《The Amber Paladin》Another reality part 2
So, you were in another reality. For real. You had traveled through some kind of a drift between realities after receiving a distress signal from some Alteans. And now you had found them, and they were kneeling before Allura, calling her Empress.
And in front of those kneeling Alteans, you were all very confused. Encountering them and the Shiro and Slav look-alikes, had left you really dumbfounded. Even though you had seen a lot of weird things while being a Paladin of Voltron, you never would have imagined going to an alternate reality. It was true that you could never know where life would take you.
"Are you Empress Allura?" The female Altean kneeling in front of Allura asked, still wanting to get a confirmation. "I am Princess Allura." She replied hesitantly, emphasizing her words. "Please, stand." She then urged everyone.
First the female stood up and after her, everyone else. "I am Commander Hira, Empress." The female introduced herself. "How can you be here? You put down the Galra Uprising and established the Altean Empire 10,000 years ago." She then continued with a somewhat puzzled expression. And that's when your eyes widened. There was an Altean Empire instead of a Galra Empire in this reality.
"Where we're from, all the Alteans were wiped out by Zarkon when he destroyed your planet." Keith then spoke, carefully explaining about your reality. And that's when Hira's eyes went wide in amazement. She was clearly shocked.
But that's when an Altean male spoke. "Where did you come from?" He asked intrigued, clearly more composed than Hira. "So, well, we came from the other side of that glowy area where this ship is stuck. We're the Paladins of Voltron. And Voltron made it through it easily. And like Keith pointed out, in our reality pretty much every Altean is dead except Allura and Coran. And the Galra is pretty much oppressing the universe. But we're fighting back. We have beaten Zarkon, so now we're against his son. So...yeah, that's about it." Pidge just explained everything in a long line of words. And then there was silence. Hira and the man just blankly stared at Pidge, like they had a hard time digesting it all.
Then the man coughed while lifting his glasses. "Oh, that's rather interesting." He said while looking at you all, like he was appraising you. And then he started to speak in a thoughtful tone. "First of all, the air is decent." The man then said calmly, pointing at your helmets.
"Secondly, I believe that there is something on this ship that might interest you. It's a comet that King Alfor was searching for a long time ago." The man added while you were removing your helmets.
"Is that what that man was talking about?" Lance asked, pointing at the skeleton in the space suit. The same man you had seen in the old recording playing before. "I'm interested!" Pidge just exclaimed aloud, disregarding Lance's question while nodding her head in excitement, ready to follow the man immediately.
But you couldn't blame her. You were also curious of the reason why the ship was there in the first place, ghostly and deserted, stuck in between two realities.
But before you could leave, Hira stopped you. "Empress Allura, could I show you something else instead?" She asked. But Allura looked at her for a moment before agreeing. And that's when the strange feeling you had before, came back. For some reason you felt like something was wrong.
In that moment of silence you glanced at the others, and you realised that Keith was looking back at you, like he knew what you were thinking and felt the same. And then he nodded at you. "I'm going with you." Keith then said to Allura before she had a chance to leave with Hira.
"There is no need for that." Hira said back displeased, her eyes sharp as she looked at Keith, like she really didn't want him along. Allura too glanced at Keith questioningly, but when he kept looking back with a serious gaze, she nodded. "All right. You are the leader after all." She just replied before leaving the room with Hira, Keith right on their trail.
Then you, Pidge, Lance and Hunk followed the man and his companion, the large alien, out of the room too and towards to where the comet was held. But as you walked through the hallway, you couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong. You just didn't know what.
You glanced at the companion who was following the man. It was almost eerie how hollow he seemed while just walking obediently, almost like a zombie. He was an alien species you didn't recognize of, but if you would have to compare him for something you were familiar of, it would be an ogre.
Just then you arrived to a large room with a huge window. And when everyone saw what was behind that window, you just froze to your places. It was a large black boulder covered in glowing light streams. You could feel how it glowed with something magical and intimidating, even through the glass. It was marvelous.
"That's beautiful..." Pidge said with an amazed sigh, her eyes sparkling, like she had just seen the most wonderful thing in the world. And that's when you smiled. She was always the first to appreciate that kind of beauty.
"This is the comet." The man said silently and calm, like he wasn't impressed at all while walking closer to the window. But that's when Pidge turned to him. "You mind if I take a closer look at that thing?" She asked enthusiastically. And the man just nodded.
Pidge immediately left the room in a hurry, to go get the Green Lion. And when she was gone, you turned to look at the comet again. "Did you come here to get this?" You asked while waiting. But the man didn't even answer your question. "Our scanners just picked up your arrival." He just replied calmly, ending the conversation before it even started. It was clear that he didn't want to discuss about their reasons.
Soon Pidge flew the Green Lion to the comet, circling around it and observing it from all sides. "This is the comet Commodore Trayling must've been talking about in his transmission. It seems to be caught between two realities, just like the ship." She then said as the Green Lion stopped above the comet. And even though that fact would have usually made you baffled, now it just made you shrug. Anything was possible that day.
"Could you obtain a sample for us?" The man then asked from Pidge. "I can try." She answered while landing her Lion on top of the comet. And before long she had gotten a sample. Then she flew back to the ship and made her way to where you were.
