《The Amber Paladin》Crumbling Taujeer part 2
You were in Taujeer and the planet was shedding to pieces. Keith and Allura had left in a pod last night to make sure that Zarkon wasn't tracking them and you couldn't form Voltron. Everything seemed like a mess, but you still had to help the Taujeerians to get their ship out of there before the whole planet crumbled under them.
"We need to slow down the shedding." Shiro said determined when you had assessed the situation. "That's true, but how do you plan to do that? It's pretty much coming apart now." You asked irritation clear in your voice. Even though you tried to fight it, the situation and Keith's absence was getting to you hard.
But that's when Hunk raised his voice. "Oh oh!" He said in an enthusiastic voice. Did he just have an idea? "The new Green Lion weapon causes vegetation to grow, right? Well, I was thinking that if you aim it at the cracks in the planet, the vines could act like stitches." He then explained, clearly proud of his plan.
"But won't the stitches get dissolved by the acid?" Shiro asked a bit unsure. But that's when Pidge spoke. "Well, the stitches might hold longer...if they're frozen!" She kind of completed Hunk's plan, making it sound more plausible.
But just then the ground rumbled again, more violently this time. "Alright. Hunk, (Y/N) and I will get this ark upright while Pidge and Lance buy us some time." Shiro ordered you. And you all immediately agreed. "Right!"
And then you all got to work. Pidge started to shoot at the beginning cracks on the surface with her vinegun, and immediately after that Lance froze the vines, keeping the stitches together so that the ground wouldn't crumble under you. And at the same time you, Shiro and Hunk flew underneath the ark, trying to get it upright. You positioned your Lion to lean against the ark, trying to keep it steady as Hunk and Shiro were pushing it up. "Come on! Give it all you got." Shiro encouraged Hunk whose Lion endured the most pressure.
And after some hard pushing, you got the ark more upright. Then Pidge and Lance quickly pushed the legs back on it, keeping it standing up so that you could get away from underneath it. And that's when you heard all the Taujeerians cheering, clearly happy. At least the ark wouldn't just sink into the acid now and that faded your worries away a bit.
After that you landed your Lions near the ark and Hunk started to weld the legs back to it with his heavy bayard gun. "Well, it ain't pretty, but it should get you airborne..." Hunk then started saying when he was done. But he couldn't even get to the end of his sentence as the ground again rumbled near you, very violently. And you all gasped. That felt more severe than the previous ones. You knew that you had to hurry.
The Taujeerians immediately tried to start the engine of the ark, wanting to get it off the ground. But at first it just spit smoke and fire, not lifting up. And you all just waited silently, holding your breath. Would it work? But just then the boosters were powered up and the ark started to lift off with only one engine. And you couldn't help but smile. They should get to the nearest moon like that.
But just when the ark was starting to make steady progress upwards, a sudden hit came out of nowhere. A laser hit the other side of the ark, making it tilt back to the ground. "What was that?" You gasped as you looked upwards. And that's when you saw a Galra ship hovering above the planet.
And just then the Galra ship fired lasers towards you and the ark, making the ground cave in more. And as the ground rumbled violently again, the ark started sliding into the acid. "No! It's going down!" You yelled. "Hunk! Take the Yellow Lion and hold up the ark. If it falls into the acid, the Taujeerians are doomed." Shiro immediately ordered, and straight away Hunk flew under the ark, trying to stop it from falling down.
"(Y/N), Lance, Pidge, we've got to draw the cruiser's fire." Shiro then ordered you. "Yes!" You all said in unison as you soared up into the sky, flying towards the Galra cruiser. "Coran, we need you here now!" Shiro then yelled. "I'm on my way!" Coran replied to him as the castle started to breach Taujeers atmosphere. "I'm going to inform Princess and Keith to come back." Coran then said. And you immediately cursed them in your mind. You couldn't even form Voltron now, thanks to their stupid stunt.
Then you all started to fire your lasers towards the Galra cruiser. Your most important task now was to make them focus on you instead of the ark. So, you shot at them as much as you could.
