《When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]》Chapter 14


[Third World]

[In the years when I was a prince]


It was thirty-two years in Jianing

Early summer season.

In Jiajing City, the Swallow and Yingying are everywhere, and the sun is shining brightly.

And the most beautiful thing is that the idle king of Jianing Kingdom, Xu Nuan, has returned.

A year ago, King Xian had a whim and said that she wanted to travel far and wide, to roam the rivers and lakes. She said that she wanted to be a small boat in the big river and waves, to follow the current.

But some people know that the fundamental reason why the idle king left the city was because he had a conflict with Lin Tinghan, the eldest lady of the Lin House, the richest man in Jia Ning.

It is precisely because of this contradiction that the two people's love for many years has been divided into clouds.

Since then, Lin Tinghan's personality has changed drastically, from being gentle and kind in the past to the now cold, mean and indifferent look.

And the idle king Xu Wennuan was also heartbroken by the conflict. He left the sad place of Jiajing City, and entered the arena without turning back, and no one knew where he was.

To this day, someone saw the figure of King Xian entering the city at the North City Gate, and the guards guarding the city knelt down and bowed, making the people in the city more sure that King Xian Xu Nuan had returned.

And today was actually a good day. After a whole season of spring rain, it suddenly turned sunny today.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

"King Xian, someone from the palace will pick you up." The Shoucheng Colonel walked into the city tower and knelt down to ask for instructions.

Wen Nuan closed the fan in his hand, got up and walked out of the city tower, looked at the former imperial female official who bowed in front of him, and said with a light smile: "Rong female official, long time no see."

Rong female official is the palm print female official of Jianing Kingdom, the red man in front of the queen, the big and small in the palace The little things are all decided by the female officer Rong, who is in charge of hundreds of palace servants.

Rong Qing looked at the white boots in front of him, knelt down and said: "Slave, Rong Qing, see His Royal Highness Xian Wang."

"Get up, I haven't seen you for a year, and you are a lot more polite."

The relationship between Nuan and Rong Qing is good. After all, they have played together since childhood. Although the status of the two is very different, they can drink and chat in private.

Rong Qing raised his head and looked at the warmth, his eyes were a little nostalgic, and sighed: "You... lost a lot of weight." Although the rivers and lakes are vast and free, it is common to eat and sleep in the open air. After a year of travel, Rong Qing saw the warmth of his body The shape has lost a lot of weight.

"Really?" Wen Nuan touched her cheek, "It's okay, I haven't lost much weight, I'll make it up after I come back."

She looked at Rong Qing and smiled, "I haven't seen you for a year, do you miss me?"

Rong Qing Nodding: "I miss her very much."

"Okay, when you're not busy, Rongqing, come to my mansion, let's drink and chat." Wen Nuan patted her on the shoulder and walked towards the carriage.


Rong Qing set up the carriage bench and pulled up the curtain. Seeing Wen Nuan sitting in the carriage, the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Slave, I'm looking forward to it."


There were only two guards standing in front of the house, and the black and gold gate looked a bit oppressive, making people feel that the house was a little gloomy.

Seeing Nuannuan, Rong Qing looked at Lin Mansion, "Does King Xian want to meet Lady Lin?"

Nuannuan lowered the curtain, "No, let's go to the palace to meet the imperial sister."

"Okay." Rong Qing asked the driver in front to speed up.

【Aren't you going to meet the heroine first? 】The system wondered.

Warm: "Why are you going to see me?"

[Remove the blackening value? 】The system said in surprise, 【At this time, the heroine's blackening value is already 9.2. If it is not eliminated, it will be full immediately. ]

Warm self-deprecating smile: "If I go to the heroine at this time, do you believe that her blackening value will be directly full?"

The system wondered: [Why? 】

"Didn't you say when you gave me the plot just now that Fang Yongsi is still in the Lin Mansion?"

[Mmmm, but Fang Yongsi, as the heroine's fiancé, is not surprising in the Lin Mansion? 】

"No, it's very strange." Wen Nuan sighed, "You think about it, what happened to Lin Tinghan to let Fang Yongsi stay in the Lin Mansion, what did it mean?"

