《The Amber Paladin》Lost and found
It was dark. You were all alone and you couldn't control your Lion. All you could see was a planet below you as your Lion was falling down towards it with intense speed.
"Please girl!" You yelled, trying to push the handles. "Please wake up!" You still tried, but your Lion wasn't responding to anything. And that made you panic. Your heart was racing like hell and your mind was blank. Were you going to crash?
As you looked down, you saw that you were falling towards a rugged looking planet. You tried to think of something, but there was nothing you could do at that point as the ground was getting closer. All you could do was hope that the others would be safe.
You lifted your hands up to try to shield yourself from the incoming impact. Then you screamed as your Lion crashed straight into the planet's surface, creating a huge pressure wave as it hit the ground. All you felt was a sharp twinge on your back before you went unconscious.
After a moment your consciousness started to return. You carefully opened your eyes. And even though you didn't know how long you had been unconscious, you had a feeling that it wasn't for long. Then you grunted from the pain as you tried to straighten out your back. It was aching from the impact, but the pain was nothing you couldn't handle.
Then you glanced out of the window, and saw that the surface of the planet was some kind of a desert. There were grey sand hills surrounding you all over. But other than the sand, you saw nothing else. Maybe the sand softened your fall?
You put your hand on the console of the Lion. "Are you alright?" You tried asking her, but didn't get a response. "Thank you for keeping me safe. We'll get you working again as soon as I find the others." You then said to her, letting out a strained sigh.
Then you tried the intercom, just in case. "Can anyone hear me!?" You asked worried. But nothing. Just silence. You really were all alone, and your Lion wasn't working. You were worried for the others, and you wished that Keith was there with you. But he wasn't. None of them were. So you had no choice but to deal with this by yourself.
As you got up from the chair, you took a better look from the window. It really seemed to be just desert and nothing more. Then you tried to think of the best course of action. Would it be better to stay in your Lion and wait for the others, or should you try to search for help? At least if you'd stay in the Lion, you would be safe. But on the other hand, you could get help if you got out. Who knew if the others would find you at all.
Suddenly that thought stopped you. What if the others wouldn't find you at all? But then you shook your head, trying to get that thought out of your head. They had the castle. The Lions were connected to Allura. They would find you. You were certain of that.
That's when you heard a faint sound coming from outside, like something light had just hit your Lion. You looked out the window again, and even though you saw nothing, you still felt hopeful. Maybe someone had seen you crashing?
And then you heard the same faint sound again "I'll just go outside to look around. I won't leave you." You said to your Lion, even though you knew she wouldn't answer. Then you opened the hatch on top of the Lion's head. And as you lifted yourself up to the hatch, you noticed that also your hands and legs were aching, probably because you tensed up your whole body when preparing for the impact.
As you pulled yourself out of the Lion, you noticed that the planet really was like a huge desert. It was bare and you couldn't see green anywhere. Nor water. Then you scanned the atmosphere with your helmet and got a confirmation to your visor display that the air was breathable. So you turned off the whole visor as you took a deep breath of real fresh air. And it felt good.
Then you carefully jumped down from the Lion's head as you softened the fall with the jet pack, landing gently. Only a small dust cloud rose as your feet touched the soft sand.
And as you made your way to the back of the Lion, you saw that it had made huge skid marks before colliding to the sand hills. It was like a meteor had landed to the surface. And you realised how lucky you really had been that the Lion had protected you. And as you inspected her quickly, you noticed that nothing seemed to be broken. Maybe she just needed some time to gather herself after the rough landing?
Then, as you looked around the horizon, you noticed that something seemed to glimmer in the distance. Maybe it was a town? And you immediately let out a sigh, knowing that you had to go search for help. You knew you couldn't just wait there, so you tried to memorize any landmarks near the Lion. That way you could navigate back when needed to.
But as you started to make your way towards the glimmer, you suddenly heard the same sound again, like something small had hit the Lion. And it was coming from the other side. So you stopped and listened for a moment. Then you decided to take out your bayard, just in case. You didn't want to act like Keith, but you were all alone in a strange planet. You had to be careful.
You slowly walked around the Lion, just to find...nothing. What was that sound? You looked around baffled as you let your body relax. And then suddenly you felt something small hitting your back.
You quickly turned around, just to get hit by something small again, now straight to your helmet. And to your surprise you saw a man standing in front of you. Where did he come from? He looked like he could have been from Earth. Well, he was taller than most humans, and he had a tail. But other than those, you had very similar features. And then you also noticed that he had a vehicle behind him. It resembled a motorcycle, but without the wheels.
Then the man raised his hand and threw a pebble at you while smirking. And you just ended up staring at him dumbfounded. What the hell? What was he doing? "Ummm...hello. Can you tell me where I am?" You asked the man carefully, a bit reserved.
But before the man answered you, many more men appeared behind him. And you glanced at them from the corner of your eye. Where the hell did they come from? You didn't see anyone before. Were they that fast?
You realised that you started to get really tense. None of them were saying anything, and you felt an atmosphere of threat lingering around you. So you took a deep breath. "Could you tell me where I am?" You repeated calmly. Well, at least you tried to act calmly.