Until suddenly the cruiser started to turn its ion cannon. And as you looked at where they were aiming, you realised that it was turned towards the ark. "Shiro! They're aiming at the ark!" You notified him, and he reacted immediately, like a good leader should. He flew straight at the cruiser as fast as he could. Then he flew past the cannon, cutting its base with his jaw blade and making it turn at least a bit. And when the cannon was fired up, the shot hit the ground instead of the ark, thanks to Shiro.
But unfortunately at the same time the hit broke some stitches and sent a lot of boulders into the air. And that's when you realised that Hunk was still there on the ground, trying to keep the ark from falling into the acid. And he was in danger now.
You and Lance reacted immediately. You shot a couple of boulders, breaking them into small pieces while Lance pushed some of the boulders aside. "We got you, buddy." Lance then said to Hunk, telling him that you were keeping him safe. "You okay Hunk?" You then asked after hearing him grunting. "Yep, I'm fine. Just hurry!" He stated with and anxious voice. He was the only thing between the acid and the ark, and he was struggling.
Luckily just then Coran arrived at the scene and fired a huge beam at the cruiser's side, making it stop. And then he fired another shot. And another. He wasn't holding back, and the cruiser didn't have a chance to defend from the harsh firing it was receiving.
But as Coran had drawn the cruiser's attention to him, it started to fire back at the castle. And even though the castle had the particle barrier up, you were still concerned that it wouldn't hold all the firing it was receiving. You couldn't even distract the cruiser with your Lions, even though how much you fired at it. It just kept firing at the castle, ignoring you all.
"We need Voltron!" Pidge then yelled. And you knew she was right. You couldn't stand against that huge cruiser with just your Lions. And again you cursed Keith in your mind. Why did he have to be so selfish and just leave? "I'm so going to give Keith a piece of my mind when he gets back!" You just yelled irritated.
"Hunk, what's your status?" Shiro then asked when the ark was so close to the edge, looking like it could fall down any minute. "Mostly just trying not to fall into a bubbling pot of acid." Hunk answered, his voice slightly panicking but still determined.
And then you heard Coran's unsure voice on the intercom. "Uh, guys? So, yeah, the Red Lion ran away." He said, sounding really troubled. And you immediately frowned. "What do you mean?" You asked confused. "I mean it left." Coran just replied. And you frowned even deeper. What? Where did it go?
But you couldn't think about it for long when you heard Hunk's agonised voice. "I can't hold it any longer!" He yelled, so close to the edge. And suddenly everything felt like it was crumbling down, just like the ground beneath Hunk's Lion. "If you let go, the Taujeerians will die!" Shiro tried to encourage him to try more.
And just as Hunk was almost falling down to the acid, something happened. Suddenly the Yellow Lion's eyes gleamed brightly, and it let out a loud roar. And then some bigger claws and additional boosters appeared on it. "Oh, whoa! Armor claws!" Hunk immediately cheered, suddenly getting a better hold of the ground, stopping the ark from falling down thoroughly.
"Guys, I can keep this from falling any farther but I need your help to get it back up." Hunk then asked your help when he had gotten over the surprise. And you, Shiro, Lance and Pidge immediately flew to the ark, making your Lions lean against it while trying to push it back up as hard as you could. "Come on girl, let's do this!" You encouraged your Lion as you pushed the handles. And little by little the ark started to get upwards.
But just then the cruiser again started to charge its ion cannon, pointing it towards you. "Guys, look! We're like bait now!" You yelled, trying to warn the others while suddenly feeling slightly panicky. If they would fire even once, both you and the ark would be finished!
But just as the cruiser was starting to shoot at you, just in the nick of time the Red Lion flew towards the ion cannon and circled around it. And that's when the cannon fell off and straight into the acid. Keith! Your heart jumped a bit when you saw him there. Of course he had to make a grand entrance.
And immediately everyone else seemed to cheer at his arrival, except you. You were of course relieved to see him safe, but you were still feeling hurt and your own stubbornness didn't let you be glad that easily. "Good to have you back, Keith." Shiro said delighted. "Good to be back." Keith answered him with a content voice. But his tone just made your heart grow heavier. How could they be like nothing had happened? Like Keith had done nothing wrong?
