《The Amber Paladin》Space mall
It had been quite a day. After everything that had happened, you had stormed out of the control room before, feeling yourself really hurt. And now, after your talk with Keith, you came back and you immediately felt slightly embarrassed when you realised that everyone was staring at you silently.
That made you feel uneasy, so you tried breaking the tension in the room. "What? Do I have something on my face?" You asked, trying to sound amused. But it didn't quite go down the way you wanted it to. Everyone was still silent. And that's when Keith sighed.
"We're fine." He just bluntly said while crossing his arms and walking to the others. And that's when everyone seemed to relax and turn their attention away from you, making you feel more at ease. Getting all the attention wasn't what you usually wanted.
And while you glanced at Keith, you were a bit baffled of how sometimes he had trouble getting any words out, and sometimes he was so straightforward. It was a funny combination.
But that's when you again noticed Keith's knife sheath attached to his belt, and you remembered what he had just showed you. The same kind of mark that was on Ulaz' blade. And even though you didn't know what it meant, you understood why it bothered Keith so much.
"So, we now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through the Black Lion. We have to find some way to stop him." Shiro then started to speak, getting straight to the point. And as you glanced at him, you saw a glint of hesitation in his eyes, like he was blaming himself. Maybe he felt like he had failed you all?
"How are we gonna do that?" Pidge asked curiously while you joined the others at the center of the room. "Yes, we've never had this situation before. Two Paladins battling for the same Lion." Allura then said while wondering.
"Well, unless we want Zarkon taking control of Voltron every time we get close, I'll have to forge a new bond with my Lion. One that's stronger than his." Shiro then explained while lifting his head up, trying to seem more confident. And at that moment you got a feeling that he had been thinking about that already beforehand, probably as soon as he had figured it out.
"Well, while you're working on that, the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses. Otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole." Coran then said while thinking. "Is that something we have to mail order?" Hunk asked curiously, his innocent question immediately making you chuckle. "Hunk, do you really think that there's some kind of an intergalactic space mail service?" You asked amused. But Coran just replied to you seriously. "There actually was."
And while you were laughing, you realised that Keith glanced at you, seemingly glad that you were feeling better. And you really were, even though just awhile ago you had been feeling so hurt. But Keith had somewhat opened up to you and that made you feel important. And you loved that feeling.
Then Keith turned to Coran and Allura. "Does anyone even make those anymore?" He asked wondering. "I don't know. Only a few Alteans could use the teludav 10,000 years ago. They may not exist anymore." Allura answered a bit lost in her thoughts.
But that's when Coran perked up a bit, like he just got an idea. "I think I may know where we can get some." He said quite proudly while eagerly prancing to the control panel. And then he tapped on the panel, opening some images on the large screen in front of you.
You looked at the images and saw a market of some sorts in them. But then your eyes widened as you realised who was in the images. It was a young, bright eyed Coran with a pony tail. You had no idea where he was, but there was also King Alfor standing on the background.
And that's when Allura raised her voice. "Coran! You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons!" She suddenly exclaimed, seemingly quite upset. "What's that?" You immediately asked her curiously. "It's a place where you can pretty much trade anything, if you dare to go there in the first place. It's not safe at all." Allura answered you while crossing her arms, pointing her last words directly at Coran.
"The last time you went, those space pirates took you for everything you had." She then continued, explaining what had happened. "The Unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxies and dealt in black market goods. Umvy spice, by-tor water, little bottles of infinity vapor. No one could bargain like the Unilu." Coran just explained surprisingly enthusiastically, like he was reminiscing the good old days.
"Last time, I ended up giving away three quarters of my shipment of lango in exchange for a used pogo oscillator." He then said while starting to laugh so hard that he almost ended up in tears. "Father was not pleased about that." Allura then stated while also starting to chuckle. And that's when you immediately wished you could hear that story one day.