When Pidge arrived back, she was carrying a piece of the comet in a sealed container. "Please, bring it here." The man said, pointing at a small platform in the center of the room. And soon you all gathered around it as Pidge put the container down and started to tap on a screen next to it, immediately starting to analyze the piece.
While Pidge was working her magic, you leaned forwards to get a better look at what was in the container. And it was amazing. It was just a glowing piece of rock, but at the same time it was emanating a strong and magical presence. Somehow it felt like it was alive. And without even realising it, you had ended up totally mesmerized by it.
But just then Pidge's tapping stopped. "Amazing. It's Voltron." She said with a sigh, almost in disbelief. "What!?" Lance exclaimed, turning to look at Pidge confused. "What do you mean it's Voltron?" You asked, not understanding of what she was talking about.
"I mean, it's not Voltron, obviously, but the readings from this comet are the same ones Zarkon was searching for. The same ones that led us to the Blue Lion." Pidge then explained, clearing your confusion. And as you turned to the container again, you suddenly had a great sense of nostalgia. It had been so long since you had found the Blue Lion and left Earth.
"That's how you were able to pass through to this reality. Your vehicle was made from the same trans-reality material." The man spoke with delight. "So, that's why Voltron's so powerful." Hunk also spoke with an amazed tone, like all the pieces in his head suddenly came together. "What a wonder. How can Voltron be made out of something like that?" You then pondered while still staring at the comet. It felt like you couldn't take your eyes off of it. There was something so magical about it.
"With this material, Altea can create their own trans-reality traveling ships. We can spread our peace and stability to all realities." The man then said while taking a closer look at the comet. But as he leaned closer to it, you saw a glint in his eyes that made you suddenly nervous. Something in his overly calm demeanor made you uneasy. He was just too casual about the whole matter.
You usually weren't the one to suspect someone straight away, without giving them a chance. But you had also learned to trust your instincts, and you knew that something was wrong with the man. Like under that calm demeanor was something he didn't want you to see.
That's when you again glanced at his companion, who was just staring at you expressionless. He really looked like a zombie, and that sent shivers down your spine.
Just then the man contacted Hira with his communicator. "General Hira, this thing in the ship's hold will ensure Altea's rule for millennia to come." The man said, clearly excited. And that's when you frowned. What? Altea's rule? That sounded something that the Galra would say.
You quickly glanced at Pidge and realised that she was frowning too. You saw from her expression that she also knew that something was wrong. And when your eyes met, you nodded at each other. You were clearly on the same wavelength. Something was definitely off. You had a strong feeling about it.
"So, what has happened in this reality?" You then asked from the man, trying to get some information out of him. "Yeah, I'm quite curious about that too." Hunk then commented. "Like we explained, in our reality nearly all the Alteans are destroyed, and the universe has been pretty much dominated by the Galra. And it seems like it's not the case in here." You still added, repeating what Pidge had told them earlier.
"Since you are from another reality, of course you would not know. It is almost the other way around here." The man just answered calmly while turning towards you. "So, you mean Galra are dead and Alteans for the win?" Lance still asked.
"Well, yes. Alteans of this reality defeated the Galra, led by the Empress. She avenged the loss of her father, and thus was able to spread peace and stability throughout the universe." The man explained the situation in detail. "And by the Empress, you mean Allura?" Hunk still asked, wanting a confirmation.
"Yes. Defeating Zarkon was the first step, but we refuse to give up until all worlds know true peace Altea has achieved." The man still continued, his voice getting slightly more excited the more he spoke. But you couldn't help but wonder if their plans were a bit too idealistic, at least when considering your reality. Of course everyone wanted world peace, but they couldn't achieve it that easily.
And it seemed like you weren't the only skeptical one. "That doesn't even sound possible." Hunk said as he scratched his chin. "Is it not? Look at Moxilous." The man answered, again as calm as ever while turning towards his companion, the large alien.
"For generations, his people have been in constant battle with the other planets in their system. It was a barbaric, futile existence. But look at him now." The man explained. And as you looked at the Moxilous, it really was a sad sigh. He looked like a zombie that wasn't thinking of anything, just staring blankly ahead. And it made you somewhat anxious, even though you weren't quite sure why.
"So, what changed?" Lance asked what you all were probably thinking. "The hoktril." The man just answered, signaling the Moxilous to turn around, which he did. And that's when you almost gasped. There was something stuck on the back of his head. Some kind of a mechanism with two rods sticking out. What was that!?
"Our civilization's most advanced technological achievement." The man explained. "What does that do?" Lance asked, not really sure of what he was looking at. "It saps the fighting force from our enemies. Their will, you might say." The man replied while lifting up his glasses, seemingly proud of their achievement. And that's when you gasped again. "You mean, slave labor?" You asked hesitantly, like you didn't even want to hear the answer.
But the man lifted his hands in denial. "Oh, no, no. They're not slaves because they don't have will. Slaves are always trying to escape or revolt. The non-cogs are content doing what they're told." He explained. And then he snapped his fingers and the Moxilous turned towards you again.