"Is the Princess with you?" Lance then asked. "Yes." Keith just replied casually. "Like 'with you' with you, or..." Lance started his questioning, his voice clearly displeased. And you hated that when you were hurt, you also started to question everything. But that's when Shiro interrupted Lance before he could continue. "Lance!" He just ordered him to shut up.
"Uh, Keith? Little help?" Hunk then asked, getting you again to focus on what you were doing. "On my way, buddy." Keith just stated while he flew the Red Lion next to yours, leaning against the ark. And with all of you there now, you finally got the ark back up on even ground. And when you were certain that it would stay there, Shiro ordered you to form Voltron.
Then the Lions soared upwards in total unison. They started to transform, everything clicking into its place as the magnetism pulled you together. And with Voltron, you headed towards the Galra cruiser.
But as you were closing in on the cruiser, you realised that it had turned around towards the ark. "They're going to ram the ark!" Hunk yelled, realising what was about to happen. "We'll have to meet them head-on. Form sword!" Shiro immediately ordered and Keith and Pidge formed the sword. But Lance questioned the battle tactic. "Will the sword be able to cut through an entire battle cruiser?"
"It'll have to!" Shiro just stated, sounding unsure. But as you were heading towards the cruiser with the sword in your hand, you suddenly heard your Lion's voice. She was telling you to take out your bayard. "What do you mean girl?" You asked her puzzled. And then you heard Keith's voice. "Guys, I think my Lion is telling me something." He said. "Yeah, mine too." Lance then also said. "I can feel it too." Pidge joined in. "Same here." Hunk also said. "Then do it!" Shiro then immediately ordered.
You took out your bayard and looked at it. This was actually the first time you were going to do this since your Lion hadn't revealed all her secrets to you yet. But then you took a deep breath and inserted the bayard to the control panel on your right. Then you turned the handle simultaneously with the others, and suddenly the sword started to transform. Suddenly it became a huge sword, gleaming in blue. And everyone just went quiet, kind of awe of all the secrets Voltron still had up in its sleeve.
Then Voltron took a hold of the sword with two hands and lifted it up in the air. And when you were close to the cruiser, you hit the sword straight at it, piercing through the body. Then you started to move forwards, leaving a huge cut along the bottom of the cruiser, creating explosions along the way. And when you had made your way to the other end, the whole cruiser got cut in half. The power you possessed was truly impressive. No wonder Voltron was the legendary defender.
"Now let's get the Taujeerians to safety." Shiro then said when you knew that the cruiser was no more a threat. "How are we going to do that? Their booster rockets are shot." Hunk asked wondering. And just then the ark started to sink into the acid again. What timing!
But Shiro was quick on thinking. "Come on!" He said like he just had an idea. And then you flew underneath the ark, taking a tight hold of it and using all your power to lift it up, trying to get it out of there. And slowly but surely you soon got it away from Taujeer and to the nearest moon, getting them to safety.
And after the Taujeerians had given you their thanks, you flew back into the castle. Then you changed your normal clothes on as Allura had asked you all to come to the control room when you got back. You really didn't want to go, but what could you do. You had to.
And as you headed towards the control room, your heart raced like hell. You knew Keith was going to be there, and you really didn't want to see him now. You were too stubborn when you were hurt, and you just really wanted to be by yourself. But to your relief, when you entered the control room, Keith nor Allura were there yet.
It felt like everyone turned to look at you as you walked in, probably realising the tension in you. And it just made you feel uncomfortable. So you stayed a bit behind, slightly further from the others so you wouldn't have to look at anyone. You just really wanted to be left alone at the moment.
And then you heard the door opening and you tensed up. You knew they were there, but you didn't even give them a glance. You just kept your eyes on the ground while crossing your arms. You didn't want to look at Keith now.
"I'm so sorry for leaving." Allura started with an apology. "Me too. We thought we were doing the right thing." Keith then apologized too. And even though you felt his eyes on you, you still didn't meet his gaze. "You were right Shiro, we are stronger together." Allura added. "At least we learned Zarkon isn't tracking us through you two." Lance then said quite nonchalantly.
