in his mind.

Lin Tinghan was very angry, angry that she photographed the male protagonist?

Or angry that she gave the male lead to her?

Warmly touched his cheek, this slap was a bit inexplicable.

But the anger in Lin Tinghan's eyes and a trace of undetectable grief, warmly looked overwhelmed.

Even the sentence she said, "Are you so inseparable from a man?", Nuan heard a strong sense of unwillingness and grievance under the mockery and contempt that came to her.

What is she upset about?

What is she wronged?

I have heard this sentence warm. In the original world, she was a butterfly wandering among men, and she relied on sucking men to satisfy her desires, so she was often scolded by various people for this sentence.

Angry, contemptuous, hated, and disgusted, there are those who wish to put her to death, eat her flesh and eat her bones.

Those people were right to scold her. After all, being a bitch and thinking that building a torii is not her style, she would be completely bad if she was a bad person, and she would be "clean" when she was bad.

She is not inseparable from men, but those rich and powerful men can give her everything she needs. In order to get what she needs, she just takes shortcuts, what's wrong with her! ?


But— why would someone scold her with a sense of unwillingness and grievance?

"Miss, ma'am...?" Lin Tinghan walked faster and faster, and Ruilin hurried after him.

She saw Lin Tinghan suddenly stop at the mouth of a dark alley, and then leaned back against the wall. The whole figure was like a fish lacking water, gasping for breath, his hands shaking, and his face was much paler.

Ruilin didn't dare to touch Lin Tinghan like this, so he could only call out anxiously, "Miss, Miss, are you alright?"

Lin Tinghan looked at the palm of his hand, as if he still had the rest of his warm cheeks. pain.

She didn't want this, and she didn't want the meeting between the two of them to be so bad after being separated for a long time.

She was ready for everything and planned to have a good reunion with Wennuan, but was she screwed up?

But... but why did she force her again and again?

Lin Tinghan clenched his hands tightly, his fingertips clasped his palm tightly, and growled, "Why? Why?"

Why do you like men so much? !

The four of them walked back to the palace, and Aunt Sun was waiting at the door early. Seeing Wen Nuan walking over in despair, there was even a slap print on her face, and her voice was so frightened that her voice floated.

"What's wrong? Who beat this? Forsythia, who dares to beat the prince so recklessly?!" Aunt Sun roared.

Forsythia looked at Wennuan, and hesitantly said: "Yes...Yes..."

Aunt Sun shouted anxiously: "Who is it? Hurry up and tell me, let me see which chaotic minister and thief dare to attack the current idle king. I really don't want to live anymore!"

"Aunt Sun, I'm fine." Wen Nuan patted the back of her hand and walked in dragging her tired body.

Forsythia looked at the back of Wen Nuan leaving, and then dared to whisper, "Miss Lin Mansion beat you."

Aunt Sun's face froze, and then a twisted and unwilling expression leaked out, and she finally sighed helplessly: "What a sin ."

Ji Chen saw Aunt Sun's expression, thought for a while, and asked, "Aunt Sun, we are friends of the prince, the prince brought us back, I don't know we..."

Aunt Sun glanced at Ji Chenwei and then at the man next to her, with a flash of surprise in her eyes, and asked Lianqiao, "Who are these two people?"

Lianqiao said truthfully, "One is the woman the prince just met, the other It's the man the prince just bought."

"..." Aunt Sun thought for a moment, "Come with me, since it's a friend of the prince, the palace will definitely greet the two of you."

"Then I'm going to see the prince, Aunt Sun, take them to the guest room." Forsythia went to chase the warmth.

Wen Nuan sat on the edge of the bed, put his hands on his face, and said faintly: "The first meeting of the hero and heroine was destroyed by me, and the subsequent plot will definitely have a great impact?"

Seeing her mourning, the system comforted her: The main storyline changes are okay. As long as the male and female protagonists are not life-threatening, the fundamental existence of this world is still there, and we can continue to do the task of clearing the blackening value. ]

Wen Nuan listened to the system and breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm also afraid that the male protagonist will be bought by that lecherous woman, and then it will be miserable if she kills her."


【Then what are you going to do next? ] The system asked, [In this situation, the heroine did not fall in love with the hero at first sight, and when you were going to give the hero to the heroine, the heroine slapped her, so it is estimated that the heroine has no interest in the hero now. 】

"Let's let the male lead go first, let's get to the bottom of what happened a year ago."

Now it's a bit difficult to use the male lead to reduce the female lead's blackening value, so the warmth can only be first Solve the problem from a few years ago and see if the blackening value of the heroine can be eliminated.

The system nodded and said: [It can only be like this. 】 "My lord?" Seeing that the door was not closed, Forsythia knocked on the door carefully, "Are you okay? Forsythia is worried about you. Forsythia has ice cubes, should I apply it to your face?"

The cheeks are indeed still a little sore, "Come in."