The system was surprised: [You It means that the heroine deliberately left Fang Yongsi in the Lin Mansion in order to catch turtles in the urn? 】

Warm: "...Who are you scolding?"

"..." Forget it, Nuan Nuan was too lazy to pay attention to the systematic wording, "Lin Tinghan still retains Fang Yongsi, and not expelling him from the Lin residence does not mean that Lin Tinghan is kind and generous, but because Fang Yongsi is still useful to her. From what I know about her, she does everything for a reason."

"As for Fang Yongsi's usefulness, it must be reserved for me." He said warmly.

【To deal with you? 】The system is puzzled, 【Why do you want to deal with you? ]

The warm face is embarrassed: "Think about it, if your friend puts your fiancé to sleep, you don't want to kill her?"

System: [...]

Yea, forgot about that.

【Who is to blame! ? 】 The system roared, "I want you to do the quest well, but you have to go the wrong way. This is good, the blackening value of this world will definitely be hard to eliminate. 】

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. This matter is also turning around. Besides, you don't know if I slept with the heroine's fiancé?"

Warm eyes narrowed: "You can't, but some people can."

This task world system is that women are superior to men, and men have children.

When I first came, I was a little uncomfortable with Nuan, but after I got used to it, I found that there is still a lot of fun in this world. For example, her favorite thing to do is to go to the brothel and listen to songs, to be a free and happy idle prince.

She and the heroine met at a poetry conference held by literati and writers five years ago. Her appearance gave this bland poetry conference a golden edge. Everyone was guessing why the idle king came here. After all, this idle prince is the most The one who loves to go is the brothel and painting boat, and I will never come to this poetry conference.


Only later did people know that King Xian went to the poetry conference for Lin Tinghan, the first beauty of the poetry conference.

If the number one beauty in the world, regardless of gender, would be Lin Tinghan, the eldest lady of the Lin House.

Zhong Ling Yuxiu, pure and clean.

Mingming's temperament is out of the ordinary, cold as frost, but he has a pair of enchanting and affectionate Ruifeng eyes, and the graceful and graceful expression between the opening and closing of the eyebrows is fascinating, especially the tear mole under the right corner of the eye is more coquettish.

This peerless face caused many girls to mistake her for a son, and they went to the Lin Mansion to propose marriage.

Although Lin Tinghan looked cold-hearted and difficult to approach, she was submissive and gentle. Facing those girls who mistook her for a son and wanted to marry her, she did not get angry, but gently persuaded them to go back. It made her gain the reputation of the first beauty and the good reputation of being as gentle as jade in Jiajing City.

After Lin Tinghan was in charge of the Lin Mansion, with her gorgeous appearance and docile personality, she was often favored and sought after by her partners when she was doing business, which made the Lin Mansion's industry grow bigger and bigger, and became the most honorable person in the Jianing Kingdom. Emperor businessman, became the richest man in the world.

The Poetry Conference in Jiajing City is held every three years. The organizers specially invited Lin Tinghan as one of the leaders of the Poetry Conference to chat with many talented and beautiful people, talk about poetry and songs, and chat about lofty aspirations.

Wen Nuan pretended to listen to the rumors of the city's mischief, used the pretext of drinking too much to want to be beautiful, broke into the poetry conference to approach the heroine, deliberately mistaken the heroine for a beautiful son, and flirted with a few words, and was directly fanned by the heroine a slap.

And everyone was also surprised by the novelty. They didn't expect that this unscrupulous idle king who only knew how to play would be able to move the docile Lin Tinghan's hand.

Just when everyone thought that King Xian would be furious because of this, King Xian came again: "Death to a peony flower, it is also romantic to be a ghost", and directly slapped Lin Tinghan's cold air again, causing the two of them not to fight. Familiar.

To say that the heroine can make the Lin family's industry bigger and stronger, and become a royal merchant, warmth is also indispensable.

After all, with her help and the heroine herself, it is only natural to become the richest man in the world.

When Wen Nuan was doing the task, she thought very simply. She helped the heroine pave the way first, and then sent her to see the hero. By then, the two of them would be a pair of eyes, be together happily, get married, grow old together, and more. good.

