《The Amber Paladin》Intruders part 1
Just as you were visiting an Arusian village, the ground started to shake. You heard a rumbling sound coming from up above and saw something breaking through the atmosphere, falling down to the planet.
You had to help the villagers from whatever would come. So you quickly got into your Amber Lion and sat down on the chair. "Hello gorgeous. We're in a hurry, so I hope you will back me up." You petted the Lion's console, greeting her. And she purred softly but courageously back.
"I know I can trust you." You still said as you leaned back and took a hold of the handles. And she let out a loud roar. "Good girl, let's do our best." You said as you soared out of the castle.
As you flew to the place where the foreign object had landed, you noticed that it was a huge robot of some sorts, about the size of Voltron. Shiro and Pidge were the first ones on the spot and already attacking it. And you went with them, immediately shooting a couple of lasers from the Lion's mouth. But the robot just blocked them.
Lance and Keith also arrived at the scene. Lance shot some lasers, but the robot blocked them again and started to punch towards him. When Lance quickly evaded the punch, he accidentally flew straight in front of your Lion. "Shit!" You yelped as you evaded it just in time.
"Lance, look where you're going!" You yelled at him. "I am!" He raised his voice as he got his Lion under control. "Well, try harder!" You still added frustrated. And it became silent.
"You okay (Y/N)?" Pidge asked a bit hesitantly, wondering about your sudden outburst. "Yeah, I'm fine." You sighed as you tried to calm down. "She's just irritated cause I kissed her." Lance said, sounding quite pleased with himself. You could hear from his voice that he was smirking.
"Whaaat!?" Pidge gasped. And you rolled your eyes while trying to take deep breaths. "Shut up Lance!" You said feeling really tense at the moment. And just then Keith interrupted the conversation. "Stop talking about the kiss and concentrate!" He raised his voice sounding almost as irritated as you were.
Just then you saw Hunk coming into the battlefield and flying his Lion straight into the robots legs. "Check this out! Battle Lion headbutt!" Hunk yelled excited while he headbutted the robot so hard that it fell on its knees. And the Yellow Lion stopped abruptly, like it just had hit a wall. "You okay Hunk?" You asked concerned. "I'm fine!" Hunk's cheery voice assured you.
"Are the Galra behind this?" Hunk asked puzzled. "I think so, but I've never seen anything like it." Shiro answered a bit confused. "This technology is ridiculous. It's so huge. How are we going to defeat it?" You also asked puzzled. And the robot really was nothing like you had ever seen.
"Should we shoot at it with everything we got? Take out its weapons? Call it names?" Lance tried guessing different options. "No. First of all, let's form Voltron." Shiro stated firmly. And everyone agreed.
"Form Voltron!" Shiro yelled as the Lions soared upwards in total unison. And again you started to feel it. Like you were one with the others. And the Lions started to transform, everything clicking into its place, like magnetism was pulling you together. You formed Voltron again, and landed on the ground, in front of the robot.
"Remember, we are one unit, fighting with one goal." Shiro advised you. And then you saw as the robot started to form an energy orb on its other arm. You wondered what it was doing, until it suddenly threw the orb at you. Everyone gasped, but you evaded it just in time.
Then you had to act. You moved closer and Keith punched the robot with the Red Lion. Straight after Pidge punched it with the Green Lion. You landed a couple of hits on the robot, but soon it shot the energy orb at you again. This time you didn't react fast enough and the orb hit straight at Voltrons side, making you lose your balance.
"I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!?" Keith yelled while you felt pretty much overpowered. "Yeah! So how is this monster kicking our butts?" Hunk asked slightly panicked. And with that, the robot landed a hit straight to Voltron's chest, sending you flying backwards.
You screamed from the pressure the straight hit to your Lion generated. It didn't really hurt, but felt extremely uncomfortable. It felt like the pressure was trying to squeeze you until you couldn't breathe. "You okay (Y/N)?" Shiro asked concerned. "I'm fine!" You answered with a strained voice. You were just slightly shocked from the surprise.