"Well, while Coran is picking up his lenses, I'll take you shopping for something sparkly." Lance then said, quick on trying to seize the opportunity, getting closer to Allura. But that made Coran's irritation levels rise in an instant as he immediately got between Lance and Allura. "This isn't shopping! You're not wandering around saying 'What a lovely pink hat! This is so becoming.' No! I can't allow Allura to get anywhere near those filthy, lowballing Unilu hoodlums." Coran suddenly started yelling strictly at Lance.
But that's when Allura started to smile while looking at Coran. "But I'd love something sparkly." She said, almost pleading. But Coran didn't falter. "Look, you're the only one who can operate the castle. You need to be resting." He said strictly. And immediately Allura slouched her shoulders seemingly irritated, like she had given up.
"Now, let's ready a pod for our mission. We need to get in, find the scaultrite lenses, and just get out." Coran then informed you. And that's when you started to smile. A trip outside of the castle without your Lions was just what you needed now. It should be a nice change after everything.
"Shotgun!" Lance then immediately yelled while starting to run out of the control room. And that's when you burst out laughing. "Lance, are you serious!?" You asked as you saw him running like there was no tomorrow. "Yeah! You have to be in the pod bay to call shotgun!" Hunk then yelled while starting to run out too, Pidge right on his trail. "Since when?" Lance just yelled back while disappearing into the hallway. "Since forever? That's shotgun etiquette! I wrote the book." Hunk still tried to yell at Lance, but he was already out.
But before you left, you still turned to Shiro. He would have quite a task in front of him, trying to bond with his Lion more. "Good luck Shiro." You said to him reassuringly before starting to walk out. Keith kind of just trailed after you, not really interested in the whole swap moon journey.
A bit later you all sat in the pod, on your way to the swap moon. Lance was in front with Coran while you, Keith, Hunk and Pidge all sat in the back. It wasn't a very comfortable ride, but you didn't mind.
The journey was quite silent as everyone seemed to be somewhat lost in their thoughts. You couldn't help but think about what Keith had told you about his knife and the possibility that the Galra had been on Earth. And as you glanced at Keith, who was sitting next to you, your mind started to fill up with a lot of questions and thoughts.
You had no idea what was happening back on Earth, and it felt strange that you almost had started to forget about your life before Voltron. It gradually started to fade away. Would you eventually forget about everything? Your family and friends? What did it mean if the Galra had been on Earth? Were they still there? Did they plot something? Were humans in danger? Should you go and pay Earth a visit? And what will happen when you beat Zarkon? Your head was filled with all of those questions that you didn't know an answer to.
Then Coran's voice snapped you back to this moment. "Hello? Back passengers? Can you hear me?" His voice echoed in the small space. "Oh, it's so comfy up here. Extra leg-room, heated seats! Oh, man!" Lance's voice trailed after Coran's. "Stupid Lance. Stupid shotgun." Hunk just murmured on the other side of the backseat. He was clearly not happy about the arrangement. But you just chuckled while hoping that he wouldn't get motion sickness there.
"Now, these swap moons are very dangerous environments. So be on your toes." Coran then explained to you. And immediately when Coran mentioned danger, you realised that Keith glanced at you. But when you looked back at him curiously, he immediately lowered his gaze again. "No weapons or communication devices of any kind! Also, I've brought along some disguises." Coran then continued. But that's when Keith sighed really loudly. "I'm not going to play dress up..."
But before anyone could say anything more, you had arrived to your destination. And after Coran had parked the pod, you stretched your legs while getting up. "Well, that wasn't too bad." You said while smiling. You had been expecting a much longer journey.
That's when Coran came to you with a pouch full of clothing. "Alright everyone, suit up!" He happily declared while giving you your disguise. And as you looked at what you got, you noticed that there were a lot of belts and some kind of a tunic. You also got a mask that would cover half of your face. The overall combination seemed a bit weird, but you just shrugged your shoulders and started to put them on.