However, the heroine has a baby kiss, her fiancé Fang Yongsi.

When the Lin family was in distress and supported by the Fang family, the two children landed together, and the parents of both parties got married. When the children became adults, the jade pendant was used as a proof to let the two children get married.

Later, the Fang family's business declined, and the Fang family's daughter and Fang's husband both died of illness. The Fang family's old master entrusted Fang Yongsi to the Lin Mansion, and when Fang Yongsi was married, he let Lin Tinghan and Fang Yongsi marry.

In this world, women can marry many husbands. If Lin Tinghan married Fang Yongsi, it would be okay to meet the male lead, but Fang Yongsi is not a fun person.

Bitchy, jealous, and a restless master, not only ambiguous with other women, but also deliberately flirting with warmth in private, dreaming of becoming the idle king Zhengjun.

Nuan Nuan was too lazy to care about him and had little contact with him, but once saw him fornicating with other women.

Thinking that he could not harm the hero and heroine, Wen Nuan went to him privately, and planned to chat with him, give him a sum of money, let him leave the Lin Mansion, stay away from the hero and heroine, and don't affect her mission.

Who knows that Fang Yongsi is also a scheming master, deliberately drugging her, attracting people to come, pretending to have slept with her.

When Lin Tinghan saw Fang Yongsi's arm of Shougongsha was gone, and felt that the suffocation in the room had not dissipated, Lin Tinghan was furious, broke off the engagement with Fang Yongsi, and broke with her completely.

Fang Yongsi deliberately humiliated her, if it was warm before, she would never endure it, but she thought that at least this would solve the troublesome leader Fang Yongsi, and it would be easier to promote the male and female lead to a great harmony in life. Warm acquiesced to everything, even if Lin Tinghan asked Why did she do this, she was silent and did not explain, and then got a slap from the hostess.

Then, Nuan took this incident and Jin Chan escaped.

She left Jiajing City under the guise of Yunyou Sifang and broke away from this mission world.

The time when she came back now is one year after that incident, and it is also the plot point of the male protagonist's upcoming appearance.

Nuan Nuan has already figured out a solution. She broke with Lin Tinghan because the heroine thought she had put Fang Yongsi to sleep, so she became angry and blackened.

If the truth of this matter is revealed, then the blackening of the female protagonist will also be reduced a lot. After the male protagonist appears, she is promoting the encounter between the female protagonist and the male protagonist, knowing and loving each other. After the blackening value is completely cleared, she can succeed. back.

Wen Nuan followed Rong Qing into the palace. The palace servants and servants on the way, as well as the courtiers, all knelt down and kowtowed when they saw Wen Nuan.

Rong Qing came to the imperial study room with warmth. At this time, the queen had already descended to the imperial court and reviewed the memorials in the imperial study room.

Someone had already reported the arrival of warmth in advance, so Rong Qing opened the door, please go in with warmth.

"King Xian, Her Majesty the Queen has been waiting for you inside for a long time."

He sighed warmly: "Rong Qing, how is the Queen's mood recently?"

Rong Qing paused: "It's not very good, the floods in the floating city have been serious recently, Her Majesty the Queen I've been worrying about this for a long time."

"..." Wen Nuan sighed again, "If you don't see me coming out for half an hour, go and call Feng Jun to save me, you know?"

Rong Qing looked serious, nodded and said, "Slave, Do your best."

Warm lifted the hem of his clothes, stepped over the threshold, and the door behind him was closed.

Suddenly there was a burst of air, and Nuan quickly turned away, seeing that the memorial that had been smashed on the door had fallen apart, and it was not difficult to see how much effort the person who threw it out had used.

"Do you still know how to get back?" A sharp and angry voice sounded in front of him.

Nuan Nuan picked up the memorial, "Isn't thinking about the royal sister, I came back to celebrate the birthday of the royal sister."

She put the memorial in front of Xu Wenlu and said with a smile: "Is the royal sister unhappy?"

Xu Wenlu glared at her , "I still remember my birthday, I thought you didn't know what to do?"