"Plus I learned my Lion can grow armor and extend its claws like...ting!" Hunk explained enthusiastically while mimicking the claws. "Which will come in handy if we ever needed to...I don't know, slice up a giant steak while getting beat up...Or fight evil and save innocent people. That too." He continued excited.
"The fact that the Red Lion came to help Keith from so far away is vital piece of information. We now have proof that Lion and Paladin can connect over a far greater distance than we realised. So we finally know that Zarkon is tracking us through the Black Lion..." Shiro then explained. But you weren't really paying attention. You didn't understand how everyone could be that calm after everything that had happened.
And when you still just stood there, clearly trying to avoid Keith, the tension between you two was soon starting to be pretty apparent, making the atmosphere a bit awkward. And when silence fell over the room, Keith took the chance and came to you since you just kept your eyes on the ground. But when you realised that he was approaching, you tensed up immediately. You weren't good with confrontations.
"(Y/N)..." You heard his voice next to you, but you still didn't look at him. You were completely shut down from him. And when you didn't respond, he suddenly put his hand on your shoulder, making you slightly flinch. "(Y/N)..." He tried to get your attention again. "No, don't." You finally said in a firm voice as you just brushed his hand off your shoulder.
"(Y/N), please..." Keith tried again, clearly surprised of your coldness. And that's when you turned to look at him so he could see your hurt eyes. "Please what, Keith?" You asked firmly, almost like you were challenging him.
"Are...are you hurt?" He then asked carefully. And that's when you frowned. "What the hell, of course I'm hurt! You just up and left, without saying a word!" You said to him strictly. You were hurt and didn't even care if others saw it. "(Y/N), I'm sorry..." He tried apologising, getting clearly anxious of your attitude. And as you felt your eyes starting to get teary, you just turned away. "Shiro, I'll take a moment." You said as you left the control room immediately, not even looking back.
You immediately stormed into your room and sat on your bed. And you ended up crying even though you tried not to. But those were the tears you had been holding back the whole day. You wanted to be strong, but those tears just came running down.
Just then you suddenly heard a knock on your door. And you immediately cursed yourself. You had forgotten to lock the door behind you, and you really didn't want to see him now. "Go away!" You yelled. But then there was another knock. "I don't want to see you now!" You yelled again while taking in a deep breath and wiping the tears away.
But then the door to your room was opened. And you let out a deep sigh as you lifted your head, seeing Keith standing on the doorway. "I said I don't want to see you now." You said to him strictly while trying to turn your tear stained face away from him. But he just started walking to you after closing the door.
"Well tough luck, cause I'm here." He just stated, disregarding your opinion. "Keith, I really don't want to do this now." You said with a slightly shivering voice, burying your face in your hands. But he still came closer. "Please (Y/N), I'm sorry." He tried apologising once more.
"Well I don't care!" You then almost yelled while turning to look at him. And as he saw how hurt you really were, it started to get to him, making his raise his voice in turn. "I'm sorry okay! I thought I was doing the right thing!"
And that's when you got up from the bed. You were getting too restless to just sit down. "Why couldn't you tell me what was going on? I knew that something had been bothering you, but you clearly didn't want to tell what it was. And then you just leave..." You just anxiously spoke as the awful feeling in you grew.
"You could have told me if that tracking was bothering you that much..." You then still added with hurt clear in your voice. And that just made Keith more uncomfortable. "I thought that you would try to stop me..." He said a bit unsure. And that's when you met his gaze. "Maybe you don't know me then..." You said to him quietly.
And then the whole room went quiet. Neither of you said anything. You closed your eyes for a moment as you tried to calm yourself down. But after a moment of silence, you again looked at Keith. And you saw how crumbled and uneasy he was of the whole situation. "I started to question everything, and I hated it..." You then broke the silence with a quiet and trembling voice.
"Can I just be alone for now...please." You then still asked quietly. But he just frowned, clearly not wanting to leave. "I'm sorry...what else can I say..." He said quietly. "I know Keith, but it doesn't change the fact that you hurt me." You then said as you leaned on the wall, starting to feel a bit lightheaded.
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