And when you were dressed, you went to the others. And as soon as you saw what they were wearing, you stopped and burst out laughing. "What the...Coran! These are horrible!" You just laughed. "Don't blame me. Blame the Unilu fashion sense!" Coran just answered you frowning, almost offended while wearing an eyepatch himself.
Everyone looked so ridiculous, wearing belts all over their bodies. Most of you had masks, and Keith even had a cape. And he was looking so irritated about the whole disguise that it just made you smile. "Looking good." You just commented at him while smirking. But he just sneered back at you, not amused.
"Alright (Y/N), that's enough, let's go!" Coran then said while starting to walk in to the market. And as you followed him, you tried your best to stop smiling. But it was so hard. Everyone just looked so strange.
But when you finally got into the market, you stopped dumbfounded. What the hell? Was this the dirty swap moon? It didn't look anything like Coran had told you. It looked just like a regular mall. And among everyone there, you were the ones who didn't fit in with your disguises now. Maybe Coran should update his information about the whole universe since he and Allura were asleep for so long.
"Coran, what is this?" You asked frowning, your voice barely audible behind your mask. "It does seem to be a little cleaner than I remember." Coran looked around also a bit confused. "A little?" Pidge asked with a deadpan tone. And you immediately chuckled. You loved her snarky comments.
But that just made Coran glare at you two. "Still, be vigilant. The Unilu are cut-throat wheeler-dealers. So keep your hands on your coin satchels." Coran then warned you. "What coin? I got none." You replied Coran immediately while still giggling. Oh man, you just couldn't control yourself that day. Maybe you were a little tired?
"Yeah, my satchels are empty." Hunk then said while looking at his satchels. "Good." Coran just stated like he wasn't even listening while looking around. "Let's just get this over with." Keith then sighed. He hadn't been too enthusiastic about the whole trip in the first place, and now those disguises just made him more irritated. "Don't worry, it won't take long." You said to him, trying to ease his mind a bit. And he looked at you but didn't say anything.
"Yes, right. Everyone, let's fan out, search the area for teludav lenses. We'll meet by the giant ticking clock here in one varga. Don't be late, and try to blend in." Coran then gave you instructions while pointing at a huge clock near you. And you all nodded just before Coran stomped away determined.
After Coran had left, you all started to take your disguises off. You clearly didn't need them and you felt ridiculous wearing them now that you had seen what the mall looked like. So you just threw them all into a trashcan, immediately feeling relieved to get rid of them. And after that everyone just started walking to different directions.
When everyone was gone, you turned to Keith who was still next to you. "Alright, I'll see you later." You said to him, getting ready to head out too. But that's when he looked at you frowning. "But Coran said it might be dangerous. I don't think you should go all by yourself." He said with a serious gaze. But that's when you looked at him while frowning.
"Keith, I can take care of myself. You know that." You said back at him. And immediately he let out a resigned sigh. He knew you were right. "I know..." He just said while averting his gaze and staying silent. And for a moment you just looked at him curiously, trying to understand what he wanted. Until you started to smirk.
"Or did you want to spend some time with me at the mall, like an ordinary couple, huh?" You then asked with a teasing tone. And that seemed to make him a bit flustered. "No, I just thought that..." He started to explain hastily. And that's when you let out a laughter, stopping what he was about to say. Teasing him was just too easy.
But when you saw his frowning expression, you stopped. "Sorry. But I think we should just scatter around like Coran said. That way this won't take too long." You then said to Keith, who looked back at you, clearly displeased. But when you looked back at him, not budging, he finally nodded. "Alright, be careful."
Then Keith came closer and gave you a quick kiss, surprising you. It still baffled you if he did that in a place where you weren't alone. Maybe he didn't feel as embarrassed anymore, who knew? You didn't, cause you still couldn't read him that well. But even that didn't bother you anymore since you had really learned to love that.