"You okay gorgeous?" You asked from your Lion. And she purred reassuringly. "I know. We'll get through this." You sighed as you felt sweat starting to form on your forehead. You were slightly nervous. The robot was the hardest thing you had faced so far. You were all struggling to figure out what to do.
You knew you had to keep the robot away from the Arusian village, but you couldn't figure out how to beat it. Lance wanted to power kick that thing, even though everyone said it was a bad idea. And as you pretty soon found out, it really was a bad idea. As you fell down, everyone cursed Lance. And as Voltron got up again, Pidge quickly took out the shield as the robot punched straight into it.
"Every time we focus on that orb, we get blindsided by the monster! And every time we focus on the monster, the orb hits us!" Hunk stated while raising his voice in panic. And he was right. You had to try something else. That was clearly not working.
Then suddenly you heard Shiro's muffled grunt. It sounded like something was wrong. "Shiro, you okay!?" Keith asked worried. "That sound...I recognize this monster from my time in Zarkon's prison. I know how to beat this thing." Shiro said with clear pain in his voice. Probably from all the suffocated memories now surfacing. But you let out a relieved sigh. If Shiro knew how to beat it, then everything would be okay. You trusted him that much already.
"Listen, there's a loud sound when the orb returns to the base of the weapon, and every third time, that orb needs to charge up. That's when we strike." Shiro explained confidently. "Okay, so what do we do in the meantime?" Hunk asked puzzled. "Defense!" Shiro yelled just as the orb was coming towards you again.
You all did as you were told. You evaded and defended with the shield. And when the time for the orb to charge up finally came, Keith shot a laser from the Red Lion, straight at the robot.
The robot fell down but immediately got back up. You were so surprised that your tactic had failed, that you didn't even realise as the robot immediately started attacking back at you. And you got knocked down again.
"It's not working! What do we do now?" You yelled as you got back up. And just then Shiro gasped again. "When I attacked it before, I had a sword..." He said a bit hesitant. A sword? Where would you get a giant sword at this point?
But just then Keith gasped too. "I think my Lion's telling me what to do." He said, also sounding a bit hesitant, like he wasn't even sure of what he was saying. "Whatever it is, hurry up and do it! He's about to fire his third shot!" Lance yelled, warning you of the incoming shot.
Then you heard Keith yelling, and all of a sudden the Red and the Green Lions came together like magnetism had linked them. And as they withdrew from each other, they formed a sword in between them. "Wow..." You sighed in awe.
Immediately Keith slashed the robot with the large sword that the Red Lion now had. And as the robot got hit, it fell to its knees. You watched it with round eyes, waiting if it would get back up again, like it had done before. But when the robot fell straight to the ground and started exploding to pieces, you knew it was done for.
Immediately everyone reacted. "Yeah!" You all screamed out of joy. You had really done it. You had beat that thing! "How did you do that Keith?" Hunk asked. "That was amazing!" You cheered.
"Thanks Red." You heard Keith's slight chuckle. And his tone of voice had changed. He sounded so content that you couldn't help but smile. He sounded like he truly enjoyed the moment.
"Everyone, let's get back to the castle." Shiro said happily. Then you dissembled Voltron and flew back to the castle with the Lions. And as you came in to the control room, everyone seemed so proud and energetic.
Well, everyone except Pidge, who seemed a bit down. She wasn't her usual self. And you wondered what had happened with the prisoners while you were with the Arusians. Did she find out something about her father and brother?
Just then Pidge started to leave the room. "I'm going to see the prisoners off." She said with a low voice as she left, without even looking back. And your enthusiasm cooled down. Suddenly you felt worried, but still didn't want to go after her. You knew she would ask for company if she wanted to.
"Paladins, good work! To celebrate, I decided to have a little party tonight at the castle. I invited all the Arusians!" Allura suddenly announced excitedly. And you looked at her curiously. Why a party all of a sudden?
But when you thought about it, it seemed quite fitting. You would finally have a chance to relax, and the Arusians wouldn't be left with a bad memory of you before you left. And you actually started to feel quite excited about the party. Being at the castle had been rough from the very beginning, and you didn't know when would be the next time you could actually take some time off. You were going to save the universe after all.