When nobody answered you, you quickly turned your bayard into your fighting staff, getting ready to fight if needed to. But before you could do anything, your hands were already pulled behind your back, making your bayard fall to the ground.
"Let me go!" You said in a firm tone, trying to struggle free. But one of the men had already tied your hands with a rope. And as you quickly tried to kick the man behind you, you realised that your legs were already tied too. So you fell to the ground with a loud thud. And you grunted from the sharp pain that went through your body, which was still aching from the crash landing.
"Let me go! I mean no harm! I just need help!" You tried to yell anxiously, already frustrated and scared of the situation. But before you realised, you were muffled with a cloth. And even though you still tried to shout, only a feeble sound was coming out of you.
One of the men lifted you up and tossed you on his vehicle. Then he started to make his way towards the glimmer in the horizon, leaving your bayard on the ground as you were getting further away from the Lion. And soon the only thing you saw was the landmark you had pinpointed now left in the distance. And in that moment you really hoped that the others were alright and that they would somehow come and get you.
The ride was rough, and when the vehicle finally stopped, you saw that you were in a village. And as the man lifted you up on his shoulder, starting to carry you, all the people in the village stared at you like you were some kind of a catch. And it felt repulsive. And when you still tried to struggle and shout, the man finally spoke. "Stay still." He just said in a cold voice that sent chills down your spine. So you decided to obey.
As you were brought to one of the huts, the man just dropped you on the floor quite harshly, making you grunt from pain and frustration. You felt so helpless and so weak since you could do nothing as you were tied up at the moment.
Then another man, a bit larger than the previous one, lifted you up and made you sit. And when the man took the cloth from your mouth, you immediately filled your lungs with fresh air, trying to steady your rapid breath. You realised that you were really nervous and scared.
The man leaned down to look at you, observing your face carefully. You tried to look back at him defiantly, but you probably just looked scared. "Who are you? Why did you take me?" You asked as threateningly as possible, which was futile as the man before you was not affected by it at all.
"That doesn't concern you. We just take what isn't looked after and sell them forwards." The man spoke with a proud smirk, his voice low and cold. And you looked at him curiously. "So, you're like space pirates?" You asked him with a smirk. And you almost burst out laughing when you realised it was something that Lance could have said.
But the man just glared at you unamused and leaned uncomfortably close. "What I want to know is, who are you and what is that thing you crashed with?" He asked looking straight into your eyes, challenging you. And his stare was really threatening, like it could pierce straight through your skull. So you decided it's best not to lie. Like you could have even come up with a good lie about your Lion in that instant.
"I am a Paladin of Voltron. That is my Lion." You answered him defeated while averting your gaze. "What is that?" The man still asked you puzzled. And when you kept your mouth shut, he grabbed your chin and turned you to face him. "Tell me what that is." He said demandingly. "It is my vehicle." You then replied. But he still glared at you, like he didn't believe you.
"Whatever it is, it looks like we could make some money with you and the Lion." The man then said while letting go of your chin. "Or maybe we'll keep the Lion and just sell you." He still added while looking at you. And your eyes widened at what he said. "Men! Take her to the cells!" He then yelled with a smirk on his face. And with that, you were dragged away.
They were really treating you roughly as you were thrown to a jail cell. And as you tried to lean yourself against the wall to get a somewhat comfortable position, you let out a desperate sigh. Your whole body was aching and your hands and legs were still tied. And the cell was small and bare. And you were all alone. Why couldn't you just land on a beautiful green planet that was full of kind people welcoming you with open arms?
Then you took a deep breath. The only thing you wanted now was to see the others. The last you heard from Keith was when he was fighting Zarkon, and you had no idea what had happened. All you knew was that his Lion had been immobile when Shiro had taken it back to the castle. So you just hoped that he was alright. And the others too. You missed them all so much.
Then suddenly you heard the lock on the door opening up. And then a male entered the room, starting to carefully approach you. And you looked at him a bit reserved, not knowing of what he was going to do.
But when he kneeled down in front of you, you saw that he was younger than the others. And he had a cup in his hands that he lifted up towards you. "Are you thirsty?" He asked with a surprisingly soft voice. But you looked at him skeptical. What if they had put something in the drink? And like he had read your mind, he answered. "Don't worry, it's not drugged."
"Thank you." You then said to him after a moment of silence. Then the man put the cup on your lips, slowly starting to pour the water in. And you gulped down every last bit of it. You hadn't even realised how thirsty you were.
"What is your name?" The man then asked with that soft voice while staring at you intensely. And as you looked back for a moment, you realised that he seemed different from the others. His eyes were more kind and he seemed trustworthy. "(Y/N)." You decided to answer him.
The man then glanced behind him, like he was making sure that nobody was there. And then he leaned closer to you. "I have heard of you Paladins. You fight Zarkon right?" He whispered. And even though you were surprised of his question, you still nodded. "I knew it." He said while smiling and taking something from his pocket.