"I will." You then said to him as you started to make your way to a direction none of the others went. "See you later!" You happily said, still once more glancing at Keith before disappearing into the crowd.
Then you just started to walk around the mall, not really knowing where you should go. You saw all kinds of shops, but none of them looked like something that would have teludav lenses. And as you looked around, you felt somewhat weird to be in a place that resembled so much of something on Earth. And again, you couldn't help but think of what was happening back home.
Soon you realised that you had just been walking aimlessly around the mall, somewhat lost in your thoughts, without any clear direction. And just then you suddenly bumped into someone, making you startle. And as you looked up, you saw a tall, somewhat giraffe-like woman looking down at you. She was really tall compared to you and her gleaming eyes stared at you intensely. So intensely, that it made your composure immediately falter.
"Well, hello there little one, would you care to come in and take a look at my wares?" She then asked with a soothing voice that was really soft and tender. It was so smooth that you immediately felt the urge to go in. And when you snapped out of your haze, you saw that she had already led you inside the store without you even noticing.
Then you realised that the woman was still smiling at you. And her smile was so enchanting, so mesmerizing that it made your head feel fuzzy. But then you remembered something. "Sorry, but I have no money." You said to her while smiling sheepishly. But her smile still didn't falter. "That is alright. Money is only an asset. Your spirit means more. Just tell me if you find anything of interest." She just said in her seductive voice.
"I'm actually looking for scaultrite lenses. Do you happen to have any?" You then asked after a moment of pondering. And that's when her smile grew wider. "No, I don't. But what I have, are these." She just answered while showing you something that resembled nothing like lenses, but more like wooden plates. And while you looked at them, you realised that you didn't need them, but for some reason you wanted them.
You instinctively started to reach your hand out towards the shelves. And at the same time the woman's smile just grew wider, like she couldn't wait for it. But just then you shook your head and withdrew your hand. "Sorry. I don't need them." You said as you took a couple of steps back. And even though you had a feeling that something was very wrong, for some reason, you couldn't leave.
"You don't have to need something to want something." The woman just said to you with that soothing tone again while taking a couple of step towards you. But just then you were suddenly pulled back. You only saw the woman's expression changing from seductive to angry as someone pulled you out of the store. You were in a haze and somewhat dumbfounded of what was happening that you just went along, not really even able to fight back.
And when you were out, you immediately felt like you could breathe again. It seemed like a veil had been lifted from your eyes. And just then you realised what was happening and planted your feet firmly on the ground. "What...let me go!" You said while pulling away from someone's grasp, making the movement stop.
Then you finally turned around, and saw a man looking back at you. Well, not a man, but more like a humanoid. There were only some small details that separated him from a human. Gills on his neck was the most distinguished difference. But other than that, he resembled so much of a human that you were left speechless.
At the same time the man's eyes grew wide as he glanced at your neck. "What? You're not one of us?" He asked, dumbfounded too. "No...I'm human." You said a bit baffled still. "Human?" He then asked, looking at you curiously. And then you were both silent for a moment, just observing each other.
Then he broke the silence. "I've read about you from books. You're not from around here." He said while staring at you. "Yes. I'm far away from home." You answered him while nodding. "What is a human doing here?" He then asked while carefully starting to inspect you.
And suddenly the atmosphere started to feel strange. Suddenly you had a feeling that you shouldn't tell him about Voltron or your reasons for being there. And when you didn't give him an answer, he continued with a warning. "Anyways, you should keep away from that store. You were lucky that I happened to see you going in, thinking that you were one of us." He said while taking a couple of steps closer.
That's when you immediately took a couple of steps back. "Yes, thank you for that." You said a bit hesitant while glancing around, trying to figure out what to do. But just then you saw Keith and Hunk running towards you. And your eyes widened for a moment. What were they doing?
And when Keith saw you and the man you were with, he immediately narrowed his eyes while frowning. But you just looked at them baffled. "Why are you running?" You asked, raising your voice as they got closer.
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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