That's when you started to feel sick to your stomach. If there was one thing that ticked you off easily, it was when someone was taken advantage of. Especially if that someone couldn't fight back. How could the Alteans do that? The Moxilous really was like a zombie. It was just an empty shell now.
"Preservation of life is the Altean Empire's highest priority." The man still added, before he again leaned towards the piece of comet inside the container. And suddenly you saw an expression on his face that differed from his usual demeanor. All of a sudden the calmness had disappeared. "And with this material, we can do even more than we thought possible." He still added while patting the Moxilous' arm.
Just then you really started to get angry. You noticed that you had started to clench your fists so hard that your knuckles were probably turning white. "You're taking away their free will. I don't know which is worse, you or the Galra Empire." You said, glaring at the man. But he just lifted his glasses, his expression turning back to what it was before, calm and collected.
"Entire races who warred for millennia can now know peace and help us to further out new world." The man spoke with confidence. But you just glared back at him. "That's no peace. You're just oppressing them to your will. That's not what they would choose to do!" You almost spit the words at him, your voice starting to rise the more frustrated you got.
Until you suddenly felt someone's hand on your shoulder. And when you looked back, you saw Lance standing behind you, squeezing your shoulder gently, trying to get you to calm down. And that's when you realised how tense your body was. The man's words really got to you.
"Now, no innocent will lose its life to the free will of an evil being." He still added, glaring at you with an amused expression. And just when you were about to answer back with harsh words, Pidge interrupted you. "We've had a long day, right (Y/N)? She just needs a bit of fresh air." She said to the man while taking a hold of your hand and starting to drag you out of the room.
"Wait, Pidge!?" You just yelped while trying to resist her sudden pull. But when you saw how she glanced at you, you immediately knew that there was something more to it. So you just shut your mouth and followed her obediently, Lance and Hunk straight on your trail.
Pidge dragged you out of the room and into the hallway. And when she finally let you go, you slouched your shoulders. "That was infuriating." You growled as you tried to steady your frustratingly beating heart.
Just then Lance lifted his hands, like he wanted everyone's attention. "(Y/N), calm down." He said while glancing around. And when he was sure that you were alone, he started to speak in a hushed tone. "Is everyone else also getting a strange vibe from these guys?" He asked while crossing his arms. And as you realised that everyone else felt the same as you, your anger subdued a little.
"Yeah, there's definitely something off about these Alteans. I mean, they pretty much scrambled the big dude's brain." Hunk said, his voice slightly hesitant. "Yes, something's not right. I don't feel good about them getting that comet either." Pidge then added.
But before you could talk more, all of a sudden a hatch dropped down to the ground near you. It was so sudden that you all pretty much just screamed aloud. So loud. Your heart jumped to your throat as you almost jumped yourself. What was that!?
"Yoo-hoo! Up here!" A familiar voice called out to you from above. And when you looked up, still trying to calm yourself down, you saw that the Shiro and Slav look-alikes were in the ventilation shaft.
"Whoa! How'd you find us?" Lance asked, clearly surprised. "I figured there was a high probability that..." Slav started to explain all-knowingly, until Lance cut him off, sounding really fed up. "Wait, stop. Nope. Never mind." He just growled. And if you hadn't still been quite shaken, you would have found that funny. That Slav look-alike was just like your Slav.
"We gotta get to Keith and Allura and figure out a way to stop the Alteans from getting that comet." Pidge immediately tried explaining your situation to them. But Slav just smiled from the ventilation shaft. "Already on it. We just need to do one more thing and you guys can help."
But before you could do anything, suddenly the door opened up and a dozen of sentries emerged from the room, immediately pointing their guns at you.
"Perfect! I had a feeling the Guns of Gamara were on this ship." The man said while walking out of the room too, his tone now clearly more threatening than before. Guns of Gamara? Did he mean the look-alikes in the ventilation shaft?
"But I didn't know Empress Allura's friends would be working with them." The man then added while glaring at you, a slight smirk on his face. And that's when you frowned. "What are you doing?" You asked, glaring back at him, still pretty upset from your earlier argument
"Now everyone, be good, and don't resist." He just added while some of the sentries started to approach you. And even though you wanted to resist, there was nothing you could do since they were pointing their guns at you.
And pretty soon you all had been tied up, your hands behind your back. Sven and Slav were forced to come down and tied up too. Then a sentry pushed you from your back, signaling to move ahead.
But as you were walking back towards the control room, you suddenly felt the ship starting to slightly shake. "Huh, what?" You yelped while stopping. "What's happening?" Hunk also asked concerned, stopping too. "The Empress must have activated the ship." The man just answered satisfied. What? Why would Allura do that?
But before you could wonder about it more, a sentry pushed your back, urging you to move forwards again. And even though hesitant and really baffled about everything that was happening, you walked. You were a captive now.
And soon you were in the control room. You were escorted inside like prisoners going for execution. The sentries were pointing their guns at you, ready to shoot if anyone would try anything funny.
When the doors to the control room opened up, you saw that Keith and Allura were there with Hira. And you silently sighed in relief that they were all right, even though you quickly shook your head after that. It was so typical of you to worry for them, even though you were the one tied up.
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