"How can you? As the saying goes, the elder sister is like a mother, even if I forget my birthday, I will not forget your birthday, the emperor. Well." Wen Nuan walked to Xu Wenlu's side and pinched her shoulders intimately, "Sister Huang, don't be angry, I'm back now."

Xu Wenlu was comfortably pinched by the warmth, and closed her eyes: "You're welcome here too. If you can hide, I have sent so many secret guards and haven't found your trace, where have you gone?"

"It's just walking around without stopping, so the secret guards of the royal sister can't know my trace in time." Wen Nuan couldn't say that she left this world directly. Her original body was placed in a cave with beautiful mountains and clear water. She even left a note. If anyone found out, she could tell Xu Wenlu and ask her to come and take her body. buried.

The original body actually died long ago in this mission world. It was in the 25th year of Jianing. In order to compete for the throne, the princesses fought and assassinated each other. The original body died for Xu Wenlu. It came over immediately.

After the palace change, Xu Wenlu succeeded to the throne as an orthodox female princess. As soon as she sat on the dragon chair, Xu Wenlu used her iron and bloody wrists to strangle all the princesses who were hostile to her, without leaving them behind.

More than a dozen princesses, leaving only the original one.

Just because the original body is young and has no desire to fight for power and profit, and almost died for Xu Wenlu, Xu Wenlu has loved and trusted this sister of the same mother since then.

"You," Xu Wenlu pulled Nuan Nuan in front of him, looked at her carefully, and sighed, "I've been smart since I was a little kid, and when I couldn't see you, I went up to the house and uncovered the tiles. My father was often dizzy because of your anger. Dazzling, and you are very good at judging the situation, when you see your father being angry, you immediately kneel down and act coquettishly and plead for forgiveness. You said a few words to make you calm down, but you nodded and agreed quickly, after a few days, you turned around and forgot the promise you made at the beginning, and still went to the house to uncover the tiles, without stopping."

Wennuan smiled.

"Now that you're older, you can run better, what's wrong? It's so good outside? The Jiajing City of the Nuoda can't hold you anymore?" Xu Wenlu nodded his warm eyebrows, but did not exert too much force.

Wen Nuan rubbed his brows and said with a smile: "I made a mistake, Huangjie. If I don't go out again, I will stay in the imperial city to accompany you, okay?"

"Then you have to say what you say, and if you go back on it, I will definitely punish you. You, even if you cry and beg for mercy, I will not forgive you." Xu Wenlu feigned anger.

Nodding warmly: "En, I will be obedient this time, stay in Jiajing City, and stay under the eyes of the emperor."

"Okay, I will say something nice to make me happy." Xu Wenlu came over from the side. A plate of pear flower cakes, "Hey, haven't you eaten yet? Pear flower cakes, just made, eat them while it's still hot."

Warm eyes lit up, and he took a piece and ate it, "Thank you, Queen, for the reward."

"You My dear, the emperor will reward you every day from now on." Xu Wenlu raised her hand to wipe off the residue from the corners of her warm mouth, "Did you go to see Lin Tinghan when you came back this time?"

He warmed up, "...not yet, after returning to the city. I'll come back to see you first."

"Lin Tinghan is in the palace right now, handing over the golden robes and brocade silk and satin at the monk's clothing bureau. Do you want to take a look?" Xu Wenlu asked.

Wen Nuan did not speak, and ate pear cakes silently.

Seeing her like this, Xu Wenlu stopped talking.

Nuan Nuan and Lin Tinghan are good friends, and she is also happy to see it happen. The taxes paid by the Lin House every year fill the national treasury, and the palace and the Lin House have cooperated for many years. Han's ability to manage the industries under the Lin Mansion in an orderly manner.

At that time, she was thinking of marrying several princes who were already married to her, but Lin Tinghan had no intention of marrying her and declined her.

Xu Wenlu is not someone who is difficult for strong people, and will not use imperial power to force Lin Tinghan to submit. Seeing that she is not happy, she will not mention it again.

Xu Wenlu was still busy with government affairs, and she didn't chat with her for a long time. He ate a few pear blossom cakes and left.

Rong Qing saw that Nuan Wen came out safely, and brought a plate of pear cakes, "King Xian, Ankang?"


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