Forsythia walked in and saw that the warm right face was already red and swollen, she crushed the ice and wrapped it in a handkerchief, gently covering it on the warm right face, and said distressedly, "Miss Lin's hand is too heavy. It's swollen for you."

Wennuan smiled: "She has this problem, I'm almost used to being beaten by her."

The heroine of this world is very temperamental, and sometimes explodes at the slightest, but she falls in love with it. , I usually play petty troubles, and I rarely slap her. Even this time, it was only four times. The first two times were beaten by her in a fit of anger, and the third time I thought she and Fang Yongsi were fornicating. , but this time, it was unclear, and she was bewildered.

Thinking of this, Nuan does not know why others always say that she is submissive, gentle, and elegant?

"Then I can't slap you all the time?" Forsythia also knew that Miss Lin and Wang Ye had a very close relationship in the past. This Miss Lin has already slapped the prince four times, and she really doesn't know her superiority or inferiority.

"Did she forget that you are the most honorable prince of Jia Ning Kingdom, and if she did something to you, if it were someone else, she would have died many times?" Forsythia looked at her slightly swollen face, "That is, your old age. I'm used to Miss Lin, she beats and scolds you, you don't fight back every time, you endure her and drown her, but now I see Miss Lin becoming more and more unruly, and I don't know how to respect you?"

"Okay. , Forsythia." Nuan also knew that Forsythia said these words for her own good, but she really couldn't listen to what Forsythia General Lin Tinghan said.

"I caused her to beat me. I blame her for what she did." Wen Nuan took the handkerchief and put it on himself, "Don't keep talking about her, and I won't be happy anymore."

Forsythia pouted, "Your Highness, you are like this again, Miss Lin has given up with you now, are you still talking to her?"

"I did it by myself, and it has nothing to do with her." Warm felt the burning sensation on her cheeks was better, and she was soaking wet. He threw his handkerchief aside, "Okay, that pouted mouth can be hung in a vinegar vat, what are you arguing with her?"

Forsythia pinched the warm sleeves, "I just feel sorry for the king's beating, such a beautiful face is swollen, the slave is uncomfortable."

"Then don't look, go, put up the jade soup for me, let me Your lord takes a bath to loosen up your muscles and bones." She felt dizzy and dizzy from the smell of rouge and the pungent smell of alcohol from Qingfenglou's body.

"Okay, I will prepare now." Forsythia was about to go out when she thought of the two people she brought today, "My lord, the Hualang and Bai Xiaosheng we brought back were placed in the guest room of the west courtyard by Aunt Sun.

" Say goodbye to Aunt Sun and take care of Qi Hanrong, as for Bai Xiaosheng, let her come to Yutang to find me." The male protagonist must be protected, especially in such a world where women are superior to men, with the attractive beauty of the male protagonist, If you can't watch it for a while, it's easy to have problems.

Forsythia nodded and said, "Okay."

Ji Chenwei looked at the steaming room in front of him, and the words "Jade Soup" were written on the plaque.

Obviously, this is a place to take a shower.

She couldn't help but wonder, if King Xian had something to discuss with her, why did he choose a place to take a bath?

Ji Chen knocked on the door slightly, "My lord, the villain is here." A voice came from the room, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Ji Chen took a deep breath, pushed the door open and walked in.

Entering the eye is a pool that occupies the entire room. The pool is milky white water, exuding a faint fragrance and rich heat. The pool is surrounded by beaded curtains and lightly fluorescent veils, like a galaxy floating in the air, dotted with stars. .

Ji Chen faintly saw figures in the pool through the veil and bead curtains.

She walked over slowly and whispered, "Wang... wangye?" Wen Nuan took off the veil from her face, looked over, "Come here."

Ji Chen slightly walked over and closed his eyes, for fear of what he would see, "Wang... Wangye, I heard from the girl forsythia that you are looking for a villain?"

"Why are you closing your eyes?" He looked at her and closed her eyes tightly. .

Ji Chen swallowed his throat slightly, "The noble body of the lord is not something that a villain can see with dirty eyes, and a villain dare not look at it."

"..." He sighed warmly, "I'm not naked, you What can you see? Besides, they are all women, what can't you see?"

She saw that Ji Chenwei still closed her eyes, poured water over it, "Open her eyes."

Ji Chenwei slowly opened her eyes and saw the warmth Really not naked/naked, but wearing white underwear, sitting in the pool and soaking.

She breathed a sigh of relief: "My lord, I don't know why you are looking for a villain?"

"I am very satisfied with what I have done for you this time, so I want you to follow me, what do you think?"

In the original plot, the second female is a A good person, and Qi Hanrong are childhood sweethearts, Ji Chenwei has been wandering around the world since he grew up, slowly relying on his shrewdness and sharp tongue in the rivers and lakes, he is a rare capable person.

If these geniuses hadn't been bought into Jiajing because of Qi Hanrong, she would not have come to Jiajing to save the male lead, and she would not have died in Jiajing for the male lead.