You didn't even have time to change out of your armour as the castle started to fill up with excited Arusians. They all looked around in awe as they arrived. Some of them even hugged you and thanked you. And you couldn't help but smile so much that your face started to hurt. They were just too cute. You were seriously happy that you could help them.
The Arusians performed their interpretation of the fight between Voltron and the robot. "The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" The Arusian King declared gloriously. And the two actors playing Voltron and the robot both collapsed. "No. I said, Voltron was victorious!" The King raised his voice and the other actor stood up. And all the Arusians started to cheer, you also joining them. They were just overly cute.
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that wonderful production. It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe." Allura spoke to the King, her voice regal. Then she gave the King a small remote device which allowed them to contact you at anytime in need of help. That was a very civilized gesture from her. She was definitely royal. Acting like a Princess. Or a Lion Goddess.
You looked around at all the happy faces as you walked around the crowd. Music was playing and everyone talked to the Arusians as they relaxed. Except Shiro. You saw him circling near the entrance nervously. Was he worried that something would happen?
You thought about going to talk to him, but in the end you didn't. You wanted to forget everything for just that night. You really needed to relax. So you decided to ignore him for now.
And as you looked at what the others were doing, your eyes suddenly met Keith's. And for some reason your heart skipped a beat. You immediately smiled, trying to hide your flustered state, but he averted his gaze and started to talk to Hunk. And you were left a bit confused. Why did you react like that?
You were interrupted from your thoughts as one of the Arusians came to drag you away, to a crowd of small girls. You tried talking to them, but couldn't quite focus. Especially as you heard Lance trying to explain a new team cheer to Keith and Hunk next to you. "Hmm. How about... I say Vol, and you say Tron. Vol!" Lance started and pointed at Keith excited. But Keith just looked at him with round eyes. "Uh...Voltron?" He asked puzzled.
"No! No, no, no. The cheer includes the instructions. I say Vol and you say..." Lance tried again, looking at Keith. But Keith just looked at him frowning. "Vol...tron?" He said as his frown deepened. He didn't seem to get it. And it made you giggle a bit. And you found yourself thinking how cute it actually was that he was so lost. Until you realised what you were thinking and got a bit confused, again. You shook your head and tried to think of something else. You wanted to get that thought out of your head.
You looked at the Arusian girls around you, but couldn't concentrate on them at the moment. So you looked around and spotted Pidge walking further away. You noticed that she was carrying her backpack as she was heading away from the hall. And you frowned. Where was she going?
You excused yourself and left to follow her. And you followed her all the way to the pods. There you saw as Pidge was putting her backpack to one of them. You frowned as you walked closer. She clearly didn't hear you coming as she was distracted.
"Pidge, what are you doing?" You asked her. She shrieked and turned around quickly. And she immediately tried to hide her backpack in the pod. "I saw that already, too late." You looked at her with a frown on your face. "No, I was just checking the pods. Just in case something was broken." She tried explaining. But she was a bad liar. At least to you.
"Pidge, what are you planning?" You looked at her and crossed your arms. "I just keep thinking about my family. I just want them back. The prisoners didn't seem to know anything..." She explained to you while scratching her hair. And you saw how worried she was.
Pidge sat down and so did you. "I know you want to see your family, but you have no idea where they are. What do you intend to do?" You asked her. And she just shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know. But I can't just be here having fun while they are in trouble. They might still be Zarkon's prisoners." She said as she looked back at you with a troubled expression.
"But wouldn't it be best to stick with us. Cause, you know, we are going to defeat him." You tried to lighten up the mood a bit. "I know, but I just need to know what happened to them..." She answered with a shivering voice. And you saw how troubled she really was. Even though she didn't know what to do, she still wanted to go find them.
"I understand that Pidge. But please reconsider this. Remember, I told you I want to help." You put your hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently. "You're probably right." Pidge finally said. And you smiled at her, but she didn't respond.
"Can I be alone for a moment. I need to think." She asked you. And you let out a sigh before you got up. "Sure. But promise me that you won't go on your own, at least without telling me. Promise me that and I'll leave you alone." You still looked at her straight in the eyes, emphasizing every word. And Pidge seemed to smile a genuine smile to you. "I promise."