Then the man put his hands around you, which made you slightly tense up. "This is not a place for you. You are needed somewhere else." He whispered while cutting the rope that was tying your hands. And you gasped. What was he doing? "If someone comes, try to act like you are still tied." He then whispered while cutting the rope from your legs too. And you immediately changed your position. It felt so good to be able to move again.
"Who are you?" You then asked the man while he put his knife back to his pocket. "I am Kaylo. I am going to get you out of here." He whispered. And you looked at him wide eyed. "Why...why are you doing this?" You asked him hesitantly. "You have a greater purpose than to be sold as a slave." He answered you kindly. And that made you feel like you were crumbling down. The kindness of this stranger was unbelievable. He was practically betraying his own village for you.
"I'll come back for you later." He then said as he stood up and started to leave the cell. But you stopped him before that. "Kaylo. Thank you. I really mean it." You said to him. And after he had given you the most kind smile there was, he left. And you couldn't help but wonder what was someone like Kaylo doing in the village. He was such a kind soul.
Then you just waited. You had probably dozed off for moment when you heard the door opening again. And you immediately put your hands behind your back, like you were still tied, just in case it wasn't Kaylo that was coming.
And it wasn't. It was some other male, older than Kaylo, more rugged looking. And you immediately averted your gaze. But as the man came closer, he gave you a small kick to your legs to get your attention. "You hungry?" He asked with a cold tone. And you really were. The thought of eating something almost made your stomach grumble.
So you turned to the man. And as he saw you looking at the food, he smirked. "If you want it, you have to tell me how that Lion of yours work." He said, trying to barter. But you frowned. No way in hell. And it's not like she would even let anyone in. "No thank you." You just replied to him.
"If you don't tell us, I guess we'll just have to start taking it apart..." The man said before leaning closer to you. "...piece by piece." He still added with a whisper. And that sent shivers down your spine. So you pulled away from him. You really wanted to punch that man, but you couldn't let him know that you weren't tied up anymore.
"I guess you don't want your food either." The man said, looking at you and starting to eat the food with his fingers. And you just frowned as you averted you gaze again. It's not like you were hungry anyways.
"It's a pity though. If you would tell us, we could sell you to the least ruthless clan." He still added. But you didn't look at him. "Your loss." The man then said, realising that you weren't going to tell him anything. Then he left the cell, and you really hoped that Kaylo would come and get you soon. He was pretty much your only hope right now.
Then you again waited. And it felt like you waited for ages, even though it probably was more like an hour or so. It was hard to tell the time when you couldn't see outside.
But then the door was opened again, and Kaylo sneaked in. And you couldn't help but smile. He really did come for you. "You're back." You said relieved. "Sorry it took me so long." He said to you, still whispering. Then he opened his pouch and took your bayard from it.
"Where did you get this?" You asked amazed. "I was there when they captured you. I saw you dropping this, and I thought that it might be important." He said, giving you a smile. "Thank you." You said while taking the bayard. And when you finally had it in your hands again, you felt so much more secure.
"How are we going to get out of here?" You asked while stretching out your back as you stood up. "I know how this village works. I know what everyone does. I'm going to take you just outside of the village. From there on, you can make it on your own." Kaylo explained to you.
"I trust you." You said, nodding at him. And you actually did, even though you didn't even know him. "If there is something good I can do with my life, this is it." Kaylo then said while averting his gaze. And your eyes widened at his words. What was someone like him doing there?
Then you started to follow Kaylo out of the cells. It was already dark when he peeked out of the door, to see that nobody was around. And when he didn't see anyone, he took a hold of your hand and started to run. And you followed him.
When you heard a voice, you crouched down behind one of the huts. And after two men had walked past it, you made your way to another hut. Kaylo knew exactly where to go and what to do as he took you from hut to hut, silently. And before you knew it, you had made it to the outskirts of the village.
That's when Kaylo stopped while listening. And he was still for awhile. But when nobody seemed to be around, he again took your hand and ran to a small shelter ahead and crouched down. You had really made it out, thanks to Kaylo.
You looked at the horizon ahead and in the distance you saw the same landmark you had memorized before. "You should be safe from here on. But still, be careful." Kaylo then said to you. And you looked at him. "Kaylo, what if you would come with me?" You then asked him, worried of what would happen to him. And he looked back at you surprised. But before he could say anything, you heard sounds from nearby.
You looked around and saw few men standing in the outskirts of the village. And they were looking directly at you. You gasped and tried to hide more, but with no avail. Shit, you did not succeed after all. "Heeey Kaylo! What are you doing!?" One of them yelled. And you heard Kaylo gasping next to you. "Are you trying to steal our goods!?" Someone else yelled while laughing.
Then you frowned and took a deep breath. You knew you needed to face them. "Stay here." You said to Kaylo while standing up from the hiding. Then you took a couple of steps towards the men. This time you would be ready. This time they wouldn't surprise you.
You turned your bayard into your staff as you took your fighting stance. You focused on your surroundings, trying to sharpen your senses, to see them all. And then you heard them laughing. "You want to fight, girl!?" Someone yelled at you amused. But you didn't say anything, you tried to keep your composure. If you had to fight, then you would fight. You wouldn't be sold anywhere without at least some resistance.
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