Ji Chenwei didn't expect that Nuan would want to take her under his command, but she was used to being free and undisciplined and didn't want to participate in the court battle. Just as she was about to refuse, she heard Nuan say: "Ji Chenwei, I didn't fight for power and profit. My heart, it is only love for you and Qi Hanrong that only pity the weak."

Ji Chenwei heard the warm and accurate call out his real name, his pupils were shocked, and he said incredulously: "My lord, how do you know my name?"

Wen Nuan turned her head to look at her, "It's not difficult for me to know your name, I'm the king of idleness, and I don't know anything about the world."

She looked at Ji Chenwei's sleeve and smiled lightly: "And I still You know, your hidden arrow is already aimed at me, right?"

Ji Chenwei: "..."

She held her arm and frowned slightly: "My lord, the villain is used to walking around the rivers and lakes. Every day is a day of licking blood with the tip of a knife. There must be something to save life. The love for talent, the villain is afraid that it will be no blessing to endure it, the villain is here to thank you..."

"Ji Chenwei, you left Qi Hanrong with me, you want to use my power to protect him, and then go by yourself. Can you solve those people?" Wen Nuan straightened up, stood in the water, and looked directly at Ji Chen's slightly surprised eyes, "Stupid, do you think you alone can fight against the No. 1 killer organization in the world?"

Ji Chen Frightened slightly, she didn't expect Nuan to know so much, not only her identity but also the forces she and Qi Hanrong faced.

"My lord, what do you want to say when you say these words?" The corners of the warm mouth ticked: "Follow me, I will protect you all."

This promise is very attractive to Ji Chenwei, and it is protected by the ability of the idle king. She and Qi Hanrong absolutely can.

But she couldn't completely believe in the idle king. The person in front of her was not as stubborn and wanton as the world said, but she was humble and unpredictable.

"Okay, the villain promises the prince." Ji Chenwei didn't have any way out. Now that someone has given her a way, she will try to walk.

Warmly smiled: "That's ok, you can leave first."

Ji Chen let out a sigh of relief, "Okay."

She was about to turn around and leave when her legs twitched and her feet crooked, and she fell directly into the pool. .

She wiped her face with the warm water splashed all over her body, and pulled Ji Chen, who was fluttering in the pool, slightly up.

Ji Chen stood firm, wiped the water off his face, and saw Nuan's shocked expression, and immediately said: "I'm sorry, sorry, my lord, I just slapped my leg and accidentally offended you... You don't care about villains. ...."

She saw Nuan approaching her, she stepped back, and Nuan was still approaching.

Ji Chen was slightly startled: "Wang... wangye?"

With his waist pressed against the edge of the pool, Ji Chenwei had nowhere to go.

Nuan looked at Ji Chen's tossed clothes, revealing the scars on her chest, similar to sword scars, which shocked her.

"Can you let me touch it?" Nuan Nuan was nervous and raised his hand, "Just touch it."

Let her confirm, are you really her?

Ji Chen lowered his head slightly and looked at his chest in horror.


She tugged her clothes tightly and growled inwardly, didn't she say that the idle king likes beautiful men?

Why is she suddenly so feminine! ?

The author has something to say: Ji Chenwei: Help, someone is playing a hooligan! ?

Warm: Let me touch it, I'll make sure.


The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the clothes are disheveled.

Under the atmosphere of this scene, something unpredictable and strange will always happen.

Just like now.

Ji Chen held on to his clothes tightly, his hands trembling, "Wang... wangye, little... villains like... men."

"..." Wennuan smiled slightly, dragging her Clothes, "If you like this kind of thing, it will also become, you let me see it first?"

I want to see her breasts! ?

Touching and looking at it, this idle king is really unrestrained, and there is no lower limit.

Ji Chenwei's eyes widened, his voice fluttering, "No, it won't change, the villain especially likes men, but...is really not interested in women!"

Nuan saw Ji Chenwei being swayed by her. She rolled her eyes in fright. If it was "she", she would never be so resistant to her approach.

But the scar on Ji Chenwei's chest was so similar to hers that Nuan still wanted to confirm it.

"I'm not interested in women either. I just saw a scar on your chest, and I'm curious. If someone gets hurt there, I'm afraid they will die." Wennuan directly detoured, changed the subject, and eased the relationship between the two. awkward atmosphere.

Ji Chenwei immediately sighed in relief when he heard Nuan Wen ask about the scar on her chest.

It turned out not to be a good woman, but curious about why she was injured?

"This is a year ago when I encountered a Jige district-level killer. I was too busy to take care of it. The killer's blade was stabbed in the chest. Fortunately, I hid in time and the blade didn't penetrate. This saved my little life. "

Wen Wen was surprised that Ji Chenwei actually remembered the origin of the scar on the chest. In the past, when she asked the origin of the scar, she always said that it was a birthmark or that she forgot how it came from. She has never described the appearance of the scar as clearly as Ji Chenwei. reason.

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