For a moment you still looked at her, like you were appraising her. But you decided to trust her and discard that feeling you had in your gut. "Okay, I trust you." You smiled at her and started to make your way back to the party. But as you were walking back, your smile cooled down. You truly hoped that Pidge wouldn't broke that trust.
When you got back to the party, you saw everyone still enjoying themselves, without any knowledge of what Pidge was up to. You saw Hunk and Keith talking to each other and decided to join them.
"Are you having fun?" You asked as you walked to them. "Yeah! It's so good." Hunk cheered happily. "Even Keith laughed!" He added. And you chuckled to that until you realised Keith was glancing at you, again.
"(Y/N), don't look now, but your suitor is here and looking at you." Hunk suddenly said as he waved to someone. You looked behind and saw Klaizap gazing at you. You smiled and waved your hand before turning back. "Oh no, don't encourage him!" Hunk tried to tell you, pulling your hand down. "Or you might have to start kissing Lance again." Keith said sarcastically.
And you suddenly got silent. What the hell, was he just being funny!? You were a bit baffled as you looked at him. And you grinned, signaling that you weren't amused by that statement. But he actually chuckled a bit, and that made you chuckle also.
And while you chuckled, you glanced around and saw Allura standing above the staircase, talking to her mice, and looking at you. When she realised that you saw her, she started smiling and gave you two thumbs up. And your smile cooled down. What was that supposed to mean? You were a bit baffled, but decided to return it with two thumbs up too. And as you turned back to Keith and Hunk, you shook your head. Allura was being weird.
"Oh man, we were so good today." Hunk cheered enthusiastically. And he wasn't wrong at all. You really had done well. "Without your sword we probably couldn't have defeated that thing Keith." You turned to Keith, giving him a compliment. And that seemed to make him a bit flustered. "Well, thanks, I guess." He scratched his hair awkwardly.
"But it was a team effort." He added, slightly averting his gaze. "Yeah, you could never even stand up without the legs. Meaning me and Lance." Hunk said while pointing at himself proudly. "Or Kick!" You laughed. And that made Hunk and Keith laugh too. And you were really relaxing and having fun.
But just then you realised that you didn't see Lance anywhere. "Speaking of Lance, where is he?" You asked while looking around. "He was saying something about Earth and family and something before he left. But I don't know where he is." Hunk shrugged his shoulders.
"He must be homesick." You wondered out loud. "We're all homesick, but I think Lance is taking it worst." Hunk said a bit worried. "I'm gonna go see that he's okay." You said as you turned around and started leaving. "If you find him, tell him that there's more Nunvill!" Hunk still said after you. Nunvill? What was he talking about?
You visited Lance's room, but he wasn't there. Then you tried your luck in the control room. There you found him slouched up on his chair. And he looked miserable. He didn't seem to notice your arrival so you walked up to him. And just as you touched his shoulder, he suddenly flinched while jumping up from the chair. "Shiiiitt!" He yelped really loudly.
"Sorry Lance! I didn't mean to scare you!" You apologised immediately. And after he had taken a few calming breaths, he finally could speak. "No, that's fine. I wanted to wet myself on top of everything." He flashed you a playful smirk. But you knew it was a fake one. He was more lonesome and tired than he wanted anyone to know. And it made you feel really sad.
Lance turned serious and looked up at the sky from the large control room window. "Lance. How are you?" You asked him quietly, for not disturbing the silent atmosphere. "I'm fine. You just go and enjoy the party." He said while almost urging you to go.
"I bet it's not like you to miss a party either." You said while staying in place. "No, it's just that..." He glanced at you with a sad smile. "You're homesick, I know." You completed his sentence. And he nodded silently.
"I am too. At least in some ways" You said to him. And that made him look at you with wide eyes. "Really!? I thought that I might be the only one. Well, besides Hunk. Keith doesn't seem to miss anything back on Earth. Or Shiro. It's stupid, but it makes me feel somehow weak." He started to talk more like his usual self.
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